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second chapter, but at the same time basic REFERENCES

notions of convex optimization are intro-
duced as well. Descent algorithms are dis-
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[1] J. Nocedal and S. J. Wright, Numerical

cussed and analyzed in detail in the third Optimization, 2nd ed., Springer, New
chapter. In the corresponding convergence York, 2006.
theorems and proofs, the modern view of
[2] D. P. Kingma and J. Ba, Adam: A Method
the whole book becomes clear compared for Stochastic Optimization,
to [1]. In the foreground are complexity,
bounds of optimization algorithms, con- 2014–2017.
cerning the amount of computational effort VOLKER H. SCHULZ
required to obtain solutions of a given ac- Trier University
curacy. These then allow one in particular
to compare the frequently occurring sub-
linear convergence properties of algorithms Foundations of Computational Imaging:
with other algorithms in a concrete con- A Model-Based Approach. By Charles A.
text. Bouman. SIAM, Philadelphia, 2022. $84.00.
The momentum methods and stochas- xii+337, softcover. ISBN 978-1-611977-12-7.
tic gradient methods frequently used in
the context of data science are analyzed
in detail in the following two chapters, al- Let me begin this review with the conclu-
though the Adam optimizer (adaptive mo- sion: This is an excellent text for a graduate-
mentum [2]), which is used as a quasi- level course in computational imaging.
standard in neural networks, is surpris- The book was written by Dr. Charles A.
ingly not explicitly mentioned. But also Bouman, Showalter Professor of Electrical
in these chapters—as in the entire book— and Computer Engineering and Biomed-
the theorems are didactically well prepared ical Engineering at Purdue University.
and the proofs are presented in detail with Dr. Bouman noted in the preface that when
all necessary transformations. After the he first started writing this book 20 years
chapters on coordinate descent and first- ago for the course that he was teaching,
order methods for constrained optimiza- “Computational Imaging did not yet ex-
tion, two central chapters on nonsmooth ist as a field.” I imagine for many read-
functions and nonsmooth optimization fol- ers that is difficult to imagine now, given
low, discussing in particular the current the broad range of applications of com-
approaches to proximal gradient and sim- putational imaging, which include compu-
ilar methods. Duality aspects and espe- tational microscopy, tomographic imaging,
cially the ADMM (alternating direction MRI, ultrasound imaging, computational
method of multipliers), which is so im- photography, Synthetic Aperture Radar
portant in applications, are presented in (SAR), seismic imaging, and so many oth-
Chapter 10, which I would call the fi- ers.
nal chapter of the main text. Chapter 11, What is the one thing that I like most
on algorithmic differentiation and adjoints, about Foundations of Computational Imag-
has rather the character of a preferred ap- ing: A Model-Based Approach? I would say
pendix. it is how the book has achieved the au-
This book by Stephen Wright and Ben- thor’s stated goal of providing “a founda-
jamin Recht provides a very good basis for tion for a collection of theoretical material
a course on optimization algorithms in data that can serve as a common language for
science. It is also suitable for self-study. For both researchers and practitioners of Com-
almost every chapter, exercises are provided putational Imaging.” Indeed, this book is
to deepen the content. In addition, there the first (and so far only) one that I have
is an extensive index that makes it much encountered that almost seamlessly com-
easier to search for individual keywords in piles a range of traditional and cutting-
the book. I highly recommend this book to edge methods into a single resource. As
anyone with an interest in data science and such, it establishes a shared groundwork
its foundations in algorithmic optimization. for the mathematical and statistical tech-

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niques employed in computational imag- algorithms that are necessary for advancing
ing, a concept previously dispersed across through the rest of the book.
multiple sources. That shared groundwork Chapter 11 offers an in-depth discussion
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renders the book both accessible and use- of model parameter estimation. The sub-
ful to researchers from diverse fields, such sequent four chapters (12 to 15) deliver a
as applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, comprehensive introduction to vital con-
optics, and signal processing. cepts related to the EM algorithm, Markov
Image reconstruction is a major part chains, hidden Markov chains (HMM), and
of computational imaging. Dr. Bouman stochastic simulation, which includes a va-
presents the image reconstruction challenge riety of sampling techniques. The final two
as a classical inverse problem, via the lens chapters (16 and 17) expound on Bayesian
of the Bayesian framework. Here is the segmentation and Poisson data models. To
question we ask: How do we reconstruct complement the core content, four appen-
the original image X from some physical dices provide additional insights.
sensing system that yields measurements Each chapter includes a set of exercise
Y , which are contingent on this unknown problems (always good in a textbook) at
image X? These measurements Y are typ- varying difficulty levels. At the end of the
ically characterized by substantial redun- book there is a list of nearly 100 pertinent
dancy and noise. The data representing references to the literature that span sev-
the crucial components of an authentic im- eral decades. It is noteworthy that the very
age are akin to a sparse set within another first citation concerns the development of
large set. The modeling approach that the computed tomography (CT) by Cormack
author takes considers the physical system and Hounsfield, who won the Nobel Prize
and the image X as random quantities. A in Physiology or Medicine in 1979—that
forward model of the system is given by brings home the importance of computa-
p(y|x), the conditional distribution of the tional imaging.
data Y given the original (unknown) im- To reiterate, this is an excellent text for a
age X. This distribution describes how the graduate-level course where students have a
measurements are related to the original decent background in probability and statis-
image and captures both the deterministic tics. It is also a helpful text for researchers
characteristics of the imaging system and or practitioners in medical and other types
probabilistic elements (e.g., noise and per- of imaging. While computing-related fields
turbations). Within this framework, prob- often evolve rapidly, I can see this book
lems can be categorized based on several staying relevant for years to come.
distinctive aspects, including single versus
dual physical dimensions, causal versus non-
University of Waterloo
causal analysis, continuous versus discrete
time, and Gaussian versus non-Gaussian
frameworks. Climate, Chaos and COVID: How Math-
The book is structured to unveil the in- ematical Models Describe the Universe.
tricacies that emerge within the aforemen- By Chris Budd. World Scientific, London, 2023.
tioned defining dimensions. It comprises a $78.00. xii+301 pp., hardcover. ISBN
total of 17 short chapters and four appen- 978-1-80061-304-1.
dices. The opening chapter offers a con-
cise introduction to computational imaging. Mathematical modeling played a high pro-
Following this, Chapters 2 to 4 provide an file and, at times, controversial role in the
overview of fundamental probabilistic tools, world’s response to the COVID-19 pan-
as well as 1D and 2D causal and noncausal demic. The modeling of Neil Ferguson and
Gaussian (Markov random field) models. his team at Imperial College is credited
The subsequent trio of chapters (5 through with derailing the UK government’s laissez-
7) delves into essential tools and algorithms faire approach to the pandemic in early
for maximum a posteriori (MAP) estima- March 2020. Here in New Zealand, where
tion. Chapters 8 to 10 encompass the re- I live, mathematical models underpinned
sults derived from constrained optimization our elimination of the virus and, together

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