The Impact of Climate Change On Biodiversity

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Class Notes on "The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity"

Introduction to Climate Change

• Definition: Long-term alterations in temperature, precipitation, and other atmospheric

• Causes: Human activities (burning fossil fuels, deforestation), greenhouse gas emissions
(CO2, methane), and natural processes.

Understanding Biodiversity

• Definition: The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat/ecosystem.

• Components: Genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity.

Effects of Climate Change on Biodiversity

• Habitat Loss: Alteration and destruction of natural habitats (forests, coral reefs).
• Species Migration: Shift in the geographic range of species due to changing climate
• Phenological Changes: Alterations in the timing of biological events (breeding,
flowering) affecting species interactions.
• Extinction Risk: Increased risk of extinction for species unable to adapt to rapid climate
• Ocean Acidification: Increased CO2 levels leading to lower pH in oceans, affecting
marine life, especially corals and shellfish.

Case Studies

• Polar Regions: Melting ice caps affecting polar bears, seals, and penguins.
• Coral Reefs: Coral bleaching events and their impact on marine biodiversity.
• Tropical Forests: Climate-induced changes in precipitation patterns affecting tropical
• Mountain Ecosystems: Species migration to higher altitudes and loss of endemic

Consequences for Ecosystems and Human Societies

• Ecosystem Services: Disruption of services such as pollination, water purification, and

climate regulation.
• Food Security: Impact on agriculture, fisheries, and food supply.
• Human Health: Spread of vector-borne diseases and heat-related illnesses.
• Economic Impact: Loss of biodiversity affecting tourism, fisheries, and agriculture.

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies

• Conservation Efforts: Protected areas, wildlife corridors, and biodiversity hotspots.

• Sustainable Practices: Sustainable agriculture, forestry, and fishing practices.
• Policy Measures: International agreements (e.g., Paris Agreement), national policies, and
local initiatives.
• Research and Monitoring: Ongoing scientific research and monitoring of biodiversity
and climate change impacts.

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