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Introduction of the Project

After completion of my 8th semester, as a law student I was required to utilize my holidays by doing
internship under either an advocate, law firm or in a NGO. So, I chose and applied under an
advocate Mr. Naseem Ahmed who is a good lawyer of criminal matters.
He is a very diligent person and has good knowledge of his subject, his arguments are always
accurate and to the point.
So you will now be seeing my week wise report and what all I learnt there in a month.

Place of Internship

Residence / Office – Chamber No. E- 132

Karkardooma Court Complex
Delhi - 110032

Mr. Naseem Ahmed

Mr. Naseem Ahmed is a fine and diligent advocate with good knowledge of criminal matter, there
are also some juniors who work under his guidance and constantly help him out with every case.

Day wise report

July 24 (Day 1)

1st day of internship

I was nervous and anxious about my first internship experience. It started with a formal introduction
with juniors. Then we further moved to the discussion of what would I be learning in upcoming
days. Then I was taught hierarchy of courts and division of courts between civil and criminal cases.
I also learned about forums, tribunals and special types of courts and their appellate authority.

July 25 (Day 2)

Today I learnt about types of cases filed in court and the abbreviations used for the same and today
I also met with new juniors of sir and interacted with them and got familiar with their history and
how they joined sir. We also discussed about their specialization and why they chose law as a
profession. I got a brief idea about the working terminologies used by them regularly in the courts
and in office.

July 26 (Day 3)

Today I read cases of sir which were done by him previously in the district court of Delhi. There
were so many files in the office, I selected from the middle section a bunch of files and read them.
It was very difficult to understand as it was first time for me to study a real file of a client. The
cases were of disposed off status. It was difficult for me to understand and for the same I cleared
my doubts from the juniors about legal terms used in the case file.

July 27 (Day 4)

Today I learnt about provisions of article 226 and 227 of the Indian Constitution and that were to
be read by us thoroughly to mention the difference between these two. We learned that in petitions
under article 226 High Courts exercise their original jurisdiction and in petitions under article 227,
High Court exercise their supervisory jurisdiction.

July 28 (Day 5)

Today I started searching about all the previous cases which were disposed off and read them.
Then, I browsed the website of District Court to know the status of those cases. After that, I read a
case argued by sir and discussed it, which was a very learning experience. Later, I studied some
legal abbreviations like FA, WP, IA etc.

Aug 31 (Day 6)

Today also I read many previous cases and their related documents and with the same I read
provisions under which those cases were filed and argued. It was fun to relate a real case with
theories and provisions we read and learnt.

Aug 1 (Day 7)

Today, I witnessed real client discussing his case with sir and telling him all the required details
for the case, all the facts told by him were listened carefully by sir and some of his juniors and me.
Then after the client left, discussion was done on the same. Then a brief drafting procedure was
told by one of the junior of sir’s. The day ended up with clearing all my doubts regarding the new
case came to sir.

Aug 2 (Day 8)

Our day started with reading and discussing new as well as old cases as usual. Then I read a file of
civil case. It was a good case in which judge ordered in favor of sir and client got relief very quickly.

Aug 3 (Day 09)

Today, I started reading legal news from websites like and bar& Then I also
learned about session trial, criminal misc etc. It was very interesting to know that a single Court
can hear 30 to 35 types of cases.

Aug 4 (Day 10)

Today the court reopened and today I along with the advocates of the office went to the court at 10
o’clock. The proceedings started at 10:30 am. I saw cases given to sir which were listed on the
cause list of court. Then lunch started at 1:30pm and after that the proceedings started again and
gotover at 4:30pm.

Aug 7 (Day 11)

I met a new intern at the office today whose name is Akansha, she was also pursuing the same
course as that of mine. Introductory talks were done then we went to the court together for the

Aug 8 (Day 12)

We’ve started our day from the court of Hon’ble Brijesh Kumar Garg as the case were listed in
his court. The facts of some cases listed were read by me which gave me an idea what would be
the argument about in the court.

Aug 9 (Day 13)

Today I got to see the place where the cases and loose documents are filed; it was good to see that
there were different sections to file the cases for male and female advocates. The officials typed all

the information of the case to be filed or type information of loose documents in computers so that
it can be attached to the real documents and cases belonged to the same. This whole data is uploaded
online which can be seen online on official site of court.

Aug 10 (Day 14)

Today, we read legal news and updates. Then we were shown format in Court rules which was
format of cases filed in court. We were also given a task to read previous orders of cases filed. We
also read some case files and their annexure.

Aug 11 (Day 15)

Today I went to the divisional commissioner and even saw the court established there, IAS officers
are recruited as judges there to provide justice. They also keep records of every report, notice, and
application etc which is sent to them or through them. Through the party’s name or through subject
of the letter it can be found on their software.

Aug 14 (Day 16)

Today also we witnessed the proceedings of the court and met other interns of other offices and
lawyers. Many interns were seen today though we interacted with very few.

Aug 16 (Day 17)

Today also we went to the district court, I sat in court of many other judges and observed the
proceedings going on of other advocates and also that of sir’s. I also got to hear judges’ advices to
advocates for their betterment.

Aug 17 (Day 18)

Today, I interacted with the clients of sir and asked questions to them which were regarding their
case. They had almost full knowledge of their case and how sir were going to tackle the situations
going to come in the court during the trial.

Aug 18 (Day 19)

Today we met other lawyers in the court itself. There is also bar of advocates which a place for
lawyers only, more precisely registered advocates only. Lawyers have to be part of any one bar at
least, for which there are different bars with different monthly or yearly subscription or membership

June 23 (Day 20)

Today, I read Right to Information Act, 2005. It’s an act which provides access to the citizen to get
information from any public authority. It’s a very interesting act which has provided justice to many
people and also helped to get justice quickly and acuurately.

Aug 21 (Day 21)

Today I visited a different court which was family court. It was a wonderful experience for me to
visit that Court as many people were seen there who came for justice. The working pattern was
different of that court also it was comparatively very small in size to that of high court.

Aug 22 (Day 22)

Today, from the beginning only I sat in the court of Hon’ble Ms. Shalinder Kaur and observed for
almost one hour. She is a judge of might who needs everything accurate and correct. After that I
went to the court of another judge Hon’ble Anil Kumar Pundir and observed the proceedings though
the honorable judge was not audible till last at some times. Then we went for lunch in the nearby
canteen. After that I observed the court of Hon’ble Shri Rajesh Kumar who is a very calm person,
he has his own way of doing things, he knows almost every old lawyer as he became judge of
district court directly from an advocate. It was a good day.

Aug 23 (Day 23)

Today, I observed the proceedings of the cases taken by the juniors of sir in the district court.
Though they are beginners, they present a good argument. In other courts I also got to see the Final
Hearing of the cases which are too long and one person only by listening can figure out what is the
case about. I was only able to hear two final hearings which took many hours to happen. It was a
tiring day.

Aug 24 (Day 24)

Today I had a conversation with the advocates about Interim order and Jump which is commonly
used in courts. An interim order is an order which is made by the judge during the pendency of a
case to provide justice to people and a jump is a point where normal going on serial numbers stop
and request matter is taken into consideration by the judges though it’s like for used by advocates
only. I also sat in the court of Hon’ble Shri Vijai Pratap and heard the proceedings.

Aug 25 (Day 25)

I have visited in the family court to see a family court related and many other things which is
gain my knowledge.

Aug 28 (Day 26)

This was the last day of our internship. So there was nothing much for us to do. A general discussion
regarding internship experience, resume, cover letters etc the staff of the office gave best wishes to
us for the future and even said to remain in contact for future doubts.

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Case Study- 01
Mohd. Parvez Siddiqui (Collection Manager – HDFC Bank, Sanjay Palace Allahabad)
Kripa Ram Kushwaha R/o Singarabhattgaon, Near Telephone Exchange.

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Police Station :Hariparvat, Allahabad
U/s 138 N I Act
Complaint Under Section 200 CrPC read with Section 138 and 142 of N I Act

Facts :
 Kripa Ram Kushwaha Submitted a check in the HDFC Bank, Sanjay Palace, Allahabad
 After some time, it was realized that the check was dishonored.
 Complainant give a notice to the accused and some reasonable time to pay the debt.
 Accused doesn’t respond to the notice.
 Complainant files a complaint in the Hariparvat Police Station, Allahabad under sec 138
of negotiable instrument act 1881.

 The money should be given to the complainant and equivalent to the amount that is filled
in the check.
 The money should be given as soon as possible.

The case is withdrawn by the complainant because he gets the money equivalent to the
amount in check from the accused.

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Case Study- 02

Saurabh Agrawal
S/o Satish Chandra Agrawal
R/o Lojiya Nagar, Kailash Nagar, Balkeshwar, Thana – Naini VS.

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Parag Goswami
S/o Harimohan Goswami
R/o –In front of Sikarwar inter college, Chalesar, Kuberpur, Thana –
District – Allahabad

 Complainant has a deal with the accused to sell the indigo car (UP80 CT 4082) at Rs.
 Complainant has trust on accused that he will pay the debt.
 Accused pays by giving him 3 checks of Rs 100000, Rs 100000, Rs 10000 respectively.
 Complainant submitted the checks to the bank as instructed by the accused.
 Soon after he realized that the checks are dishonored by the bank due to insufficient

 The money should be given to the complainant and equivalent to the amount that is filled
in the check.
 The money should be given as soon as possible.

The Judgement has not been announced by the court.

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