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Answer all questions in this section

Figure 1, Specimen E
Figure 2, Specimen A

Figure 3,Specimen B

Figure 6, Specimen D

Figure 5, Specimen G
Figure 4,Specimen F

Figure 7, Specimen C
Answer all questions

1. Study specimens A-G and use them to answer the question that follows
a. I) Identify specimen A - G without given reasons

Ii) Name the phylum to which specimen A and B belongs

b. I) state observable characteristics of the Phylum mentioned in a(ii) above

Ii) mentioned two observable similarities between specimen A and B

c. Classify specimen B into

I) class
Ii) Order

d. Mention one role perform by specimen B in it colony

2) a. Classified specimen C into

I) Class
II) Order

b state four ways by which specimen C is important to the farmer

3) a(I)Study the food substance found in specimen D

Ii) name one reagent use to test the food substance mention n 3 a(I)

b. State two observable features of specimen E

c. Mention one food substance found in specimen E

4)a) list three observable differences between specimen F and G

b) give three observable similarities between specimen F and G

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