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A large country will thick forests and rolling plains. Their military, based in the capital, Avor, is well known and feared. The Great West Woods northern half dominates the southwest, thinning out towards the north, where the Ryffin Mountains lie on the Western coast. It is the only major country aside from the Novemberlands without access to the Great Southern Sea. Taurs has several major territory-states based around its largest cities: Avor - Avor is the political capital of Taurs. Set in the central northeast, it is a great white walled city with a powerful military. Avor also holds many festivities year round in its popular town square. In the center of the square lies the Ruby Pillar, which is a pillar carved from ruby to look like a winged woman. Avor Castle is a complex but practically built fortress. On the far northern coast, Shoaroc is a prominent port city. There are many festivals and events held here, including: The Altos Festival (name?) - commemorates War of Ancients. Solstice festivals - summer & winter. Market days. Silwood embassy visiting thingy festival. Wyord - The trading capital of Taurs. It sits near the Wyord River, which many ships run up and down daily carrying goods. Its surrounding territory is majorly plains and rivers Ryffin - A mountain city at the southern edge of a great mountain range. The Furnace is nestled deep within the mountains, and it is rumored that Shadewolves roam there. To the east and south, it is loosely forested, with several small villages. Trloch - A large city in the heart of the northern Great West Woods. Herruvuar - Includes the city Dantela, a large hub for gamblers and mercenaries, and Lake Herruvuar. The city of Herruvuar is situated on the lakes shores. There is a biannual fireworks festival here.

Taurs is divided into several territories - Avr, Wyord, Ryffin, Herruvuar, Trloch and Carda. Each has its own federal government, headed by a governor. Avr is the only exception, instead having the King, military, and a council of officials. The federal governors, King and generals, and the council make up three branches that co-operatively rule Taurs. Taursian leaders are elected by popular vote, except for the King who is chosen by the previous King. Usually a father-son thing.


Because Avr, the government capital of Taurs, is self-sustaining, Taurs doesnt tax at all.

Taurs has a strong trade with Fiell and Ojad, and moderate trade with Daeran. Silwood is also a strong trading partner with Taurs.

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