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© 2019 Ethan L.


Principles of Computer System Design
© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Computer systems performance

❖ We want computers to perform “better”
‣ Complete tasks faster
‣ Use less power / energy
‣ Do more tasks

❖ How is performance measured?

❖ How can we design systems to improve performance?

‣ Intrinsic issues
‣ Technology-dependent issues

CSE 130: Principles of Computer System Design 2

© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Refresher: SI pre xes

Pre x Pre x Power (base 2) Size (base 10)

Kilo (k) milli (m) 210 / 2-10 103 / 10-3

Mega (M) micro (µ) 220 / 2-20 106 / 10-6
Giga (G) nano (n) 230 / 2-30 109 / 10-9
Tera (T) pico (p) 240 / 2-40 1012 / 10-12
Peta (P) femto (f) 250 / 2-50 1015 / 10-15
Exa (E) atto (a) 260 / 2-60 1018 / 10-18

CSE 130: Principles of Computer System Design 3

© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Measuring performance
❖ Computer systems can be measured in many aspects

❖ Capacity: amount of a resource that’s available (time, memory, etc.)

‣ Utilization: percentage of capacity being used
‣ Overhead: resource “wasted”
‣ Useful work: resource spent on actual work

❖ Time-based metrics
‣ Latency: time between input and result
‣ Throughput: rate of results (useful work) per unit time

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© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Capacity-based metrics
❖ System has a certain amount of a resource
‣ Some used at the “current” level: useful work
‣ Some consumed at levels below: overhead
❖ Examples:
‣ In-Memory Hash-Table
‣ Multi-threaded HTTP Server

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© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Latency vs. throughput

❖ 200 people want to go to Santa Barbara (~250 miles)
❖ How should we get there?
‣ Tesla Roadster 2.0 (Capacity 2, speed 250 MPH)
‣ Yellow school bus (Capacity 50, speed 50 MPH

Latency Tesla gets the rst 2 people there much faster: about 1 hour

Bandwidth School bus gets all people there much faster: about 40 hours

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© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Time-based metrics
❖ Latency: elapsed time for a single action
❖ Throughput: rate of actions per unit time

❖ Let’s study a modularized system!

‣ What’s the latency calculation?
‣ What’s the throughput calculation?

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© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Pipelining and concurrency

❖ Pipelining: split operation into multiple individual stages
‣ Each stage operates independently
‣ Single request goes through multiple stages
‣ Di erent requests may go through di erent stages
❖ Latency: time for a single request to go through all stages
latencyA+B ≥ latencyA + latencyB
❖ Throughput: limited by throughput of slowest stage
throughputA+B ≤ min(throughputA, throughputB)

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© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Sometimes the best choice isn’t obvious

❖ 1980s/1990s Silicon Chip databases
‣ Size of les / slowness of across-the-ocean
data transfers led to . . .
• Hand tape to engineer who boards a Boeing
747 to Japan
❖ Event Horizon Telescope
‣ Collected 5 petabytes around the world
‣ Shipped to central location for processing
on 800 computers
‣ “Nothing beats a 747 lled with hard disks.”

CSE 130: Principles of Computer System Design 9

© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Sometimes the best choice isn’t obvious

❖ What’s the fastest way to move 100PB of data from Santa Cruz to
‣ Network (1 GB/s) is very fast, but is it fast enough?
‣ Is there a faster way?

Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station

wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway.
—Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Amazon Snowmobile

CSE 130: Principles of Computer System Design 10

© 2019 Ethan L. Miller


Latency (execution time) Time for one task

Throughput (bandwidth) Tasks per unit time

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© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Designing for performance

❖ So how do we make a system run “better”?

❖ Build THEN Measure

‣ (Don’t prematurely optimize)
‣ (You will probably be incorrect about where the bottlenecks are)

CSE 130: Principles of Computer System Design 12

© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Designing for performance

1. Measure the system to see if it is needs to be faster
2. Measure again to nd the bottleneck
3. Predict the impact of removing bottleneck
3.a.Removing the bottleneck doesn’t help performance: reconsider design?
3.b.Removing the bottleneck will help: nd ways to remove it
4. Implement new solution and repeat

CSE 130: Principles of Computer System Design 13

© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Bottlenecks in Law and economics

By Lasse Havelund, based on content by Farcaster (Wikipedia)

❖ Eliminate NASA budget, all $18 billion of it

‣ How much can the government reduce spending?
❖ Reduce Defense by 20% (to 0.8× original)
‣ How much does this save?
CSE 130: Principles of Computer System Design 14
© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Amdahl’s Law (Law of Diminishing Returns)

❖ How much will an optimization improve performance if it only
impacts one stage of the request?
‣ P = portion of total time that can be improved
‣ S = amount by which that portion is sped up (1 P) + P

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© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Reducing latency: exploit workload properties

❖ Reducing latency is di cult: often limited by set rules
‣ Speed of light
‣ Algorithm run time
❖ Leverage non-uniformity: reduce latency for some requests
‣ Common requests
‣ “Easy” requests
❖ Create a fast path

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© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Fast path example

Latencyfast Frequencyfast + Frequencyslow = 1 (proportion of fast vs. slow)

Frequencyfast AverageLatency =
Latencyfast × Frequencyfast + Latencyslow × Frequencyslow

❖ One very common approach to fast-path: Caching

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© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

❖ Concurrency can reduce latency
‣ Run multiple stages (or parts of stages) in parallel
‣ Overall latency is reduced!
❖ Concurrency can increase throughput
‣ Each stage works on a di erent request
‣ Pipeline: assembly line
• Think: Factory line!

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© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Pipelining: hiding latency

❖ Pipelines increase throughput by keeping every stage busy
‣ Requires that each stage be handled by di erent resources
‣ Typically, thread/memory per stage which are likely virtualized
❖ Use a bounded bu er between each stage to keep stages busy

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© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Queueing and overload

❖ What about bursts
❖ Pipelining works well if all stages are the same length
‣ Requests move in an orderly fashion
❖ What if some stages are di erent lengths?
‣ Or di erent lengths for di erent requests?
❖ Bounded bu ers queue requests between stages
❖ Problem: what if average throughput for stages is di erent?
‣ Bu ers will ll: more and more requests in each one
‣ Latency will increase: requests spend (idle) time in bu ers
❖ Incoming request rate > average throughput for one stage overload
‣ System can’t handle all of the incoming requests!
CSE 130: Principles of Computer System Design 20
© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Dealing with bottlenecks

❖ Batching: handle requests as a group to amortize xed overhead

❖ Dallying: delay a request

‣ Maybe it won’t be needed
‣ Maybe it can be batched

❖ Speculation: perform a request before it’s made

‣ Guess on what the request might be
‣ Increases work, but decreases latency
‣ Might be easier to do request at an earlier time

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© 2019 Ethan L. Miller

Measuring performance
❖ Measuring computer system performance requires
‣ Computer system
‣ Workload

❖ Workload is important: di erent workloads perform di erently

‣ Systems are often optimized for a particular type of workload
‣ Measuring on other workloads is misleading (at best)

❖ How do we pick workloads to measure?

❖ Where do these workloads come from?
❖ How do we know the result is accurate?
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