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Question 4 (a) The research design used in this research is survey.

This is the Present oriented methodology used to investigate population by selecting samples to analyse and discover occurrences. It was used because it describes and explains events as they are, as they were or as they will be. It was suitable for extensive research. The target population for this study was 20 members of staff working at the human resource department. Simple random sampling was used to select representatives. Various methods were used to collect data. They include: Observation This includes the use of all senses to perceive and understand the experiences of interest to the researcher. Observation was used to bridge the gap between what people say they do and what they actually do. It was convenient because it explores topics that may be uncomfortable to informants. Interview This is person to person communication in which one person asks the other questions intended to elicit information or opinions. Interviews are convenient because they capture meanings beyond the words. It was used so as to gain control over the line of questioning. Questionnaire This is a collection of items to which a respondent is expected to react in writing. The purpose of questionnaires is to collect a lot of information over a short period of time. It was suitable because information needed can be easily described in writing. Below are the questions used in the questionnaire: 1. Which among the following has been put to consideration in formulating the structure of the organization? (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Strategy Size Environment Control Incentives ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

2. While firms emphasize on technology bolsters, do they become more attained to what consumers want, giving them an edge to commercializing new products? Yes ( ) No ( ) 3. Has the organization used performance measurement to track the quality of products delivered to consumers? Yes Yes ( ) ( ) No No ( ) ( ) 4. Listening is oftentimes much more productive when working Briefly explain 5. Has the organization improved its competitive advantage through outsourcing? Yes Briefly explain .. . 6. Briefly explain how the organization will concise a list of exposures and cost estimates ( ) No ( )

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