Wuolah Free Examenes Resueltos Estadistica Gulag Free

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TW EACH EXERCISE, YOU MUST INDICATE THE TABLES USED, CHECK THE APLICABILITY CONDITIONS OF THE STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES AND STATE EVERY HYPOTHESIS TEST THAT YOU USE, INDICATING THE P-VALUE AND THE CORRESPONDING CONCLUSION Exercise 2 (2 points). The researchers also wondered If it was possible to explain the generat hhealth status of the patlents (variable IF) from other variables collected in the study. 4) Does the age of the patient (Age) help us to explain the frailty index? And the gender (variable Sex2 = (1 if woman; 0 if man})? Justify your answer. Indicate the percentage of variance explained in each case and choose the variable that better explains the frailty Index. 1b). Describe the simple regression model chosen in the previous point. Calculate the corresponding regression line and obtain the estimate of variable IF for a new patient if it Isa 65-year-old man. What would be the estimate for a 45-year-old woman? ©) Letus consider the multiple linear regression model described in Table 2.3. Is the fit Improved by using this multiple linear regression model? Which is the most relevant variable? Is there any explanatory variable that could be removed? Justify your answers, 4). Interpret the coefficient of the multiple linear regression model associated with variable ‘Age. Which would be the estimate of variable IF for a 45-year-old woman if, in addi we know that she was prone to infections before applying the new protocol and her average time between two consecutive infections was equal to 80 days? Figure 2.2 fp Restodel.1 < tm(ar-age, datasDatasct) summary (Regodol.1) fim(formuta = rF ~ age, data = dataset) 10° Median 30 Max [0.27214 -0.12025 0.00543 0.08326 0.42786 ontticionts: Eetinate oud. error t value prGle {incorcepe) 0.089176 a.o0s0i7 © Taos * GIS! fage 9.008123 - 0.001938 4.703 0.000037 «4+ ignit. codes: 0 #1 0.001 *#** 0.01 Ht O05 Ht Ode eeiduat standard error: 0.1747 FOE! 0.1747 on 36 dogeas tiple Reaquared: 0.3806, Adjuated Seaeeeea F-statistic: 22.12 on 1 and 36 DF, eye of fresdom 0.3634 Prvalue: 0.000371 Table 2.1 Escaneado con CamScanner ES USED, CHECK THE APLICAR IN EACH EXERCISE, YOU MUST INDICATE THE TABLi CONDITIONS OF Tie STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES AND STATE EVERY HYPOTHESIG' USE, INDICATING THE P-VALUE AND THE CORRESPONDING CONCLUSION P summary (Regtiodel 2) fear: fim(formuta = 1F ~ sex2, data = dataset) fResiduate: Min 39 _Nedian 30 Max J-0.34260 -0.12250 -0.02525 0.19062 0.45750 lcoorticionts: Estimate std. error t value Pr(>/t1) (intercept) 0.32800 0.06911 5.197 0.00000821 +++ sox 0.21450 0.07352 2.917 "0.00604 ++ 0.05". Otte acr seaiein tt lsignie. codes: Jkesiduat standard error: ° fultipie R-squared: 0.1912, Adjusted R-squared: [k-statistic: 6.512 on i and’ 36 DF, p-value: 0.006045, davasbatazety) Rogiodol 3 < Im(iF-AgetinfitGanatFimoly summary (RegModei.3) sald: pm(formula = IF ~ Age + tnf1 + Sex? + Timed, data 10 median 30 Max 270886 -0.087300 -0.001223 0.02695 0.214268 ‘oef ficients: Estimate Std. Error t value pr(>/tl) (Intercept) 0.2493605 0.0902782 2-751 0.009579 ** 9e 0.076962 9.0012435 6.189 .000000ss4 «# lene ~0.2689766 0.0534966 -5"029 0.000016944 «w= fsexz 9.1522239 010415146 3.667 0-o00es9 tee ‘ined 90002271 0002658 0.854 9.399036 [signit. codes: 0 #841 9.001 +## 0.01 #1 9,05 Residual standard error: 0.1008 on 33 degrecs of freedom ‘Ltiple R-squared: 0.7798, adjusted R-squared: 0.7551 [r-statistic: 29.22 on 4 and'33 DF, p-value: 1 967eN0 Regode1.¢ < IntrP-aga+infliGex2, datasDatase) p> summary (Reghtode) 4) feaua: pim(formuta = IF ~ Age + Inti + sex2, data = Dataset) frosiduat, Min 10 median Max 0.192245 -0.080548 0.000435 0.074099 0.202034 lccesticionts: i 0d 64 0.1996 on 36 degrees of freedom 0.1688 Dataset) sy TS Table 2.3 2 Table 2.4 Estimate Std. Error t value pr (>1t!) Kintercept) 0.269253 0.006557 3.1119. d0s7ey #* faze 0.007876 0.001221 6.451 0.000000235 «++ Janet \ ~0.283058 0.050691 -5.585 0-o00002902 * lsoxz 9.182213 01041349 3681 0.000799 see Heisats. codes: 0 +4401 0.001 +481 9.01 149 05 #08 ga 8 alesual standard error: 0.1083 on 34 degrees of freedom friacarie R-Sduared: 0.7743, adjusted Reequared: “0.7581 rostatistic: 39.02 on 3 and/34 DP, prvalue: 4. 11Sec12 Escaneado con CamScanner flame 2022 | ~ roric7 eect a . Exctccse 2 oy cemuen wiles IF vane os P= Of yo: Pa=O Sn the eepuabion ce ig ae “pro pard all i ie wf ee Ye> Pos Aiko Er OOADSA ow vedun “0CO00374 intr YALE 2A (TABLE 23] =5 : com Sethe Hy 7? 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