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Water & Climate Services

Mission results
Colombian-Dutch cooperation
9-13 July 2012, Bogota, Colombia,
Hans van Leeuwen
Marcela CIWK,
Agentschap NL
Dutch Embassy in Bogota
Introduction Colombia-Holland Water House in Bogota
With the intention of establishing contact with Colombian stakeholders in the subjects of
Water and climate services, a pre-identification mission took place in the week of 9 to 13 of
July of the present year in Bogota, Colombia. The mission was supported by Agentschap NL
and the Dutch Embassy in Bogota, executed under the strategy of the 'Transitiefaciliteit'1 and
organized within the frame of the Colombian-Dutch Cooperation and the Holland Water
House in Bogota.

The objective of the mission was to identify mutual interests between Dutch and Colombian
private companies, government institutions, knowledge institutes and NGOs, in terms of
services and technology that might be required on the water and climate sectors in

The presentation of state of the art technology in the Water and Climate information
services provided by Dutch companies was intended to create open spaces of common
interest in which Colombian partners could identify their needs. Also Colombian
Stakeholders presented their specific requirements and needs specifically related to the
extreme climate events occurred in the last years.

The mission established and contacted networks of interest where possible stakeholders
could cooperate in the information chains aiming in the definition of possible short and
long term business opportunities on both sides

Communication and Activities

Communication steps were defined before the mission (figure1). The preparation phase
was done with two week of anticipation. 80 stakeholders of different types of organizations
(government, knowledge institutions , private sector and NGO’s) were contacted and invited
to participate in the pre-identification mission. Members of the Netherlands Cooperation on
Water & Climate Services (in short CIWK) already active in Colombia were contacted and
informed about the mission. The agenda for the mission week was set by making
The Transitiefaciliteit is financially supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and
Innovation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
appointments with stakeholders that showed interest in the mission and who were willing to
share their interest and needs.

The identification mission took place in the second week of July and was conducted by Dr
Hans van Leeuwen (secretariat CIWK) and Dr. Marcela Quinones (Sarvision) on behalf of
the Dutch Government.

Communication steps Communication steps

Mission Preparation Identification of niches of interest shared by many of the
Identification of Stake Holders in Colombia (80) visited stakeholders

Government Knowledge Private NGO’s Workshop

Netherland embassy
Holland Water House
Presentations of Water & Climate Information services
Mission execution
Mission Results
Individual meetings with interested stakeholders (15).

Identification of niches of interest shared by many of the Communica Contact
information Mission
Identified Recommendation
on Short
tion database directions of term/long term
visited stakeholders Strategy Colombia
on report cooperation Priority directions

Figure 1: Communication steps followed during the identification mission. Specific outcomes from each step are
explained in the text.

Two main activities were planned during the execution of the Mission. Four days of the week
were dedicated to the individual visits and interviews with the Colombian stakeholders and
one day was dedicated to an integration workshop and discussion.

During the individual visits informal conversations were made between the executers of the
mission and the participants from the Colombian stakeholders. A presentation was given to
the Colombian partners in which the objective of the mission was explained and where
relevant Water and Climate information services form the CIWK were presented, also the
information needs and required technology form the Colombian side where also presented.
The objective of these meetings was to make a first research on the information needed by
different type of stakeholders and to identify possible boundary conditions in the cooperation.
The agenda for those 4 days is presented in the annex1.

In addition notes were taken, during each individual meeting, compiling all the discussed
issues that could be important for the definition of future cooperation and business The
outcome of the meetings was use as the starting points of discussion on the workshop (12 th
July). The agenda for the workshop can be seen in annex 2. During the workshop Maurice
Beers representing the Dutch Embassy in Bogota, and Fortunato Carvajal, representing the
Holland Water House in Bogota gave presentations on the general frame of the actual Dutch
– Colombian Cooperation. In addition Dr Hans van Leeuwen gave an extensive presentation
over the CIWK Climate information services followed by an extensive discussion with the
participants. In addition before getting into the meeting each participant was given a folder
with the list of all the identify stake holders and the total agenda of the mission. This was
done with the idea to share the information with all the participants. A questionnaire was also
distributed within the participants asking some relevant questions about the motivations and
the possible information needs. Results from these activities will be presented in the
following section.

Mission Results

In total more than 60 Colombian stakeholders were identify within the different types
Organizations. Annex 3 shows the complete list of participants with detail contact

General Findings
The Mission results will be presented in different ways. First some explanation will be given
in the communication strategy based on the preliminary findings. Secondly a complete
contact list with all the detail information of the identified stakeholders is presented in
addition the main findings from the meetings, the workshop and the questionnaire are
summarized. Finally a road map and some recommendations for future actions are

Communication strategy
Cooperation in Information chains

Networks of interest
GEO-INFORMATION- MODELLING AND Information technology Step towards cooperation in Information

•Identify of boundaries conditions

GOV •Definition of common interest
•Definition of MoU’s


I •Share of results






Figure 2: communication strategy after finding that information technology is transversal for all sectors the best
strategy to follow is the definition of networks of interest that could cooperate on the use of the information

From the meetings with the Colombian Stakeholders representing different types of
organizations it was evident that there was a line of agreement in their exposition of the
problems and the factors limiting the development of the information technology. The issue
has to do more with the way the cooperation and communication between the sectors is
happening at the moment than with the type of data that is needed. The Geo-information,
monitoring and modeling are transversal to all the sectors, they all include maps and
geographical analysis in their work and they need to improve their level of technology in
most of the cases. Nevertheless it was also clear that some underlying problems were
affecting the reliability and accuracy of the geographical information available because it
could happen very often that the baseline information that is used, by different sectors, is
different and therefore the resultant maps are not comparable, retarding in that way the
decision making process and negotiations between the sectors.

In many cases the accessibility to the baseline data is not very easy or is not updated
regularly enough to be useful in the geo-analysis so therefore many stake holders chose to
create their own data bases. In most of the cases the differences between them can be
enormous due to the different interpretation and classification techniques.

Most of the stakeholders that were interviewed, agree in that it would be nice to have a
network of partners interested in the same type of data and then cooperate in the use of
the data, the baselines, the creation of modeling scenarios and the use of the monitoring
results. In addition the cooperation with Dutch partners was considered of great interest
specially to improve the quality of the existing databases, the definition of the modeling
processes and the implementation of new technology. This kind of partnerships could be
established at medium and long term depending on the type of work.

For this identification mission was very interesting to find that for most of the stakeholders
the communication between the sectors is of great importance whenever it is dealing with
the Geo-information data. Also that the intention of creating groups of interest to cooperate
in the use and management of the information was very open in most of the cases. For that
reason we identify two aspects as part of a communication strategy in order to find the paths
for cooperation in the information. (Figure 2).

Capacity Building
Another interesting observation, resulting from the meetings is that almost all visited parties
clearly indicated a need for capacity building and training in the subject of information
technology in water & climate issues and technology dealing with water and soil
management. A long history of cooperation and knowledge exchange between Holland and
Colombia was established by ITC and (also water institutes like IHE UNESCO), nevertheless
the educational interchange has decrease or at least is been appreciated as been less
intense than in the past. We met many of the alumni students that were educated in the
Netherlands, and most of them are having at the moment important and interesting positions
where they have been contributing to the development of the geo-information technology.
Most of them agree that is important to revive the knowledge to knowledge exchange
between the countries.

Also there was a clear need for being connected to the Delta Alliance network by the multi –
institutional Mega-cuenca project team of the Magdalena and Cauca river delta-system (size
half of the Netherlands).

In addition the Ministry of Agriculture is interested to build a knowledge to knowledge

cooperation with the Dutch research institutes on agriculture, soil management and water.
To them it is crucial that all possible collaboration projects will have elements of knowledge
transfer, institutional strengthening and training.

Another relevant observation is the ambition to have a Colombian satellite and ground
segment infrastructure by the Colombian Space Commission.

Institutional status
The key government stakeholders in Water and Climate adaptation and spatial information
support are respectively the IDEAM and IGAC institutes, who have a central role in
acquiring, storing and producing geo-information databases and baseline maps. They also
are responsible for the production of data and scenarios related to Water, flooding, forest
status, land use/cover, risk assessments and Climate scenarios. However the base-line
information and specific thematic information could be improved and more efficiently
updated and maintained. Besides that, the mechanisms to have access to these data, like
internet portals, for other stakeholders are poorly developed, causing duplication, poor
quality and standardization problems, etc.

Results from the questionnaire

Each of the workshop participants was given a questionnaire, to be filled, regarding their
motivation to participate in the workshop and the specific technology they could be
interested in. The idea of this questionnaire was to compile in a concise way some extra
information about the stakeholder interests.

The results of the questionnaire are summarized and shown in figure 3. In most of the
participants were interested to participate in the workshop to get more information about
Dutch technology regarding water and climate information. The most interesting subjects

General findings (1)

were the modeling and risk assessment and the climate change modeling and other subjects
regarding geo-Information technology.

• Questionnaire
To get information on the Dutch cooperation 8
To get information on the Holland Water House 8
To get information on the Climate Water services and the cooperation on information chains 10
Interested technology and service
Irrigation 8
Decontamination 5
Dragging 4
Watershed Managment 3
Infrastructure 1
Modelling and risk assesment 11
landslide and modelling 7
Water storage 4
Navigation and Harbors 0
Drinking Water 6
Capacity building 5
Communication 4
Climate change modelling 12
Risk Mangement 7
Database structutre and integration 8

Figure 3: Summary of the results from the questionnaire distributed to the stakeholders participating in the workshop.
In total there were 25 participants and most of them indicated more than one reason to participate and more than one

General findings.
From the discussion with the 15 stakeholders, short and long term general opportunities
have been identified. The general findings have been grouped according to three main
topics and are presented in figure 4.

Some of the most mentioned and emphasized topics during the individual meetings were
discussed extensively during the workshop. The workshop participants agree that these
themes were of main interest for most of the stakeholders and that they required priority in
the development of the information technology in Colombia. The identified main 5 central
common themes dealing with water and climate information are:

 Need for Modeling Center (hydro-eco-agro-forest, climate adaptation,

Socio-economic, land use planning, etc)
 Integral operational disaster management
 Central Database (uniform, standard, interoperable, access, costs, etc.)
 Water management for Agriculture (Irrigation, Water
distribution/storage, etc.)

 Need for Monitoring center (Remote Sensing, Colombian space /sat

General findings (2)

Water and soil technology
•Need for technology on water purification for agricultural use
•Need for technology for soil purification and desalinization for agricultural use
•Need of technology and irrigation techniques and knowledge for water security
in the agricultural sector. Banana, coffee, sugarcane, cacao etc. ( in scarcity
and flooding).
•Implementation of technology for sustainable production specially in the
agricultural focused on water and soil protection.
• Need for irrigation technology and efficient water use.
•Information on the use of water and governance in the Magdalena watershed
to support watershed management.
• Dragging technology to solve sedimentation problems of the Laguna de
•Technology to improve living conditions of people living on the river shores.
General findings (2)
•Implementation of technology for pest infestation in agricultural sector.

Geo- Information Technology

•Need to Improve of geo-database structure and handling for soils and cadasters
•Need for a centralized monitoring office for flooding and deforestation with
remote sensing capacity.
• Need for a centralized modeling center for flooding risk assessment and
•Increase capacity in modeling for different applications
•Need to construct geo information systems that can be updated, that evolve
with time and technology that contains time series that are comparable
•Need for a geo-integrated system for navigation in the Magdalena River
•High resolution DTM of the Magdalena Watershed
General findings (3)
Climate change and risk assessment
•Need for climate change scenarios for different applications.
•Increase capacity in modeling for different applications
•Create alert systems for flooding at different scales
•Create alarm systems for flooding on different regions at different scales to
predict main risk areas

Figure 4: Summary of the specific results grouped in three main branches of possible cooperation

Specific Findings

Notes from each of the 15 meetings, consigning most of the results of the conversations are
available annex 4.

Specific stakeholders have made explicit request for technology in different topics. The
following bullets summarize their interest:

 Ceniacana (sugar cane industry): Information in Remote sensing for crop damage and water
use efficiency, also they will like to do some climate mitigation project by reforesting
 Megacuenca (Large consortium of the Magdalena and Cauca river Delta): consultancy in
water accounting and use (distribution) and direct help in the formulation of the
comprehensive plan (Dutch funded 9 months project, finalizing in dec 2012: currently in
definition/inventory phase). Request to be member of the Delta Alliance group to represent
the Colombian river delta systems.
 CorpoBOYACA-CORPOICA: GIS initiative on base line for the Chicamocaha River.
 IDEAM (key institute advising the government and producing Water & Climate information):
support in modeling center for flooding, landslides, and land cover (land use planning) and
climate change scenarios.
 IDEAM: Center with good capacity for RS image processing and base line creations in land
cover and flooding. For monitoring purposes.
 IDEAM: improve their national rain prediction system
 TNC( The Nature Conservancy, NGO & research on climate change and biodiversity): climate
change adaptation technology to support the CC project with USAID , flooding map of the
Magdalena, request High resolution DTM (<30m), vegetation maps and flooding frequency
maps of the river
 Humboldt Institute (strategic government advisor and research): Generate climate change
scenarios, Create a system of biodiversity monitoring, help in understanding of aquatic
ecosystems, to have information on the ground water, ecosystem services
 CORPOICA (Agriculture Research and advisor of the Min of Agriculture): open access and
structural database (including interoperability) on soil database for agriculture; technology on
purification of water (especially cadmium), purification of water/groundwater system due to oil
exploitation activities, interested by recovering land/production capacity of flood (sediments
are polluted). Increase the meteorological information acquisition by ground stations, soil
moisture mapping on country level.
 FedeCacao (National Cacao industry): information on irrigation systems related to adaptation
to climate change, drought problems solved with distribution mechanisms, risk of landslides
 4D elements (GIS company): more robust way of image/information processing, share
baselines: structural access of databases,
 Min of Agricultura: need for K2K on spatial information on agriculture, Cadastre & Register,
Land planning and ownership information strategies, monitoring on mining and related
impacts to agriculture (groundwater pollution, heavy metals and water purification, etc.
 CorMagdalena ((semi)private water management board of Magdalena river): Automated river
navigation and communication, further develop the climate scenarios and modeling tools with
Deltares and others, improvement of data structure and information sharing, risk reduction
procedures development (urban/regional flooding), DTM Magdalena river, Flooding map
Magdalena river, Valuation of environmental services (payment of services, water quality,
 CAR (Water management Administration Bogota): information river hydraulics (models), Pilot
project of systematization of Bogota River on early warning on flooding (water levels).
Information on the ground water potential aquifers (6000) in Bogota. They want information on
learning sedimentation of the lakes, dredging, improve buffering of lakes. Information on
water quality in Bogota area (monitoring system). Propose a pilot project in quenca.
 ANDI (National representative/platform of Colombian Private industry); they want to facilitate
discussion on disaster risk reduction (APC), they like to be in contact with AgentschapNL on
Biomass waste mission findings

Next steps and roadmap

From the meetings and workshop a list of opportunities have been identified (see previous
sections). Without a proper communication strategy these leads are deemed to end up
unanswered. It is therefore anticipated by the mission team to develop a “network of interest
groups” consisting of public & private stakeholders addressing the 5 central themes. Market
opportunities are expected to come out from these specific matching activities and
consortium formations and Commercial and /or projects within the Dutch-Holland
cooperation schemes could result (figure5).

Roadmap based on mission output and

network of interests Colombia
Consortia formation in identified directions

Key partners

Consortia Market
Match proces Information Opportunies

Key Partners

Communication Strategy Colombian & Dutch Mechanisms

Figure 5: Specific road map suggested answering the 5 main themes of work. Consortium formation between
Colombian and Dutch Partners interested in the same subject is advised. Market opportunities will come out from
these groups of interest.

All information and contact details will be shared amongst all the stakeholders in order to
have optimum transparency to bring efficiency and to avoid duplication of information. The
mission results are to be distributed amongst Dutch CIWK members and Colombian
stakeholders and following reactions to the CIWK secretariat will be filed and answered.

However a transition period of identifying opportunities towards materialization into direct

projects and benefits for the Dutch and Colombian partners, need to be abridged and will be
proposed by the mission team and discussed with the Dutch Embassy and Dutch Ministry

The Dutch Embassy asked the mission team to define a proposition to safeguard the
outcomes of the mission in the aftermath of the mission by developing a work plan on the
communication strategy with the Dutch and Colombian groups of interest. During the mission
the near future of Water & climate services in Colombia have been discussed with the
Embassy and the Holland Water House to create either an additional “Orange” on ICT
(spatial information) or integrate this within in the near future planned Orange themes of the
water house (Water, Agriculture, and evt. other not yet identified sectors). Embassy is open
for suggestions for either one strategy. One suggestion was to have a desk hosted in the
Water House specifically on facilitation on Water & Climate Services and the mechanisms
involved to realize cooperation and business.

In the Netherlands the current involvement of the CIWK members will be investigated and
especially the interest in the identified opportunities. Important Dutch (CIWK) key actors
already present in Colombia (such as Deltares) will be approached for hosting partnerships
by inviting companies with specialized niche services to complete solution chains for specific
issues. These key actors already have projects and good networks in Colombia and can
help SME’s and other members of CIWK to startup and create middle/long-term business in

Conclusions & recommendations

 The Mission has received great attention and interest amongst Colombian
partners(See also annex 4); therefore it is recommended to define a follow-up
strategy together with the Embassy and Dutch government to support the identified
primordial opportunities
 The Dutch Embassy and the Holland water House acknowledge the importance of
information services supporting the other Water House themes in the future (or
socalled “Oranges”). The Mission team is invited to bring forward suggestions for
incorporating Water & Climate Services either as a new Orange or a “Mandarino” in
an existing Orange)
 It is important to have dedicated meetings with the presidential offices (risk, climate
change, licences) and the key stakeholder IDEAM and IGAC in order to find
understanding and opening procedures and creating the proper policy context to
organize (base-line) information access in support of the Dutch Colombian public and
private initiatives.
 It is recommended to pursue the suggested communication strategy of “network of
interests groups” in order to manage/facilitate the initiated opportunities until Dutch
companies and institutes take further initiative for future activities with Colombian
 The Holland Water House is open to support identified promising opportunities in the
first difficult stages of market approach facilitating with the mechanisms in place
(Transition Facility, ORIO, etc.) under the appropriate conditions.

Some of the themes are already been set in motion by various Colombian stakeholders,
but all are not yet put into practice and could directly benefit from the Dutch experience
of the CIWK members and her service portfolio. Figure 6 shows some of the portfolios
that are at the moment open for the presentation of projects within the Transition Facility
of the Dutch Embassy.

The Mission Team wants to thank at first the Dutch AgentschapNL for offering the opportunity to
conduct this mission to Colombia and secondly the Dutch Embassy in Bogota in helping us finding the
right direction in Colombia. In particular we like to thank the personal discussions with Corina
Kerkmans en Claudia Schutte en Ruud Grim (Netherlands Space Office) for defining and promote the
mission in the Netherlands and Colombia. Furthermore we like to thank Maurice van Beers and
Fortunato Carvajal and their colleagues respectively at the Dutch Embassy and Holland Water House
in Colombia

Reactions to mission in Colombia
Consortia formation and identification of common interest (Pilot cases)
long term tracks
Short term tracks

•Reforestation for water shed protection and Nature conservation.

•Magdalena River group of interest. Submitted- rejected
•Chicamocha river flooding risk assessment group of interest. Information system.
To be submitted
•Monitoring group of interest. To be follow
•Modeling group of interest. To be follow

•Projects should have explicit commercial benefits for NL companies
•Pilot or demostration projects should show the possibilities of replication in
other areas.
•Projects should be dealing with water and climate change issues
•Sustainability and monitoring concepts are of much interest

Figure 6: List of Short term and long term Portfolios opened by stakeholders for possible projects The Orange box
shows some of the important and relevant aspects to consider in a project for the Actual Cooperation between the
Netherlands and Colombia.

ANNEX 1: Agenda of the identificación misión during the
week of July 9-13 / 2012

Misión Técnica-Comercial del Gobierno Holandés en

temas de agua y cambio climático

Agenda Abierta

Lunes 9 Julio
Mañana 8.30 Embajada de Holanda y Holland Water House
Tarde 13.00 Min Agricultura
15.00 IDEAM

Mart es 10 Julio

Mañana 8.30 TNC

11:00 Instituto Humboldt
Tarde 13.00 CORPOICA

Miércoles 11 Julio
Mañana 8.30 4D Elements Consultores
10.00 CorMagdalena
Tarde 13.00 CAR
15.00 IDEADE

Viernes 13 de Julio
Mañana 8.30 ANDI
11.00 Proyecto Macrocuencas
13.00 Embajada de Holanda
15:00 Preparación de reporte “Busqueda de un camino adecuado hacia la
cooperación, seguimiento .

Cierre de agenda

ANNEX 2: Agenda of the workshop that took place en the
forth day of the mission July 12 - 2012

Reunión de trabajo conjunto. Presentación de

Servicios y Discusión

Jueves 12 Julio
Lugar: Hotel Suit Jones
Calle 61 #5 39
Hora: 9:15 h

9:15 - 9.30 Bienvenida
9:30 - 9:40 Apertura por La Embajadora de Holanda en Colombia: Señora Marion Kappeyne
Van de Coppello
9:40 - 10:00 Hans Van Leeuwen & Marcela Quiñones: Representantes de “Water and Climate
services”Holland. Estrategia de la misión
10-00 - 10:20 Maurice Beers: Embajada De Holanda:
Instrumentos de desarrollo del sector Privado disponibles para Colombia
10:20 - 10:45 Fortunato Carvajal :Holland Water House
Presentación de la alianza Colombo-Holandesa por el agua & la casa Holandesa del
agua “Holland Water House”
10:45 -11:15. Cafe
11:15-12:00: Hans Van Leeuwen. Representantes Water and Climate services”Holland
Presentación de servicios
12:00-12:30 Sección Interactiva Presentación de servicios identificados preliminarmente :
Discusión e interacción con participantes sobre temas importantes para Colombia en
aspectos relacionados con Agua, Cambio Climático, Agricultura, Seguridad
alimentaria, modelación y Formación de Capacidad Técnica
12:30-13.00 Sesión plenaria.
Hacer una lista de actores interesados en tener una reunión mas especifica con
el grupo de Agua y clima
13:00-14:00 Almuerzo

15:00 16:00 Ceni caña- federiego y CorBOYACA

ANNEX 3: Participants of the workshop (mission July 12 – 2012)

Instituto Posición Nombre del Tel email

Water Climate Services Matchmaker & Hans van Leeuwen PhD T: +31 622393844
Representative strategies for Policies
Support Skype: E: /

Embajada de Holanda Senior policy officer I Maurice Valentijn van Beers Cr 13 No 93 – 40 piso
Economic Affairs 5 Bogotá - Colombia
Topsector Water & Joel Brounen I
Climate Change T (+57-1) 6384212 -
Philip Bastiaenen M (+57 )

Colombia - Holanda Representante Fortunato Carvajal 57-1-.6218221

Water House Paola Pérez

SarVision Ingeniera de Marcela Quiñones 57-1-2743874

proyectos 3118069718

Instituto Posición Nombre del Tel email
Gobierno contacto
IDEAM/GOV Director General Ricardo Lozano Tel. 57-1-3527111,
Asistente (Carolina) PBX: 3527160 ext

Directora de María Claudia García 57-1-

Ecosistemas 3527160Ext
Cooperación Paola Bernal Carrera 10, no 20-
Internacional 30, piso 7, Bogotá

Director de Fabio Bernal

Hidrología Omar Vargas

Proyecto REDD Ederson Cabrera 57-1-3527160

ext 1835

Gustavo Galindo 3003798194

DNP Planeación/GOV Subdirección de Diego Francisco Rubio 310-2022137

desarrollo 51-1-3815000
Ambiental ext 8032
Min Ambiente/GOV Directora cambio Andrea García Calle 37 # 8-40
Climático 57-1-3323400
Dirección de Omar Franco
Gestión Integral Edgar Olaya 1245 o 1250

del recurso
Hídrico 3174414004
Diana Moreno
Claudia Rodríguez
Min agricultura/GOV Directora de Marta Fandino 57-1-3341199
Unidad de Javier González
planificaion de María Isabel Pinzón
tierras Rurales
Alvaro Portilla
Director de
Cadenas Juan Clavijo 3158266618
Política sectorial 3113210538
Cesar Echeverry

Agenda Juanita Arango

Asistente de
Unidad administrativa Plan de Carlos Avila 311-8086919
especial para la consolidación
consolidación especial de la
territorial- Macarena
Presidencia de la
CVC/GOV María Clemencia 315-44454854
CAR/GOV Oficina de Germán Camilo Ospina Tel. 3209000
cooperación Ext. 1801 - 1822
Internacional Fernando Paez Mejia Ext 1311/ 1822
Profesional Fax: 57-1-
Especializado 2870361

Alcaldía Secretaria medio Katia Polo (asistente Calle 27 # 3-16

Montería/GOV ambiente del alcalde) 57-4-7820202
Alcalde Carlos Eduardo Correa" < 57-4-7822583
Alcaldía de Secretaria medio Margarita Flórez 3003314980
Bogotá/GOV ambiente
ASOCARS/GOV Director Ejecutivo Ramón Leal 316-4370322 ramó
ASOCARS Diana Pabon Telefax (+57) 1 -
CORMAGDALENA/GOV Cesar Cardona 310-6601626
Cesar Garay 3115334443

Diana Vargas 3002691932

CORPOICA/GOV Investigador Jaime Bernal 3202727193,

Avenida el
Miguel Ayarza dorado #42-42
edificio Seiza
Gilberto Murcia

Instituto de Javier Teléfono: (+57) (+1)

Investigaciones Gómez 221 5742.
Léon Horario de atención:
(INVEMAR)/GOV Lunes a viernes de
7:00 a 11:30 a.m. y
de 1:00 a 5:00 p.m.

EAAB/Private Francisco Canal 310-2018660

Unidad de Gestion de Jairo Barcenas
Autoridad Nacional de Rodrigo Suarez
Cecilia Correa 3153190053
FDA-46 - Fondo de Pedro Luis Jiménez Poveda" 3208317892
Adaptacion Juan Carlos Quintero
National Puerta"
Adaptation/GOV Juanita López
Instituto Humboldt Directora Brigitte L.G Baptiste 57-1-3202767
/GOV Carlos Sarmiento 3174348073
Juan Carlos Bello
Ana Maria Hernanadez
Diana Ramírez
María Isabel Vieria

IGAC Alberto Boada

Instituto/tipo Posición Nombre del Tel email
WWF/ONG Sofía Rincón 57-1-
Javier sabogal: ext 103
Cesar Suarez: 3112142562
TNC/ONG Director Científico Thomas Walshburger 57-1-3214051 twalschburger@TNC.ORG

José Yunis jleon@TNC.ORG

Jorge León 3175100880

Carlos Pedraza 3133485726 cpedraza@TNC.ORG

UNIANDES/Instituto Germán Andrade 3394949 ext 2359

de conocimiento
UNI JAVERIANA/Inst Profesor- Andrés Etter 57-1-3208320 ext
conocimiento Investigador 4856/4828
Efraín Antonio
Profesor- Domínguez Calle Ext: 4821/4828
Investigador 3112336384
Asesor proyecto
Cauca y

Patrimonio Coordinadora María Claudia Fandino 3124579629

Natural/ONG proyectos Orozco 57-1- 18/3
incentives a la 2115545/2116308
CIF/Instituto Directo José García 57-1-
conocimiento 4808991/3681517
Universidad Nacional Carlos Alberto Gonzalez
Yolanda Rubiano

Entidad Posición Nombre del Tel email
Privada/mixta contacto
ANDI/private Director de Edgar Higuera 57-1-3267642
Transporte Gómez Calle
73 No. 8 - 13
torre A piso 6.
Gerente de Fax 57-1 3473198
responsabilidad Carlos Manuel Herrera Ext 2437
Empresarial Santos
Nancy Ibarra Palacios
(assis) Ext2436
Gerencia de
sostenible y Victor Hugo Malagon
Medio Ambiente Bastos
Catalina Arciniegas

FEDE Presidente Jorge Bendeck 57-1-

Biocombustibles/private ejecutivo Tatiana Camacho 3421552/3422885
asistente 3107594225
Fernanda Triana
Carlos Grateron
Cristi Daza 20/3
FLOR VERDE/PRIVATE Ximena Franco 57-1-2579311
Villegas ext 0110
Acción Verde/PRIVATE Gerente Juan Manuel Soto 3102117621
CENICANA/PRIVATE Javier Carbonell G.
Programa de Paulo murillo
Fernando Muñoz
Programa de Fernando Villegas T.

FEDEPALMA/PRIVATE Juan Carlos Espinosa

CENICAFE Programa de Nelson Rodríguez Sede Planalto, km. 4
Investigación Valencia vía Chinchiná-
Científica Manizales. Chinchiná
Centro Nacional de (Caldas) - Colombia
Investigaciones de
Café - Cenicafé Tel.: PBX
Fax +57(6)8504723
A.A. 2427 Manizales
CENIPALMA/PRIVATE José Ignacio Sanz 57-1-2086300
Director de Jorge Torres - Sede Américas
Agronomía (Unidad de Servicios
Calle 20 A N° 43 A 50 -
Pisos 2 y 4
PBX: (1) 2086300 -
Fax: (1) 2444711
ASOCANHAS/PRIVATE Johan Martínez 311-7645172
CENIBANANO/AUGURA Cesar Gutiérrez Herrera
Roberto Hoyos
EAAB/Private Francisco Canal 310-2018660
Auditoria Director Gabriel Ramírez 57-1-
Ambiental/PRIVATE Acevedo 2562680/6211080
UNIBAN Luis Felipe Arango Calle 52 No. 47-42
Ed. Coltejer
Medellín, Colombia
South América
Main: (574) 511-
Fax: (574) 511-
FEDECACAO Gerente Técnico Jacob Rojas Carrera 17 No. 30-
Alfonso Abondano 39
PBX 3273000.

FAX 2884424 -
3401423. Bogotá,
D.C. Colombia
Florez de Funza José Mauricio Barrera Calle 72 No. 10 -
07 suite 601
(+571) 313 6900
(+571) 313 6922
(+571) 212 9295

FEDEPALMA Diana Parra Cr 10 #69ª-44
Juan Carlos Espinosa

Biocombustibles Felipe Guerrero

Sostenibles del Caribe Alberto Dávila

Plan Estrategico Para Arturo Infante 315-3728023

Macrocuencas del
Magdalena, Cauca y Efraín Domínguez 3112336384
Harold Coronado

Cra. 13 No. 96-67,

Eduardo Uribe
Edificio Akori, of.
Juan Andrés López
Carolina Amador Cel. 3153455964

4D Elements Consultant Suzette Flantua 320-8909893

Diagonal 34 No. 5A-90
Milton Hernán Romero Ruiz

ANNEX 4: Bullet points summarizing meetrings with espoecific stakeholders July 9 - 13


9-13 July -2012

Date/Time Place List of people Position

Lunes 9 Dutch Embassy and Holland Maurice Beers Dutch Embassy Senior expert
Water House Fortunato Carvajal Director of Holland Water House
Julio Philip Bastieanen Dutch embassy Agricultural sector
8.30 Joel Brouen expert
Dutch embassy business expert
 The Dutch embassy has two main work fronts

Sustainable production
Climate change adaptation and mitigation (Maurice)
Biofuels ( Philip)
Bussiness (Joel)
The Holland Water House is starting to work as a frame for the Water related business- projects between Colombia and the Netherlands
Date/Time Place List of people Position
Lunes 9 Ministry of Agriculture Martha Fandino Director of UPRA: Unidad de planificación
de tierras y usos agropecuarios.
Julio Javier Gonzales Asistente
13.00 María Isabel Rincón Search of International technology
 Name of minister of Agriculture: Juan Camilo Restrepo
 Actual issues at the Ministry of agriculture is the restitution of land to the victims of the political conflict
 There is the clear intention to modernize the agricultural sector
 Colombia has the intention to reduce the amount of ranching land in 50 % of the actual size and dedicate to agriculture
 Tools to modernize the agricultural sector are:
Small farming
Implementation of innovation technology
Formalization of the register of land
 Ministry is busy with the process of climate adaptation
 They are busy implementing monitoring and land use modeling. They like to see models and examples. They are interested in capacity building.
 For the agricultural sector is a big problem the fact that producers don’t have enough tools to control and maintain the prices of the products . Will
be ideal to have information how to achieve that by: 1) Improvement of storage technology and 2) improvement of processing technology in the
search of a more stable market.
 Poisons of soils due to mining activities. Mercury and Cadmium pollution are threatening the markets of vegetables. Looking for soil purification
 Search for Water decontamination technology for metals like mercury.
 ICA and CORPOICA area the research institutes of the ministry of Agriculture. They are MIXED institutes
 They like to have some support in the structural and relational databases for cadastral Information. The actual situation is that the information from
cadastral do not match the information from register. There is an important need to geo-reference the ownership of the land. A demonstration project
on that will be ideal.
 The ministry is having a new land law to restitute land to the farmers affected by violence. Ministry don’t know if they should rent the land or give
titles to the people. The ministry will like to explore the POLDER Model of Holland.
 Is in the intention of highly populated countries to rent land from countries like Colombia to transfer part of their population.
 Will be of great interest to give high level education to people. Will be interesting to have a capacity building program for specific subjects necessary
to the Ministry.

Date/Time Place List of people Position

Lunes 9 IDEAM María Claudia García Directora de Ecosistemas
Gustavo Galindo Proyecto REDD
Julio Ederson Cabrera Proyecto REDD
15.00 Fabio Bernal Coordinador de grupo de evaluación
Paola Bernal Cooperación internacional
 IDEAM will like to improve their precipitation prediction system within the office of Rain prognostic and alert.
 They need to report in precipitation, temperature, radiation, landslides. They will like to improve the predictive models for all these issues.
 They will like to improve the net of metrological stations and to modernize the net to automatic nets them. This project is already in course: in one
week they will make public the terms of reference for a competition to select a consultancy company to set the concept and another company to set
the infrastructure. This work is directly with the “Fondo de Adaptacion”.
 They will like to improve in the generation of baseline information for Flooding and Land cover. And create data series for monitoring.

 They have credit form the World Bank to generate maps of Inundation. River overflows and Landslides. They will try to use the technology that
already exist (VISUAL Interpretation) but they will like to use more advanced technologies.
 The SINA is the “Sistema the informacion Nacional Ambiental’is used as a frame for the integration of data like: geological data, vegetation data etc.
 They will like to set a center for modeling and prevention of disasters. Create a baseline and to create scenarios using modeling approaches. They
will like to set a modeling center. Fist for Colombia and then to other countries in the region.
 They will like to set capacity for remote sensing Image processing , interpretation and classification to create baselines integrated into a monitoring
office that could create consistent time series for monitoring and modeling.

Date/Time Place List of people Position

Mart es 10 TNC The Nature Conservacy Thomas Walshburger Director científico
Carlos Pedraza GIS expert.

 The Nature Conservancy is busy in Projects of climate adaptation and conservation of ecosystems
 They need technology for climate adaptation in subjects of water managements in flooding and droughts
 They see the creation of a monitoring and a modeling office as interesting developments.
 They are/were busy with a project in the Magdalena river. Creating maps to define areas of interest for conservation. They together with a lot of other
entities created a database of maps with very important information for the management of the Magdalena watershed.

Place List of people Position

Date/Time present

Mart es 10 Instituto Humboldt María Isabel Vieria Asistente Brigitte

Ana María Hernandez Cooperación International
Julio Diana Ramirez Actualización de Paramos
8.30 Nancy Sistema de Información de Biodiversidad

Other contact persons: Brigitte Baptiste : Director

Juan Carlos Bello: Coordinador del sistema de información de biodiversidad.
Carlos Sarmiento: Director de actualización cartográfica de Paramos
 The Humboldt Institute will like to have support in the characterization of the aquatic ecosystems and wetlands.
 They will like to have support in the definition and implementation of Enviromental services
 The subject of underground Water is also of interest and they will like to have support and additional technology to assess the resource.
 They see the need for unification of baselines and the application of modeling technologies.
 They see it more as capacity building for modeling for ecosystem and climate change, landslides and their effect in the biodiversity.
 They will like to establish a monitoring system for biodiversity
 They use the model GLOB-BIO from ITC

Date/Time Place List of people Position

Mart es 10 CORPOICA Jaime Bernal CORPOICA
Yolanda Rubiano U Nacional-Profesora
Julio Miguel Agarza CORPOICA
13.00 Gilberto Murcia CORPOICA

 CORPOICA Works in collaboration with the Universidad Nacional in the generation of Knowledge over agriculture and soils
 They will like to get technology to treat and purify water and soils. There are problems with Cadmium pollution that can affect the production and
marketing of Vegetables.
 They will like to have technology to treat waters from the oil extraction points. This waters are usually polluted and full with salt that can pollute the
rivers or soils where it is deposited. They will like to treat this waters.
 They are busy trying to reestablish the productive capacity of the soils affected by the Inundations. Many areas specially in the north of Colombia
have suffer from sedimentation of sand, affecting the fertility of the surface soils.
 They will like to improve in their modeling capacities to assess potential risk in the agricultural sector especially related to climate change scenarios.
 They will like to know how to monitor agricultural production in different agricultural sectors for instance in the Oil Palm plantations
 For the Area of the eastern savanna they will like to know about the soil moisture regimes. For that they will like to implement a remote sensing
system but also a more complete meteorological network ( work with the IDEAM).
 They will like to improve the models of Soils humidity of the whole country
 They will like to have information about the use of water by different sectors
 They think that the actual databases on soils are inefficient and not compatible nationally or internationally. They will like to have a database that is
standard for all the institutions and that can be compatible with international databases.
 They will like to invite international experts to teach and increase local knowledge and capacity on irrigation issues, climate change and ICT issues.
 They see the issue of climate change modeling as very important. They will like to have better modeling capacity to create scenarios.

Date/Time Place List of people Position

Mart es 10 FEDECACAO Jacob Rojas Director técnico
Fernando Rojas Enfoque ambiental
Julio Ana Maria Camargo Supervisor técnico
15:00 Andres Felipe Rojas Supervisor técnico
Fernando Moreno Rios Supervisor técnico
Ghislaine Antolinez Supervisor técnico
Oscar dario Ramirez Supervisor técnico

 Fedecacao is a National enterprise that groups the Cacao producer of Colombia and supports them with technology’.
 Cacao is a shadow crop: it grows under the trees
 They are interested in doing Risk assessment based on climate change scenarios
 The main problem for the cacao producers is water scarcity in drought periods. They are not really affected by flooding because the cacao plantations
are in the lower slopes of the hills.
 They will like to have technology to manage water and make water available in droughts.
 Irrigation systems where the use of water is optimized is of great importance
 Water quality assessment is also of great importance a lot of problems are expected with the development of mining projects where the
contamination with mercury is expected to have a strong effect in water quality.
 Cacao producers are also affected by landslides and they will like to have more information available about that kind of risks. A central modeling
center where information could be available will be ideal.

Date/Time Place List of people Position

Miércoles 4D Elements Consultores Suzzette Owners
Milton Romero
11 Julio Adriana Sarmiento
 4D elements consultores are a group of GIS experts that are providing services in the use and implementation of GIS technology.
 They are busy in different types of projects going from water contamination, deforestation, water management, assessment of flooding
 They see some problems in the use of remote sensing technology. Most of the classifications and interpretation of RS images is done manually
making results not comparable .
 Baselines and maps are not really available as they should be according to the law.

Date/Time Place List of people Position

Miércoles CorMagdalena Dianas Vargas Asesor
Cesar Cardona Asesor
11 Julio Cesar Garay Asesor

 CORMAGDALENA is a mixed type corporation that depends directly from the presidential office.
 The objective of CORMAGDALENA is to develop a management plan for the Magdalena watershed
 At the moment they are busy formulating a Master Plant for Infrastructure and dam constructions with Hidrochina (Chinese engineer company).
 They will like to know about the actual state of the watershed, the degrees of human intervention and the Natural areas that are still well preserved.
 They have at the moment a project with DELTARIS, for modeling to create scenarios and define critical zones. ( 3-5 year project)
 There is at the moment a consortium ( Mesa estrategica) with Departamento Nacional de Planeacion, IDEAM, Presidencia y CORMAGDALENA. To
create scenarios.
 CORMAGDALENA is at the moment supervising the project of the MacroCuencas. In wich they intend to compile and share information.
 They are trying to find the way to share the information in hydrological resources within the Frame of the SINA (sistema nacional Ambiental)
 There are three main aspects in wish CORMAGDALENA will like to get support.
1. Data acquisition: High resolution DTM (52.000Km2) LIDAR Information

Study of high resolution images for study of Navigation channels

Study and definition of wetland ecosystems
2. Monitoring of the Navigation Channel with Ecosondas and GPS to improve the Navigation in the river.
3. Enviromental services of the watershed and river. They will like to know more about environmental services like water quality, water quantity,
Biodiversity, agriculture and food security, Land use.

Date/Time Place List of people present Position

Miércoles CAR Fernando Paez Mejia
Luz Villamarin
11 Julio Magda Suarez
13.00 Camilo Zambrano
Hernando Nino
Adriana Chaparro Amaya
 CAR is a Corporation for Regional enviromental issues. This CAR is specifically working in the area of Bogota and the Altiplano cundiboyacence.
 They have special interest in the Modelling of river waterbeds and river hydraulics.
 They also have interest in the understanding of the underwater systems
 A big problem of sedimentation in the Laguna de Fuquene. They will like to know if there is technology that can help to solve the problem.
 They will like to have model to manage the Bogota river
 They will like to stablish a pilot project to monitor the rivers and create an integrated alarm system for flooding.
 They will like to increase their campacity in monitoring and modeling. To identify risk zones.

Date/Time Place List of people Position

Miércoles IDEADE Andres Etter Teacher and Researcher
Armando Sarmiento Director of the Ecology Department
11 Julio
 IDEADE is a knowledge Institute of the Javeriana University
 The institute is ecological mapping, biophysical spatial characterization and rural regional development
 They could be interested in reestablish knowledge to knowledge relationships with different universities

Date/Time Place List of people Position

Jueves 12 Ceni caña CorpoBoyaca y Fernando Villegas Cenicana
Federriego Dagoberto Bonilla Federriego
Julio Oscar Lizarazo CORBOYACA
14:00 16:00 Amilkar Pina CORBOYACA

 Cenicana is a research institute for the sugar cane. They are busy searching for appropriate technology to increase productivity an efficiency in sugar
cane growth. Main research areas are: Water, mechanization, modeling of risks, productions and growth.
 Cenicana has implemented an excellent system of climatological information automatized at national level. They are looking for a System of climate
 They will like to implement monitoring systems a for the detection of plages or nutrients deficiencies.
 CENICANA is interested in the subject of reforestation and the investment in recovery of watersheds.
 FEDERIEGO is an association of experts in irrigation supporting the different irrigation districts in Colombia.
 CORPOBOYACA has running project in the high Chicamocha river to create a baseline for the

Date/Time Place List of people Position

Viernes 13 ANDI Nancy Ibarra Assist. of Gerencia de responsabilidad
social y gestión de conocimiento
de Julio Catalina Arciniegas Assist. Enviromental issues.
 ANDI is a business association that encloses several industries in Colombia ( Asociacion de Gremios). They have an overview of the companies, the
clients, the investors, the community and the environment
 They provide services and defines lines of development in the different sectors
 They follow lines of sustainability and information management.
 They will like to have support in the development of proper ICT technology for application in different fields.
 There is an specific project in the recovery of several areas affected by the flooding. They will like to define better the most important risk zones and
to have technology to adapt to the situation specially to help people living in the shores of the river.
 They will also like to have information and technology over carbon footprint estimations and emissions.
 They will like to have information over biomass management.

Date/Time Place List of people present Position

Viernes 13 Proyecto Macrocuencas Arturo Infante Director del proyecto
Mildred Mendez Unidad técnica
Julio Maria Carolina Amador Unidad técnica
11.00 Efrain Domienguez Unidad técnica- Universidad Javeriana
Cesar Garay CorMagdalena
Andrea Trivino Presidencia
Martha Garcia ASCARS
Mauricio Bayona MADS-DGIRH
Diego Rubio SDAS-DNP

 The objective of the Project is to compile information and generate an strategic plan that integrates law and the biophysical information for the
management of the Magdalena and Cauca watersheds
 They will like to structure the watershed based on the assessment of the water use.
 They will like to know if Holland has a system for the inventory and systematization of the water use in a watershed in order to identify the main actors
in the agricultural sectors and the mining sector. Identification of areas of conflict is important.
 They will like to establish model on water governance to define lines for water use at the macro-watershed level.
 They will like to define strategies for decision making based on information
 They have define 4 main lines of work: Economic; Political and territorial; Environmental and Social.
 They will like to propose the establishment of a Pilot project where the water demand is the driver for the water management . a down to top
approach is suggested.
 The project ends in December

Recommended Institutes that might be very interested in water and climate change technology, to
visit in the future: (this actors were invited to participate but were not directly involved in the mission)
 There is the “Unidad de Gestion de Riesgos” who will like to set a central crisis management center.
 Fondo nacional de Adaptacion
 Flower sector
 Café
 Banano
 Patrimonio natural REDD projects
 Fedecombustibles
 Alcaldia de Monteria
 Alcaldia de Bogota


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