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From Pen and Paper To Voice Recognition
and Artificial Intelligence

Key Takeaways 3
No Progress Without Digitization 3
Benefits Of Laboratory Digitization 4
Modern Day Laboratory Digitization Artificial Intelligence 4
Lab Digitization 1.0: The Electronic Lab Notebook 5

Lab Digitization 2.0: Making Laboratories Paperless

With Voice Technology 5

The Future Of Laboratory Digitization & Artificial Intelligence 6

List Of References 7
Digitization, the process of turning paper-based information into a digital format,
makes research more efficient and reproducible, saving time and money.

In the U.S. alone, over $28B are lost annually on research that is not reproducible.

Artificial intelligence (AI) goes hand in hand with digitization in labs and comes
with transformative benefits.

Electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) might be useful tools for digitizing data after
working in the lab, but they come with challenges at the bench.

Voice technology is the key to integrating AI and digitization technologies into lab


From their first day at the bench, scientists are reminded or documented by hand, such as our medical records,
again and again that accurate documentation is the key bank statements, and even newspapers, has moved
to efficient research. Every step of an experiment must from a paper-based format to a paperless state(1).
be recorded. Thorough documentation makes research
more reproducible, intellectual property easier to pro- In science, it is no different. All over the world, research-
tect, and regulatory guidelines easier to meet(1,2). Digital ers are swapping their pens, paper notebooks, and sticky
tools can simplify the documentation process. notes for digitized technologies, such as Electronic Lab
Notebooks (ELNs), Scientific Data Management Systems
Digitization – the process of turning analog information (SDMSs), and Laboratory Information Management
into a digital format(3) – has taken over many aspects of Systems (LIMs)(2). And they have good reason. After all,
our lives. Much of what used to be written, sketched, laboratory digitization has many benefits.

First and foremost, digitizing laboratory data greatly securely stored in clouds, and protected by access
simplifies record keeping(1,2,4). Researchers can easily control.
sort, label, store, access, and search digital data. This
streamlines workflows and increases productivity in Moreover, digital data makes it much easier to create a
the lab(2,4,5). Digital data also facilitates collaboration by full audit trail for intellectual property protection (IP) or
allowing researchers to combine and compare datasets regulatory compliance. Digital data platforms can auto-
and share them between labs all over the world(2,4,5). And matically track data entries or edits with time stamps so
when new regulatory standards pop up or IT systems it is very clear who contributed to new ideas and when
are updated, digital data allows researchers to easily IP was generated. This is much more difficult to validate
update experimental setups(2). with paper documents than with digital audit trails.

Data security is one of the greatest benefits offered by Overall, lab data digitization improves processes, simpli-
digitization. Paper-based documents are always in dan- fies workflows, and makes research and development
ger of being damaged(4). Even something as simple as (R&D) more efficient(2,5). With increasing advances in
a spilled cup of coffee can destroy hours of hard work. machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), digitiza-
tion in the research environment is set to become an
Nowadays, however, digital data can be encrypted, integral part of every laboratory.


Scientists working today have access to more tools and such as experimental protocols and data points(6,7).
more data than ever before. However, this brings with Language-based AI programs can also extract relevant
it the challenges of analyzing big data sets and combin- research data from publicly-available databases, such
ing data from many different sources. AI and machine as PubMed(7).
learning tools can help scientists integrate data and
connect equipment. Although AI and machine learning With access to large datasets, scientific texts, images,
are still in their infancy, these tools will become increas- and videos, AI may one day be able to compare and
ingly valuable in research laboratories. contrast studies, making it easier for scientists to set up
hypotheses and design experimental protocols or fol-
Not only will AI enable communication with and between low-up studies(2,6,7). Scientists will be able to exploit the
automated lab instruments, it will also have the ability to benefits of AI to simplify their workflows and accelerate
constantly learn from all information saved in a system, research timelines.

The development of the electronic lab notebook (ELN), can have difficulties navigating ELN software(10,11).
in the early 2000s, swayed many researchers to move
from a paper-based documentation system to a digi- Furthermore, scientists commonly use hazardous
tized process. For nearly two decades, ELNs have slowly chemicals, fragile biologicals, or sterile cultures in their
been pushing analog notebooks onto the sidelines(8, 9). experiments. ELNs cannot be used in these environ-
ments. Therefore, researchers are often forced to leave
ELNs allow researchers to search through data their experiments and move to their office in order to
resources, archive old data, document progress, document their processes. This greatly disrupts work-
and share data with colleagues and other research flows and can waste valuable time(11,12).
groups(10,11). Moreover, ELNs can help researchers
organize experimental findings, providing a clearer What if there was a way to circumvent these problems,
overview of research processes(10,11). keep the benefits of digitization, but also provide a sim-
ple, user-friendly method to document findings in any
However, ELNs come with their own challenges. lab situation? The answer: voice-powered lab assistants.
Researchers often feel that importing and documenting
their data via ELN can be more time consuming than orig-
inal documentation methods(11). Part of the problem is
caused by complicated interfaces, meaning researchers



As early as the 1940s, Alan Turing dreamed of develop- about specific symptoms(15,16). In clinical trials, voice
ing a computer that would have the ability to communi- assistants can explain difficult information to patients
cate with people through speech(13,14). In the 1990s, this and guide them through complex trial structures(15,16).
idea began to take shape and researchers started look-
ing for situations in which human-computer communi- Although voice technologies could greatly improve
cations would be advantageous: for instance, when a documentation processes and workflows, they are still
person is busy using their eyes or hands, or when the largely missing in the laboratory environment(17).
availability of a keyboard or screen is limited(14).

In a laboratory, these situations are very common and

voice assistance at the bench could revolutionize how
scientific organizations and researchers work.

Voice-powered assistants are already in use in health-

care settings, providing support to patients and caregiv-
ers(15). Voice assistants can remind patients to take their
medication, go to appointments, or provide information

In recent decades, laboratories have undergone Laboratories have undergone a revolution in terms of
a continuous change, moving from paper-based acquiring and handling research data and information(8).
documentation systems to paperless systems. Not The modern laboratory aims to incorporate the latest
only that, laboratories are also experiencing a steady tools, software, and technologies to enhance the scien-
evolution from electronic systems to data-driven, tific method – which, in principle, remains unchanged
integrated technologies(8). In short, laboratories are and continues to focus on the development, analysis,
becoming smarter. and adjustment of hypotheses through careful and pre-
cise observation, assessment and experimentation(8).
Smart digital laboratories are characterized by an
increasing variety of software packages and man- By integrating seamless systems and enabling access to
agement systems, which can all be linked to further large data sets, disruptive and risky paper-based pro-
technologies, such as mobile phones, clouds and the cesses will be eliminated once and for all(20).
so-called Internet of Things (IoT)(8). Furthermore, arti-
ficial intelligence and machine learning facilitate the
work with large datasets and supply researchers with
an accuracy that has never existed before(18).

With more and more integrative technologies available

today, the key, in future, will lie in identifying those
technologies that are best suited for specific laborato-
ries and understanding how certain aspects of the lab
could be improved(8). By linking all smart technologies
in a digital laboratory, data could be fed directly into
a smart documentation system, which would greatly
lower the risk of human error and streamline work-
flows(8). Researchers will then be able to access their
data from anywhere at any given point in time, as well
as share their data with colleagues all over the world.
Collaboration will drive innovation(19).
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4. Aptara Corporation. 2018. 10 Advantages of Digitization and Data Capture You Must Know. Aptara Inc.
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This report was originally published in June 2019 and updated in September 2020.

Text: Larissa Warneck

Design and images: Elena Resko

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