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Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

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Spatio-temporal analysis of shoreline changes and erosion risk

assessment along Jerba island (Tunisia) based on remote-sensing data
and geospatial tools

Amina Boussetta a , , Simona Niculescu b , Soumia Bengoufa b,c , Mohamed Faouzi Zagrarni a
U.R Applied Hydrosciences UR13ES81, Institut Supérieur des Sciences et Techniques des Eaux de Gabès (ISSTEG), University of Gabes, Tunisia
CNRS, LETG Brest UMR 6554 CNRS, Technopôle Brest-Iroise, University of Western Brittany, France
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de la Mer et de l’Aménagement du Littoral, (ENSSMAL), University Campus of Dely Ibrahim Bois des
Cars, Algeria

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: Jerba, the largest island in North Africa, is among the most exposed islands to the combined effects
Received 25 January 2022 of climate change and human activities in the Mediterranean. The eastern coast of Jerba island has
Received in revised form 14 July 2022 long been subject to intense tourist development due to its attractive natural potential. The main
Accepted 15 July 2022
issue addressed in this study concerns the evolutionary trends of Jerba shoreline and the assessment
Available online 25 July 2022
of coastal erosion risk. This work focuses on the historical study of the shoreline positions based on
Keywords: satellite data processing. The use of geographic information system (GIS) and the Digital Shoreline
Coastal erosion Analysis System (DSAS) geostatistical calculation tool allowed for the identification of erosion and
Sandy spit accretion rates and the description of evolutionary trends across 32 years covering three periods
Band ratioing (1989–1999, 1999–2009, and 2009–2021). The results show an overall erosion trend (89% of the
Satellite imagery coastline). The statistics revealed that the study area, with the exception of the sandy spit, has
Sandy beaches experienced an intense and alarming level of erosion between 1989 and 1999, with an end point
rate (EPR) equal to −4.12 m/year. This net rate continued to be negative in the period between 1999
and 2009, with an EPR of −0.5 m/year. Between 2009 and 2021, the net rate of shoreline change
is marked by slight accretion, at an average of +1.4 m/year. The overall long-term trend shows the
shoreline is eroding, with an average linear regression rate of −1.38 m/year for the whole period. This
trend is due to a combination of the cumulative effects of sea-level rise and anthropogenic actions.
Therefore, sustainable management strategies need to be implemented urgently by coastal managers
to restore the sectors that are susceptible to further erosion.
© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction suggested that the global sea level has risen by an average of
3.2+-0.4 mm/yr (Cazenave and Cozannet, 2014). The International
Coastal areas are a valuable shelter for natural heritage but Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2021) predicts that SLR will be
also the most developed land zones where most of the megaci- 0.63–1.01 m by 2100, which would be twice as fast as that which
ties are situated, attracting people and simulating the migration has occurred over the last 100 years (Masson-Delmotte et al.,
process (Barragán and de Andrés, 2015). Therefore, any negative 2021). The rate of coastal erosion is over twice the rate of SLR.
physical impact on these areas is certain to create massive natural Thus, even small changes in the sea level result in significant
and socioeconomic damages at a global scale (Brown et al., 2016; losses for low-lying zones (Leatherman et al., 2000), and the
Hallegatte et al., 2013; Ranasinghe, 2016). Due to the threat of existence of some insular environments and deltaic coasts is
climate change and significant contributions from local and re-
threatened. A further threat to economically valuable real estate
gional causes, coastal risks have increased (Quadrado et al., 2021).
comes from an exacerbation of sandy beach erosion. As the beach
In fact, environmental and climate change are leading to sea-
disappears, nearby fixed structures are increasingly exposed to
level rise (SLR), which is one of the most obvious consequences
direct wave impacts and will eventually be damaged or destroyed
of global warming. Over the 1993–2014 period, altimetry data
(Zhang et al., 2004).
∗ Corresponding author. Coastal erosion is a global phenomenon exacerbated by natu-
ral and anthropogenic factors. The coastal concentration of pop-
E-mail addresses: (A. Boussetta), (S. Niculescu), ulation and economic activities makes coastal erosion a global
(S. Bengoufa), (M.F. Zagrarni). concern (Bera and Maiti, 2019). According to Awange et al. (2018),
2352-4855/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Boussetta, S. Niculescu, S. Bengoufa et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

83% of sandy beaches worldwide are retreating. The Mediter- Hegde and Akshaya, 2015) even though a separate dataset is
ranean basin has about one third of its population concentrated essential for understanding and validating the performance of any
along coastal regions (Hřebíček et al., 2015) and does not es- remote-sensing product (Bengoufa et al., 2021; Lillesand et al.,
cape this evolution trend. The Tunisian coastline is one of the 2015).
areas most affected by SLR, being affected much faster than the Overall, the present paper contributes to the understanding of
world average and is estimated locally at 5.7 mm/year (Pirazzoli, the sandy coast’s evolution along Jerba island. The paper proposes
2021). The sandy coasts are marked by an intense retreat of the a fully automatic and validated method to extract the shoreline
shoreline (Amrouni et al., 2019). Shoreline retreat along island indicator position of sandy coasts and implements the use of
coasts is particularly alarming because of their limited beach di- a geographic information system (GIS) and the processing of
mensions and insufficient sediment supply (Peduzzi et al., 2013). satellite images to characterize the risk of coastal erosion. Us-
According to the national report of the Minister of Environ- ing the Digital Shoreline Assessment System (DSAS), statistical
ment and Land Management of Tunisia, the coastal areas of Jerba parameters were derived to estimate erosion rates. Based on
island are ranked among the most affected coasts of Tunisia spatio-temporal analysis of the shoreline position over a period
(Bouchahma and Yan, 2012), where there is no input of sand from of 32 years, specific information and precise cell-by-cell values
the mainland (Paskoff, 2004). This situation on Jerba island has for every 30 meters are provided for the eastern coast of Jerba
been exacerbated by the development of tourist infrastructures island.
located near the shoreline, which generate significant environ-
mental stress in the drift zones (Anfuso and Martínez del Pozo, 2. Study area
The impact of the erosion phenomenon, the tourism infras- Jerba, the largest Island of North-Africa, is 514-km2 island
tructure, and the harbor on the evolution of the sandy beaches of with 150 km of shoreline located in south-eastern Tunisia at a
Jerba have been considered the major interests of regional stud- northern latitude between 33◦ 57’0.56" and 33◦ 37’46.82" and an
ies. Indeed, there is a limited number of recent studies regarding eastern longitude between 10◦ 45’38.43" and 11◦ 3’53.802" (Fig. 1).
shoreline retreat along Jerba Island. Miossec and Paskoff (1979) It is characterized by a semi-arid Mediterranean climate with
focused on the evolution of sandy coasts based on aerial pho- an average annual precipitation of 247.47 mm/year (1984–2014)
tographic analysis. Bourgou (2005), Oueslati (2004), and Paskoff according to global meteorological data for Soil and Water As-
sessment Tool (SWAT) and an average annual temperature of
(2004) focused on the morphological evolution, the imbalance
20.61 ◦ C. The wind annual distribution, according to data from
of the coastal ecosystem of Jerba and human intervention. More
the synoptic station at Jerba airport, indicates a high average of
recently, Bouchahma and Yan (2014) and Bouchahma et al. (2017)
easterly winds (47%), followed by westerly winds (28%). Only 19%
studied the shoreline evolution of Jerba Island based on satel-
of periods are calm in autumn; 15%, in winter; 10%, in spring; and
lite images analysis. These studies have focused on the coastal
16%, in summer. The tidal type is semi-diurnal and regular, with
dynamic and evolutions that took place in Jerba, but no study
the most frequent range of 0.2 m (IHEE, 2015).
has calculated the erosion and accretion rates and estimated the
Jerba is characterized by a low average altitude of 20 m with
shoreline evolution trends in detail. An erosion measurement
average slope values between 0% and 4%. The coastal fringe is
specific to the site is required for any management process (Bera
narrow and flat, which explains the extension of the sabkha and
and Maiti, 2019). The erosion and accretion rates are commonly
chotts. This topography is prolonged in the submarine domain
estimated based on shoreline indicator detection and monitoring,
by an extended and shallow continental platform. The isobath
regarding which Boak and Turner (2005) have reviewed the im-
of −10 m is located at an average of 3 km from the shore.
portance of the choice of an adequate indicator depending on the
The north-eastern shoreline, which stretches for about 30 km
coastal geomorphological type.
between Rass Rmel and Aghir, is the most dynamic sector of
Furthermore, the detection and extraction of the shoreline the island, affected by the degradation of the components of the
indicator are tedious tasks when using traditional techniques, natural environment.
such as in-situ surveys or manual digitization, which are costly Since the 1960s, Jerba has started to attract tourists and has
and time consuming. The availability of remotely-sensed data become one of the most popular destinations in the region. Be-
is emerging as one of the best means for monitoring of the fore the elaboration of the tourist development plan (ITALCON-
earth (Konko et al., 2020) and provides synoptic coverage of SULT, 1975), the hotel space was already being exploited along
the coastal zone. Satellite image processing is therefore pre- the eastern coast. Sixteen hotel establishments occupied 140.95
ferred for detailing and monitoring geographical features (At- hectares there. This first development led to a large variety of
sri et al., 2018; Konko et al., 2016). Moreover, recent advances initiatives, which resulted in the construction of buildings estab-
in image-processing methods overcome the limits of traditional lished without any reference to an organized spatial framework.
techniques. The use of remote sensing offers new technologi- The result was ‘‘bad littoralization’’ (Chapoutot, 2011), with a
cal advantages for research in the field of coastal monitoring scattering of hotels along the coastline and a privatization of the
and allows researchers to obtain reliable information regarding waterfront.
shorelines (Konko et al., 2020). Furthermore, shoreline positions
are detected based on several image-processing techniques, such 3. Materials and methods
as thresholding (Cui and Li, 2011; Yamano et al., 2006), super-
vised (Bengoufa et al., 2021; Garcia Rubio et al., 2014; Chang To assess and characterize the coastal erosion phenomenon
et al., 2005), and band-ratio calculations (Islam et al., 2021; Bera across Jerba’s shoreline, the present study’s approach is based on
and Maiti, 2019; Louati et al., 2015; Cui and Li, 2011; Kuleli, an estimation of the shoreline evolution trends (retreat, stability,
2010). These techniques allow for the automatic extraction of or advance) for the period from 1989 to 2021. The erosion rates
the shoreline and could minimize the subjectivity of manual are calculated based on a spatio-temporal analysis of the shore-
digitizing. Furthermore, many publications that have focused on line position extracted automatically from remote-sensing data
shoreline extraction and evolution either simply present the re- based on the band ratioing method.
sults without providing sufficient detail on the chosen methods A systemic approach was developed highlighting different
(Toure et al., 2019) or do not make any explicit validation of steps, from the analysis of the characteristics and geomorpho-
their extracted shoreline with reference data (Dada et al., 2016; logical type of the coastal area and data collection, to the data
A. Boussetta, S. Niculescu, S. Bengoufa et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

Fig. 1. Geographic location of the study area.

processing, extraction of the shoreline, and the erosion rate rocky coastline, spit) before analyzing the shoreline’s evolution.
estimation. Proper implementation of these steps is essential This geomorphological analysis allowed us to identify the possi-
to accurately detect and monitor the shoreline indicator using ble choices for a shoreline indicator to monitor the shoreline’s
appropriate tools and techniques. kinematics. Indeed in addition to the preliminary analysis via
field investigations, visual inspections of very high-resolution
3.1. Environmental analysis of the studied area satellite images were conducted. We note that the study area is
characterized by a homogeneous geomorphology, with its near
The first step of our approach aims to analyze the geographical totality being marked by the presence of linear sandy beaches
and geomorphological context of the study area via an envi- in the south (touristic and Aghir zones), sandy spit (Rass Rmel)
ronmental analysis. Several field surveys were conducted over in the north, and the absence of rocky coasts or river and wadi
different periods of 2018, which gave us the opportunity to ob- mouths. Furthermore, it is remarkable that a high percentage of
serve the different signs of coastal erosion and to visualize the the coastline is artificial since most of the touristic infrastruc-
morphological changes along the coastline. ture is located in the Public Maritime Domain. Indeed several
We therefore focused on the morphology of the coastline with protection structures have been implemented to prevent coastal
the aim of locating and describing its types (i.e. sandy beaches, erosion.
A. Boussetta, S. Niculescu, S. Bengoufa et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

Fig. 2. Workflow of the global study approach.

3.2. Data set complied with the conditions of 0% cloud cover and no flooding
period. These selection conditions (Fig. 2) resulted in nine images
Three types of Landsat images of medium resolution were covering a period of three decades (1989–2021).
used, namely Thematic Mapper (TM), Enhanced Thematic Mapper The downloaded scenes are accompanied by metadata indicat-
Plus (ETM+), and Operational Land Imager (OLI) images. These ing the sensor type, the shooting parameters, and the acquisition
data were downloaded freely in GeoTIFF format via the United date. To prepare and pre-process the Landsat scenes, the suitable
States Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Explorer portal (http:// tools of QGIS 3.10 and IDRISI-selva were used. (Table 1), with Path = 190 and Row
= 37 from the Worldwide Reference System WRS 2 indexing
grid. The period covered, the duration of the evaluations and the 3.3. Image pre-processing
indicator used, in relation to the season in which the satellite data
was obtained, would generate variations in the rate of change Image pre-processing allows one to adapt the data to a partic-
results (Daramola et al., 2022). Thus the Landsat images selected ular objective. Landsat images must be radiometrically coherent
A. Boussetta, S. Niculescu, S. Bengoufa et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

Table 1
Metadata of the used satellite images.
Date acquired Acquisition Satellite images Resolution Bands used (µm)
time and sensor (m)
07 January 1989 09:19:53 Landsat 5 TM
B1: 0,45 - 0,52 (Bleu)
26 October 1999 09:42:27 Landsat 7 ETM+
B2: 0,52 - 0,6 (Green)
28 June 2002 09:38:01 Landsat 7 ETM+
B3: 0,63 - 0,69 (Rouge)
30 May 2003 09:38:17 Landsat 7 ETM+
B5: 1,55 - 1,75 (Mid-Infrared)
07 August 2009 09:35:44 Landsat 5 TM
05 August 2013 09:51:35 Landsat 8 OLI B2: 0,45 - 0,515 (Bleu)
13 February 2014 09:50:26 Landsat 8 OLI B3: 0,525 - 0,6 (Green)
16 August 2017 09:49:38 Landsat 8 OLI B4: 0,63 - 0,68 (Rouge)
15 January 2021 09:49:45 Landsat 8 OLI B6: 1,56 - 1,66 (Mid-Infrared)

(pixel values refer to the same physical units) and geometrically 2010). This eliminates the strong level of subjectivity and the
matched (pixels to be compared are in the same area) (Louati amount of time required for the most used method, manual
et al., 2015). If these corrections are not made, the user may digitalization.
misinterpret the ratio values. This misinterpretation could be In the first step, the ratios between the green and mid-infrared
related to the differences in the locations and the reflectance of bands, which are equivalent to Band 5/Band 2 in the case of Land-
the land cover types (Singh, 1989; Zhan et al., 2002; Song et al., sat TM and ETM+ and to Band 6/Band 3 in the case of Landsat-OLI,
2014). were calculated (see (1)). In the second step, a reclassification
The pre-processing of Landsat scenes starts with radiometric was performed to construct a binary image. To extract the target
correction to minimize the effects of the alteration of radiometric shoreline, which is the boundary between the sea and land, the
values generated by the interpolation during the georeferencing ratios with values less than one (<1) were reclassified as water
phase. The dark object subtraction model (Chavez, 1996) can (water pixels); otherwise, the values greater than one (>1) were
make a rough correction of the atmospheric effect based on the classified as land (land pixels). The overlay and reclass tools of
same satellite image. The necessary additional parameters (solar the IDRISI system were used respectively to build the selected
elevation and viewing angles, offset/gain) are mentioned in the ratios and to complete the binarization (Fig. 3).
metadata. QGIS 3.10 offers, as a preprocessing tool, the Semi-
Automatic Classification plugin, which ensures the attenuation Green/Mid-infrared (1)
of the atmospheric effect in one step, the compensation of the
The third step consisted of a vectorization of the binary images,
differences in the shooting conditions, and the calibration of the
that is, the conversion of the raster format of the results to poly-
sensors. Furthermore, the topographic effects are negligible for
line format. The resulting vector data were exported in Shapefile
low-relief areas (Gu and Gillespie, 1998; Hantson and Chuvieco,
format for processing in ArcGIS, where the shorelines were specif-
2011), which is the case with Jerba island. In addition, the ratios
ically processed. These shorelines have a zigzag pattern, giving a
method has a reduced sensitivity to the variability of topographic
non-real representation of their geometric nature; a smoothing
conditions (Lillesand et al., 2015).
process was performed using the Smooth Line tool in ArcGIS.
For the geometric correction, the Landsat 8-OLI image of 5
Each shoreline automatically extracted from the ratio method
August 2013 was georeferenced using the world geodetic system
was compared to the corresponding reference shoreline that was
(WGS 84) datum and Universal Transverse Mercator zone 32
manually digitized from the RGB image. This comparison enabled
projection. The georeferencing process was performed based on
us to assess the accuracy of the automatic shoreline extraction.
topographic maps of 1/50.000 of 1963. The Landsat 8-OLI image
Thus, the distances between the extracted and reference shore-
was then used to georeference the remaining Landsat scenes
lines were estimated based on the DSAS and its net shoreline
based on ground control points (GCPs). During each georeferenc-
movement (NSM) parameter.
ing process, more than 30 well-distributed GCPs were carefully
identified in situ from permanent landmarks such as road in-
tersections and coastal constructions using a differential global 3.5. Erosion rate estimation
positioning system. A first-order polynomial transformation and
nearest-neighbor image resampling were also applied to better After extraction of the multi-date shoreline, a diachronic anal-
preserve the original radiometric values of the pixels. ysis was performed using the DSAS v5.0. This tool is an extension
of ArcGIS software, was developed by the USGS (Himmelstoss
3.4. Shoreline detection and extraction et al., 2018), and is based on the principle of measuring distances
between shorelines and calculating rates of change (in m/year).
Before undertaking shoreline detection or extraction, it is es- The advantage of the DSAS is that it provides the graphical and
sential to define a suitable shoreline indicator (Boak and Turner, statistical evolution of the shoreline while analyzing past, present,
2005). For the present study, the limit of the high water level from and future change. Thus, the DSAS offers a series of simple tools
satellite images was detected. to automatically estimate the erosion rates (Nicu, 2021).
The detection method is based on the processing of a series The use of the DSAS requires the proper preparation of shore-
of multi-date Landsat images covering a period of 32 years. As lines in vector format within a geodatabase in ArcCatalog. Then,
mentioned, nine Landsat images covering our study area were the analysis consisted of three main steps: (i) the generation
used. The techniques performed are based on a calculation of visi- of the baseline, (ii) the creation of the transects, and (iii) an
ble and mid-infrared band ratios, since the near and mid-infrared estimation of the uncertainty and the choice of the statistics for
wavelengths are strongly absorbed by water and reflected by the calculation of the evolution rates.
soil (Alesheikh et al., 2007; Cui and Li, 2011). Therefore, the The baseline was generated following a buffer zone at an
shoreline can be extracted automatically after constituting the offshore distance of 200 m from the source shoreline, which
binary images (sea/land). The band-ratio method is simple, quick, remains parallel and offset to the reference shoreline orientation.
and does not require operator intervention (Chand and Acharya, Then, transects were generated with an equidistance of 30 m.
A. Boussetta, S. Niculescu, S. Bengoufa et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

Fig. 3. Shoreline extraction method; (A) band ratioing, (B) reclassification, (C) vectorization, (D) smoothing.

Therefore, calculations of the distances between the points of 2006; Kuleli, 2010; Louati et al., 2015), it is possible to assess
intersection of the transects and the shorelines were used for the shoreline change from Landsat images, without the interference
calculation of statistical parameters (Fig. 4). of the tidal factor. Considering all of the above, we estimate that
For the actual shoreline evolution estimation, two statistical the uncertainty of the used method results from the conjunction
parameters were used, the end point rate method (EPR) and the of three types of errors:
linear regression rate (LRR). The LRR was chosen to estimate long- (1) The error related to the automatic shoreline extraction
term rates of change over a 32-year period (1989–2021). The (ASEe) was estimated based on the calculated average distance
EPR was used to analyze short-term shoreline changes between between a reference shoreline and the extracted one using the
1989–1999, 1999–2009, and 2009–2021. The EPR is calculated by NSM parameter of the DSAS.
dividing the distance of shoreline movement by the time elapsed (2) The error related to the image-processing method could be
between the oldest and most recent shoreline (Himmelstoss et al., the result of the georeferencing process, and could be expressed
2018). by the root mean square error (RMSe), which is the distance
The main advantages of the EPR are the simplicity of the (in pixels) between the corrected coordinates and the reference
calculation and the need for only two shoreline dates. On the coordinates. This distance does not exceed 1/2 pixels.
other hand, the disadvantage is that, with more than two shore- (3) The margin of error related to the calculations of the
lines, additional information is lost (Himmelstoss et al., 2018). shoreline evolution rate, called the uncertainty of the end point
Furthermore, the reliability of the calculated rates of change rate (EPRunc), was calculated automatically using the DSAS tool
is generally proportional to the amount of historical shoreline according to the following equation (Himmelstoss et al., 2018)
data used (Appeaning Addo et al., 2012). For this reason, the
over three periods, 1989–1999, 1999–2009, and 2009–2021:
LRR was used, which is the most statistically robust method for √
estimating long-term trends in shoreline evolution. The values of (uncyA)2 + (uncyB)2
the shoreline rates change were then classified with respect to EPRunc = ± , (2)
dateA − dateB
the standard interval of Himmelstoss et al. (2018) and displayed
as color nuances projected on hazard maps. Where:
uncyA is uncertainty from the attribute field of shoreline A,
3.6. Errors and uncertainty analysis
uncyB is uncertainty from the attribute field of shoreline B, dateA
Several error sources could be considered for uncertainty anal- is the date of shoreline A (most recent), and dateB is the date of
ysis of our approach. The Landsat images used were taken during shoreline B (oldest).
the summer period under calm sea conditions, which could ne- Finally, the total error is given by the square root of the sum of
glect the error related to seasonal variations and meteorological the squares of the values of the error sources according to Eq. (3)
tide. Furthermore, the Mediterranean basin exhibits a micro-tidal (Fletcher et al., 2003):
regime (0.2 m) and, given the spatial resolution of the Landsat √
images of 30 m, as adopted in previous works (Guariglia et al., E α= RMSe2 + ASEe2 + EPRunc 2 , (3)
A. Boussetta, S. Niculescu, S. Bengoufa et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

Fig. 4. Distances calculation between the intersection points of transects and shorelines using DSAS tool.

Where: 4.1. Assessment of shoreline extraction accuracy

RMSe = the georeferencing error (root mean square);
Nine shorelines were extracted automatically from Landsat
ASEe = the automatic shoreline extraction error; images based on the band-ratio method. The accuracy of this
EPRunc = the uncertainty of the end point rate calculation; and extraction method has been evaluated using a reference shoreline
derived from manual digitization. Table 2 shows the distances
E α = the total error. between the nine extracted shorelines and the corresponding
reference shoreline. These distances have been calculated au-
4. Results tomatically using the DSAS and the NSM parameter (Fig. 5).
The average distances were used as indicators for analyzing the
The results of the present study were derived from a spatio- extraction accuracy.
temporal analysis of shoreline positions that were automatically Overall, the ratio method generated accurate shoreline detec-
extracted from satellite data processing. This analysis was con- tion (Table 2). We noticed that, for the touristic zone – which is a
ducted over a 32-year period subdivided into intervals of around straight and homogeneous shore – the method provided the most
10 years (1989–2021). Below, the accuracy of the shoreline ex- accurate shoreline extraction, with average distances of 1.9 m,
traction method is first evaluated. Then, using the EPR and LRR 1.56 m, 1.97 m, and 1.83 m, respectively, for 1989, 1999, 2009,
statistical parameters, the rate of shoreline evolution along the and 2021. Over the same period, the average distances recorded
eastern coast of Jerba island is detailed to interpret the erosion in the Aghir zone were 2.85 m, 2.44 m, 3.4 m, and 3.75 m, respec-
phenomenon. Finally, the uncertainty analysis of the results is tively. In contrast, along the sandy spit, high average distances of
presented. 11.57 m, 6.6 m, 12.2 m, and 11.4 m were observed, respectively,
A. Boussetta, S. Niculescu, S. Bengoufa et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

Table 2
NSM statistics basing on DSAS calculation.
Years Sectors Cells Min Mean Max Mean
distance distance distance distance/sector
(m) (m) (m) (m)
Rass Rmel C1 1.37 11.57 23.78 11.57
Touristic zone C2 0.5 2.5 8.9 1.9
1989 C3 0.2 1.9 8.6
C4 0.3 1.41 7.5
Aghir zone C5 0.8 3.1 13.7 2.85
C6 0.9 2.6 6.6
Rass Rmel C1 2.5 6.6 32.1 6.6
Touristic zone C2 0.3 1.2 5.2 1.56
1999 C3 0.19 1.9 7.9
C4 0.5 1.6 7.9
Aghir zone C5 0.81 3.39 9.5 2.44
C6 0.9 3.5 8.1
Rass Rmel C1 0.7 12.2 30.9 12.2
Touristic zone C2 0.6 1.53 8.8 1.97
2009 C3 0.99 2.3 9.2
C4 0.6 2.1 8.3
Aghir zone C5 0.31 3.3 7.4 3.4
C6 0.7 3.5 9
Rass Rmel C1 0.95 11.4 31 11.4
Touristic zone C2 0.5 1.6 9 1.83
2021 C3 0.85 2 8.9
C4 0.6 1.9 7.9
Aghir zone C5 0.4 3.7 6.9 3.75
C6 0.9 3.8 8.2

Fig. 5. Assessment of shoreline extraction accuracy: distances calculation between the extracted and the digitized shoreline using Net Shoreline Movement (NSM)

revealing that the ratio method is less accurate for the shoreline extracted, which correspond to nine dates (Fig. 7), were used for
extraction of complex coast types. the LRR calculation.
The studied coastline was divided into six coastal cells (Fig. 6)
4.2. Analysis of shoreline evolution between 1989 and 2021 to simplify the estimation of the shoreline evolution and to fa-
cilitate their interpretation, analysis, and presentation. Using the
A spatio-temporal analysis was conducted to estimate the
EPR and LRR values, six classes were defined: high erosion (−2
shoreline change rates and to characterize the erosion of Jerba’s
eastern shoreline. Intervals of roughly the same length were m/yr), low erosion (−2 to −1 m/yr), stabilized (−1 to 1 m/yr),
fixed to estimate the erosion within almost three mid-periods low accretion (1 to 2 m/yr), moderate accretion (2 to 3 m/yr), and
(1989–1999, 1999–2009, 2009–2021) using the EPR parameter. high accretion >3 m/yr. We present the results of the EPR values
Furthermore, to minimize information loss, all the shorelines classification along each zone and cell for the three periods and
A. Boussetta, S. Niculescu, S. Bengoufa et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

Fig. 6. The eastern coasts of Jerba island (A) Rass Rmel, (B) Touristic Zone (C) and Aghir zone.

the LRR values classification for the entire period in the following

4.2.1. Shoreline evolution along Rass Rmel sandy spit

The analysis of the multi-temporal series of Landsat images
allows us to characterize the evolution along the Rass Rmel spit
(Fig. 7). As early as 1989, the spit underwent a very rapid shift to
the northwest. Between 1989 and 1999, it has extended by about
760 m at an average speed of about 76.24 m/year (Fig. 8).
The spit further evolved between 1999 and 2009 and reached
an extent in its point over a distance of approximately 250 m
(Fig. 8). The minimum and maximum evolution speeds were
15.4 m/yr and 27 m/yr, respectively, which translates into an
average annual speed of approximately 25.87 m/yr. Between 2009
and 2021, the average and maximum shoreline evolutions were
200 m and 300 m, respectively. The evolution of the sandy spit
is three times faster between 1989 and 1999 than between 1999
and 2009 and 2009 and 2021 (Fig. 8).
It is evident that, over the entire period studied (from 1989 to Fig. 7. Shorelines extraction results along the Rass Rmel sandy spit.
2021), the Rass Rmel sandy spit recorded a net positive evolution
(accretion of sediment). The LRR clearly indicates this evolution,
giving an annual average speed of about 38.74 m/year (Fig. 8).
A. Boussetta, S. Niculescu, S. Bengoufa et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

Fig. 8. Evolution of the shoreline along the Rass Rmel spit.

4.2.2. Shoreline evolution along the touristic zone 4.2.3. Shoreline evolution along Aghir zone
The touristic zone of the north-east coast of Jerba island ex- This zone extends over 6.5 km and includes two cells (cell
tends over 9 km and includes three cells. This zone had an erosion 5 and cell 6). Between 1989 and 1999 (Fig. 9a), the retreat of
rate of −3.3 m/year between 1989 and 1999 (Fig. 9 a), was rel- the shoreline was general for both cells 5 and 6. The average
atively stable between 1999 and 2009 (Fig. 9b), and experienced and minimum rates have reached −4.96 m and −18.27 m/year,
slight accretion between 2009 and 2021 (Fig. 9c). respectively.
The spatio-temporal analysis of the shoreline evolution along For the 1999–2009 period (Fig. 9b), sediment accumulation
the first cell (cell 2) of the touristic zone, which extends over was noted between Rass Rouga and the Aghir harbor, with a
three kilometers between two tourist structures, revealed a very maximum shoreline accretion rate of +1.86 m/year. The main
pronounced erosive trend. Between 1989 and 1999 (Fig. 9a), the reason for this accretion could be the further implementation of
average shoreline retreat was around −3.59 m/year, and the dykes (Fig. 13 g). There were about twenty dykes for a shoreline
highest retreat rate (−6.29 m/year) was measured in front of the of about 5 km in 1999. However, we noticed that this has caused
Hotel Les Sirènes. Between 1999 and 2009 (Fig. 9b), the erosive an intense shoreline retreat in front of the hostel of Aghir, with
trend continued with a relatively low average rate. The erosion average and maximum rates reaching −2.7 m and −5.4 m/year,
mainly affected the sandy beaches in front of the Radisson Hotel, respectively. In fact, the installation of dyke with a 70 m wide
with a maximum shoreline retreat rate of −3.38 m/year. After channel has led to a sediment transit toward the south and thus
the installation of two Geotubes in 2009, these beaches were in to an accretion of sediment at the level of the beach located
a situation of upstream-drift sedimentation (accretion), with a immediately downstream of the harbor jetty, with a maximum
maximum rate of +2.75 m/year, and downstream-drift erosion,
shoreline evolution rate of +9 m/year. However, this has led to a
with an average rate of −0.7 m/year. Therefore, between 2009
retreat of the shoreline at the level of the beaches adjacent to the
and 2021 (Fig. 9c), the shoreline along this cell was stable, with a
Jerba Paradise hotel, with a maximal rate of about −9.38 m/year.
small retreat in the north of the Hotel Les Sirènes (−1.04 m/year)
Between 2009 and 2021 (Fig. 9c), an accretion was notice-
due to the hotel wall (Fig. 12), which acts as a barrier to the
able along the whole zone, with a maximum shoreline evolution
longshore drift.
rate of +8.58 m/year; accretion was not found in the sector
The erosive trend has characterized the second cell (cell 3)
that extends between Jerba la Douce and Golf Beach, which is
of the touristic zone, mainly during the periods of 1989–1999
(Fig. 9a) and 1999–2009 (Fig. 9 b), where the average and min- characterized by relative stability.
imum speeds of the shoreline retreat were −3.59 m and −6.14 According to the LRR values for the entire period (1989–2021)
m/year and −0.14 m and −1.49 m/year, respectively. Slight ac- (Fig. 10), a retreat of shoreline position has occurred all along the
cretion has characterized the 2009–2021 period (Fig. 9c), with a southeast coast of the island, with average and minimum rates
maximum and average speed of 2.67 m and 1.74 m/year, respec- reaching −1.7 m and −8.42 m/year, respectively.
The third cell (Cell 4) was also characterized by an erosive 4.3. Margin of total error
trend reflected by the retreat of the shoreline, with average and
minimum rates of −2.74 m and −4.87 m/year and −1.27 m The erosion rate cannot be estimated without accounting for
and −4.25 m/year between 1989 and 1999 (Fig. 9a) and 1999 the possible sources of error, in other words, the error related due
and 2009 (Fig. 9b), respectively. An accretion of sediment was to the remotely-sensed data processing (RMSe), the error of the
noticeable between 2009 and 2021 (Fig. 9c) on the northern side automatic shoreline extraction from the Landsat data based on
of this zone, with a maximum speed of 4 m/year, and a slight ratio methods (ASEe), and the uncertainty of the EPR calculations
retreat was found in front of the hotel Dar Jerba, with an average (EPRunc).
speed of −2 m/year. The RMSe was ±3 m/yr for the 1989–1999 and 1999–2009
Over the 32-year period, the touristic zone has been signif- periods and ±2.5 m/yr for the 2009–2021 period (Table 3).
icantly subjected to erosion, with an average LRR indicating an It is worth mentioning that the shorelines extracted from
average rate of shoreline retreat of −1.05 m/yr and a maximum scenes of 2002, 2003, 2013, 2014, and 2017 were included in
of −1.06 m/year and a minimum of −2.87 m/year (Fig. 10). the LRR calculations over the study period but excluded from the
A. Boussetta, S. Niculescu, S. Bengoufa et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

Fig. 9. Statistical synthesis of shoreline change rate according to EPR parameter and coastal erosion mapping within the mid-periods (a) 1989–1999; (b) 1999–2009
and (c) 2009–2021.

intermediate calculations of the EPR. Therefore, the EPRunc was along the sandy spit of Rass Rmel, where the total error ranges
automatically estimated from the DSAS (Table 3). The results of between 9.6 m and 12 m. These variations are especially due
the total uncertainty for each period are presented in Table 3. the variability of the error related to the automatic shoreline
Overall, the total error ranges between 3.5 m and 4.6 m except extraction.
A. Boussetta, S. Niculescu, S. Bengoufa et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

Fig. 10. Long-term statistic synthesis of shoreline change rate according to LRR parameter and coastal erosion mapping (1989–2021).

Table 3
Estimated errors and total uncertainty.
Periods 1989–1999 1999–2009 2009–2021
Rass Touristic Aghir Rass Touristic Aghir Rass Touristic Aghir
Rmel zone zone Rmel zone zone Rmel zone zone
SAEe 9.08 1.73 2.64 9.4 1.76 2.92 11.8 1.9 3.57
RMSe 3 3 3 3 3 3 2.5 2.5 2.5
EPRunc 0.93 0.93 0.93 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.46 1.46 1.46
Eα 9.6 3.58 4.1 9.97 3.76 4.4 12.14 3.46 4.59

5. Discussion which should enable the development of a shared database used

for efficient coastal monitoring.
One of the objectives of this paper was to develop an ef- Remote-sensing satellite data in combination with GIS tools
ficient method for shoreline detection and extraction. Optical contribute to the continuous short- and long-term monitoring of
satellite imagery provides regular and consistent observations of the highly dynamic features of the shoreline (Baral et al., 2018)
the earth with minimal requirements for individual operators and accurately characterize coastal erosion (Kaliraj et al., 2015).
(Spinosa et al., 2021) and offers the most practical approaches Using these tools, the coastal erosion along Jerba island was
for detecting shoreline positions at different spatial and tempo- characterized via a diachronic analysis of the shoreline evolution.
ral scales (Almonacid-Caballer et al., 2016; Hegde and Akshaya, Given the absence of updated recent studies and the importance
2015). This data source has been widely used in various shoreline of the results obtained, this study could remedy the serious lack
studies. Most recently, Bengoufa et al. (2021) used remotely- of knowledge regarding the basic elements (statistics) of coastal
sensed data and tested the ability of new machine-learning meth- erosion and accretion, which we detailed for the most vulnerable
ods for shoreline extraction. Even though these methods have areas of Jerba island (eastern coast) for the first time. This kind of
been found to be highly accurate, they are still semi-automatic element together with field data are valuable for coastal zone and
and can only be used for a specific coastal type, either a rocky island-environment managers in developing appropriate sustain-
coast or a sandy coast. In the absence of studies on fully automatic able management plans and mitigating the vulnerability of sandy
shoreline extraction, the present work is an original study, as it coasts (Natarajan et al., 2021).
evaluates a form of image processing based on the band-ratio Our study area demonstrated a clear erosive trend, with the
method. This evaluation was undertaken by comparing the results exception of the Rass Rmel spit, which has experienced signifi-
to a reference shoreline extracted using a digitization method. cant sedimentary accretion (+38.74 m/year between 1989–2021)
This method is widely used for shoreline extraction, however, it (Fig. 8). These results cohere with stereoscopic observations of
is time consuming and relatively subjective (Liu and Jezek, 2004), aerial photographs, which indicate that the length of the spit
and expertise in the coastal and marine field is required to iden- increased by 950 m between 1988 and 1999 (Bourgou, 2005).
tify an adequate shoreline indicator. The band-ratio method was This increase entails an accretion rate equal to 86.36 m/year.
found to be acceptably accurate and compatible, especially along According to Oueslati (2004), the spit gained 1,500 m between
homogeneous and straight shorelines such as sandy beaches, but 1985 and 1991, which thus increased its length to about 7.360
had some limits when used to extract the shoreline of the sandy km. These findings are similar to Khlifi (2005), who indicated that
spit. The band-ratio method is also simple and quick to use and the annual rate of extension is about 90 m/year (Gzam et al.,
requires no operator intervention. A large panel of users could 2009). The sandy beaches have been subjected to a high rate
reproduce this method in an automatic and standardized way, of shoreline retreat over the last three decades (1989–2021).
A. Boussetta, S. Niculescu, S. Bengoufa et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

Strong erosion of the sandy beaches along the touristic and Aghir
zones was recorded during the 1989–1999 period, which explains
why the sandy spit extended three times faster over this same
period than during the periods of 1999–2009 and 2009–2021
(Fig. 8). This can be demonstrated by the sedimentary transit
provided by the northward longshore drift, which is estimated at
40,000 m3 /year according to the Central Company for Territorial
Equipment (CCTE, 1999). Measurements made between 1999 and
2000 in the touristic zone show that the coastal transit is approx-
imately 23,677 m3 /year (Roberge, 2005). The most recent study
estimated the annual input provided by the longshore drift to be
30,000 m3 (Gzam et al., 2009).
The DSAS results sufficiently conform to the real-world situ-
ation. The results provide a detailed overview of the shoreline
evolution and account for local erosion trends. These results can
support researchers in many investigations of coastal and espe-
cially insular environments. We noticed alarming signs of marine
erosion through our field surveys. Among the observed signs, we
found the roots of the coastal palm trees were denuding (Fig. 13b
and 13d). These roots used to be a natural stabilizer of the dunes
and the soil, preventing erosion and protecting the old coastal
road (Figs. 13c and 13f). Furthermore, the significant erosion of
the upper beach has led to the denudation of the upper walls,
which are now beaten by sea waves at high tide; this has led to
cracks and deformation by subsidence and even traces of basal
scouring (Fig. 13a).
In addition, coastal erosion threatens historical monuments,
such as the monument of Sidi Garous, of which only ruins remain
(Fig. 13e). Moreover, with the disappearance of the beach in front
of the very famous marabout monument of Sidi Bakour (Fig. 11a),
the monument is now entirely underwater. The Sidi Bakour mon-
ument was slightly destroyed by waves in 1979 (Oueslati, 1986),
still standing in 1991, and collapsed into the sea in 1993 (Fig. 11b)
(Oueslati, 2004). Today, it has completely disappeared. A memo-
rial monument was installed in 2005 further away from the
shoreline (on the top of the beach; Fig. 11c). Field observations
in 2018 and 2019, show that this memorial monument is subject
to swash processes and located in the intertidal zone (Fig. 11c). Fig. 11. Monument of Sidi bakour ; (a) the existence of the monument in 1976
(Paskoff, 2004), (b) the affected monument in 1991 (Oueslati, 2004), (c) The
Furthermore, the degradation of the sandy beaches is leading disappearance of the monument and the implementation of memorial of Sidi
to the destruction of the hotel infrastructures. Several hotels are Bakour (photo taken on 09/08/2018).
threatened or have already closed and have lost their beach. This
is the case of the Les Sirènes (Fig. 12). Riprap and a protector
wall have been installed near the Les Sirènes hotel to absorb tourist activities have stopped the transport of continental sand
the impact of the marine forcing. However, these constructions that naturally nourishes the beaches. Hoteliers have continued to
accelerated the erosion of the adjacent beaches. clear the Posidonia leaves of these beaches, which has led to a
The erosion in general could be explained by the accelerated reduction in the braking effect of the waves.
rise in sea level, which is an evident consequence of climate The shoreline of Jerba Iisland is therefore constantly altered
change. The relationship between SLR and sandy beach erosion due to the combined influence of the natural environment and
is very strong. In fact, this link is highly multiplicative. According human activities. The decline of these beaches is very serious and
to studies of Leatherman et al. (2000) coastal erosion of sandy worrying. The situation is becoming a critical environmental crisis
beaches is expected to be 150 times the rate of sea level rise. In requiring rapid intervention.
our case, a sustained sea level rise of 5.7 m (Pirazzoli, 2021) could
result in 0.85 m of shoreline erosion. While the recorded erosion 6. Conclusions
in our study area is less than 1 m. Therefore, coastal erosion rates
are expected to be more than 150 times the rate of sea level The rapid retreat of the shoreline, which demonstrates the
rise for disturbed sandy beaches. Future coastal recession is then hazard of coastal erosion, represents a real problem in most
expected to be largely contributed by sea level rise (Athanasiou coastal zones. Island environments are particularly affected, as
et al., 2020; Ranasinghe, 2016). is the case for the sandy beaches of the eastern coast of Jerba
In addition to the effect of the SLR, erosion could be accentu- island in Tunisia. It is now necessary to monitor the shoreline to
ated by the subsidence of the Gulf of Gabes (Miossec and Paskoff, define the exposed areas and to anticipate the erosion process.
1979). Moreover, these beaches are made up of residual stocks The present study, which is based on remote-sensing techniques,
inherited from ancient times that are not renewed and therefore falls within this perspective and addresses the lack of updated
exhibit a critical sedimentary deficit (Oueslati, 2004). Neverthe- studies.
less, it is anthropogenic actions that have seriously exacerbated A patio-temporal analysis of the shoreline position has been
the situation since the 1960s. The destruction of coastal dunes, performed to characterize the coastal erosion along eastern coast
the establishment of hotel units on the seafront, and balneal and of Jerba island. The shoreline was extracted automatically from
A. Boussetta, S. Niculescu, S. Bengoufa et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

Fig. 12. The total disappearance of the beach in front les Sirenes Hotel, (a) photo taken in July 1992 and the beach measurements were established by Oueslati
(2004) (b) Hotel Les Sirènes closed (Photo taken on 09/08/2018).

multi-temporal, multi-sensor, Landsat satellite images covering a CRediT authorship contribution statement
32-year period (1989–2021). After extensive radiometric and geo-
metric corrections, and the application of the band-ratio method, Amina Boussetta: Conceptualization, Acquisition of data,
nine shorelines from different times were extracted (1989, 1999, Methodology, Software, Writing – original draft, Writing,
2002, 2003, 2009, 2013, 2014, 2017, and 2021). Three short- Writing – review & editing. Simona Niculescu: Resources,
term trends and one long-term trend were studied. The analysis Visualization, Funding acquisition, Writing – review & editing.
revealed that the study area is undergoing a massive erosion Soumia Bengoufa: Validation, Writing – original draft, Writing
process (89%) in the long term (1989–2021). The transect-based – review & editing. Mohamed Faouzi Zagrarni: Supervision,
analysis of the shoreline evolution revealed spatio-temporal vari- Project administration, Writing – review & editing.
ability among the different sites studied. This analysis allowed us
to distinguish two types of situations: certain sites are experi-
encing generalized erosion (the tourist area and Aghir) and other Declaration of competing interest
sites are experiencing progradation (the Rass Rmel sandy spit).
In several spots, the erosion has become almost irreversible, and The authors declare the following financial interests/personal
reestablishing stability will not be easy. relationships which may be considered as potential competing
The Landsat image processing based on the band-ratio method interests: Simona NICULESCU reports financial support was
was found to be an accurate method for fully extracting the provided by ISblue. Simona NICULESCU reports a relationship
shoreline automatically. Therefore, a large panel of users could with ISblue that includes: non-financial support.
reproduce this method for the updating of an eventual shared
database of coastal monitoring. The monitoring of the shoreline Data availability
changes, after the estimation of the global error, produced results
in conformity with the real-world situation. The results provide
No data was used for the research described in the article.
a detailed overview of the shoreline’s evolution, account for local
erosion trends, and can thus help many investigations of coastal
and especially insular areas. These data would then facilitate fu- Acknowledgments
ture analyses of the vulnerability of hotel infrastructure to climate
change and sea level rise. Due to the attractive nature of Jerba The authors are very grateful to the Jlij Association for the Ma-
island from a touristic point of view and the related socioeco- rine Environment AJEM, for their assistance in the field surveys.
nomic issues this attractiveness entails, the results of this study The authors are very grateful to the program of ERASMUS+ Chair
should be seriously considered with respect to the development Jean Monnet European Spatial Studies of Sea and Coastal zones —
of much-needed coastal management and risk-mitigation plans. 599967-EPP-1-2018-1-FR-EPPJMO-CHAIR.
A. Boussetta, S. Niculescu, S. Bengoufa et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 55 (2022) 102564

Fig. 13. Coastal erosion along the eastern coast of Jerba (a) (b) (c) signs of erosion (d) commemorative monument of Sid Garous (e) the roots of the palm trees (f)
The old coastal road in direct contact with the sea (g) multiplication of protection dykes.

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