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Gatsby's Letter to Daisy in his Afterlife

Dear Daisy,

In this afterlife, I have been unable to get you off my mind and the good times we had

together. My love for you did not end when I did. I am watching over you and reminiscing on

everything we did together. I want you always to remember that you hold a special place in my

heart and I think about you every second. I am watching how successful and talented you are in

life and I couldn't be more proud. I wish I could have seen how our lives would have played out

if mine hadn't come to an end so abruptly. I feel as though if this all didn't happen the two of us

would have ended up together living a beautiful life together. You would move in with me and

we would purchase another house far away to get away for vacations. I am hoping for you to

write back to me. I just want to know, “How are you?”, “What have you been up to recently?”,

“Do you miss me?” Life without you has been so dull. I am so happy for you to live your best

life and then come up to me and we can talk about everything that happened since I was gone

and how your life without me was. I hope everyone else is doing well and I am watching over

them as well every day seeing what everyone is doing. Additionally, I hope most of all you do

not choose to stay with that birdbrained schmuck Tom Buchanan. He was as ignorant as they

come and never deserved someone as special as you. I am curious who showed up to my funeral

and how it was. I was hoping it would not be too sad of an event as I know some wished me dead

especially whoever shot me. I am interested in who and why someone would kill me and I hope

you don’t agree with the murder. I wish I could have watched it happen from the outside to get

the full scene but I will never fully understand what happened until you or someone comes to

join me up here in heaven. I hope no one is upset at me for anything I did and I hope everyone is

still happy living their best lives. One last thing I am wondering about is how my old sport Nick
is doing and what he has been up to. Although I am watching over you all I do not get the full

details and feelings you guys are facing through each event. Well, I hope this letter finds you

well and I wish you and everyone else the best. I hope to hear back from you soon. I want you to

just keep me in your thoughts because you are in mine every minute of every day.

With Love,

Jay Gatsby

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