B4L1~L6 學習卷 (教用)

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本題考關係副詞的用法,where 原為 at which,其中 which 指前面的 Green Island。

18. It is (about/high) time that + S + V-ed 表「該是……的時候了」。
( C ) 17. Joe spent a week on Green Island, he learned to do freediving for the first time.
英文 4 學習卷 (A) that (B) what (C) where (D) when
10 Lesson 1~Lesson 6 ( B ) 18. It is high time that we action to reduce garbage pollution.
(A) take (B) took (C) will take (D) taking
19. 上文說食物相似,下文又說有不少不同之處,故使用 Although 表示轉折語氣。
科 年 班 號 姓名: 三、綜合測驗:14%(每題 2 20. 本句主詞為 food,而 food 與 serve 的關係為被動語態,故選 is served。
分)21. 上文提到安全措施不隨便,下文舉出機長與副機長吃不同食物的實際例證,故選 For instance。
一、字彙選擇:24%(每題 2 分) Have you ever wondered what pilots eat on airplanes? 19 their meals are similar to ours,
( A ) 1. If Stan wears a pink ribbon in his hair, the other boys are sure to him about it. they are also different in many ways. Oftentimes, the food for pilots and passengers 20 and
n.[C] 絲帶
(A) tease (B) stare (C) attract (D) threaten prepared by the same food company. However, safety measures are not taken lightly. 21 , the
( B ) 2. I’m really to noise, so I need a very quiet environment to stay focused. co-pilot and pilot must eat different meals. This is to help prevent food poisoning, 22 could make
對……敏感 adj. 專注的
(A) ambitious (B) sensitive (C) principal (D) industrial them both unable to fly. Also, sometimes, they will pack their own meals 23 . In this case, there
( D ) 3. It is not healthy to lose weight by ourselves. are no requirements for food safety. Lastly, some airlines, 24 Ryanair or other budget airlines,
(A) sobbing (B) weakening (C) observing (D) starving don’t provide meals but give pilots money to buy their own food. 25 , pilots must be fed well in
( D ) 4. This painting may look ordinary, but it actually carries high value. order to make sure they do a good job! So, you can relax knowing that your pilot won’t go hungry
adj. 平凡的
(A) numerous (B) broad (C) professional (D) artistic while taking you to your next stop.
( C ) 5. When Olive heard her son was missing, she found it really hard to her emotions.
n.[C] 情緒 (B) 19. (A) If (B) Although (C) Whatever (D) In case
(A) urge (B) present (C) control (D) indicate
(C) 20. (A) served (B) had served (C) is served (D) be served
( B ) 6. The fireman gave his own life trying to rescue people from the burning building. What an
(A) 21. (A) For instance (B) In addition (C) In comparison (D) Finally
amazing .
(B) 22. (A) what (B) which (C) where (D) when
(A) horror (B) sacrifice (C) fiction (D) equality (D) 23. (A) meanwhile (B) worldwide (C) indeed (D) instead
adv. 確實 adv. 反而
( B ) 7. The hikers were by the buzzing mosquitoes.
adj. 嗡嗡叫的 (A) 24. (A) such as (B) beneath (C) throughout (D) on average
(A) sprayed (B) annoyed (C) uploaded (D) blamed (C) 25. (A) By comparison (B) In vain (C) Needless to say (D) In public
( A ) 8. No one to wake up the sleeping dog which was known to be fierce. 22. which 作為主格關係代名詞,代替 food poisoning。其中 food poisoning 在此處為單一的抽
adj. 兇猛的
(A) dared (B) defended (C) graduated (D) devoted 四、對話:10%(每題 2 分) 象概念,不需要限定是什麼樣的食物中毒,故使用非限定用法(加上逗號)。

( D ) 9. The author was under huge as the deadline approached. ( B ) 26. A-Bao: Hi, nice to meet you. How long have you been in Taiwan?
vi. 靠近
(A) mode (B) education (C) revolution (D) pressure Hiroshi: Just two months. 26. Hiroshi 解釋有親戚在臺灣,故 A-bao 最有可能
問 Hiroshi 為何要來臺灣。
( A ) 10. Sometimes our words can be really harmful, so we should mind what we say. A-Bao:
vt. 留意
(A) hurtful (B) accurate (C) delightful (D) equal Hiroshi: One of my cousins is working here, and he invited me over for a long stay.
( B ) 11. Access to this game room is limited to special guests only. (A) Who is your favorite idol?
n.[U] 使用權
(A) typical (B) restricted (C) similar (D) worth (B) What made you want to visit Taiwan?
( C ) 12. The online meeting will be attended by presidents from several countries. (C) Are you and your family close?
(A) function (B) triumph (C) conference (D) devotion (D) Have you thought about working in Taiwan?
13. Upon + N/V-ing, S + V 表「一……就……」。
( A ) 27. Waiter: 27. 從下文對話得知 Sally 在點餐,故 May I take
二、文法選擇:12%(每題 2 分) 14. If + S + were/V-ed…, S + would/could/should/might + VR,表示與現在事實相反的假設語氣。 your order?為最佳答案。
15. consider + it + Adj/N (for sb.) + to VR 表「認為做某事是……的」。 Sally: Sure. I’ll have the salmon salad and a coke.
( B ) 13. arriving at the museum, the visitors met their tour guide. Waiter: Is that all?
(A) With (B) Upon (C) By (D) For Sally: Yes, thank you.
( A ) 14. If I you, I find it difficult to make that decision, too. (A) May I take your order? (B) What do you recommend?
(A) were; would (B) were; will (C) am; would (D) am; will (C) Do you want some pizza? (D) How much is the steak?
( D ) 15. Some people consider it to eat and drink on the bus. ( C ) 28. Patty: The speech is finally over. 28. Patty 同意演講很無聊,故演講結束的時候最有
(A) improperly (B) be improper (C) being improper (D) improper 可能說 What a relief!。
adj. 不恰當的 Ken: That was the most boring speech ever.
( A ) 16. The doctor suggested the patient surgery as soon as possible. Patty: I agree. I fell asleep after three minutes.
(A) have (B) has (C) had (D) having
16. suggest (that) + S + (should) + VR,故選原形動詞 have。
(A) What a pity! (B) How come? (C) What a relief! (D) No wonder!

10-1 (背面尚有試題) 81004S1-R

29. Polly 收到禮物除了說「謝謝」,也進一步說她
( A ) 29. Alice: Here is a gift for you. Merry Christmas! 很感激,故選 I really appreciate it.。
the man had built a bridge that stretched from his farm to his brother’s. The younger brother, having
Polly: Thank you! Here, I also prepared something for you. seen this heartwarming gesture, was running toward his older brother. “Dear brother! After everything
Alice: Aww, thanks! These earrings are beautiful! we’ve been through, you still built this bridge!” They hugged and forgave each other for their past
(A) I really appreciate it. (B) I can’t believe you think so. mistakes. “Stay,” said the two brothers to the man. “I would, but I have more bridges to build,” he
(C) For goodness’ sake! (D) That’s actually a good idea. replied.
( D ) 30. Jason: Sorry, I’m late. ( A ) 33. What is the message behind this story? 33. 本文主旨在於兄弟之間的原諒,以建
Mike: Bad news. Mr. Wu says we’ll have a quiz at the end of class. (A) It is important to forgive and forget past mistakes, especially within a family.
Jason: I didn’t review at all. (B) People should believe only what they see, not what they hear.
Mike: Neither did I. I’m so dead. (C) If a person wants respect, he should respect others first.
(A) I am very happy about it. (B) That’s quite exciting, isn’t it? (D) It is better to solve a problem early before it becomes too serious.
(C) I heard Mr. Wu had been ill. (D) You’ve got to be kidding me. ( C ) 34. Why did the older brother want the man to build a fence? 34. 由 The older brother replied, “Build me
a fence to separate my farm from my
五、閱讀測驗:10%(每題 2 分) ★ 素養題 (A) To break the ice between him and his younger brother. brother’s.”可知,哥哥原本是要建圍籬
(B) To keep his farm safe from harm.
Wonder by R. J. Palacio (C) To draw a clear line between his farm and his brother’s.
Joseph Lin (D) To test the man by making him work hard.
★★★★★ Worth reading ( A ) 35. Where is this passage likely to appear? 35. 本文以故事的形式傳達寓意,故最有
Is it a good book? (A) In a collection of children’s stories. (B) In a magazine about farm plants.
Wonder is an excellent book. It tells an inspiring story that makes you feel many (C) In a book on construction. (D) In a tourist guidebook.
different emotions. Once I had started reading it, I didn’t want to stop. It is easy to like
六、填充:18%(每格 3 分)
Auggie. He has a good sense of humor, so the book has a good mix of funny and sad
moments. However, the book isn’t just about Auggie. We also learn what life is like for his 36. 平均而言,臺灣人都較晚結婚。
sister and Jack, who is Auggie’s friend. Wonder is a book about a ten-year-old boy, but it’s On (a) average , most Taiwanese people marry relatively late in life.
popular with people of all ages. Pre-teens, teenagers, and adults all love Wonder. 37. 信不信由你,Kevin 睡過頭並錯過了期末考。
A bestseller (B) Believe it or not , Kevin overslept and missed the final
Wonder is R. J. Palacio’s first book. She explains that she had the idea for Wonder after exam.
seeing a girl with disabilities on the street one day. Many schools are now using the book to 七、句型練習:8%(每題 4 分)
start discussions about bullying, friendship, and being different. 38. John’s ankle / However badly / was hurt, / keeping playing / he insisted on (重組)
( C ) 31. What can be learned from this passage? → However badly John’s ankle was hurt, he insisted on keeping playing.
(A) Wonder is more popular with teenagers than with adults. 39. I suppose that my brother ate my cake.
31. 由第二段的 Wonder is R. J. Palacio’s first book 可
(B) Auggie has a sister and a brother. 知,在《奇蹟男孩》之前她沒有出過別的書。 提示:請以 My brother must…改寫句子
(C) R. J. Palacio did not publish any books before Wonder. → My brother must have eaten my cake.
(D) R. J. Palacio wrote Wonder because her daughter is disabled.
( B ) 32. Which of the following themes of Wonder is NOT mentioned? 八、整句式翻譯:4%(每題 4 分)
(A) Bullying. (B) Romance. 40.這個事件太令人心碎,以致於他有一個月幾乎沒和 Jack 說話。
(C) Being a special person. (D) Friendship.
32. 由第二段的 Many schools are now using the book to start discussions about bullying, → The incident was so heartbreaking that he hardly spoke to Jack for a month.
friendship, and being different.當中未提到愛情。

There were once two brothers who lived on neighboring farms. They got along well, but one day,
a deep misunderstanding led them to not speak for years. One morning a few years later, a man came
and knocked on the older brother’s door. “I’m looking for work,” he said. The older brother replied,
“Build me a fence to separate my farm from my brother’s.” The man agreed and began to work. At the
end of the day, the older brother returned home, and his eyes opened wide. There was no fence! Rather,


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