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Core Function Skills Learning Objectives Level
Player Development Explain the stages of long-term athlete development Understand
and their implications for coaching practice.
Design an annual training plan that incorporates age- Apply
appropriate activities and progressions for athlete
Leadership and Identify effective communication strategies to build Remember
Communication rapport and motivate athletes.
Facilitate a team meeting to discuss performance Create
goals and develop a shared vision for the season.
Game Strategy and Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of an Analyze
Tactics opponent's playing style.
Develop a game plan that utilizes speci c tactics to Apply
exploit the opponent's weaknesses.
Player Assessment Create a player evaluation rubric with measurable Create
and Evaluation criteria for assessing performance.
Evaluate player performance using the rubric and Evaluate
provide constructive feedback for improvement.
Ethical Conduct and Discuss ethical principles and their application in Understand
Sportsmanship coaching situations.
Analyze a case study involving ethical dilemmas in Evaluate
coaching and propose appropriate solutions.
Skill Knowledge Learning Objectives Bloom's
Professional Coach Taxonomy
Development Level
Sports Science and Explain the physiological and biomechanical Understand
Conditioning principles underlying strength and conditioning for
Design an evidence-based periodized training Create
program to optimize performance and minimize injury
Sports Psychology Describe various mental skills and techniques for Remember
and Mental Skills enhancing athletes' focus and motivation.
Apply psychological strategies to help athletes Apply
manage performance anxiety and enhance their
mental resilience.
Injury Prevention and Identify common sports injuries and their risk factors Understand
Rehabilitation in the speci c sport.
Develop a comprehensive injury prevention program Create
incorporating prehabilitation exercises and proper
Talent Identi cation Discuss the principles and methods of talent Understand
and Development identi cation in the speci c sport.
Implement talent development strategies, including Apply
individualized training plans and monitoring systems.
Technology and Data Demonstrate pro ciency in using technology tools for Apply
Analysis video analysis and performance tracking.
Interpret and analyze data collected from wearable Evaluate
devices to inform training and competition strategies.

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