Rhapathon 2024 Notes

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15TH MAY – 18TH AMY 2024

Written by DanGreatness Edjeba


Highly Esteemed Pastor Amaechi Udeaku

Habakkuk 2:14 KJV

This is a prophetic word that the Spirit of God has spoken

concerning our world and day, and there is no material on
earth than contains the specific knowledge of the glory of
God like the Rhapsody of Realities.

God has a plan for the whole world, a purpose for every
man on earth, but not many know of the glory and
goodness of God. Not many are experiencing and
enjoying the goodness of God, that is where the Rhapsody
comes in because the Rhapsody contains the precise
accurate concise knowledge of the glory and splendor of
this kingdom we have been called into.

For those outside, the Rhapsody is an evangelical tool to

bring the knowledge of this kingdom to everyone, to those
who are inside and ignorant, the Rhapsody becomes the
teacher and revealed of the glory of God.

Understand that the Rhapsody is for every day and for

everyone, so therefore we must be committed to the daily
use of Rhapsody, not just the daily reading but the daily
distribution of Rhapsody to ensure every territory is

Through the Rhapsody, we are occupying the hearts of

men, occupying the souls of our cities, souls of our

Your partnership and sponsorship of Rhapsody is so vital,

because through your partnership you're bringing a
revolution in your city, a revolution in the hearts of men.

When we bring the Word of God to men and women

through the sponsorship of Rhapsody, we are bringing the
light of this kingdom, the realities of life in Christ to men
and women.

As the Man of God brings that prophetic word of blessing,

it's time for you as a partner to take your sponsorship and
commitment to the next level.
What more can you do in the area of distribution?
What more can you do in the area of sponsorship?
What can the Spirit of God do with your finances?

When you sponsor Rhapsody as a partner, you're making

it possible for God to speak in the language of the hearts
of men.

Take your partnership with Rhapsody of realities to the

next level. If you're not yet a partner, then consider being
God's outstretched arm to your world.
Hear the cry of those in your world today, God has given
us an answer on the Rhapsody of realities.
As a partner, God has made you an answer to the cry of
As your partner, you're bringing solutions to families.


Highly Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi

Partnership is a necessity, it's one of the principles given

to us in the scriptures. There are things that we do only
through partnership. Partnership helps you go beyond the
limit of your physical location and sphere of contact.

In partnership, when we do things together, we are able to

produce far bigger results, so partnering is one of the
things every Christian should he involved in.

1 Chronicles 12:22 -23,

Phillipians 1:6-7
There is a blessing to join forces with God's man for the
day, and partner with him in that which the Lord has
committed to his trust.

Psalm 68:11 KJV

It is not uncommon to have a lot of people around the
vision that the Lord has given the Man of God. The Lord
gave the word and we are the great company of

Psalm 35:27
I encourage you to listen to the message "Our Righteous
Cause "
We have a righteous cause, to see the kingdom of God
established on the earth, to see the will of God done.

Psalm 67:2 TLB

God has a plan for all mankind

1 Timothy 2:3-4
This is Pastor's pursuit and dream and that is why we
have a book like Rhapsody. This is what is required to
reach the whole world, to have all men come to the truth
you'll need the material that can speak their language...
That's why we have Rhapsody in every language and

You as a partner joining forces with our Man of God

brings you into a divine purpose.
Start from where you are, have a vision and dream bigger
than yourself, the world has too many selfish people, don't
add to the number, we need more people that will think of

God's dream is far bigger than any dream you can have
for yourself.

Judges 5:23 KJV, MSG

God needs men and women today that will reach others
with the Gospel, and if you don't, it is noticed: if you do
there is a reward.
Begin from your level because the future that isn’t
connected to today doesn't exist. Don't say till I get so big,
start from where you are, from where you are you will
make your way to where you ought to be.

Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola Philips

Listening to the testimonies we heard yesterday, if the

contact with the book can do that, what about if the
message is inside you?
If just touching it will raise the dead, what if the message
that is inside the book can get into you?


Souls are so precious to God; what God wants out of this

world is souls and that is what we give to Him through
our walk with Rhapsody.
Rhapsody is God's love note to you, and every day you
hear God's voice talking to you.
Everyday God is speaking.

Excerpts from Rhapsody of March 19th 2024

No one talks like Rhapsody, because Rhapsody is Pastor

Numbers bear significance to God because people bear
significance to God.
Every human being is important to God, we are ready to
do everything to reach one person because that's what
Jesus did. This is why we must put a copy of Rhapsody
into each person's hand in the language they can

Excerpts from Rhapsody October 11th 2017 - A message of


Rhapsody is a message of your value, treasure of

inestimable value and a message of love.
God is not counting men's sin against them, and that is the
message He charges us to preach around the world, that is
the message of Rhapsody.
As people discover the message of love that is in
Rhapsody, their lives take on a new meaning: hope comes
alive again.

You must be a Gospel Activist, spreading the message of

God's love to your world and to the regions beyond.
It's our job to preach the Gospel of God's love.

Excerpts from Rhapsody May 7th 2023 - A message of Life

Rhapsody is a message of everlasting life, if contact with it

can do so much, what if you put it in your Spirit? What if
you meditate on it and do what it talks about?

Excerpts from Rhapsody Teevo March 22nd 2020- Hope is

Excerpts from Rhapsody May 28th 2021- Grace for Soul
Seeding every day, sponsor every day, engage every day,
enlist every day and distribute every day, it must become
a lifestyle.

Souls are important to God and this is what this is all

about; souls for which Christ came to die.
Through your partnership, you can become a more
effective soul winner.

Today as your participating with us, get the Rhapsody for

Use Rhapsody yourself and make sure you're involved in
getting it across to other people.... The fulfillment of
impacting lives.
The story won't be complete until you have your own
Rhapsody story, your own stay of how Rhapsody
transformed you, your own story of how your partnership
took Rhapsody to the ends of the earth.
The time is now, we must do everything we must do, let
go beyond everything we have done before.


Think about the fact that the Bible wasn't given you us in
English, but it took dedicated people who loved the Lord
and wanted the message to go to the whole world: and
they translated the word of God from the Greek and
Hebrew language and gave us what we have in English

The Holy Spirit is still working with translators today.

Apart from translating the messages, they go into distant
God told us to go find them, and we carry that vision,
that's why He came.
Do you realize that the reason we are in this world is to
prepare for another world: this world was never God's
final dream, this is the place of preparation.
When God made Adam and gave him instructions, he was
to have a reward for obedience, there was trouble for
God gave him authority over all of His works, so Adam
was the god of this world.

Everything we do in this earth is all in preparation for the

eternal City, we'll be moved into His eternal city. God's
plan is to have another city in another earth. So, your life
here on earth is in preparation for that eternal city, keep
working for the Lord and doing what He has asked you to
do. Don't be found wanting.
Finish the works so that His name will be glorified in your

The most important thing to God is the human soul and

that's why Jesus came, that's what He gave His life for.
He came to save men and we have to have that in our
heart and live with that consciousness that this is
important to God.
According to the scripture, there is a definite number of
souls that God must have before the trumpet sounds.

Don't be disturbed by the rain, rain is always a blessing. I

thought sometimes the devil used the rain but not s single
place in the bible suggested that satan sent rain.
Always rain was from God, but I am aware of man-made
Man made rain are very destructive,

When you watch and pray through the Holy Spirit, you
can tell what is coming from God and what is not, you'll
be able to discern what is for destruction and not for good.
This is one of the reasons we must teach God's people
sensitivity of the Spirit, learning how to walk with the
Holy Ghost, how to be sensitive to God, how to know
things of the Spirit from things of this world even when
they resemble

Recall in 2020, that's what happened with COVID that

many didn't know it was from the devil.
Sometimes you hear him clearly and sometimes you don't,
if you want clarity from the start, one of the things you do
is fast and pray.

Our work on Rhapsody is far more important than you

might perceive.
You have to really look beyond to be able to tell the level
of the impact and God's expectation, because it is one
thing to make an impact and it's another thing to
completely make the impact that God wants us to make.
There is a whole lot for us to do but things are moving
very fast.


Understanding is important. You can't put to work God's

word that you don't understand, and that's one of the
reasons the message on Rhapsody comes in a simple
language so it can be understood and acted upon.
1. Logos
John 1:1
The Greek for word here is Logos (it encompasses speech,
idea, thought, message). Logos is the substance of the
Jesus Christ is God's thought, idea and opinion. All of
God's thought, idea and opinion is wrapped up and
encapsulated in Jesus, Jesus is the expression of Gods
mind, the unveiling of the heart of God.

John 1:14 NIV, 9--15

Vs 9 wasn't referring to Jesus yet but the Word of God.

Vs 10 His own refers to His chosen people

Before Jesus came, there were those who believe God's

message and believe that one day they will rise from the
dead and have eternal life.
The message becomes a man and dwelt among us.
When you met Jesus, you arrived. When you meet Jesus
you're home, He is the personification of love.

2. Rhema
Ephesians 6:17
Word here is Rhema.
Here He is dealing with an utterance that is personal and
is that is now, it is currently relevant.

In life conflicts, even though you know so much in the

word of God, not everything that you know will be
relevant at a particular moment for a particular situation,
you need to give the right utterance.
God speaks in the now of your life, so He trains us to
become conscious by the Holy Spirit; this is why we stress
the importance of praying in the Spirit.
You don't want to say something just because it goes
through your head, it will not work, you going to have to
be in sync with God's Spirit.
What is God saying right now? What is the word for this
situation right now that is most applicable and relevant
that God will have me say right now?

In the New Testament, Rhema is not applied to God

talking but you talking from God, about the word God
gave you to speak.

Whatever God says about a situation will not change the

situation on earth.

When I needed to effect a change, I knew I had to get

something, I needed to be in sync with the Spirit to get
exactly the word that needed to be uttered at the time.

Your ability to receive it from God and the faith to utter it.
Imagine if we will teach God's people this, there will be
lesser counselling because they would just go out and win,
subdue their adversary everywhere, lesser complains and
more testimonies, because we are teaching them what to
God's word on your lips is God talking.

There is no situation in life where we are victims, we

never see ourselves as victims. Even when others try to
victimize us, it's a joke.

3. John 4:42 KJV

Lalai - a mode of speech, the way you say what you say.
It can be a gesticulation, a dialect, pronounciation.

Judges 12:5-6 KJV, Matthew 26:69-73 KJV

Fear makes you less than you are, never let fear control
your life.

Mark 14:66-70 KJV, John 8:43

We got a kingdom, a culture and a language.

Hebrews 12:28
The word, the Holy Spirit through the church cultures us

Acts 20:32,
God's word will culture you.

Ephesians 2:19-22
When you're born again, your baptized into Christ, and
through the ministry of the word and the Holy Spirit in
the house of God you're cultured, raised and trained.
You're taught the things of God, you become firm in the
things of God, that is where you develop a language.

Romans 12:2
Imagine if you grew up from a young age in the faith life,
what would you be like?
Growing up different from your generation.
As a sinner you call on the name to be saved, now you're
saved Use the Name.
Say what you want in His Name.
There is a difference between praying through Jesus Christ
and in the Name of Jesus.

The reasons why many are not seeing the results is

because they pray a lot through the Name of Jesus.

We have a culture and this culture gives us a language.

1 Corinthians 3:1,
Nepios characteristically refers to a child who doesn't
know how to talk yet.
There is a spiritual language in our kingdom and you
have to grow to talk that talk otherwise you're nepios.

1 Corinthians 14:20

Don't become experienced in bad things, act like a child

who doesn't know those things.
1 Corinthians 3:1-3
In this kingdom, we don't walk, live and think as men, it
starts with a language.
We don't talk fear in our kingdom.

1 Corinthians 2:12-13

Use the Name of Jesus. We are supposed to be living a life

of ever-increasing glory.

I got the helper in me. I am marvelously helped.

Declare that you're a marvel, you're wonder to your world.

Think about what God has done in you, how else can you
describe your life.

Phillipians 3:15,
God wants us to grow and become full grown, maturity is
revealed in your language.

Ephesians 4:11-13
No negatives shall have dominion over me, anger will not
laud it over me.

Anger is connected to pride.

When you see a man who demonstrates anger towards
others for something they said or did, you're looking at a
proud man, the level of pride is too much.
Humble yourself.
When you humble yourself, you discover there is nothing
to be angry at; when you see anger you'll run away.

Anger doesn't exercise God's righteousness, if it could

stop the meekest man on the face of the earth.

Don't let anger be associated with you, don't let anybody

be afraid of because of your anger.
Don't be a spiritual terrorist: CHANGE.

Holy anger causes you to react for God in dealing with

satan and his evil works. Holy anger causes you to
demonstrate your faith.

Let your message of love be true, let it be your life. Live as

He wants you to, you will be happier and more fulfilled.

Live beyond the limits, there is nothing you'll ever need or

require that you can get, at the moment that you require it,
it will be there.
Whatever you need and require, it will be available when
you need it.

Never see yourself as small, whatever you’re doing for

God do it with all your heart, it is God who determines
how big it is, but put your heart to it.

Once you catch the vision, everything changes; Rhapsody

becomes your Rhapsody.
God's word is working in our lives and we are going to
take the message of Christ to the whole world.
He is given us extraordinary tools; we don't have an


Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

God's word produces faith.

There is something about faith that needs to be

understood, the definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1 is an
explanation as God by the Spirit presents it to man.
In the Spirit, it is not in words, faith is seen in the Spirit.
If you've red Rhapsody long enough you should have
seen what I am about to say next- Faith is the response of
the human spirit to the word of God, this is from God's
Faith isn't the response of your brain or mind but your
God's word can get anywhere.
God likes for His children to make decisions, that's why
He gave you His word: His word is the material to help
you make the right decisions.
This is why it's so important to learn God's Word.

1 John 5:14-17
Many think what He is saying is that if you ask God for
something you got to be sure that God is willing to do it;
but that is not it.

John gave us what Jesus said about prayer, prayer in the

new contract.
John 14:12-14, 16:22-

Vs 23 - this is not the Millenium or in heaven, it's a day of

the new contract when He comes to us through the Holy
Spirit. It's the day of the New Testament, that's the day
you and I are living.
Vs, 24 - John was talking about the new will, and he told
us this new will is where we live now, certified, activated
by the death of Jesus Christ.

1 John 5:14
Someone might ask what if somebody is asking for
something that is not God's will? A child of God doesn't
ask God for something that isn't God's will, that's why the
Holy Spirit came to live in you; you never have to be
wondering what is God's will, the Holy Spirit came to
guide you in God's will.

This is why your faith can be strong, your faith is

weakened when you're debating whether it's God's will or
Did you know Jesus was God's will manifested to us? He
was the will of the father unveiled to us. If you want to
know the will of God, look at Jesus.

You were born to be the will of the father manifested to

the world, that's why you have to grow in Christ, this is
God's vision, dream, plan for you.
2 John 1:1-4
Vs 2 - this is the Gospel encapsulated in one verse

3 John 1:1, John 17:17

John was not only fascinated with this, he embraced it.
The knowledge of this is the Gospel because truth is
No matter what you see/experience, the word is truth.

2 Corinthians 4:1-2
We live by manifestation of the truth.
Your everyday walk is the manifestation of the truth, your
life is the manifestation of the truth, this is how God sees
you, this is the life that you must live, this is who you are.
The manifestation of the truth is the manifestation of
God's will.

Imagine waking up every day and thinking I am the

manifestation of the truth, I am the manifestation of the
will of God, your life takes on a new meaning.
Every day you realize you're living a great life; your life is
Remember, He gave us His word for us to live not just so
we could read it and be blessed, it was given to us so we
would be the manifestation of the word.

I am the offspring of the word, my life is the word of God

in manifestation, my life is the Gospel unveiled.

The more we hear the word, the more strength we have,

we are full and more glorious.
When your body is listening as your ears are listening and
your spirit is listening, the word soaks your being: that's
where suddenly you start noticing the symptoms you
were having you don't feel it anymore.

Roman 1:9-
I serve God with my spirit not with my flesh, this is the
real divine worship. When you worship God, your life is a
life of worship.
This is why we have to train God's people to respond to
God with their spirit.

Matthew 15:8-9
Serving God with your spirit is different, this is what we
do in the New Testament.
When you sing to God, sing from your spirit to God and
not from your flesh.

Some people might be in the church, singing the song with

their lips but they are thinking of other things: their minds
are racing through other thoughts, their spirit isn't
responding because they haven't known how to discipline
their spirit, but they have to be taught
This is the responsibility of Pastors, but a Pastor can't
teach what he doesn't know.

Learn very quickly to respond to God with your spirit.

Withdraw your attention from other things and focus your
attention in the spirit: practice serving God with your
spirit until it becomes your way of life.
There is a consciousness of the kingdom of God you carry
every day, you realize you're living in two worlds at the
same time.

2 Corinthians 5
You realize that you're living from inside out, living from
your spirit, then your whole body will comply with your

God isn't obligated to keeping you in health, that's not His

job, health isn't a reward. God isn't going to keep you in
good health because you're serving Him, your reward of
good service is in heaven.

The 1000 years of peace isn't about us, it is about Israel; we

will be with Jesus ensuring everything is going on fine.
Our ministry isn't for the millennium, our work is unto
Jesus Christ, carrying out angelic functions.
After the trumpet sounds, and we are caught up from here,
we are done: the calendar of the Jews will continue
because right now it is suspended.
Jesus isn't going to be functioning as the kings of the Jews
in Jerusalem, He will function as king of the whole world.

Romans 1:9-11 2 Corinthians 8:1-

Vs 6 Titus is supposed to minister the grace to the
Corinthians church.

You can be poor and very proud to please: ignorance,

poor and proud, these three isn’t good at all.
You can be rich and stingy.
Giving has nothing to do what you have or don't have;
you just have to learn to be in that position where God can
use you joyfully.
If God needed help, will He come to you?

Measure your progress, how are you doing with God?

God is not obligated to getting a lot of money to you just
because you need it, you may need it doesn't mean it's
going to come. There are things you're supposed to do and
practice in God's word that guarantee your continuous
supply in abundance. These things not reward.
If truly you're an heir of God, you'll not measure yourself
with how much this world say you have, you measure
your capacity with your faith.
You know that your resources are endless, incalculable
but your faith can bring them from the spirit realm into
the material world.
So, measure yourself according to your faith.
What is your faith saying?

When you wait too long, you're postponing your own

blessings: when you act for God like that, a huge blessing
is coming to you, but you postpone your blessing by
postponing your actions.

2 Corinthians 8:7 NIV

If you’re always looking for what is left, that's not the
grace of giving.

If you want your words to be effective in the spirit, you

must put a premium on words.
Thinking and acting like this propels you from glory to
glory, there is no stopping you.
It doesn't matter at what point you are, don't look at it like
that, look at your faith. Whatever your faith can do right
now, when you act on it, that is why pleases God.

Whatever level you're, respond to him as an act of faith,

then His grace will lift you from there to another level.

Without the word of God your faith will become flabby.

Put the word to work, meditate on the word and put your
faith to action.... You'll be excited watching yourself grow.

How am I responding to the things of God?

What is my knowledge of God like? How is my fellowship
of God improving?
How is my dealings with people?

Remember one of the things I have stresses to you is

praying in the spirit, speaking in tongues: do it more and
more in your life.
There is no way of quantifying and estimating the capacity
that you build within you by praying in tongues and the
things you make possible in your personal life, plus you'll
be far more healthy and the Holy Ghost will be giving you
instructions that will help you in everything including on

I am focusing on health for a reason, we are in a world of


Do you know there is fluoride in some powder milk but

not in every country? Why more are having cancer, there
is a lot of bad food many are consuming.
The plan is to keep you visiting the hospital permanently.

Learn to listen to the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost wants

to bless you and lead you; He was sent to help you, He
will guide you in the path of life.


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