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039 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit

preLoadMainPageData() will execute!
07:09:05.067 INFO GCLog - PowerKitManager: initPowerKitCompat
init ,powerKitTag=a314f83d-52f5-480a-9a67-3199a635abbc
07:09:05.147 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadFrameDataFile is not exist
07:09:05.198 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageCacheDataModel loadFrameData()
mainFrameData from getFrameConfigCache() load time=152!
07:09:05.200 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadContentDataFile is not exist
07:09:05.345 INFO GCLog - GameAssistantImpl: udid is agree for SDK: 1
07:09:05.348 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: AmsServiceImpl
getUdidSignStateByGameAssistant state=1
07:09:05.352 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController appStartInit() invoked
by GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit, boot hasReady: -1
07:09:05.353 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController startupBoot() invoked
from: BootController appStartInit()
07:09:05.359 INFO GCLog - RegisterReceiverUseCase: Register user receiver execute
07:09:05.370 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: checkSignLoginState from
BootController startupBoot()
07:09:05.375 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit
07:09:05.978 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
07:09:05.981 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
07:09:06.079 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.243 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.266 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.289 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.302 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.332 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.370 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.397 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.405 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.418 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.426 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.451 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.456 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.467 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.487 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.499 INFO GCLog - HonorAccountProvider: getAccountInfo#onLogin
07:09:06.542 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: getUserAccountInfo
07:09:06.517 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.552 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit end
07:09:06.554 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.562 INFO GCLog - BootController: executeStartup: grs[BO], uSit[BO]
07:09:06.574 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
07:09:06.578 INFO GCLog - SysConfigChecker: countryCode:BO,lastCountryCode:
07:09:06.582 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.603 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.614 ERROR GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: getUserAccountInfo:
07:09:06.615 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.654 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.659 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent init report SDK!
07:09:06.662 INFO GCLog - XDownloadInstallHelper: observerEvent
07:09:06.691 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.719 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: WhiteList config init
07:09:06.728 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.750 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.788 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController boot execute Startup
finished isBootReady is: true
07:09:06.788 INFO GCLog - AccountInfoRepositoryImpl: deCodeSpUserInfo start
07:09:06.790 ERROR GCLog - decrypt Exception: null
07:09:06.792 INFO GCLog - BootReadyUseCase: getAccountInfo() service user info
07:09:06.848 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.892 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:09:06.912 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
07:09:06.944 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeDownloadByNetJobs!
07:09:07.049 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
07:09:07.050 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
07:09:07.052 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
07:09:07.055 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
07:09:07.056 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
07:09:07.065 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
07:09:07.070 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
07:09:07.067 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
07:09:07.100 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
07:09:07.118 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
07:09:07.128 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
07:09:07.139 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
07:09:07.143 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
07:09:07.161 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check start
07:09:07.164 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ry/check traceName =
07:09:07.189 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = 834185dc-
07:09:07.290 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
07:09:07.297 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
07:09:07.605 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
07:09:07.617 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: whiteList config observer send
07:09:07.629 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
07:09:07.631 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
07:09:07.641 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
07:09:07.608 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
07:09:07.646 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
07:09:07.653 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
07:09:07.697 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
07:09:07.702 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query start
07:09:07.715 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/query
traceName = c3ab358c-1e3d-4e16-8330-7c085617948f
07:09:07.761 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
07:09:07.764 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = ceabea8f-70b1-451c-a6ad-7a20d391765e
07:09:08.210 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
07:09:08.276 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit()
boot success pushService.init(), getMainFrameFromNet(true) will execute.
07:09:08.278 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() invoked from: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit(), execute
isPreLoad is: true
07:09:08.313 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
07:09:08.315 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
07:09:08.316 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
07:09:08.327 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: init
07:09:08.329 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
07:09:08.407 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: onBizInit updateToken
07:09:08.424 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false start
07:09:08.523 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query start
07:09:08.531 INFO GCLog - http_request: *****************nu/query traceName =
07:09:08.553 INFO GCLog - HnPushProvider: PushServiceImpl getPushStatus : enable
07:09:08.556 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:enable:true
07:09:08.561 ERROR GCLog - PushServiceImpl: Already logged ,but account info
isEmpty! return
07:09:09.253 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
07:09:09.263 ERROR GCLog - BaseReqImpl: queryCountryAvailability error:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
07:09:09.265 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
07:09:09.268 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
07:09:09.274 INFO GCLog - SplashAdFloatBallHelper: getGreyModeConfig() isGreyMode
is: null
07:09:09.283 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: checkAccountServ resp.errorCode is:
07:09:09.289 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: start get service: net error
07:09:09.307 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: checkAmsServiceForBootStartupResult:
notifyAmsCheckResult,result=Error(errMsg=check service error)
07:09:09.308 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: notifyState:
notifyAmsCheckResult,lastAmsCheckResult=BootStartupResult.Unknown is false
07:09:09.317 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
AgreementUpdateEvent: false null
07:09:09.317 ERROR GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: StartupUseCase handleResult: startup
error is: check service error
07:09:09.379 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
07:09:09.472 ERROR GCLog - HonorAccountProvider: get adolescent account onError
07:09:09.475 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootMinorsAccountGuardianVerificationEvent: false
07:09:09.476 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: localSPKidsMode=false,
07:09:09.477 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootChildModeWithNotLoginEvent: false
07:09:09.478 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: refreshKidsMode=false
07:09:09.767 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query end, fail errorMsg =
07:09:09.824 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check end, fail errorMsg =
07:09:10.496 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
07:09:10.500 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
07:09:10.504 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
07:09:10.506 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
07:09:10.554 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
07:09:10.559 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
07:09:10.615 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
07:09:10.618 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
07:09:10.631 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() success.
07:09:10.672 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
07:09:10.687 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
07:09:10.806 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() load data to mem file sp success.
07:09:11.436 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
07:09:11.439 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
07:09:12.591 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
07:09:12.596 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
07:09:12.599 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
07:09:13.545 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
07:09:13.546 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
07:09:13.548 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
07:09:13.553 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
07:09:13.567 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
07:09:13.570 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
07:09:15.607 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
07:09:15.613 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
07:09:15.619 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
07:09:16.336 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
07:09:16.338 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
07:09:16.340 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
07:09:16.344 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
07:09:16.367 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
07:09:16.378 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
07:09:18.409 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
07:09:18.413 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
07:09:18.418 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
07:09:19.217 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
07:09:19.223 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
07:09:19.226 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
07:09:19.229 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
07:09:19.248 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
07:09:19.252 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
07:09:21.284 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
07:09:21.289 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
07:09:21.293 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
07:09:21.298 ERROR GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startup: getUserInfo fail
07:09:21.303 ERROR GCLog - BootReadyUseCase: accountStartup error=silentLogin fail
07:15:43.950 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
07:15:51.744 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
07:15:51.746 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
07:15:51.780 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.797 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.806 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.820 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.827 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.834 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.840 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.846 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.853 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.862 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.870 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.878 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.890 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.899 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.905 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.911 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.918 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.923 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.930 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.935 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.940 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.946 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.952 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.958 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.965 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.973 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:15:51.977 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
07:15:51.981 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
07:15:51.984 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
07:15:51.986 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
07:15:51.989 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
07:15:52.010 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
07:15:52.015 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
07:15:54.083 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
07:15:56.108 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
07:15:56.114 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
07:22:22.167 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
07:22:30.079 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
07:22:30.084 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
07:22:30.129 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.138 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.146 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.154 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.161 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.169 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.179 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.190 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.201 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.213 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.222 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.230 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.237 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.243 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.248 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.255 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.262 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.268 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.275 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.281 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.289 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.294 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.300 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.309 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.315 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.322 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
07:22:30.325 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
07:22:30.328 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
07:22:30.330 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
07:22:30.332 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
07:22:30.335 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
07:22:30.353 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
07:22:30.357 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
07:22:32.427 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
07:22:34.456 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
07:22:34.463 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
07:22:40.240 INFO GCLog - NetConnectChangeReceiver: onReceive action is:
07:22:41.711 INFO GCLog - NetConnectChangeReceiver: onReceive action is:
13:57:25.384 INFO GCLog - PowerKitManager: initPowerKitCompat
init ,powerKitTag=2dabebe2-b834-47de-9c14-908edb995d05
13:57:25.445 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:57:25.449 INFO GCLog - QuickGame: isSupportQuickGameQuery() is not support,
13:57:26.897 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit
preLoadMainPageData() will execute!
13:57:26.955 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadFrameDataFile is not exist
13:57:27.062 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageCacheDataModel loadFrameData()
mainFrameData from getFrameConfigCache() load time=162!
13:57:27.073 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadContentDataFile is not exist
13:57:27.823 INFO GCLog - GameAssistantImpl: udid is agree for SDK: 1
13:57:27.825 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: AmsServiceImpl
getUdidSignStateByGameAssistant state=1
13:57:27.829 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController appStartInit() invoked
by GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit, boot hasReady: -1
13:57:27.840 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController startupBoot() invoked
from: BootController appStartInit()
13:57:27.844 INFO GCLog - RegisterReceiverUseCase: Register user receiver execute
13:57:27.857 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: checkSignLoginState from
BootController startupBoot()
13:57:27.870 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit
13:57:28.990 ERROR GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: get advertisement info failed,
message:getAdvertisingIdInfo(context) must not be null
13:57:29.881 INFO GCLog - HonorAccountProvider: getAccountInfo#onLogin
13:57:29.884 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: getUserAccountInfo
13:57:29.902 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit end
13:57:29.912 INFO GCLog - BootController: executeStartup: grs[BO], uSit[BO]
13:57:29.966 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController boot execute Startup
finished isBootReady is: true
13:57:29.958 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
13:57:29.968 INFO GCLog - AccountInfoRepositoryImpl: deCodeSpUserInfo start
13:57:29.983 ERROR GCLog - decrypt Exception: null
13:57:29.985 INFO GCLog - BootReadyUseCase: getAccountInfo() service user info
13:57:30.039 ERROR GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: getUserAccountInfo:
13:57:30.072 INFO GCLog - SysConfigChecker: countryCode:BO,lastCountryCode:
13:57:30.088 INFO GCLog - XDownloadInstallHelper: observerEvent
13:57:30.089 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent init report SDK!
13:57:30.098 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
13:57:30.116 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:881000000099
13:57:30.118 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit()
boot success pushService.init(), getMainFrameFromNet(true) will execute.
13:57:30.125 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() invoked from: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit(), execute
isPreLoad is: true
13:57:30.129 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:57:30.131 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
13:57:30.133 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:57:30.150 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeDownloadByNetJobs!
13:57:30.152 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: WhiteList config init
13:57:30.145 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:8810000059
13:57:30.162 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: init
13:57:30.171 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:57:30.191 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: onBizInit updateToken
13:57:30.196 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false start
13:57:30.261 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:57:30.263 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
13:57:30.264 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:57:30.266 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:57:30.289 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check start
13:57:30.295 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ry/check traceName =
13:57:30.335 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:57:30.337 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
13:57:30.339 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:57:30.344 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: whiteList config observer send
13:57:30.346 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:57:30.348 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
13:57:30.349 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:57:30.351 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:57:30.360 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:57:30.367 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query start
13:57:30.370 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/query
traceName = 5768fd35-e7ff-4f2a-9b25-64cbbec57a56
13:57:30.408 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:57:30.410 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
13:57:30.416 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:57:30.418 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:57:30.439 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
13:57:30.442 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = dca46cc9-7ce6-4588-beec-7ce162eea0be
13:57:30.453 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
13:57:30.456 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = a7048718-
13:57:30.643 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query start
13:57:30.660 INFO GCLog - http_request: *****************nu/query traceName =
13:57:31.388 INFO GCLog - HnPushProvider: PushServiceImpl getPushStatus : enable
13:57:31.390 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:enable:true
13:57:31.392 ERROR GCLog - PushServiceImpl: Already logged ,but account info
isEmpty! return
13:57:33.224 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:57:33.258 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
13:57:33.279 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:57:33.281 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:57:33.457 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
13:57:33.460 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
13:57:33.963 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:57:33.972 ERROR GCLog - BaseReqImpl: queryCountryAvailability error:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:57:33.975 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: checkAccountServ resp.errorCode is:
13:57:33.981 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: start get service: net error
13:57:33.986 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: checkAmsServiceForBootStartupResult:
notifyAmsCheckResult,result=Error(errMsg=check service error)
13:57:33.988 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: notifyState:
notifyAmsCheckResult,lastAmsCheckResult=BootStartupResult.Unknown is false
13:57:33.992 ERROR GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: StartupUseCase handleResult: startup
error is: check service error
13:57:33.992 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
AgreementUpdateEvent: false null
13:57:34.026 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query end, fail errorMsg =
13:57:34.100 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check end, fail errorMsg =
13:57:34.118 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:57:34.122 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:57:34.124 INFO GCLog - SplashAdFloatBallHelper: getGreyModeConfig() isGreyMode
is: null
13:57:34.276 ERROR GCLog - HonorAccountProvider: get adolescent account onError
13:57:34.285 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootMinorsAccountGuardianVerificationEvent: false
13:57:34.288 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootChildModeWithNotLoginEvent: false
13:57:34.293 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: localSPKidsMode=false,
13:57:34.297 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: refreshKidsMode=false
13:57:34.302 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:57:34.305 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:57:34.317 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() success.
13:57:34.321 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:57:34.322 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
13:57:34.410 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() load data to mem file sp success.
13:57:35.522 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:57:35.526 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:57:35.531 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
13:57:36.305 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
13:57:36.308 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
13:57:36.364 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:57:36.367 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
13:57:36.372 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.374 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:57:36.384 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:57:36.404 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
13:57:36.408 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
13:57:36.430 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.435 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.452 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.464 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.483 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.490 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.496 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.503 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.509 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.515 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.521 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.528 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.534 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.544 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.553 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.561 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.568 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.573 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.576 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.581 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.585 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.591 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.596 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.601 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.606 ERROR GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: getApkFileSha256 error , not init
13:57:36.609 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
13:57:36.611 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:57:36.612 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
13:57:36.614 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:57:36.616 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:57:36.642 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
13:57:36.652 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
13:57:38.454 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:57:38.458 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:57:38.460 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
13:57:38.684 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
13:57:39.235 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:57:39.242 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
13:57:39.258 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:57:39.269 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:57:39.294 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
13:57:39.299 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
13:57:40.731 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:57:40.734 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:57:41.330 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:57:41.334 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:57:41.336 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
13:57:42.097 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
13:57:42.102 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
13:57:42.106 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
13:57:42.115 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
13:57:42.131 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
13:57:42.135 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
13:57:44.185 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
13:57:44.189 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
13:57:44.191 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
13:57:44.193 ERROR GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startup: getUserInfo fail
13:57:44.196 ERROR GCLog - BootReadyUseCase: accountStartup error=silentLogin fail
20:19:01.927 INFO GCLog - PowerKitManager: initPowerKitCompat
init ,powerKitTag=7c7f3396-b420-4e70-9765-daba01c34d47
20:19:02.041 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit
preLoadMainPageData() will execute!
20:19:02.301 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadFrameDataFile is not exist
20:19:02.372 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageCacheDataModel loadFrameData()
mainFrameData from getFrameConfigCache() load time=328!
20:19:02.377 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadContentDataFile is not exist
20:19:02.848 INFO GCLog - HonorAccountProvider: getAccountInfo#onLogin
20:19:02.854 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: getUserAccountInfo
20:19:02.889 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit end
20:19:02.900 INFO GCLog - SysConfigChecker: countryCode:BO,lastCountryCode:
20:19:02.907 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
20:19:02.911 INFO GCLog - BootController: executeStartup: grs[BO], uSit[BO]
20:19:02.930 INFO GCLog - AccountInfoRepositoryImpl: deCodeSpUserInfo start
20:19:02.934 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController boot execute Startup
finished isBootReady is: true
20:19:02.948 ERROR GCLog - decrypt Exception: null
20:19:02.955 INFO GCLog - BootReadyUseCase: getAccountInfo() service user info
20:19:02.993 INFO GCLog - XDownloadInstallHelper: observerEvent
20:19:02.998 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
20:19:03.010 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent init report SDK!
20:19:03.011 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: WhiteList config init
20:19:03.035 ERROR GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: getUserAccountInfo:
20:19:03.036 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:8810000059
20:19:03.090 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:881000000099
20:19:03.093 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit()
boot success pushService.init(), getMainFrameFromNet(true) will execute.
20:19:03.097 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeDownloadByNetJobs!
20:19:03.101 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() invoked from: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit(), execute
isPreLoad is: true
20:19:03.105 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: init
20:19:03.109 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
20:19:03.141 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
20:19:03.148 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
20:19:03.152 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
20:19:03.173 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: onBizInit updateToken
20:19:03.174 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false start
20:19:03.200 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
20:19:03.201 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
20:19:03.203 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
20:19:03.205 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
20:19:03.254 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
20:19:03.260 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = 232b2950-
20:19:03.286 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
20:19:03.292 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
20:19:03.294 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
20:19:03.296 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
20:19:03.318 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: whiteList config observer send
20:19:03.332 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
20:19:03.333 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
20:19:03.335 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
20:19:03.338 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
20:19:03.339 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
20:19:03.344 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
20:19:03.360 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
20:19:03.362 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
20:19:03.365 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query start
20:19:03.367 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/query
traceName = 386838de-8e8e-4783-8f53-95edf40bfe17
20:19:03.399 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query start
20:19:03.402 INFO GCLog - http_request: *****************nu/query traceName =
20:19:03.436 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
20:19:03.438 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check start
20:19:03.441 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ry/check traceName =
20:19:03.474 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = 2859f3aa-24c8-4c9f-873c-979a741ee70d
20:19:04.904 INFO GCLog - HnPushProvider: PushServiceImpl getPushStatus : enable
20:19:04.907 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:enable:true
20:19:04.912 ERROR GCLog - PushServiceImpl: Already logged ,but account info
isEmpty! return
20:19:05.327 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
20:19:05.331 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
20:19:05.332 INFO GCLog - SplashAdFloatBallHelper: getGreyModeConfig() isGreyMode
is: null
20:19:05.415 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query end, fail errorMsg =
20:19:05.450 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
20:19:05.454 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
20:19:05.473 ERROR GCLog - HonorAccountProvider: get adolescent account onError
20:19:05.478 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: localSPKidsMode=false,
20:19:05.479 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootMinorsAccountGuardianVerificationEvent: false
20:19:05.480 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: refreshKidsMode=false
20:19:05.482 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootChildModeWithNotLoginEvent: false
20:19:05.486 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
20:19:05.489 ERROR GCLog - BaseReqImpl: queryCountryAvailability error:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
20:19:05.490 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: checkAccountServ resp.errorCode is:
20:19:05.492 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: start get service: net error
20:19:05.495 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: checkAmsServiceForBootStartupResult:
notifyAmsCheckResult,result=Error(errMsg=check service error)
20:19:05.498 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: notifyState:
notifyAmsCheckResult,lastAmsCheckResult=BootStartupResult.Unknown is false
20:19:05.502 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
AgreementUpdateEvent: false null
20:19:05.503 ERROR GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: StartupUseCase handleResult: startup
error is: check service error
20:19:05.530 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check end, fail errorMsg =
20:19:05.549 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() success.
20:19:05.563 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
20:19:05.565 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
20:19:05.705 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() load data to mem file sp success.
20:19:07.288 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
20:19:07.292 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
20:19:07.294 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
20:19:07.300 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
20:19:07.330 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
20:19:07.334 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
20:19:09.397 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
20:19:09.406 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
20:19:09.410 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
20:19:10.119 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
20:19:10.125 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
20:19:10.133 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
20:19:10.137 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
20:19:10.158 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
20:19:10.160 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
20:19:12.210 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
20:19:12.214 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
20:19:12.218 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
20:19:12.955 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
20:19:12.965 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
20:19:12.966 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
20:19:12.974 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
20:19:12.988 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
20:19:12.991 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
20:19:15.041 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
20:19:15.048 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
20:19:15.053 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
20:19:15.861 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
20:19:15.864 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
20:19:15.870 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
20:19:15.878 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
20:19:15.901 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth start
20:19:15.907 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************en/oauth traceName =
20:19:17.979 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************en/oauth end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
20:19:17.983 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
20:19:17.985 ERROR GCLog - UserApiServiceImpl: getUserInfo failed: 10999
20:19:17.987 ERROR GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startup: getUserInfo fail
20:19:17.989 ERROR GCLog - BootReadyUseCase: accountStartup error=silentLogin fail

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