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Area Representative Granting Agreement

Article 1 - Parties to the Contract

The first party: “Modiriate Fazaye Tose’e Gostare Saderate Arad” Company known as (Arad Branding)
under registration no. 18903, Address #4/608, V.O.K. street, Perungudi, OMR, Chennai Tamil Nadu, India,
Email:, which is hereafter referred to as “Company”.

Note1: According to the announcement of the latest changes of Arad Branding Company, Mr. Alireza
Shabani has the authority to sign with the company's seal, therefore, the current agreement with his
signature and company seal will be valid and enforceable.

The second party: Ms./ Mr. ……Phone number: ……. passport number: …………Address ……………………Email:
………….is referred to as “representative” in this agreement.

Note 2: The correspondence between the parties will be valid through the above-mentioned email. The
second party is required to verify the authenticity of his/her email by the relevant consulate and then
present it to the company.

Article 2- Subject of the Agreement

Subject of the agreement is to grant a non-exclusive representation on behalf of the company to the name
of a representative in the geographical area of ……………for carrying out assigned tasks.

Article 3 - Period of the Agreement

The period of the current agreement is from the start date of .................................based on the Georgian
Year to the end date of .................................based on the Georgian Year.

Article 4- Conditions Governing the Agreement

4-1) Laws and regulations governing the present agreement are based on Iran’s laws and regulations.

4-2) The place of signature of this agreement is in Tehran, Iran.

4-3) The current agreement guarantees all the mentioned agreed statements as valid. Previous
agreements and statements, both verbal and non-verbal, in connection with the subject of this agreement
will be void from this date.

4-4) This agreement is non-exclusive; the representative cannot make any claims regarding the granting of
representation by the company to other parties.

Article 5 - The Territory of the Representative’s Activity

The territory of activity designated by this agreement is City ……. Country…. and Product …. Therefore, the
representative covenants to take action only in the determined area and product. Any new activity outside
the scope of the signed agreement requires a separate written request and a subsequent written
agreement from Arad Branding company via formal emailing.

Article 6- Obligations of the Representative

6-1) The representative is obliged to receive the brand data sent by the company and then to market the
products and sell them within the territory of his activity.

6-2) The representative is not allowed to transfer all or parts of the subject of the agreement, except with
written agreement and permission from Arad Branding company.

6-3) The authorized representative is not allowed to take any actions in the name of the company except
for the specific cases that are agreed upon.

6-4) The representative is only allowed to take action to advertise in the field of performance and the goals
and mission of the company. Off-topic statements are the responsibility of the representative.

6-5) The representative is obliged to do his best to accommodate the policies, interests, and moral and
material rights of the company and is only allowed by the permission of the company to act on pricing or
modifying the strategies.

6-6) In the event that the present agreement is terminated or canceled for any reason, the representative
will be responsible to return a file of documents to the company within a week.

6-7) In case of breach of any obligations contained in this agreement by the representative, Arad Branding
has the right to unilaterally terminate the agreement and the representative has no right to object.
Article 7 – Obligations of the Company

7-1) The company, at its discretion, will include the details of the representative in all related
advertisements as well as on its website.

7-2) The company undertakes to provide necessary training in the field of business and business advice to
the representative. The company is obliged to carry out the necessary cooperation and training in order
to attract foreign customers and conclude contracts with foreign customers upon the request of the

7-3) In order to facilitate sales, catalogs, brochures and posters, advertising tracts and product lists will be
provided to the representative for better information.

7-4) The company undertakes to provide the necessary assistance regarding the supply of goods with
quality and reasonable price.

7-5) The company undertakes to provide the necessary assistance regarding the transportation of goods
to the specified destination mentioned in upcoming commercial contracts.

Article 8- Shares of Parties in Profit

As the conditions of each contract can differ based on parameters such as each party’s involvement and
risk share, exigencies of negotiation, and time, the parties’ profits share will be determined separately for
each upcoming commercial contract.

Article 9- Dispute Settlement Method

The parties are hereby committed and required to settle any contractual dispute in any matter through a
mutually agreed upon independent arbitrator. Mr. Nasser Sarhadhi, a top lawyer under license number
1677, was chosen as the arbitrator of the parties. In the event of any

disputes arising from this contract, both parties could send a statement via the e-mail introduced in Article
1 of the contract to the arbitrator (Email…………………..). The final issued and announced opinion and
decision of the arbitrator would be binding and enforceable for both parties.

Note1: The parties agreed that the arbitration requester is obliged to pay the arbitrator's fee before the
arbitrator takes action. Otherwise, the start of the arbitration will be postponed until the full payment of
the arbitrator's fee. Also, the arbitrator's fee will be five percent of the contract amount.
Article 10 - Cancellation of the contract

The parties entered into this contract being of sound mind and disposing memory and without any
reluctance, coercion or urgency. This contract has been drawn up in 11articles in duplicate copies with
identical validity and exchanged between the parties. This contract will be complete and valid after sending
a confirmation email from the second party as described in Note 3 of Article 1 of this contract.

Arad Branding Company CEO Appointed Area Representative

signature & rubberstamp signature & rubberstamp

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