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Customer Service










1. Read the following questions and answer:

Customer Service

o What types of customers do you know or identify? Take a look at this article:

o Is the customer always right? Why?

Because as service providers or vendors, we must prioritize customer satisfaction
above all else and do everything in our power to ensure that your customers are
happy and satisfied.

2. Take a look at list of number from zero to large numbers and practice.

Taken from The British Council.

Customer Service

• How do you say your phone number?

three one three three four two one six five zero
• How do you say years in English?

Practice: Enter this link

3. Do you remember the alphabet? Let’s practice.

• Can you spell your first name and last name? Let’s do it.
Fernanda Valencia

4. Technical Vocabulary. In order to learn vocabulary related to CRM, look at

the flashcards and take notes:
Customer Service

5. Answering phone calls.

• Telephone Language Game. The instructor will divide the group in many
pairs. Then he will give a piece of paper where you will find some cards
(A and B) with expression for phone calls. Finally, match the expression
with the corresponding respond.
• Telephoning Expression. Look at the following
and watch this video in
order to learn some expressions and phases when you call or receive a
phone call.

Practice. In this activity, you will read some expression and choose the correct
Customer Service

6. Role-play. You have already learned different expressions to call or receive

phone calls. Now, write a conversation about calling a customer and choose
a reason why. Use the studied expressions and vocabulary. Finally, practice
to record an audio.

7. Writing emails.

• Take a look at this web site in order to learn some

expression to write business email and take notes:
• In this activity, read the expressions and classify
them into starting, closing, opening lines and
replying to emails phrases.
• Print and complete the worksheet about sending and receiving emails.
• Go to and put the sentences
in the correct order.
Customer Service

• In the box, write an email declining the invitation in the previous activity
by putting the sentences in order to form the email.
Customer Service

• Read the job application email. Then, match each part of the email to its
correct title using the letters on the left side of the email.

• Look at these excerpts from customers care letters and emails which
one is:
Customer Service

8. Complaining and Apologizing.

Customer Service

• Reading activity. Read this typical letter of apology and complete it with
the phrases below.
Customer Service

• Listening activity. Three customers are making complaints. Listen and

match the conversations to the pictures. Then look at these flashcards
with the vocabulary you need, and finally complete the
Customer Service

• Listen again and complete these sentences from the dialogues.

• Print the document ‘Complaining and Apologizing Language’ and study

the expressions of making complains, apologizing, giving reasons,
Customer Service

calming someone down, asking for specifics, taking actions, checking

back and making promises.

Evidence 1. Finally, write an email about replying to a customer request.

9. Customer Care.

• The following text is about some facts about Customer Care that you
must take into account. Read it and then answer True (T) or False (F).
Customer Service

1. Customers’ opinion matters, not ours.

2. Surveys is a good tool to know what our customers think of the service or
3. 90% of unhappy customers will buy over and over again.
4. The internet allows people to share their experiences about buying a
product or service.
5. The competition is only a mouse click away.
6. It’s enough just to give customers exactly what they ask for.

Evidence 2. According to the previous text and the following

customer-service-2295997, create a brochure that includes what
Customer Service

customer care is, its importance, the most important commandments and
other aspects (skills, do’s or don’ts).

10. Supply Chain.

You have probably noted that it is essential to know what the Supply Chain of
your Company is and how it works. We could compare the performance of your
company with a machine. If one of the elements of the Supply Chain doesn’t
work properly. The machine (your company) will be affected and you will be
receiving more and more complaints.

Everybody notices when a machine is not properly working.

A supply chain is understood as the entire network of entities, directly or

indirectly interlinked and interdependent in serving the same consumer or
customer. It comprises of vendors that supply raw material, producers who
convert the material into products, warehouses that store, distribution centers
that deliver to the retailers, and retailers who bring the product to the ultimate

11. Product Features.

Customer Service

Product attributes can be tangible or intangible. Tangible ones are associated

with the senses, with all that can be felt: shape, color, texture, etc. Intangible
ones are those that cannot be felt; examples of these are attributes of
security, benefits and other services. These features have to do with
acceptance so that they must be properly implemented in order to show
consumers a really positive image of the product or brand.


Consumers buy products not only to meet a specific need, but also to get
pleasure from its use, an aspect that involves values related to affection. This is
why when referring to design we must focus on the world as it is today and
take into account technological advances apart from the rough design (i.e.: the
elemental handmade). In this way, the product includes new elements that
affect the future projection and daily lifestyle.

Styling of the product in the design works as an innovation. This means that
although the product may not be new; we can re-create it on the outside. This
happens for two reasons: first, because the product met its life cycle (i.e. is at a
stage of decline and needs to position itself in the market). The second reason
is that the product will be replaced or its use is not the same and needs
changes to look better and appealing to the public.


The brand refers to the product identification and differentiation. This concept
is important because there is a great competition rate based on it. The label
identifies the product by its name, that is, the word or words that will refer to
the product or, if you do not remember the name, the product can be
identified by an emblem or symbol that must accompany it.

Moreover, consumer expectations are created through the brand, which is

supposed to capture the attention in order to find out how successful it has
been, if it is within the advertising range and if it is truly what is expected. We
have to keep in mind that branding is done depending on the levels of
research, especially to meet consumer needs. The brand will be a leader
provided that it meets the expectations of selected consumers since they
determine if it is good, fair or does not exist on the market.
Customer Service

The brand is related to personality as it seeks to create a certain attitude in the

consumer. Then, there must be a sonorous motivation, that is, the name must
be in relation to the product, so that it should sound appropriate. If it is heavy,
use large letters that stand out and add strength to the name, such as T and K,
all attributes added to the product should be reflected in the name as well.
Branding creates symbols that allow identification of the brand and capture
consumer attention.


It is of paramount importance because, in the end, it represents the true

intermediary between the producer and the consumer of goods. As for the
word “container”, its use has declined and is now being replaced by the word
“packaging”, but most of us still call it “container”. Containers are analyzed in
marketing studies that cover the design and actions that interact in consumers’
emotion so that they keep loyal to the brand printed on it. It is necessary to
recognize that in most packaged goods consumers cannot see the product itself
but they get an idea of its contents by means of the container. Therefore, we
can state that the container is the vendor of the product.

• Evidence 3. According to the previous text, think of a product proposal.

You can search on Amazon or AliExpress for ideas, or create your own
product. This proposal must include the following aspects:

1. Name of the product.

2. Include a picture.
3. What does it look like? (Color, shape, size).
4. What is it made of? (material) 5. What is it used for? (function) 6. What
is its texture?
7. What is its weight?
8. How much does it cost? (price)
9. Give some reasons why consumers should buy the product (to

In addition, you can base on this video about describing things or objects,
which will help you with your presentation:
and this article “How to Write Product Descriptions That Sell”
Customer Service

12. Customer Satisfaction Survey.

This kind of survey gives firms specific information about positive and negative
perceptions, which could improve marketing or sales efforts. A customer
satisfaction survey might be worthless unless it creates statistical data that can
be scientifically analyzed.

Evidence 4. After reading about the importance of implementing a

customer satisfaction survey, it is time for you to create one for your
company. You can make it on Google or Microsoft Forms. To do so,
include at least 10 questions and take into account the following

1. How satisfied were you with the overall service you received
from our team?

a. Extremely satisfied
b. Very satisfied
c. Somewhat satisfied
d. Not very satisfied
e. Not at all satisfied

2. How would you rate the quality of the products or services you
received? a. Excellent
Customer Service

b. Very good
c. Good
d. Fair
e. Poor
Customer Service

3. How did you hear about our company or service?

a. Online search
b. Referral from a friend or colleague
c. Social media
d. Advertising
e. Other

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