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(Short Essay Questions


Test No: 12

Max. Marks 15 Time Allowed 30 min

1. (a) Write down adverse Loop Diuretics. 2.5

(b) Write MOA of ACE inhibitors. 2.5
2. Classify Anti-arrythmic Drugs. 05
3. Give the drugs given in acute and chronic heart failure. 05


(Short Essay Questions

Test No: 12

Max. Marks 15 Time Allowed 30 min

1. (a) Write down adverse Loop Diuretics. 2.5

(b) Write MOA of ACE inhibitors. 2.5
2. Classify Anti-arrythmic Drugs. 05
3. Give the drugs given in acute and chronic heart failure. 05


(Short Essay Questions

Test No: 12

Max. Marks 15 Time Allowed 30 min

1. (a) Write down adverse Loop Diuretics. 2.5

(b) Write MOA of ACE inhibitors. 2.5
2. Classify Anti-arrythmic Drugs. 05
3. Give the drugs given in acute and chronic heart failure. 05

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B
7. A 8. C 9. E 10. B 11. B 12. D
13. C 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. B 18. C
19. A 20. A

Test No: 12

Max. Marks 20 Time Allowed 20 min

1. A hypertensive patient has been using nifedipine for some time without unto- ward
effects. If he experiences a rapidly developing enhancement of the antihyper- tensive effect
of the drug, it is probably due to
(a) Concomitant use of antacids
(b) Fods containing tyramine
(c) Grapefruit juice
(d) Induction of drug metabolism
(e) Over – the – counter decongestants
2. A drug lacking vasodilator properties that is useful in angina is
(a) Isosorbide dinitrate
(b) Metoprolol
(c) NIfedipine
(d) Nitroglycerin
(e) Verapamil
3. Following potassium sparing diuretic inhibits action of aldosterone
(a) Amiloride (b) Triamterene
(c) Spironolactone (d) All of the above

4. Which one of the following drugs predictably prolongs the PR interval and increases cardiac
(a) Digoxin (b) Lidocaine
(c) Propranolol (d) Quinidine
(e) Verapamil

5. Which of the following is the drug of choice for management of cardiac arrhythmias
that occur in digitalis toxicity?
(a) Amiodarone (b) Lidocaine
(c) Propranolol (d) Sotalol
(e) Prazosin

6. Which of the following cardiovascular agents is classified chemically as a gly- coside?

(a) Nifedipine (b) Digoxin
(c) Flecainide (d) Cholestyramine
(e) Warfarin
7. Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase results in
(a) Abolition of NaHCO 3 reabsorption in proximal tubule
(b) Enhanced of NaHCO 3 reabsorption in proximal tubule
(c) Enhanced NAHCO3 secretion in distal tubule
(d) None of the above
8. Exertion–induced angina, which is relieved by rest, nitroglycerin, or both, is referred to
(a) Prinzmetal’s angina
(b) Unstable angina
(c) Classic angina
(d) Variant angina
(e) Preinfarction angina
9. Myocardial oxygen demand is increased by all of the following factors except
(a) Exercise
(b) Smoking
(c) Cold temperatures
(d) Isoproterenol
(e) Propranolol

10. Which of the following agents used in prinzmetal’s angina has spasmolytic actions,
which increase coronary blood supply?
(a) Nitroglycerin
(b) Nifedipine
(c) Timolol
(d) Isosorbide mononitrate
(e) Propranolol
11. The oral absorption of following osmotic diuretic is negligible
(a) Glycerin (b) Mannitol
(c) Isosorbide (d) All of the above
12. Maximal medical therapy for treating angina pectoris is represented by which of the
following choices?
(a) Diltiazem, verapamil, nitroglycerin
(b) Atenolol, isoproterenol, diltiazem
(c) Verapamil, nifedipine, propranolol
(d) Isosorbide, atenolol, diltiazem
(e) Nitroglycerin, isosorbide, atenolol
13. The term ischemic heart disease (IHD)
is used to designate all of the following conditions except
(a) Angina pectoris
(b) Sudden cardiac death
(c) Congestive heart failur (CHF)
(d) Arrhythmias
14. Following potassium sparing diuretic is a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist
(a) Amiloride (b) Triamterene
(c) Spironolactone (d) All of the above
15. A patient receiving a class I antiarrhyth- mic agent on a chronic basis complains of
fatigue, low-grade fever, and joint pain suggestive of systemic lupus erythe- matosus
(SLE). The patient is most likely receiving
(a) Lidocaine (b) Procainamide
(c) Quinidine (d) Flecainide
(e) Propranolol
16. Which of the following drugs is a class IV antiarrhythmic that is primarily indicated for
the treatment of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias?
(a) Lbutilide (b) Mexiletine
(c) Diltiazem (d) Quinidine
(e) Propranolol
17. Which of the following agents has a direct effect on the AV mode, delaying calcium-
channel depolarization?
(a) Lidocaine (b) Diltiazem
(c) Bretylium (d) Quinidine
(e) Lbutilide
18. Milrinone is an example of
(a) Phosphodiesterase I inhibitor
(b) Phosphodiesterase II inhibitor
(c) Phosphodiesterase III inhibitor
(d) Phosphodiesterase IV inhibitor
19. Situations that predispose a digitalis- treated patient to toxicity include
(a) Hypercalcemia
(b) Hyperkalemia
(c) Hypermagnesemia
20. When digoxin is used in a patient with congestive heart failure (CHF), it works by
exerting a positive effect on
(a) Stroke volume
(b) Total peripheral resistance
(c) Heart rate
(d) Blood pressure
(e) Venous return


(Short Essay Questions

Test No: 12

Max. Marks 15 Time Allowed 30 min

1) A patient with the history of glaucoma is diagnosed with CHF, his physician ordered
to discontinue beta blockers and start diuretics to relief the symptoms of fluid
overload in CHF.

(a) Name the drug prescribed by physician. 01

(b) Write down adverse affect of this drug. 02
(c) Enlist therapeutic indication of this drug. 02

2) The patient is a 60-year-old white female presenting to the emergency department with
acute onset shortness of breath. Symptoms began approximately 2 days before and had
progressively worsened with no associated, aggravating, or relieving factors noted. She
was diagnosed with Heart failure. Physician ordered the drug that increase the myocardial
contractility and said the nurse to strictly monitor the level of potassium in blood.

(a) Discuss briefly MOA of Drug. 2.5

(b) Give adverse affect of that drug. 2.5

3) Give the drugs given in acute and chronic heart failure. 05

Best of Luck

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