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19. due to +sth. 由於某事物 22.

less + Adj 為劣等比較級用法,表「較不……」。

20. make + O + Adj 表「使某人事物……」。 23. for instance 舉例來說
三、綜合測驗:14%(每題 2 分)21. be likely + to VR 很可能…… 24. add A to B 把 A 加到 B
英文 4 學習卷 It’s no secret that an airplane isn’t the greatest place to dine. This is 19 a number of reasons.
7 Lesson 5 My Mouth’s in Airplane Mode For a start, the air pressure in the cabin is very low. This can make digestion 20 for passengers. It
can also cause their ears and noses to be blocked. Finally, their tongues are also likely to not 21
科 年 班 號 姓名: like they do on the ground.
一、字彙練習:24%(每題 2 分) Under such conditions, food is usually far less 22 . Airlines around the world, therefore, use
certain tricks to beef up their inflight meals. 23 , they often include foods on the menu that are
affect 1. Whether you use a glass or a plastic container (容器) shouldn’t a t the
very rich in flavor. They also add more sugar, salt, and spices 24 their dishes and snacks. This
experiment’s results.
ensures that mealtimes remain 25 enough for passengers, despite the negative effects mentioned
cuisine 2. My uncle is a chef who is good at making Thai c e.
above. It also helps to still their hunger till they’re safely back on solid earth. 25. remain + Adj 表「維持……」
decrease 3. We can expect a d e in the number of people buying the product if there is
an increase in the price. (C) 19. (A) since (B) because (C) due to (D) used to
accurately 4. In the experiment, we have to a y measure the amount of water in order for (A) 20. (A) difficult (B) difficulty (C) difficultly (D) difficulties
vt. 測量 為了使……能夠…… (D) 21. (A) functions (B) functioned (C) functioning (D) function
the results to be reliable.
adj. 可信賴的 因某事責備某人
blame 5. The manager was kind and didn’t b e Jack for the failure of the project. (B) 22. (A) tastier (B) tasty (C) taste (D) tastiest
n.[U] 失敗
humidity 6. The level of h y increased after it rained heavily in the afternoon. (C) 23. (A) Such as (B) Like (C) For instance (D) Such
( D ) 7. Please switch your cellphone to silent during the movie. (D) 24. (A) as (B) with (C) by (D) to
vt. 切換
(A) captain (B) organ (C) altitude (D) mode (A) 25. (A) enjoyable (B) enjoy (C) enjoyed (D) enjoys
( B ) 8. Margo needs to complete a large project by July 10, so she’s under a lot of at work. 四、對話:10%(每題 2 分)
vt. 完成
(A) proposal (B) pressure (C) spray (D) fault ( A ) 26. Mike: The chicken fried rice I had on the airplane was very dry.
( C ) 9. The idea that Nick in the meeting was very creative. Jason: I heard they’re usually better.
(A) distinguished (B) enabled (C) proposed (D) interviewed Mike: Alright, I guess I’ll try one next time.
( D ) 10. after I called the police, the drunk driver was caught.
在……不久後 (A) You can order the vegetarian meal next time.
(A) Correctly (B) Unbelievably (C) Similarly (D) Shortly (B) I like the food very much.
( B ) 11. It is not easy to between the twin brothers unless you look very closely. (C) Don’t expect the food to be fresh.
(A) distract (B) distinguish (C) shorten (D) spray (D) The air in the plane is dry too.
( A ) 12. A strong typhoon hit last week, and now the in the small village are terrible.
( B ) 27. Hana: This airplane meal actually tastes better than I expected.
(A) conditions (B) captains (C) announcements (D) experiments
13. however 在此為 no matter how 的意思,表示「不論(程度、狀態)如何」。
Dora: It tastes awful to me.
二、文法選擇:12%(每題 2 分) 14. no matter what 同 whatever;what 不能引導副詞子句,故不能選 what。 Hana: Can you at least agree that the chocolate cake is delicious?
15. 此句考 find + O + V-ing/P.P./Adj 的句型;海灘是被垃圾覆蓋,故須選表被動語態的 covered。
27. 上文中 Hana 覺得飛機餐比想像中好,下文中 Dora 則表示吃起
( A ) 13. bad the weather is, the trip will not be canceled. Dora: OK, that’s true. 來很糟,故選表「驚訝、不認同」的 Are you serious?。

(A) However (B) Although (C) Whether (D) No matter when (A) What do you want? (B) Are you serious?
(A) 14. you say to Ben, it is difficult to change his mind. (C) How are you? (D) Why did you do it?
(A) No matter what (B) What (C) Whenever (D) No matter which ( A ) 28. Fred: I think I’m going to order the beef with mashed potatoes.
(C) 15. The tourists found the beach with garbage after the music festival. Vicky: I’m going to get the chicken with noodles.
(A) covering (B) to cover (C) covered (D) cover Fred: Good choice. I tried that the last time I took a flight. It was delicious.
(D) 16. I haven’t seen my cousin for a while. I really look forward to up with him this Sunday. (A) How about you? (B) Are you kidding?
(A) being met (B) met (C) meet (D) meeting (C) Do you think so? (D) How do you feel?
29. 下文對話重點在討論飛機餐,故 What are your thoughts on in-flight
(C) 17. My brother left the windows yesterday, and a bird flew into his room. ( D ) 29. Zach: meals?為最佳答案。

(A) opening (B) to open (C) open (D) be opened Allen: It depends on the airline. For example, Ninja Airline is famous for its in-flight meals.
(B) 18. It always Jeff when people throw trash out of their car windows. Zach: That’s true. The meals offered by some airlines are really good, while others aren’t.
(A) feels; mad (B) makes; mad (C) makes; madness (D) makes; madly (A) What did you think about the trip? (B) Which airline do you like the most?
16. look forward to + N/V-ing 表「期待……」。 (C) How do you usually travel? (D) What are your thoughts on in-flight meals?
17. 此句考 leave + O + V-ing/ P.P./Adj 的句型;此處的 open 為形容詞表示狀態。
18. make + O + Adj 表「使某人事物……」。 7-1 (背面尚有試題) 81004S1-R
( C ) 30. Flight attendant: Would you like to have some coffee or tea? much more.
Pearl: Coffee, please. * alcoholic adj. 含酒精的 * expand vi. 擴張
Flight attendant: ( A ) 33. What is this passage mainly about? 33. 本文旨在介紹各種應避免食用的食物如速
Pearl: Thanks! (A) The problems that can result from eating certain foods before taking a plane.
(A) You bet. (B) It’s a pity. (C) Here you go. (D) Nice to meet you. (B) The science behind how an airplane flies.

五、閱讀測驗:10%(每題 2 分) (C) The different emotions that people may experience during a flight.
(D) The improvements that have been made to in-flight meals.
Read the following announcements made during a flight. ★ 素養題 ( C ) 34. Which of the following foods or drinks might cause blocks in blood flow?
Announcement 1: (A) Alcoholic drinks. (B) Soda. 34. 文 章 提 到 「 Fast food…lead to blocks in
blood flow.」,故選 Fried chicken。
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome aboard Korean Air Flight 493 bound for* Seoul. (C) Fried chicken. (D) Candy.
We are sorry for the delay in our departure*. Please fasten* your seat belt. We are ready to take ( D ) 35. Which of the following is NOT a problem that can result from eating candy before taking an
off. airplane?
(A) Gas. (B) Swelling.
(C) An upset stomach. (D) Low blood pressure.
Announcement 2: 35. 文章提到「The body is not…so they can cause swelling, gas, or make you run to
六、填充:18%(每格 3 分) the bathroom often….」,而未提到低血糖,故選 Low blood pressure。
For your enjoyment during our flight today, we have placed a free copy of our in-flight magazine,
Pacific Way, in the seat pocket in front of you. If you wish, please feel free to take this with you 36. 請記得準時是對他人的尊重。
when you leave. Please (k) keep in (m) mind that being on time is a way of
showing respect to others.
Announcement 3: 37. 不用說,Patrick 睡過頭了因為他熬夜和朋友聊天。
Ladies and gentlemen, we’re now approaching Seoul, where the local time is nine o’clock in the (N) Needless to say , Patrick overslept because he had stayed up
morning. Please return to your seat and fasten your seat belt. Also, please ensure* all electronic late chatting with his friend.
devices* are turned off.
七、句型練習:8%(每題 4 分)
* bound for 開往 * departure n.[U] 出發 * fasten vt. 繫緊 * ensure vt. 確認 * device n.[C] 裝置 38. Whenever I see that photo, it reminds me of my loving grandparents.
( C ) 31. Which of the following statements is true? 31. 第一則廣播中提及起飛延誤,其他訊息皆未出現在廣播中。 提示:請以 No matter…改寫句子。
(A) The plane was flying from Seoul. → No matter when I see that photo, it reminds me of my loving grandparents.
(B) The plane took off at around nine o’clock. 39. I found a rat.
(C) The plane didn’t take off at the scheduled time. The rat was caught in the trap.
(D) The airline sells their in-flight magazine. 提示:請以 find + O + Adj/V-ing/P.P.合併句子。
32. 第二則廣播提到 for your enjoyment 且與機內雜誌有關,故主題
( D ) 32. What is announcement 2 mainly about? 和娛樂最相關。 → I found a rat caught in the trap.
(A) Time. (B) Meals. (C) Safety. (D) Entertainment.
八、整句式翻譯:4%(每題 4 分)
What you eat before you board a plane can change how you feel in the air or even after you land. 40. 相較於其他的食物,這些保持美味。
Fast food, for example, can upset your stomach because fats can lead to blocks in blood flow. Foods → In comparison with other foods, these remain yummy/delicious.
like broccoli or cauliflower can make our bodies swell since the pressure in the cabin is lower, leading
to an uncomfortable feeling. Drinking is just as important as what you eat, too. Alcoholic* drinks
cause the body to lose water, making you thirstier. Soda should also be avoided because the bubbles
will expand* like tiny balloons in your body. Lastly, treats such as cake or candy are not great to eat
before a flight, since they contain non-natural sugars. The body is not designed to process these types
of sugars well, and so they can cause swelling, gas, or make you run to the bathroom often—not what
you want on a long flight! Try to avoid these foods the next time you fly, and you will enjoy your flight


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