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Read the following passage and answer from questions no.

The coconut is an unusual food for many reasons. It is technically a seed, produced by the
coconut palm tree, and as such is one of the largest edible seeds produced by any plant. Its
unusual contents also make it unique in the seed world—the interior consists of both “meat” and
“water.” The meat is the white pith with which we are all familiar, as it is used extensively for
cooking and flavorings; the coco- nut water is a white liquid that is very sweet and thirst-
quenching. Portuguese explorers gave the nut its name in the 15th century, referring to it as coco,
meaning “ghost” in their language. The three dimples and the hairy texture reminded them of a
ghost’s face, and the tree has retained that name ever since.

The coconut has many varied uses. It is used to make margarine, as well as various cooking oils,
and these cooking oils are used by fast-food restaurants around the world to make such diet
staples as French fries. The coconut fluid is a favorite drink in hot climates, providing a cool and
refreshing beverage right off the tree. This water is also used by manufacturers of various sports
drinks because of its isotonic electrolyte properties. Even the shell itself has many uses,
including cattle food and fertilizer.
Yet the coconut is also useful in many ways that have nothing to do with food. Coconut oil is
used for cosmetics, medicines, and can even be used in place of diesel fuel. Dried coconut shells
are used in many countries as a tool, such as a buffer for shining wood floors. The shells are also
used for shirt buttons, and are commonly found on Hawaiian clothing. They are even used for
musical instruments and bird houses!
And all these are only some of the uses found for the coconut fruit. The coconut palm tree, which
produces the nut, also produces countless useful items. It’s no wonder that the coconut palm has
been called “the tree of life.”

1. The underlined word pith, as used in the passage, most nearly

a. helmet.
b. hairy material.
c. black.
d. meaty substance.

2. The coconut earned the nick name “ghost” because

a. of its pale color.
b. it resembles a face.
c. it is round.
d. of its smell.

3. Which of the following is NOT a use for the coconut palm?

a. margarine
b. buttons
c. helium balloons
d. diesel fuel

4. The underlined word staples, as used in the passage, most nearly

a. fasteners.
b. plans.
c. paperwork.
d. foods.

5. The coconut palm is sometimes called “the tree of life” because

a. the Portuguese thought it cured disease.
b. nearly every part of the tree is useful to mankind.
c. it grows near the Equator.
d. of its green color.

1. d. The word pith means meat or core, and it refers here to the ed-
ible part of the coconut.
2. b. The passage states that Portuguese explorers thought the coco-
nut resembled a face, because of its three dimples (like eyes and
mouth) and its hairy texture.
3. c. All of the choices are included in the passage except helium bal-
loons, which are not mentioned.
4. d. The word staples in this context refers to commonly used items.
The best choice for “diet staples” is foods.
5. b. The final paragraph implies that the tree’s many uses and foods
earned it the name “tree of life.” None of the other choices is
supported by the passage.

Choose the appropriate questions from 6-7

1. I'm a fun-loving person. I love _____ parties and outing!

a. the
b. a
c. a
d. none
2. When she finishes ____ school, she wants to study medicine at ____ university.
a. the, none
b. a, an
c. none, the
d. none, none

Choose the correct indirect narration of the direct narration from questions no. 8-9

1. He said, “Would that she were not so inhuman!”

a. He wishes that she was not so inhuman.
b. He wished that she was not so inhuman.
c. He wished that she were not so inhuman.
d. He desired that he were not so inhuman.

2. I said to Sabir, “Return home before it gets dark or your father will be very angry.”
a. I ordered Sabir to return home before it got dark or his father would be very angry.
b. I ordered Sabir to return home before it gets dark or his father would be very angry.
c. I ordered Sabir to return home before it got dark or his father will be very angry.
d. I ordered Sabir to return home before it got dark or his father would have been be very

Choose the correct sentence from 10-11

10. When she was only five, Janet's mother married for the third time.
A. When she was only five, Janet's mother married for the third time.

B. When only five, Janet's mother married for the third time.
C. When Janet was only five, her mother married for the third time.
D. When Janet's mother married for the third time, she was only five.

11. Exercising without proper warm-ups can be as harmful to the body as if you didn't exercise at
A. Exercising without proper warm-ups can be as harmful to the body as if you didn't
exercise at all.

B. Exercising without proper warm-ups can be as harmful to the body as no exercise at all.
C. Exercising without proper warm-ups can be as harmful to the body than not exercising at
D. Exercising without proper warm-ups can be as harmful to the body than no exercise.
E. Exercising without proper warm-ups can be as harmful to the body as your not getting
any exercise at all.

Choose the correct synonyms from question no. 12-13

12. Erroneous
A. Learned
B. Mistaken
C. Charge
D. Lacking concern

13. squander
a. perambulate
b. waste
c. inflate
d. hoard

1. d
2. b
3. c
4. d
5. b
6. d
7. d
8. c
9. a
10. c
11. b
12. b
13. b

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