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Introduction to the topic:

 What is so special about ‘Minecraft?

Digitalization has provided teachers with many new resources that can be used to teach children.
One of these resources is 'Minecraft’. I would like to elaborate on the fact that ‘Minecraft’ functions
as a survival-adventure-sandbox game, which allows language providers to bend Minecraft’s rules to
their need.

 Gamification and its relation to a classroom?

I will elaborate on the term Gamification, by explaining what it means, and I would like to
provide this citation (although could you tell me if this is cited correctly?)
According to Nguyen, 2022, as cited in Dehghanzadeh et al., 2021; Figureoa, 2015; Ongoro &
Mwangoka, 2019; Redjeki & Muhajir, 2021. “Gamification refers to the use of different game elements and
mechanics that are applied to non-game contexts, such as in classrooms, to engage learners and motivate
them to achieve tasks”

Main body of the research paper

 What are the benefits of language acquisition with the help of Minecraft?
o Minecraft can be an entertainment, while still serving its educational purpose.
o Minecraft provides students with additional context to new words.
o Unknown words occur frequently when playing Minecraft and because of that
students are able to acquire them more quickly.
 How is ‘Minecraft’ used in classrooms as a way to teach children vocabulary and how do
students acquire language this way?
o It provides students and teachers with a wide range of settings which they can
adjust to their own needs.
o Students can be asked to build a structure based on a tutorial video. They are given
instructions which they should follow.
o They acquire knowledge with accordance to input hypothesis. They are exposed to
different blocks and items which provide additional information on the input.
 'Minecraft’ not as a way to remove traditional vocabulary-focused lessons but rather as a
way to enrich traditional ones and boost students' engagement in a lesson.
o I would like to elaborate on the fact that ‘Minecraft’ itself is not a universal solution
to making acquisition of vocabulary easier, but it should function as way to engage
students in the process of learning.
 What is more efficient in helping students acquire new material – traditional lessons or
lessons that engage ‘Minecraft’?
o Here I would like to compare if ‘Minecraft’ can be more effective than traditional


In the conclusion I would like to claim that Minecraft is proven to be a useful tool in a classroom.
However, it should not substitute traditional classes but rather enrich existing ones, provide more
context and help students seek understanding of a language in a digital world.
Sources: Nguyen, N. (2022, Spring) Minecraft as a Learning Tool for Classroom Activities and Extramural
English Learning. - this is a source only to the quote in this document I will most probably use the other one
as well or search for different one :).

Comment from me;

I see that the fourth bullet point of the main body might be difficult to elaborate on, given the length of the
research paper. If I see that, there are too many words I will give up on the last bullet point in the main body.

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