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250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) ® Hoe la dau - cy SO GD & DT BACGIANG> Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2023 LAN 2 TRUONG THPT ¢ Bai thi: KHOA HQC TY NHIEN; in ps Mon thi thanh phan: TIENG ANH Dé thi gom: 04 eee Thai gian lam bai: 50 phuit khing ké thoi gian phat a3 7) DE THI GOM 50 CAU (TU CAU 1{BEN CAU 50) DANH CHO TAT CA THI SINH Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer’ sheet,to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions, } Question 1: The 1960s building boom in Ztirich completely changed the rural landscape. A. highly B. thoroughly / D. quickly ‘Question condition. A. destroy B. rebuild D. redecorate Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to igdheaté € ihe word that differs from the other three in the position of stress in each of the following questidns, Question 3: A. verbal B. normal Question 4: A. sacrifice B. interact ‘ecole D. entertain Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the Worchwhose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following question Question 5: A. face B. patch Question 6: A. architect B. scholar ¥ D. children Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on yqui answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. In our busy, stress-filled modem times, how do people meet their lif {pays In Britain, over 50% of single adults think that online dating provides the answer. Internet dating sites'have*become the most popular way to meet people. But is the Internet the ideal way to find their true love? The dating agencies think so. They are using science in an attempt to match people more closely with suitable partners. ms dating agencies just used a D. common D. plane simple personality profile, and a hobbies and interests questionnaire to put peop}e'together. Now, however, more and more of them are using psychometric tests. These detailed psychological questionnaires were developed by scientists at the beginning of the twentieth century to recruit good spies for the First World War. Later they were used in business to find the right people for the right jobs. And now online dating”agentcies are using the same techniques. Ifyou logged on to a dating agency today, you might have to answer over 300) i yestions about yourself and the kind of person you would like to meet. It would take a very long time. But does it work? Yes, says Dr Tan Fellowes, a senior research scientist at one Sie most popular agencies. It allows us to match people far more closely with compatible pariners, so that there is a greater chance of Website: §=THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 1 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) success. So how does it work in real life? Here are two people's stories. Cathy is an attractive fitness instructor. "I was working long hours and-wasn't meeting man that I was interested in, so I joined a dating agency," says Cathy. "I was matched wigh-severahmen and one of them was David. When I first met him I wasn’t impressed. But as we started talking, { discovered that we had a huge amount in common, I liked his attitude to life and the way he talked, and I realize that I yeelly liked him. So, as a fitness instructor, I told him he had to get in shape!" Seven months later, Cathy avd David got married. "And now I think he is the most gorgeous man in the world!" she says. Simon's experience ®ias different. "I wanted a serious relationship and a friend suggested online dating. Thad some very pleasant date¥’with sme nice women and had a good time. All of them shared my interested film and travel, some were com eu. Rut there just wasn't that sparked of attraction. It was strange." Dr Sarah Kenton agrees. She i¥t! the author, f How to meet your Soulmate. She says, "Psychometric od testing is useful, but can't take account of ffraction Yor someone because they have something you haven't got." As the old saying goes, "Opposites attract," So*perhaps science can help you find your perfect partner, but sometimes it's just down to chemistry. ¢ 4 (Adapted from Solutions by Paul Davies) AL Online itis A prospering i in | Britain B. Can science help you to find love?\- C. Internet dating: Expectations and plaji poly. D. Love on the Internet: Pros and Cons. Question 8: According to paragraph 1, sind popular way for single adults to meet their life partners in Britain? A. Blind dates, B. Online dating. C. In-person events D. Introductions through friends. Question 9: According to the passage, which of thé [alving is NOT TRUE? A.A psychometric test consists ofa personality afl ala hobby and interests" auestionnire B, Over 50% of adults who aren't in a relationship shirt life partner. ~O\ C. Cathy didn't like David the moment she saw hit D. Simon had a lot in common with the women he Question 1 A. harmonious B. prolific Question 11; The word "him" in paragraph 2 refers to. A. David B. Cathy “C,-Fan Fellowes D. Simon Question 12: The old saying "Opposites attract" is closest {u.megning to A. Similar interests attract each other B. Distinct characters encourage conflicts C. Different personalities complement each other D. Same Noses ignite conflicts Question 1: D. suitable B. ce will only fi if you tell the truth about your sex, age apidappearance C. Science can definitely help you to find a partner. LA D. Science may help some people, but not all. ? Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentencé that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. gs Question 14: The firefighters had just left the building. There was a loud eXpiocioy ‘A. Only after there had been a loud explosion did the firefighters leave thie buifding. B. No sooner had the firefighters left the building than there was a loud explosion. C. Not until there had been a loud explosion did the firefighters leave the building. D. Had it not been for a loud explosion, the firefighters would not have left the building. Question 15: Beatrix is not here. She is the only person who can tell me what to do now. Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: 085,23.23.888 Trang 2 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) ‘A. Supposing Beatrix is here, she could tell me what to do now. B. If only Beatrix had been here and told me what to do now. C. L wish Beatrix were here and told me what to do now. D. If only Beatrix were here, s sh oe help me now. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D 'sf your diigwer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of thet following questions, Question 16: I had to deliver an off-thé-chff speech in front of many people because the manager was suddenly taken ill and could not join the meeting“ A. coordinated ieduled C. calculated D. prepared Question 17: The teacher can't believe, Fowrdylls student he is! He spent more than 10 minutes trying to figure out the sum of 5 and 3. A. dynamic C. interesting D. thoughtful Read the following passage and mark tie diet ASB, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the Kuni reeblanks. Presenting yourself professionally is key ‘inrjob iterviews (18) it influences people's perception of you and your career. Basic professional ctiq(ictte-stich as dressing appropriately, following proper interview procedures, and demonstrating good behaviouk, p D. No, I can’t Question 24: A customs officer is talking to a client at the airport - Officer: "Can I have your passport, please?" - Client: " A. But I don't like it. B. Yes, here you g C. Thank you for your help. D. No, I'll think it ekpires} Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence tat itis closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 25: He visited London three years ago. ‘A. He was in London for three years. Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: 085,23.23.888 Trang 3 250 DE_FHE,THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) B. He hain’, vied London for three years. C. He didift-visit London three years ago. D. He has beer) ‘Bpndon for three years. Question 26: Its*Forbidden to sell cigarettes to children. ‘A. Shops don't’ havé td sell cigarettes to children B. Shops shoukin¢-séIL¢igarettes to children C. Shops needn'yset [cigar rettes to children D. Shops mustn'-s-eigareltes to children Question 27: "What re yor going to do tomorrow?" He asked his girlfriend. ‘A. He asked his girlfriepd-sthat she was going to do the next day. B, He asked his girlitjénd wifat'yhe is going to do the next day. C. He asked his girlfrind alii is she going to do the next day. D. He asked his giltrigad- shat was she going to do the next day. Mark the letter A, B,C, or Bo on Lye answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 28: I have great _‘~-“for the young teachers who devote their life to teaching children in remote and mountainous areas. A. intention B.diniratjon. C. sympathy D. consideration Question 29: I was surprised the way he behaved. It was completely out of character. A.of Boat Con D. about Question 30: Language belongs to bends “most people feel that they havea right to__an opinion about it. A. hold D. make Question 31: Joe a lot of mongyesibi ip changed hi A. came up with —_-B. came into C. came in for D. came dovitwith\ Question 32: Anne says that she reads about batt hour a day, at least Avan B. C.@ (zero article) D. the Question 33: The drugstore owner was arrested fat sblling liquor under the A. counter B.covers ©” C. weather D. hammer Question 34: I caught a glimpse of Linda when’ to the restaurant ‘A. am going B. was going D. have gone Question 35: A large area of the Amazonian were on the verge of extinction, by the forest fire and many wild species A. devastate Bewill devesinte (ey YE wes devantatng D. was devasted Question 36: He waited 18 days before going on teltyisjno give an accurate of the worst nuclear disaster in history. a ‘A. account B. speech (S Caarration D. illustration Question 37: The wild ox at Cat Tien aon Fa s of a special kind. A. kept B. keeping { Ceway keeping D. was kept Question 38: I will have tidied up the bedroom fomorrow. A. after my parents had arrived B-wherL my parents arrive CC. as soon as my parents arrived Question 39: He failed to fulfil his promise, 2 A. did he B. didn't he D. wouldn't he Question 40: Getting an adequate amount of sleep every night is for maintaining our health. A. necessarily B. necessitate C. necessity D. necessary Question 41: She can pronounce English words than she could last term. A. most correctly B, more correctly C. the most correctly D. correctly Question 42: Joan is considering her major from pre-med studies to psychology. A. to changing B. to change C. changing D. change Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: 085,23.23.888 Trang 4 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Read the following passage and mark the answer to each gftthe questions. ‘The use of Chatbgt A.1 in language teaching has revolutionized the way we approach language learning. These intelligent sdftSvaré programs offer a range of benefits that make language education more engaging, effective, ter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct tailored specifically’ to ieir neds. This ensures that students receive instruction that is mos relevant to them, leading to improved Gpgmgement and motivation Another advantage of Chathot A.1 is that it provides students with immediate feedback. Unlike a traditional classroom setting whigreStudeat’s have to wait fora teacher to correct their mistakes, Chatbots can provide instant feedback on Pronunciaign, “tammar, and vocabulary, helping them to identify and address their weaknesses in real-time, (fA The availability of Cyatbot'A.Ltechnology 24/7 also makes language learning more accessible. Students can practice their language skills py time, from anywhere, without having to worry about scheduling conflicts with a teacher. This flexibjtify moans that language learning can become a more integral part of students’ daily lives, helping to embed the-igw'tanguage more deeply in their minds Finally, Chatbot A.I provides"an enjoyable and engaging experience for language learners. With its use of gamification techniques and interictjve dialogues, Chatbots make language learning fee! like a fun and engaging activity, rather than a chore. = Question 43: What is the main Ges passage? A. The instant feedback of Chafbot Ai in language teaching B. The personalization of ChathotA-+in language teaching C. The benefits of Chatbot A.1 inyfapgyage teaching D. The 24/7 availability of Chatbat'4-1 in Jadguage teaching Question 44: According to paragrapli2¢ Fiatbots A. provide lessons that are tailored specifica B. make students lose engagement ahgtthotivjtion, Coare incapable of adapting to each sfiuent D. students” A plant Question 47: Which of the following is TRUE aécordiig to the ssay? A. Chatbots are only available during traditionahcldsstoom hours. B. Chatbots are unable to adapt to each student’ see style, CC. Chatbots make language learning feel like a chore D Chatbots provide instant feedback on promuncitiga jahmmar, and vocabulary Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheeto jnificate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Pa Question 48: We have conducted exhausting research in he @ffeets of smartphones on students! behaviour and their academic performance D. bury A. into BB acaMemic performance C. exhausting research D,befiyiour Question 49: In 1986, the organization changed their name te. Worl Wide Fund to better reflect its activities. A.In B. activities < D. better Question 50: Last night, John comes back home late because OF tis work at the office. A. because of B. comes C. work D. the -- THE END — Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: 085,23.23.888 ‘Trang 5 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) _ © Hoe la dau - rd SO GD & DTBACGIANG — Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2023 LAN 2 TRUONG THPT Bai thi: KHOA HQC TU NHIEN; CAs M6n thi thanh phan: TIENG ANH don, I ; thi 04 trang Théi gian lam bai: 50 phit khéng ké thoi gian pheit dé Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on.ygup ansiyer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each of the fll) wing questions. Question 1: The 1960s building boontja-Z¢rich completely changed the rural landscape. A. highl B. thoroughiy) C. easil D. quickly fu 1: Chon dap an B es Loigidi: Kién thire: Tir dong nghia Giai thieh: A. highly (ady): cao B, thoroughly (adv): hodn toin C. easily (adv): d8 ding D. quickly (adv): nhanh chéng — completely (adv): hoan toan = thoroughly MS ibn tod ‘Tam dich: Sy bing no x4y dug nhiing nam 19606 Zitich da thay di hoan ton canh quan néng thon, ¥_ Chon dap an B {Cy} Question 2: This year, my school has decided to retlaytt“all the classrooms to give students a better leaning condition. A, destroy B. rebuild Céu 2: Chon dap an D 6 Loi gidi: Kién thite: Tir dong nghia Giai thieh: A. destroy (v): ph hiiy B. rebuild (v): xay dyng lai (dap di xay méi) D. redecorate Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 6 0 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) G. mateh (vj: ndi, khop D. redecorate (v): trang tri lai = renovate (y): tan trang = redecorate (v): trang tri lai ‘Tam dich: Nam nay, trvong t6i da quyét dinh tn trang lai tt eae phong hoe 48 hoe sinh e6 diéu kién hoe tap tot hon. ¥_ Chon dap an D5 s) Mark the letter A, B,C, oD. in the position of stress in each of € Question 3: A. verbal jur answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three following questions. C. diverse D. common Cau 3: Chon dap an C A. verbal /'va:bal/ B. normal /‘no:mol/ C. diverse /dar'va's/ D. common /'koman/ v cna dip in Question 4: A. sacrifice B. interact Cfu 4: Chon dap an A 6 Loi gid Kién thire: Trong am Giai thich: A. sacrifice /’seekrrfais/ B. interact /inter'ekt/ C. recollect /reka'lekt/ D. entertain /enta'tem/ aN Phuong n B,C, D cé trong am roi vo am 3, phuong fa-A troe'im 1. D. entertain ¥_ Chon dap an A \ Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to in the other three in pronunciation in each of the following ‘stim Question 5: A. face B. patch D. plane Cfu 5: Chon dip an B 6 Loi gi Kién thite: Phat am Giai th A. face /fers! B. patch /pzef/ C. bake /berk/ D. plane /plem/ Phuong nA, C, D 6 dim “a” phat am 1a fe, phurong én B phi dm = Chon dap an B Question 6: B. scholar C. chemistry D. children i FILE WORD LIE! (, Trang7 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Céu 6: Chon dap an D Cote scholar /'skola/ "Dh children /'fildran/ C. chemistry /’kemustri/ Phuong an A, B,C c6 am “ch” pihit-afpiayk/, phuong dn D phat am /f?. ¥_ Chon dap én D eS Read the following passage and mark théJettey A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. t In our busy, stress-filled modem times, fiw Fpebple meet their life partner In Britain, over 50% of single adults think that online dating provides the arswer>[nternet dating sites have become the most popular way to ‘meet people, But is the Internet the ideal way t6 fifi'theig true love? The dating agencies think so. They are using, science in an aitempt to match people more clogely- With suitable partners. In the past, dating agencies just used a simple personality profile, and a hobbies and interests questionnaire to put people together. Now, however, more and more of them are using psychometric tests. rése detailed psychological questionnaires were developed by scientists at the beginning of the twentieth centre good spies for the First World War. Later they were used in business to find the right people for the right,obs:\And now online dating agencies are using the same techniques. If you logged on to a dating agency today\, might have to answer over 200 questions about yourself and the kind of person you would like to meet. It woutkike-a very long time. But does it work? Yes, says Dr Tan Fellowes, a confor virch scientist at one of the most popular agencies. It allows us to match people far more closely with compatible partners, so that there is a greater chance of success. So how does it work in real life? Here are two pepte's stories. Cathy is an attractive fitness instructor, “Twas working long hours and wasn't meeting man that IAvas-{njezested in, so I joined a dating agency," says Cathy. "I was matched with several men and one of them Wwas-David> When I first met him I wasn't impressed. But as we started talking, I discovered that we had a huge aigouritan common, I liked his attitude to life and the way he talked, and I realized that I really liked him. So, as a fineSs.{istructor, I told him he had to get in shape!" Seven months later, Cathy and David got married. "And now ghink’h> is the most gorgeous man in the world!" she says, Simon’s experience was different, "I wanted a serious felatiohship.and a friend suggested online dating. Thad some very pleasant dates with some nice women and had’@g60d.timle. All of them shared my interested film and travel, some were compatible, but there just wasn't that sparfsed Of attraction, It was strange." Dr Sarah Kenton agrees. She is the author of How to meet your Soulmate, She says, "Psychometric od testing is useful, but can’t take account of attraction for someone because they-trav something you haven't got.” As the old saying goes, "Opposites attraet." So, perhaps science can help my sour perfect partner, but sometimes it's just down to chemistry. {adore ‘from Solutions by Paul Davies) Question 7: What could be the best title for the passage? A. Online dating: A prospering business in Britain. B. Can science help you to find love? C. Internet dating: Expectations and plain reality. D. Love on the Internet: Pros and Cons. Cu 7: Chon dap an B es Loi gidi: Kién thite: Doc hiéu Giai thich: Cai nao c6 thé la tiéu dé tt nhat cho doan van? A. Hen hd truc tuyén: Mét nganh kinh doanh phat dat 6 Anh, B. Khoa hoe e6 thé gitip ban tim thay tinh yéu khong? CC. Hen hd trén Internet: Ky vong va thc té 16 rang. D. Tinh yéu trén Internet: Uu vi Nhuge diém. ‘Thong tin: They are using science in an attempt to match people more closely with suitable partners. ... perhaps science can help you find your perfect partner, but sometimes it's just down to chemistry. HAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 8 So, Website: 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Tam dich: Ho sit dung khoa hoc trong né lye mai moi mgi ngudi véi ban tinh phi hgp. ... Vi vay, c6 1é Khoa hoc c6 thé gittp bap-tim duge ban tinh hoan hao ciia ban, nhung thinh thoang no chi phy thugc su hop nhau. v Chen 65535 87 Question 8: According te in Britain? A. Blind dates. person events paragraph 1, what is the most popular way for single adults to meet their life partners B. Online dating. D. Introductions through friends. Chon dip an 8! thire: Doc wise cole ga EEE Giai thich: Theo dogn\izeachrph6 bién nhat dé nhiing ngudi trudng thanh dde than gp duge ban di cia ho o Anh la gi? A. Hen ho gidu mit. B. Hen hd trye tuyén, C. Su kign true tiép. D. Qua ban bé gigi thigu. = Théng tin: In our busy, stress{fiffdymlodern times, how do people meet their life partner. In Britain, over 50% of single adults think that online ie iy ii the answer. Intemet dating sites have become the most popular way to meet people. ‘Tam dich: Trong thoi hign dai bf nh day cang thing cia ching ta, lam thé nio dé moi ngudi gap duge ban dai cia ho? G Anh, hon 50% ngi ig thinh dc than nghi rang hen ho tryc tuyén mang Iai cu tra Ie. Cée trang web hen hd trén mang da tra.thgintregch pho bién nhat dé gip go moi ngudi. ¥ Chon dap an B ok Question 9: According to the passage, which ofthe following is NOT TRUE? A. A psychometric test consists of a petspnalftyprofile, and a hobby and interests’ questionnaire. B. Over 50% of adults who aren't in a rd ship think that Internet dating sites are good way of meeting a life partner. Se C. Cathy didn’t like David the moment shessachi D. Simon had a ft in common withthe woren-heueryhrough online dating Cau 9: Chon dap an A ne 5 thife: Doc hi a ‘Theo doan van, diéu nao sau day Ken GDUNG? A. Mt bai kiém tra tim ly bao gdm hé so ca nhar oe cau hoi vé s6 thich va su quan tam. B, Hon 50% ngudi trudng thanh dang khéng trohg imdiquan hé nao nghi ring céc trang web hen ho trén Internet la cdch t6t dé gap go ban dai. Af atest crt C. Cathy kh6ng thich David ngay khi c6 ay nhin thay agfr D. Simon cé nhigu diém chung véi nhimg ngudi phy Thong tin: In the past, dating agencies just used a sifiple personality profile, and a hobbies and interests questionnaire to put people together. Now, however, more nd more of them are using psychometric tests. ... If you logged on to a dating agency today, you might have to answef ovtr 200 questions about yourself and the kind of person you would like to meet, Tam dich: Trude day, céc céng ty hen ho chi sit dung m6t ho'S-SEAhan don gidn va bing edu hoi vé sé thich va su quan tam di i moi pe v6i nhau, Tuy nhién, hiénfay, bay cing c6 nhiéu ngudi trong s6 ho sit dung cae bai kiém tra tim Iy. ... Néu hom nay ban ding nhp vaoffigrég ty hen hd, ban e6 thé phai tra loi hon 200 cu hoi vé ban than va mau ngudi ma ban muén gp C_ ¥_ Chon dap in A Question 10: The word "compatible" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to A. harmonious B. prolific C. traditional D. suitable Cau 10: Chon dap an D is Loi gidi: Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 9 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Kién thie: Tir vung thi ‘A. harmonious (adj): hoa. B, prolific (adj): sinh sgrf‘nbicu C. traditional (adj): thet tfuy D. suitable (adj): thich hg, hop<~ —> compatible (adj): tuon¥fthieh, hop = suitable (adj): thich hop, hop ‘Thong tin: It allows us to tfpxonle far more closely with compatible partners, so that there is a greater chance of success. ‘Tam dich: N6 cho phép hig méi moi ngudi véi cac ban tinh twong thich, dé cé co héi thanh cong cao hon, e } truyén Chon dap an D c Question 11: The word "him" in pafarap A. David B. Cathy C. Tan Fellowes D. Simon Cau 11: Chon dap an A B. Cathy ©) C. Tan Fellowes D. Simon ow ‘ThOng tin: “I was matched with several uefyaid}one of them was David. When I first met him I wasn't impressed. But as we started talking, I discoveréd ee had a huge amount in common. I liked his attitude to life and the way he talked, and I realized that I reéfly Tied him. ‘Tam djeh: "T6i duge mai méi véi nhiéu war trong s6 hg 1a David, Lan dau tién gap anh dy, t6i kh6ng 6 dn twomg gi cd. Nhung khi ching 16i B& dy néchuyén,t6i phat hign ra ring ching t6i cd rat nhiéu diém chung. Toi thich thai d9 séng cia anh ay va ci nay ni chuyén, vA t6i anh dy. ra ring t6i thye sy thich Chon dap an A i 4 z Question 12: The old saying "Opposites attract” is eld gst HHeaning 10 A, Similar interests attract each other B, Distinct characters encourage conflicts C. Different personalities complement each other D. Same hobbies ignite conflicts Céu 12: Chon dap an C Doc hiéu A. Ciing so thich thi thu hit ln nhau B. Tinh cach khac biét khuyén khich xung d6t C. Nhiing ca tinh khéc nhau bé sung cho nhau D. Ciing sé thich cham ngoi xung dot ¥_ Chon dap én C Question 13: Which sentence best summarises the writer's opinion? ‘A. Science definitely can't help because it doesn't take account of persopatsttrpetion B, Science will only help if you tell the truth about your sex, age and appearances, C. Science can definitely help you to find a partner. D. Science may help some people, but not all Au 13: Chon d4p dn D 5 Loi gi : Kién thire: Doc hiéu Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 10 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Gia thich: Cau nao t6m tit tt nhat ¥ kién cia nha vin? A. Khoa hge chiic chin khéng-tbé gitip dure gi viiné khong tinh dén sy hap dan ca nhan, B. Khoa hoe sé chi gitip iehrfiéu bah n6i sw that ve gigi tinh, tuoi téc va ngoai hinh cua minh, C. Khoa hoe chic chin c& thé gitlp-ban tim duge ban tinh, D. Khoa hoc cé thé gitip nigt'$0 ngwdi, nhumg khéng phai tat ca. ‘Thong tin: As the old saying Ges. "Opposites attract.” So, perhaps science can help you find your perfect partner, but sometimes it's just oup 46 chemistry. ‘Tam dich: Nhur ngudi xua 6 Gau; “Tdi dau hiit nhau." Vi vay, ¢6 18 khoa hoc e6 thé gitip ban tim duge ban tinh hodn héo cia ban, nhung a i sg chi phy thude su hop nhau. Dap an D. Dich bai de Trong théi hién dai ban ron va. di sangthing ctla ching ta, lam thé nao dé moi ngudi gap duge ban doi cia ho? G Anh, hon 50% ngudi truéng tha eith’n nghi rang hen hd tye tuyén mang lai cau tra 161, Cac trang web hen hé trén Internet da tré thanh capi phébiéA nhat dé gap go moi ngudi. Nhung Internet c6 phai la cich ly tuéng dé tim thay tinh yéu dich thye ciia hg khofig? Cac cng ty hen ho nghi nhu thé. Ho dang sir dung khoa hoc trong nd Ie mai moi moi ngudi v6i ban tiakrphivhop. Trade day, cae eng ty hen ho chi sir dung mot nhan don gin va bang ciu hoi vé sé thich' tam dé két néi moi ngudi véi nhau. Tuy nhién, hign nay, ngiy eng ¢6 nhigu ngudi trong s6 ho sit ute sb kiém tra tm ly. Nhiing bang edu hoi tm ly chi tigt niy due phat trién béi cae nha khoa hoc vao day thé-ky/20 dé tuyén m9 nhiing digp vién gioi cho Chién tranh Thé gigi thir nhat, Sau d6, ching duge str dung troi a joanh dé tim ding nguéi cho ding céng vige. Va bay gid cae cdng ty hen ho tre tuyén dang sit dung cde \tuong ty. Neu hom nay ban ding nh§p vao mot c6ng ty hen ho, ban c6 thé phai tra loi hon 200 cau hoi v in va mau ngudi ma ban mudn gap. NO sé mat mot thoi gian rat dai Nhung n6 e6 hoat dng khong? C6, Tién st Tan \en poe ne ee eae cép cao tai mot trong. nhimg co quan ndi tiéng nhat cho biét. Né cho phe} 5 chan 81 ‘nai méi moi nguoi véi cac ban tinh tuong thich, {486 ca hd think cng cao hon, Vi vay, lim thé ndo R6 ‘hot dGng trong cude song thyc? Dudi day ld cu chuyén ciia hai ngudi. Cathy 1a mot huan Tuygn vien the hinh N\“Toi dang lim vige nhieu giér dng ho va khong gp duge ngudi dan dng ma toi cdm thay c6 hing tha, ¥j GS-40} da tham gia vio mét cng ty hen ho, Cathy néi. "Toi duc mai méi véi nhiéu nguéri dan Gng va mot trong sO he 1d David. Lin dau 0i khong ¢6 in tutong gi ca. Nhung khi chiing t6 vit dau ndi chuyén, t ee ring: chiing tdi cé rat nhieu diém chung. Toi thich thai d6 sng cia anh Ay va cdch anh dy ndi chuy ra ring ti thye sy thich anh dy. Vi vay, voi tur cich 14 mot hudn luyén vién thé hinh, t6i da nédi v6 iki fig anh ay phai c6 than hinh cén d6i!" Bay thang sau, Cathy va David da két hn, "Va bay gia 10i nghi alt igurbi din Ong tuyét voi nat thé gi y néi. Trai nghigm cia Simon Iai khée. “TOi muén c6 mot nigi.qein hé nghiém tic vi mot ngudi ban dé nghi 6 mot vai budi hen ho rét thei vj véi my im thich thi va du lich hen hd tryc tuyén, Toi Bhu nit xinh dep va da 6 mot khodng thoi gian vui vé. Tat ca ho d&u c6 chung b hot sO tong thich véinhau, nhumg diéu 46 khong gay ra sy thu hiit. NO that la." WS Tién si Sarah Kenton ding y. C6 dy la tae gid ca Lam thé nao dé ip fdyr6i ban tam giao ca ban. Co ay noi, ‘Kiém tra tam ly od rat hifu ich, nhung khOng thé tinh duge sy hay ered ai d6 bai vi ho c6 thir ma ban kh6ng c6." Nhu ngudi xtra e6 cau, "Trai dau hiit nhau.” Vi vay, ¢6 12 khda hoc e6 thé gitip ban tim duge ban tinh hoan hao cia bin, nhung thinh thoang né chi phy thuge sy hgp nhau. Chon dap an D Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the senténce: sentences in the following questions. Question 14: The firefighters had just left the building. There was a loud explosiow.\, A. Only after there had been a loud explosion did the firefighters leave the paildipg. B. No sooner had the firefighters left the building than there was a loud explosio C. Not until there had been a loud explosion did the firefighters leave the buil D. Had it not been for a loud explosion, the firefighters would not have left the building. | best combines each pair of Cu 14: Chon dap an B 25 Loi gia Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: ‘Trang 11 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Kién thife: Cau tric eo ban thich: Cac nhan vién cttu héa vira réi khéi toa nha. C6 mot tiéng né Ion. A. Chi sau khi cé mét tiéng né I6n, nhig ngw6i linh ciru hoa mdi ri khoi toa nha. B. Neay khi cde nhin vignSiFiPhoa roi khoi toa nha thi da c6 mot tiéng nd lon, C. Mai dén khi cé météiengné 1én, nhing nguéi linh ctru hoa mdi rdi khoi toa nha. D. Néu khong xay ra hobo Ids, cae nhan vién citu hoa di khéng ri khoi toa nha, —> Cu triie dio ngit: No sooner + Auxiliary +S € fan + Clause. (ngay khi ,.. thi...) ¥_ Chon dap én B Question 15: Beatrix is not her Stie the only person who can tell me what to do now ‘A. Supposing Beatrix is here ske'Eauld tell me what to do now. B. If only Beatrix had been hége find old me what to do now C. I wish Beatrix were here ant+tolé-tiie what to do now. D. If only Beatrix were here, sh coubdi(t help me now.. \ 1. > Cas : Beatrix khong c6 6 day. Cély 1d ngudi duy nhat c6 thé bao t6i viée cén lam bay gid. A. Mién la Beatrix 6 day, c6 dy c6 than6fZai.viée cin Lim bay gid. — sai cdu tric B. Gid ma Beatrix da 6 day va bao t6i viéc.ed bay gid. > sai cdu tric C. Gi ma Beatrix 6 day va bio t6i vigc\gda Ha} bay gis: D. Gid ma Beatrix 6 day, c6 ay khong nbd bay gio. — Cau ude logi 2: Ube 6 hign tai ic ji thy ludn chia “were”) Cau tric: § + wish + S + Ved/I + (0). (Chi ¥_Chon dap an C Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer shée underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 16: I had to deliver an off-the-cuff speech fi taken ill and could not join the meeting, A. coordinated B. unscheduled icate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the f many people because the manager was suddenly D. prepared Tir trai nghia thich: A. coordinated (adj): phi hop B. unscheduled (adj): d6t xuat C. calculated (adj): 66 tinh ton D. prepared (adj): duge chuan bj truée — off-the-cuff: khéng chun bj truée >< prepared (adj): due ¢fiyaa,b F ‘Tam dich: Toi phai trinh bay mét bai phat trude nhiéu ngudi vi ngudi quan ly dot nhign bi 6m va kh6ng thé tham gia cudc hop. ¥_ Chon dap an D Question 17: The teacher can't believe how dull a student he is! He spent‘mote than 10 minutes trying to figure out the sum of 5 and 3. ( A. dynamic B. bright C. interesting D. thoughtful CAu 17: Chon dap an B 4 Loi gid Kién thite: Tir trai nghia Giai thich: A. dynamic (adj): nang dng B. bright (adj): thong minh, lanh loi Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: ‘Trang 12 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) G. interesting (adj): tha vi D. thoughtful (adj): tram tur — dull (adj): cham hiéu >< bright (adj): thong minh, lanh loi _ Tam dich: Gido vién khong the tin duge hoe sinh cham hiéu nh thé nao! Anh ay da danh hon 10 phat dé e6 giing tinh tong ext@-S.ya 3. v Chon asp ‘in B Read the follay ving assage and mark the letter A, B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase-tht best fits each of the numbered blanks. Presenting yoursélf- professionally is key in job interviews (18) it influences people's perception of you and your carger,-Basic professional etiquette such as dressing appropriately, following proper interview procedures, and déxgons cing goad behaviour such as smiling nd shaking hands are (19) essential you are, C aie your body language is “reauired Decause you have to be confident and be jonal in an intrddyétion.-T9, show that you are engaged in your interaction, you should start with a firm handshake and (21) deat eye contact throughout a conversation. Remember to smile too. During the introduction, speak clearly-and piecisely while acting naturally with body movements. Having good posture is also important. Always ke&p yeuit posture upright, chin up and shoulders down. Avoid crossing your arms as it might seem you are not im ik separated from the conversation, Good posture exudes (22) Question 18: A. because C. but D. yet Cu 18: Chon dip in A ae Loi gid Kién thie: Céu tric eo ban ° sp Giai thicl ae a A, because: béi vi {Oo by B. although: mac dit CC C. but: nhung D. yet: tuy nhién ‘Thong tin: Presenting yourself prot Stony j ig key in job interviews (18) because it influences people's perception of you and your career. a7‘ ‘Tam djch: Thé hign ban thin mot cich huyénrbabigp la miu chét trong ede eude phong vin xin vige (18) bai viné anh hyong dén nhan thie ca moi nae ’ suenghigp cua ban. ¥_ Chon dap in A <— Question 19: A. much B. another _.\_C. every D. some Cfu 19: Chon dap an D (OF as Loi gid: ey tire: Cu tric eo ban CN thi SV | ‘Asmuch +N khong dém duge B, another + N dém duge sé it C. every +N dém duge sé it va) D. some +N dém durge va khong dém duge trong cu in ‘Thong tin: Basic professional etiquette such as dressin; cc following proper interview procedures, and demonstrating good behaviour, such as smiling and * inds, are (19) some essential elements of presenting yourself professionally. ‘Tam djch: Cac nghi thie nghé nghigp co ban nhu an mac Sed , tua thi cc tha tue phong van phit hop va thé hign ch et xi tt, ching han nhur mim curs va bit taj.e4@C19) mot vai yéu t6 can thigt dé thé hign bain than mt each chuyén nghigp. Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 13 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) 7 Chon dap an D Question 20: A. when B. whose C. who D. which Céu 20: Chon dap an C es Loi gic oN Kién thite: Capi trig o ban ‘Trong catrkfionhg xuat hign ménh dé quan hé —> A, B, D sai i Vast Thong tin: Body Ingcags is erucial when it comes to interviews because it speaks about your confidence and shows (20) who you ake“ : ; i‘ ‘Tam dich: Ng6n ngi’€o.shé rit quan trong Khi dn cdc cude phéng vin vi n6 néi lén sv ty tin cba ban va thé hign (20) ban taai ¥_ Chon dap an Question 21: A. uphold C. sustain D. retain C4u 21: Chon dap an B ss Loi gic Kién thite: Tir vung Giai thich: A. uphold (v): ding hé, gitt gin B. maintain (v): git, duy ti C. sustain (v): nang, d, chéng do“. D. retain (v): gitt, cam lai A — maintain eye contact (with somé ay duy tri giao tiép bing mit véi ai do ‘Thong tin: To show that you are eng§ged.ini your interaction, you should start with a firm handshake and (21) maintain direct eye contact throughout a epcvertwion, EE z Tam djch: Bé thé hign ring ban dang than gid Way qua trinh twong téc, ban nén bat diu bing mot cAi bit tay that chat va (21) duy tri giao tip bing mat tuc tiép'trong sudt cude tro chuyén. ¥_ Chon dap an B oN Question 22: \ A. self-esteem B. self-assurance, D. self-awareness én thie: Tir vung thich: AA. self-esteem (n): long ty ton B, self-assurance (n): sue ty tin C. self-improvement (n): su tu cai tién D. selfawareness(n): swe ty nbn thie vé ban than 22. ‘Thing tin: Good posture exudes (22) self-assurance. >, ‘Tam dich: Tu thé t6ttoat len (22) sty tin. Dap dn B.C Dich bai dge se} _ The hign ban than mét céch chuyén nghigp la mau chét trong’¢éc cudc phéng vin xin vie béi vi né anh hung dén nhan thire cia moi ngudi vé ban va su nghigp cua ban. Ci thite nghé nghigp co ban nhur an mac thich hgp, tuan thii cdc thi tue phéng van phi hgp va thé hién cach cy’xirfot, chang han nhu mim cudi va bat tay, la m6t vai yéu to can thiét dé thé hién ban than mét céch chuyén nphiép_M6t trong nhimg diéu quan trong nhat 46 1a Tao An tugng tot ngay Lin dau tién. Ng6n ngtt co thé rat quan trong-Khidén cdc cuge phong van vi né noi len sy tyr tin ciia ban va thé hign ban la ai. Kiém soat ng6n ngit co thé\ciie-baiy la can thiet boi vi ban phai ty tin va chuyén nghigp trong phan gidi thigu. Dé thé hign ring ban dang thant’@igAao qua trinh tuong tac, ban nén bit dau bing mt cai bit tay that chat va duy tri giao tiép bing mat tryc ¥iép trong sudt cude tro chuyén. Ciing lun nhé mim cui, Trong phan gidi thigu, hay néi rd ring va chinh xée cling hic vdi cit dng co thé mot cach tye Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 14 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) nhién. C6 tw thé tt eting rit quan trong, Luén git tu thé thing, cim huéng lén va vai ha xudng. Trinh khoanh tay boi viné c6 vé nhu ban khong tham gia vao va bi tach kh6i cude tro chuyén. Tw thé tot todt len su ty tin, ¥_ Chon dap an BS Mark the letter A, B, € ‘9x42 your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following. > Question 23: David isin’ reat - David: Could you bging mé some water? “Waiter: een, A. Yes, I can. @. east want to C. Certainly, sir D. No, can’t Cu 23: Chon dap dn C es Loi gi thire: Cau giao tiép thich: David dang 6 tron ji - David: Ban eé thé mang cho tj ts Ayo Khdng? - Phye vy nai A. Ving, tdi cé thé B. Téi khéng muén C. Chic chan réi, thua ngai D. Khéng, t6i khong thé ¥_ Chon dap an C Question 24: A customs officer is talking'te-at ~ Officer: "Can I have your passport, please? Client A. But I don't like it. \S __C. Thank you for your help. 7 Cu 24: Chon dap an B - 4 as Loi gidi o> thire: Cau giao tiép ‘Ot nhan vien hai quan dang néi “KON mot khich hang tai san bay. - Nhan vién: "T6i 6 thé 6 6 chiéu cia ban durge khong?" - Khach hang: B. Yes, here you go. D. No, I'll think it expired. A. Nhung toi khong thich n6. A B. Ving, cita ban diy. > C. Cam on ban vi sy gitip 46. =4 D. Khéng, t6i nghi no da hét han. oe ¥_ Chon dap an B 7p Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to‘itidicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 25: He visited London three years ago. ‘A. He was in London for three years. B. He hasn't visited London for three years. C. He didn't visit London three years ago. D. He has been in London for three years. Au 25: Chon dap an B es Loi gid Kién thite: Cau tric co bin Giai thich: Anh dy da dén tham Luan Dén ba nam truée. A. Anh y di 6 Luan Dén duge ba nam. B. Anh Ay da khong dén tham Luan D6n khoang ba nam. C. Anh y da khéng dén thim Luan D6n ba nam truéc. D. Anh dy di 6 Luan Dén khoding ba nim. — Cau tric: S+Ved/I + time + ago. = S + have/has + not + Ved/2 + since/for + time. ¥_ Chon dap an B Website: thukhoadaihoc.vnTHAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 15 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Question 26: It is forbidden to sell cigarettes to children. A. Shops don't have to sell cigarettes to children B. Shops shouldn't set-cigarettes to children C. Shops needn’ySéil cigarettes to children D. Shops mustn't sll SigaFSites to children Cu 26: Chon dap 4D... 2s Lit gia: ) Kién thre: Clu triGco- Giai thich: Mot diéu os bain thude lé cho tré em. A. Cita hing khong ake Cant: 14 cho tré em. B. Cita hang khong, ey thea cho tré em. C. Cita hing khong cin ee cho tré em. D. Cira hing khong durge’ sy 14 cho tré em. — Cau trite: mustn't + Vinf: edim, khong duge phép lam gi ¥ Chon dip anD Question 27: "What are you eee He asked his girlfriend. A. He asked his girlfriend whak sh s going to do the next day, B. He asked his girlftiend what shé is ging to do the next day. C. He asked his girlfriend what i§ she Zojng to do the next day. D. He asked his girlfriend what was sheoing to do the next da Cfu 27: Chon dip an A ™ es Loi gidiz av) thire: Cau gin tiép ~y) thich: Cau tric cau gidn tiép voi is S% asked + (O) + “wh” + Sahuyén + Vidi thi + (O), Trong cau gian tigp, thi Hign tai tiép dién [i vé thi Qué khit ea ¥_ Chon dip an A Mark the letter A, B,C, or D on your ans questions. ae “to indicate the correct answer to each of the following Question 28: | have great for the youlig tea¢hgrawho devote their life to teaching children in remote and mountainous areas. A. intention B. admiration. D. consideration Cu 28: Chon dap an B es Loi gid thire: Tir vung thi A. intention (n): sy c4 ¥, sy c6 tinh Yo B. admiration (n): sy cam phye, sy than phye C. sympathy (n): su théng cam, su déng cam D. consideration (n): syr xem xét, sur cn nhiie Q — Cum tir: have admiration for somebody : nguémg md, ue ai ds Tam djeh: Toi v6 cing nguéng m6 nhing 6 gido tre d& cf in cit cuge dai ciia ho dé day dB ede em nho ving s4u, ving xa. Chon dap in B Question 29: I was surprised the way he behaved. It ascomipletely out of character. A. of Con D. about Céu 29: Chon dip an B 6 Loi gidiz Kién thite: Cau tric co ban be surprised at somebody/something: bi ngac nhién bi ai d6/ diéu gi d6 ‘Tam dich: T6i bj ngac nhién vé cach anh ay cur xit, No hodn toan khong ging véi eich anh dy thong ou xi. Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 16 250 DE THI THU TEE TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Chon dap in B Question 30: Language belongs to evtrfoné,s6 kos people feel that they have a right © an opinion about it A. hold C. lead D. make 4 Loi gid: Kién thire: Tir vung er ae kién vé didu gi ‘Tam dich: Ng6n ngtt thude vé tat cd moi netsh, x ly hau hét moi ngudi cam thay ring ho e6 quyén dura ra ykién vé.né ¥ Chon dap an A 7 SA Question 31: Joe a lot of money, which €h: anged his life completely. A. came up with B. came into C. came in for D. came down with Céu 31: Chon dap an B os Lit git: thire: Cum d6ng tir thich: A. came up with: niy ra y tuong,_ B. came into: thira huéng, thira ké C. came in for: nhdn (phé binh, chi trich, khen nggi, D. came down with: mie bénh Tam dich: Joe da thira ké rat nhiéu tién, diéu dé Lam thay atic Gude sing cia anh y hoan toan. ¥_ Chon dap an B Question 32: Anne says that she reads about half ‘Asai Bia C.0 email, D. the Ciu 32: Chon dip an A — as Li gid —< ) Kién thite: Céu trae co bin C5 thich: Ding “an” trude cdc danh ti s6 it, bat dau bing nguyén vee) ‘Tam dich: Anne néi ring c6 ay doc it nhat nira tiéng moi ngay. ¥_ Chon dap an A Ta Question 33: The drugstore owner was arrested for selling liquor under thé > A. counter B. covers C. weather D. hammer thive: Tir vung Giai thich: A. under the counter: kin dao, bi mat, thudmg bat hgp phap B. under the covers: gia danh, duéi chiéu bai C. under the weather: 6m D. come/ go under the hammer: duge dua ra ban dau gid Tam dich: Chi nha thuéc bj bit vi ban rugu bat hop phap. ¥_ Chon dap an A Question 34: I caught a glimpse of Linda when 1 to the restaurant A. am going B. was going C. went D. have gone Cfiu 34: Chon dap an B es Loi gid Kién thite: Cau trie eo ban Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: ‘Trang 17 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Dién ta hanh d6ng dang xay ra thi hanh déng khac chen vao, Hanh d6ng dang xay ra chia thi qua ‘inh dog chen vao chia thi qua khr don. hin thay Linda hi t6i dang di vao nha hang. iv Chonlasp. inB Question 35: A lfge aredof the Amazonian rain forest by the forest fire and many wild species were on the verge Of sxtinction. A. devastate {_--“_. B. will devastate C. was devastating D. was devasted “4 ai ‘the forést fire” va thi qua khtt don 6 vé sau —> Bj dng thi Qué khir don. Tam dich: Mot khu vitepng lan cita rimg mua Amazon da bj tan phé bai dm chay rimg va nhiéu loai hoang di dang trén bir vie ctia str pee ¥_ Chon dap én Dc Question 36: He waited 18 days-bbfope going on television to give an accurate ___of the worst nuclear disaster in history. ‘A. account B. sheech’, D. illustration ‘Céu 36: Chon dap an A {QO ) i 7, ién thie: Tir vung NO A give an account of (s Tam dich: Anh ay da dgi 18 nga Z ti t8 nhat trong lich sir. wat, ké lai chuyén gi . hi en ruynhinh 8 bong thugtchinhxde v8 tham hea hat nbn ¥_ Chon dap an A LCF Question 37: The wild ox at & ‘Figo National Park is of a special kind A. kept B. keeping ‘ C. was keeping D. was kept C4u 37: Chon dap an A ov) as Loi gid Ky Kién thie: Riit gon mgnh dé quan hé an Voesheyés than V-ing (chii dng) va thanh Ved/2 (bj dong). thich: Khi rit gon ménh dé quan hé, Trong cfu, ta thay c6 dong tir “is” — rat gon “which was kept” thanh “kept” ‘Tam dich: Bo rimg duge nudi tai Vudm quéc gia-Nany Cat Tién thude loai dic bigt ¥ Chon dap an A “9 Question 38: I will have tidied up the bedroom £ A. after my parents had arrived (SB. when my parents arrive “oon as my parents arrived “‘Dehefore my parents will arrive \me tomorrow. Cu 18: Chon dip an B (O\ es Loi git SY Kién thie: Ménh dé trang ngir chi thoi gian — promise, B, didn't he D. wouldn't he ién thie: Cau héi dudi Giai thich: Chu ngit li “he”, dng tir “fail” chia & thi Qua khir don —+ Hoi dudi ding “didn’t he” ‘Tam dich: Anh ay da that bai trong viéc thyc hién 10i hiza ciia anh ay, phai khong? Chon dap én B Website: =THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 18 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Question 40: Getting an adequate amount of sleep every night is for maintaining our health, A. necessaril B. necessitate C. necessity D. necessary CAu 40: Chon dap an D es Loi gid Kién thite: Cau tric opti Giai thich: Sau dong th ibe: A. necessarily (adv): tit B. necessitate (v): d0i hot C. necessity (n): sir ean thi D. necessary (adj): can thigt - pee Tam dich: Cé thoi gian ngu GiGhoi-tém 14 can thiét dé duy tri sire khde eta ching ta, Chon dap in D aN Question 41: She can pronounce Riss than she could last term. ‘A. most correctly B. morexorrettly C. the most correct; D. correct! Cau 41: Chon dip én B 34 es Lit pias <2 Kién thiée: So sinh hon - 2) ; Céu tric: $+ V + more + long adj/adv + than +Nouw/Pronoun, Giai thich: Trong cau cé “than” + Soi Ssanb ‘Tam dich: C6 ay c6 thé phat am. ns te Anh chinh xéc hon ¢6 y Lim vao ki truée. ¥_ Chon dip in B (OF Question 42: Joan is considering “Shor faajor from pre-med studies to psychology. A. to changing B.tochange i.) C. changing D. change Cau 42: Chon dap an C oe ss Loi gia ~ Kién thite: Cau tric co ban ii thich: consider + V-ing: can nhic, xem xh ah ‘Tam djeh: Joan dang cn nhiic chuyén chuyén nanh-et cy ir chuomg trinh dy bj Y khoa sang tém IY hoc. ¥_ Chon dap an C rx Read the following passage and mark the letter A, £0) D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. - ‘The use of Chatbot A. in language teaching has revolytioniza@ the way we approach language learning. These intelligent software programs offer a range of benefits thin Ighguage education more engaging, effective, and accessible. One of the most significant benefits of Chatbot A.1 in neu xe teaching is the personalization it offers Chatbots are capable of adapting to each student's learning styfe-pace, and ability, delivering lessons that are tailored specifically to their needs. This ensures that students feperye\nstruction that is most relevant to them, leading to improved engagement and motivation Another advantage of Chatbot A.I is that it provides student? wi ngmedite feedback. Unlike a traditional classroom setting where students have to wait for a teacher to corre¢t thejr'mistakes, Chatbots can provide instant feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary, helping theWtg iigntify and address their weakness real-time. : The availability of Chatbot A.1 technology 24/7 also makes langugG@,learging more accessible. Students can practice their language skills at any time, from anywhere, without havingtosworry about scheduling conflicts with a teacher. This flexibility means that language learning can becomé ahore integral part of students’ daily lives, helping to embed the new language more deeply in their minds lly, Chatbot A.1 provides an enjoyable and engaging experience fortinguage learners. With its use of gamification techniques and interactive dialogues, Chatbots make Tanguagh leary feel like a fun and engaging activity, rather than a chore. Question 43: What is the main idea of the passage? tant feedback of Chatbot A.I in language teaching B. The personalization of Chatbot A.1 in language teaching Website: HAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 19 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) C. The benefits of Chatbot A.1 in language teaching D. The 24/7 availability of Chatbot A.1 in language teaching Cu 43: Chon dap an C Y chinh ctia doan van la gi? A. Phan hi tire thi cua Chatbiotss. 1 trong day hoc ngén ngit BB. Kha nding ca nha héa ga Ghatbot A. trong day hoc ng6n ngtt C. Lai ich cha Chatbot Cece Fghing day ng6n nett D. Sucé sin 24/7 cia Cl cious ‘rong gidng day ng6n ngit ‘Thong tin: The use of Chathot 4.1 in language teaching has revolutionized the way we approach language Jeaming. These intelligent sofiwafe-programs offer a range of benefits that make language education more engaging, effective, and accessible, A ‘Tam dich: sir dung Ch Tyrong giang day ngén ngtr da cach mang héa cach chiing ta tiép cin vie hge ngén ngi. Nhting chuong tri ee thong minh ny mang Iai rt niu Igi ich gitp cho vige gido dye ngOn ngit tro nén hap dan, higu quicV desig th cen hon, ¥_ Chon dap an C Question 44: According to paragraph 2” Cl 5 A. provide lessons that are tailored §pecificafly to students’ needs. B. make students lose engagement afi rrdtivation, C. are incapable of adapting to each student's pace. D. help students receive the most irrelevént instruction. Cau 44: Chon dap an A \ Y } & Loi gid ‘ Kién thite: Doc hiéu thich: Theo doan 2, Chatbots aah, A. cung cf cic bai hoc da duge iba chih & chinh 1g0 nhu cu ciia ho. B. lam cho hoe sinh mat su himg thi va dng ty C thud ly. . khong c6 kha ning thich ting v6i toc d6 cualtiGig Oe sinh. D. gittp hoc sinh nhén duge su huéng dan inongina hat. ‘Thong tin: Chatbots are capable of adapting to preteen Ieaming style, pace, and ability, delivering lessons that are tailored specifically to their needs. dich: Chatbots c6 kha ning thich img véi p ci bec tip, t6e d6 va kha ning cia timg hoe sinh, cung cap cic bai hoc da duge diéu chinh cy thé theo nhi (care ¥_ Chon dap an A ah Question 45: The word "their" in paragraph 3 refers to_{ A. Chatbots’ . Mistakes’ D. students” CA 45: Chon dap an D 5 Loi gic Kién thire: Doc hit Giai thich: Tir "their" trong doan 3 dé cap dén A. cia Chatbots B. cita 16i sai C. cia gido vién D. cia hoe sinh Thong tin: Unlike a traditional classroom setting where students yor for a teacher to correct their mistakes, Chatbots can provide instant feedback on pronunciation, ara \d vocabulary, helping them to identify and address their weaknesses in real-time, \. Tam dich: Khéng giéng nhu méi trudng Iép hoc truyén thong, noi hoc sintrphai doi gio vién sita Idi sai ctia hho, Chatbots ¢6 thé cung cap phan hoi tre thi vé cach phat Am, ngir php Gusime, gittp hge sinh xae dinh va giai quyét nhimg diém yéu cua ho trong thoi gian thye, ed Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 20 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) 7 Chon dap an D Question 46: The word "embed" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to A. plant B. seal C. enclose D. bury Cfu 46: Chon dap an D A. plant (v): trong. te B. seal (v): son phi mbes = lop bio ve C. enclose (v): rio lai a D. bury (v): cdim su vio" — embed (v): an sau, cinch ury (v): c&im su vao ‘Thong tin: This flexibility fneans that language learning can become a more integral part of students’ daily lives, helping to embed the ie eat deeply in their minds. ‘Tam djeh: Tinh linh hoat najco a vige hoe ngén ngit e6 thé trd thanh mot phin khéng thay thé trong cue sng hing ngay ctia hoe sink im_chit ng6n ngit méi su hon vio dau 6c ciia ching. Chon dap an D Ye Question 47: Which of the followiny- ERE according to the essay? ‘A. Chatbots are only available durifig traditional classroom hours. B. Chatbots are unable to adapt to cach’ sitident's learning style. C. Chatbots make language eaming feel Kién thite: Doc hiéu thich: Diéu nao sau day la DUNG the A. Chatbot chi c6 thé ding duge trong gid B. Chatbot khéng e6 kha nang thich img véi CC. Chatbot khién viée hoc ngOn ngtr giéng nhi D. Chatbots cung ep phan hoi tire thi vé edch gt php va tir vung. ‘Thong tin: Unlike a traditional classroom sae ope ee have to wait for a teacher to correct their mistakes, Chatbots can provide instant feedback ones mn, grammar, and vocabulary, helping them to identify and address their weaknesses in real-time. Tam dich: Khong gidng nhw moi trudng lép hoe et Serna gio vign sia I6i sai cia ho, Chatbots c6 thé cung cap phan hoi tre thi vé each ngit phap va tir vung, giup hoc sinh xae dinh va giai quyét nhimg diém yéu cua ho trong thoi gian thye, ~~ eo Dap an D. es Dich bai doc { ran) Vige sir dung Chatbot A.I trong ging day ngén ngit da sbrghe héa eich ching ta tiép en vige hoe ngén ngit. Nhing chong trinh phan mém thong minh niy mang lai ie Igi ich gitip cho vige giéo duc ngon ng tro nén hap dan, higu qua va dé tiép can hon, MOt trong nhimng Igi ich dng ke mhat cua Chatbot A.1 trong ¥} \Gaee day ngOn ngtt la kha nang ed nhan héa ma né mang lai, Chatbots c6 kha nang thich img véi phong cich het tap, toc dO va kha nang cia timg hoc sinh, cung cip ede bai hge da duge diéu chinh ey thé theo nhu eau cia hi. eu ay dim bao ring hoe sinh nhan duge hung dn lign quan nhat voi ching, dn dén edi thign sw img tha Va déngblye thie day Mot uu diém khéc etia Chatbot A.1 46 lain6 cung cap cho hoc sinh¢ir fam hoi ngay lap tire. Khong giéng nhur méi trudng I6p hoc truyén théng, noi hoc sinh phai doi gido vien site-tor-safctia ho, Chatbots cé thé cung cap phan hoi te thi vé each phat Am, ngit phap va tir vung, gitip hoc sinh niet ne gidi quyét nhig diém yeu cua ho trong thoi gian thy. >) Su cé sin ciia céng nghé Chatbot A.1 24/7 cing gitip viée hoc ngén n; Fisoatin dé tiép edn hon. Hoe sinh c6 thé luyén tp cae ky ning ngén ngit cua ho bat cit lie nao, 6 bat cir dau nia khng phai lo Ling vé vige bi tring ve(tiydathéng, brags hoe tp cua timg hoe sinh. 0) sc Vait. Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: ‘Trang 21 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) lich v6i gido vién. Tinh Tinh hoat nay c6 nghia 1a vige hoc ngOn nai c6 thé tro thanh mot phan khong thay thé trong cudc séng hang ngay ciia hoc sinh, gidp céim chit ngon ngit méi sau hon vio dau 6c cua ching. Cudi cing, Chatbot A.I mangidéa trai nghiém tha vi vi hap din cho ngudi hoe ngon ngit. Vai vige sit dung eae ky thudt tro choi dign tirfg qui’ h6a va doi thoai tuong tac, Chatbot khién vige hoc ng6n ngvt trd thanh mot hoat déng thir vi va hap vige vat. ¥_ Chon dip in D Mark the letter-A, B,£, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in cach of the followibg-qiestions. Question 48: We faye conducted exhausting research into the effects of smartphones on students’ behaviour and their academic pet A. into \ B. academic performance C. exhausting resofirch <<" D. behaviour Cfu 48: Chon dap an —\ us Lai gic “ thre: Cw wisn thich: exhausting (adj)}) im kiGt sire, mt nhodi exhaustive (adj): toan dign hét moi khfa canh Stra: exhausting research eee research Tam dich: Ching t6i da t} oat nghién iru ton dign anh huéng cia dign thoai thong minh t6i cach eur xir va thanh tich hoc tap ciia hoc\siab)} Chon dap in C Question 49: In 1986, the orga atign ehanged their name to World Wide Fund to better reflect its a A.In Buea ttics C. their D. better Céu 49: Chon dap an C aw es Loi gidi: Kién thite: Cau trae eo bin \ C2 i th: “the organization” la n GFS0 it — ding tinh tir s6 hitu “its” Stra: their —> its Tam dich: Vao nam 1986, t6 chite 4a thanh T6 chite Quéc té vé Bao ton Thién nhién dé phan anh tot hon nhimg hoat dng cia n6. Sy} ¥_Chgn dip an C cy Question 50: Last night, John comes back fiome-Rife-hecause of his work at the office. A. because of B.comes ~*~ C. work D. the Céu 50: Chon dap an B aD es Loi gidi: ¢ Kién thite: Cau trie co bin - Giai thich: Trong cau e6 “last night” > Thi rey dom Sita: comes > came Tam dich: Dém qua, John da vé nha mun boi, vt Cale vige ciia anh dy 6 van phong. ¥_ Chon dap én B Yin te Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: ‘Trang 22

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