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Vane Shear Test for Cohesive Soils

Chapter · August 2021

DOI: 10.1201/9781003200260-13


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1 author:

Bashir Ahmed Mir

National Institute of Technology Srinagar


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13 Vane Shear Test for
Cohesive Soils
Reference: IS: 2720 (Part 1); 2720 (Part 30); IS 4434 (1978); BS 1377-Part 7 ASTM D
4648; ASTM D 2166

The main objectives of conducting Vthe ane Shear Test for finding undrained
strength are:

1. Vane Shear Test is conducted for characterization of saturated clays of soft

to medium consistency, highly sensitive or very soft clays, which are highly
susceptible to sampling disturbance.
2. Vane Shear Test is suitable for very soft soils when their undisturbed samples
cannot be collected in the field or cannot be prepared in the laboratory due to
sampling disturbance.
3. Vane Shear device is portable and the test can also be conducted in the field if
so desired.
4. The main objective of “VST” is that it can be adopted only for highly sen­
sitive and normally consolidated clays to determine undrained shear strength.


Shear strength of sensitive or soft clay deposits is difficult to obtain accurately in
the laboratory by conventional “UCS” or triaxial tests as getting undisturbed
samples is very difficult because of sampling disturbance. Therefore, the vane
shear test is an alternative test in which undrained shear strength of too sensitive
or soft clays can be determined. This test is suitable for characterization of sa­
turated clays of soft to medium consistency, highly sensitive or very soft clays
without the sample being disturbed by sample preparation or soils which are
fissured or highly susceptible to sampling disturbance. The schematic diagram of
the VST apparatus is shown in Figure 13.1a. The laboratory vane shear is 10 mm
in diameter, 10 mm in height, and 1 mm thick, while the field vanes have dia­
meters ranging from 50 mm to 150 mm. In the laboratory vane shear test, a
properly trimmed and undisturbed soft clayey soil sample is placed in a cup and
the shear vane is inserted into the specimen up to the desired depth and rotated in
the sample by applying torque. It may be noted that the torque is gradually applied
to the upper end of the torque rod until the soil fails in shear due to the rotation
of the vanes. It is assumed that the undrained shear strength (cu) is constant

DOI: 10.1201/9781003200260-13 267

268 Manual of Geotechnical Laboratory Soil Testing

FIGURE 13.1 (a). Vane shear apparatus and calculation of torque due to shear stress on
cylinder ends; (b). Variations of shear strength mobilization.

throughout the sheared soil sample. The applied torque is measured by a torsion
spring of specified stiffness by recording the angle of twist (θ). When soil is
stressed to its shear strength, the vanes will rotate (@ 0.1o/sec or 1° per minute or
with a rate of 1 revolution per second) in the soil. The resistance to applied torque
in the soil sample is mobilized throughout the vertical and horizontal faces of the
soil sample of diameter “D” and the diameter of vane. Since the soil fails along a
cylindrical surface, the shearing resistance can be calculated from the vane di­
mensions and the applied torque. It may be noted that the undrained strength
varies as zero at the center and maximum value at the outer surface (e.g. R = D/2),
as shown in Figure 13.1. Also, there could various types of variation of mobili­
zation of shear strength from the center of the torque to the outer end as shown in
Figure 13.1(b). Assuming that distribution of shear resistance is linearly in­
creasing with increasing radius of the soil sample, then the shear stress can be
expressed as:

2R R 0 at centre
= cu (13.1)
D R D /2 at outer surface

The total shearing resistance is computed by taking moments about the axis of the
torque shaft, and with reference to Figure 13.1a, the torque T is given by:
Vane Shear Test for Cohesive Soils 269

D /2
( DH ) cu (D /2)+2 cu R (2 R R )
Tmax = (Cylinderical face + Two ends top & bottom ) (13.2)

Where: R = Elemental ring radius +D/2δ

R = Thickness of elemental ring, and
τ = Shear stress contribution to torque about “O”
= (2πR ∗ δR) ∗ cu ∗ R.
Thus, solving Equation (13.2), the torque (T) is related to the undrained strength
(cu) on soft clays and the resistance to rotation consists of as under:

Case 1: When the top of the vanes is below the soil surface as shown in
Figure 13.2a:
1. Resisting moment on the cylindrical surface: cu DH 2
= Ms
2. Resisting moment at the top end of the shear vane:

cu ( D)
2 2D
3 2
= MeT

3. Resisting moment at the bottom end of the shear vane:

cu ( D)
2 2D
3 2
= MeB

Where: πDH = Surface area of soil specimen and D/2 is moment arm
πDH ∗ cu = Shearing force at the cylindrical surface
πDH ∗ cu ∗ D/2 = Resisting moment of the shear force along the cylindrical
face of the soil cylinder, and
Factor = 2/3 = α = is taken for uniform stress distribution and so on.

FIGURE 13.2 Position of vanes for determination of torque at failure in the soil specimen.
270 Manual of Geotechnical Laboratory Soil Testing

Therefore, total torque at failure is calculated as under (Figure 13.1):

2D D 2D
Tmax = cu D2 + cu DH + cu D2
4 3 2 2 4 3 2
= D 2cu + (13.3)
6 2

Equation (13.3) is valid only:

• For uniform stress distribution shear resistance throughout soil specimen (e.g.
cylindrical face and top and bottom ends)
• The top surface or end of the vane is below the soil surface (Figure 13.2a).
• Undrained shear strength (cu) is constant on the cylindrical sheared surface
and both ends of the sheared soil sample.

Thus, the torque, T, at failure can be expressed as:

D 3 D 2H
T = cu + (13.4)
4 2


cu = (13.5)
D3 D 2H
+ 2

Where: α = 1/2 for triangular mobilization of undrained shear strength

α = 2/3 for uniform mobilization of undrained shear strength, and
α = 3/5 for parabolic mobilization of undrained shear strength.
Equation (13.4) is referred to as Calding’s equation, for the calculation of shear
resistance at the top and bottom ends of the shear vane. However, several types of
distribution of shear strength mobilization at the ends of the soil cylinder as follows
(Figure 13.1b):

1. Triangular distribution – In this case, the shear strength mobilization is

maximum (cu) at cylindrical face of the soil sample (e.g. R = D/2) and de­
creases linearly to zero at the centeer (e.g. R = 0).
2. Uniform distribution – In this case, the shear strength mobilization is con­
stant (e.g. cu) from cylindrical face of the soil sample to the center of the soil
3. Parabolic distribution – In this case, the shear strength mobilization is
maximum (cu) at cylindrical face of the soil sample (e.g. R = D/2) and de­
creases parabolically to zero at the center (e.g. R = 0).
Vane Shear Test for Cohesive Soils 271

Case 2: When the top of the vanes is flush with the soil surface as shown in
Figure 13.2b:

Equation (13.3) can be modified if the top of the vane is flush with the soil
surface. Then, the torque at failure is calculated as under:

Tmax = D 2cu + (13.6)
12 2

In this case, the top of the vane is flush with the soil surface in the cup and only
the bottom end shears.

Case 3: When the top of the vanes is above the soil surface as shown in
Figure 13.2c:

Equation (13.6) can be further modified if the depth of the vane inside the
soil specimen in the cup is H1 (H1 < H), then the torque at failure is
calculated as under:

Tmax = D 2cu + 1 (13.7)
12 2

Hence, for known values of Tmax, D, H, H1, cu can be computed.

However, it may be noted that the maximum torque (Tmax) applied to cause shear
failure in the soil sample should be equal to the total resisting moments due to shear
force along the cylindrical face of the soil sample (Ms) and the two ends
(MeT + MeB), as shown in Figure 13.3a. Figure 13.3b shows the assumed shear
stress distribution. Thus, the maximum torque is:

Tmax = [Ms + (MeT + MeB )] (13.8)

Sometimes, VST is conducted to find undrained cohesion separately for top,

bottom, and sides of the soil cylinder. In this case, undrained cohesion of the clay in
the vertical direction (cuv) on the sides of the cylindrical specimen and in the
horizontal direction (cuh) along the ends of cylindrical specimen is calculated se­
parately as below (Figure 13.4):

D2 D3
Tmax = cuv H + cuh (13.9)
2 6

Since the applied torque is measured by a torsion spring of specified stiffness by

recording the angle of twist (θ), therefore, it can be also be determined from the
spring constant and the angle of twist by the following correlation:
272 Manual of Geotechnical Laboratory Soil Testing

FIGURE 13.3 Resisting moment of shear force and assumed shear stress distribution in a VST.

( initial final ) k
Tmax = = k (13.10)
180 180

Where: θ initial = Initial angle of twist (pointer)

θfinal = Final angle of twist (pointer), and
k = Spring constant.
When the maximum torque (Tmax) is obtained, the test is further continued by
rotating the vanes to measure the residual torque (Tr) so that the soil sensitivity is
also measured as:

ST =

The soil sensitivity quantifies the loss of undrained cohesion due to sampling dis­
turbance. Sensitivity of the soil can be determined if the test is repeated after turning
the sample several times and allowing the soil to remold. The test is repeated on the
remolded soil specimen and the shear strength in the remolded state is determined.
Then, the sensitivity is defined as:
Vane Shear Test for Cohesive Soils 273

FIGURE 13.4 Assumed shear stress distribution along horizontal and vertical faces of a
soil specimen in a VST.

cu) undisturbed soil specimen

ST = (13.11)
cu) disturbed soil specimen

Based on the value of sensitivity, natural soft clay deposits are grouped into four
categories, as given in Table 13.1.
Quick clays are highly flocculent, which acquire liquid consistency on re­
molding. Sensitivity is related to liquidity index (LI), because loss of strength is
associated with greatest flocculation when the water content of soil is close to liquid
limit (LL). Soils deposited in a marine environment tend to be highly sensitive.
Some quick clays can have sensitivity even greater than 100. Over-consolidated
clays are found to be insensitive.

TABLE 13.1
Clay classification based on sensitivity
Sensitivity, ST Clay Classification Sensitivity, ST Clay Classification

< 1.00 In-sensitive clay 4.00–8.00 Sensitive clay

1.00–2.00 Little sensitive clay 8.00–16.00 Extra sensitive clay
2.00–4.00 Moderately sensitive clay >16.00 Quick clay
274 Manual of Geotechnical Laboratory Soil Testing


The undrained cohesion of clays either on in situ (undisturbed specimen) or re­
molded (disturbed) specimen is determined in a laboratory using a vane shear ap­
paratus, either hand operated or machine driven.


Since the VST is suitable for highly sensitive and very soft clays without a sample
being disturbed, the “UCS” test should be conducted either on an undisturbed (in
situ) saturated clayey soil specimen or remolded or reconstituted soil specimen as
per requirement.


The undisturbed soil specimen at natural moisture content is collected directly
from the field in a Shelby tube and extracted and trimmed to the desired specimen
size in the laboratory for testing. The soil specimen is assumed to be virtually
saturated (in in situ condition), normally consolidated inorganic clay, of a con­
sistency ranging from soft to medium stiff. The procedure also applies to re­
molded and reconstituted inorganic clays prepared in the laboratory. For a
remolded soil specimen, a soil paste of desired consistency (soft to medium soft)
is carefully mixed and filled into the vane shear cup so as to avoid any air bubbles
entrapped in the cup.
For reconstituted soil specimen, soil slurry in adequate quantity should be pre­
pared at a water content of about 1.5 ∗ LL to 2 ∗ LL (LL-liquid limit of soil mass),
thoroughly mixed and de-aired before consolidation to desired consistency (in situ
state of soil) on the laboratory floor. For soil specimen preparation, refer to
Section 9.4 (Test No. 9).


The following equipment and accessories are required for “VST” (Figure 13.5):
1. Fine-grained soil passing 0.425 mm IS 2. Undisturbed soil specimen from field
3. Vane shear testing machine including set of calibrated springs (usually 4) of different
stiffness, to allow for a range of soil strengths
4. 38 diameter sampling tube close to the edge 5. Weighing balance accuracy 0.01 g
6. Spatulas, trimming knives, steel rule 7. Drying oven and moisture cans for
obtaining water content
8. Soil lathe and accessories (cutting tools and a straightedge) for undisturbed field
specimen trimming
9. A tray for mixing soil 10. Stopwatch 11. Distilled water 12. Squeeze bottle
Vane Shear Test for Cohesive Soils 275

FIGURE 13.5 Vane shear apparatus and other required accessories for lab. VST.


1. Prepare the soil specimen as per requirements, e.g. either undisturbed or
remolded soil specimen for vane shear test.
2. Check and prepare laboratory vane shear apparatus for testing (in this test
power operated vane shear device is used).
3. In the case of undisturbed soil specimen collected from field in sampler tube,
clamp the sample tube securely and keep its axis vertical and with the end to
be rested uppermost.
4. Remove any end cap, wax seal, or packing material and trim the sample
above the tube so that its upper end is flat and perpendicular to the tube axis.
5. Clamp the tube in position, select the spring (note k-value), and adjust the
pointer carefully.
6. Measure the initial angle of twist (initial reading of pointer before rotating)
and insert the vane into the soil specimen as per desired Case 1, Case 2, or
Case 3, as explained in Section 13.2.
7. Check the initial reading of the twist or pointer (θinitial) and rotate the vanes
as per required rate of rotation until the soil specimen fails.
Note: It may be noted that during the VST, it is assumed that applied torque
is effective only up to the cylindrical surface and the two ends of the soil
sample. However, this is not true in practice and some more area outside this
boundary of the soil sample will be affected by the applied torque due to
rotation of vanes. Therefore, the above assumption may result in erratic
results as the applied torque is not fully resisted by the soil sample and some
part of it is also used to mobilize some area outside the cylindrical surface of
the soil sample under test.
276 Manual of Geotechnical Laboratory Soil Testing

8. Record the final angle of twist (θfinal) and compute the undrained shear
strength (cu) using Equation (13.10).
9. Remold the soil specimen and repeat steps 5 to 8 to obtain a remolded shear
strength (cuR).
10. Remove the vanes from the soil specimen and clean the VST apparatus for
the next test trial.
11. Measure the water content and density as per codal procedure (Refer to Lab.
Test 1 & 2).
12. Repeat the above steps on a fresh sample at least once.


Test observations, data analysis, and calculations for determination of undrained
shear strength are given in Table 13.2.


• The VST is suitable for normally consolidated clayey soils and highly sen­
sitive clays. The VST can be conducted either in the field or in the laboratory.

TABLE 13.2
Determination of undrained shear strength by VST
Initial length of the soil specimen in the cup, Lo = 76 mm, Initial Diameter of soil sample,
Do = 38 mm, Initial xec. sec. area of soil sample, Ao = 11.342 cm2, Initial volume of soil specimen,
Vo = 86.2 cm3, 1 cm3 = 10-6m3 Sp. gravity, G = 2.63, Unit weight of water, γw = 10 kN/m3,
ρw = 1 g/cm3, Spring constant, k = (N/cm)
Sl. No. Observations and Calculations Position No.

1 2 3
1 Height of vane, H (cm)
2 Diameter of vane, D (cm)
3 Wet weight of soil specimen, W (g)
4 Spring constant, k (N/cm)
5 Initial angle, θinitial
6 Final angle, θfinal
7 Torque, T (kN-m) by Equation (13.9)
8 Undrained shear strength, cu (kN/m2) by Equation (13.4)
9 Water content, w (%)
10 Bulk unit weight, γb = W/Vo (kN/m3)
11 Dry unit weight, γd = γb/[1 + (w/100)] (kN/m3)
12 Undrained shear strength, cuR (kN/m2)
13 Sensitivity, ST = cu/cuR
14 Soil classification
Vane Shear Test for Cohesive Soils 277

The thickness of the vanes has direct bearing on undrained cohesion of clays.
Higher vane thickness may reduce undrained cohesion due sample remolding.
The VST is not suitable for very stiff clays. Many researchers have reported
that VST results (e.g. cu) are not reliable for foundation design in case of
highly plastic soils. Therefore, Bjerrum (1972) suggested a correction based
on the degree of plasticity of soils as given below:

cu) design = [ cu) VST ] (13.12)

Where: β = Correction factor = 1.7 ‒ 0.54 log (PI)

PI = Plasticity index.


Similar to the vane shear apparatus, there are other allied laboratory devices like the
Tor-vane shear device and cone penetrometers (Figure 13.6), which can be used to
determine the undrained shear strength of clays.

• Tor-Vane Shear Test

A Tor-vane shear test device is a hand-operated device fitted with rigid fins and a
calibrated spring, as shown in Figure 13.6(a). This device can be used either in the
field or in the laboratory for determination of undrained cohesion of clays. In this
method, the rigid fins are inserted into the soil sample and rotated/twisted under
gradually applied torque until the soil sample fails. The shearing resistance to ap­
plied torque near the surface of soil sample can be recorded through a calibrated
proving ring.

• Pocket Penetrometer

FIGURE 13.6 Tor-vane shear and pocket penetrometer test devices.

278 Manual of Geotechnical Laboratory Soil Testing

A Pocket Penetrometer is a hand-operated punching probe (Figure 13.6b)

that is used to determine the undrained cohesion of clays. In this method, the
probe is pushed into the soil mass until soil fails and the “UCS” (qu ) is
recorded by a calibrated spring as penetration force. This failure punching
force gives an indicative value of bearing capacity of the soils. Unlike the
Tor-vane shear device, this punching probe can be used both in the field and
in the laboratory.


The main application of “VST” is the determination of undrained strength for short-
term analysis and design of various structures on clays as this method is very quick
and cost effective.
The vane shear test is suitable for saturated clays of soft to medium consistency,
fissured or highly plastic clays susceptible to sampling disturbance.


The main sources of error in the “VST” are:

• The thickness of the vanes has direct bearing on undrained cohesion of clays.
Higher vane thickness may reduce undrained cohesion due sample remolding.
• The VST is not suitable for very stiff clays.
• It may be noted that during the VST, it is assumed that applied torque is
effective only up to the cylindrical surface and the two ends of the soil
sample. However, this is not true in practice and some more area outside this
boundary of the soil sample will be affected by the applied torque due to
rotation of vanes. Therefore, the above assumption may result in erratic re­
sults as the applied torque is not fully resisted by the soil sample and some
part of it is also used to mobilize some area outside the cylindrical surface of
the soil sample under the test.
• Shear strength of clays is not constant throughout the cylindrical surface and
on top and bottom ends. This may result in highly erratic results.

1. “VST” is only suitable for highly sensitive and very soft clays susceptible to
sampling disturbance.
2. Use a well-calibrated and desired stiffness spring.
3. The soil specimen should always be pushed in the sampling tube or the mold
along the same direction in which it enters the main tube in the field.
4. Two ends of the soil specimen should be perpendicular to the long axis of the
5. The loading of the soil specimen should be at a constant rate.
Vane Shear Test for Cohesive Soils 279

ASTM D 4648. “(2016). Test Method for Laboratory Miniature Vane Shear Test for
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ASTM D2166/D2166M. 2013. “Standard Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength
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Bjerrum, L., and N. E. Simons. 1960. “Comparison of Shear Strength Characteristics of
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Strength of Cohesive Soils, ASCS, 711–726.
Bjerrum, L. 1972. “Embankments on Soft Ground.”ASCE Conference on Performance of
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Skempton, A. W. 1957. “Discussion on ‘The Planning and Design of New Hong Kong
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