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Preparing for death is one of the most empowering things
you can do. Thinking about death clarifies your life. —Candy
William Shakespeare, in "Macbeth," said, "He died as one
that had been studied in his death." Mark Twain expressed, "The
fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully
is prepared to die at any time."
In the "Valley of the Shadow of Death," King David of
Israel proclaimed, "I will fear no evil; your rod and your staff,
they comfort me."
"In death, there is no remembrance of you; in the grave,
who will give you praise?" The chains of death entangled me,
dragging me closer to Sheol (Psalms 6:5). When death comes
knocking, will you be ready to receive your visitor? Will you have
shalom in the perfect confidence as the Psalmist?
There are two facts in life that have nothing to do with
color, race, creed, religion, or age. At birth and in death, we are all
the same. At birth, we are all equal, needing the same things: the
nurture of love, warmth, and milk.

But we lose that truth as we grow up in a life where there
is so much animosity towards our neighbors. However, death is
the greatest leveler to humble us. In the eyes of YHVH, we are all
equal no matter what position or title you hold in this life. Yet,
another distinction must also be made, as most faiths believe the
evil of man's heart is selfishness, and those who act accordingly
are separated from the unselfish.
Those who walk in obedience to the Ten Commandments
of YHVH are considered righteous. But where do you stand?
Where will you be when your time is up, when you walk the
awakening? Some are scared to face death because their life is not
aligned with YHVH's instructions, nor do they believe in Y'shua
who broke the curse of death over us.
I do believe death is a blessing to keep us in check, for it
prepares us to walk rightfully with Elohim, if we are willing to let
our pride down. Death keeps us humble before YHVH's sight,
knowing that no one is free from the sting of death, but it brings
us to our hope through Y'shua's resurrection of eternal life.
Yet, it is a nightmare to the wicked, the unholy who will
die in their sins and experience the second death. When Y'shua
says, "Depart from me, workers of lawlessness, I know you not."
It's time for us to repent from our selfish ways and embrace
YHVH's Torah, which was made flesh to show us the way back to
our loving Father of Love, mercy, forgiveness, the King of Glory,
the Father of creation—Aravat YHVH. Who is wise? Let them
realize these things. Who is discerning? Let them understand. The
ways of YHVH are right; the righteous walk in them, but the
rebellious stumble in them (Hosea 14:9).

The enigma of death has captivated human minds for
millennia, extending far beyond the narratives found in religious
texts like the Bible. It represents one of the most profound
mysteries of existence, transcending cultural, philosophical, and
scientific boundaries. From ancient civilizations pondering the
afterlife to modern scientific inquiries into the nature of
consciousness and mortality, the concept of death remains elusive
and enigmatic.
Philosophers have grappled with its implications for
human existence, while psychologists explore its impact on our
psyche. Artists and writers have depicted death in myriad forms,
ranging from fearsome to serene, reflecting the diverse
interpretations and emotions it evokes. Despite advancements in
medicine and technology, death continues to intrigue and perplex,
reminding us of the fragility and uncertainty inherent in life.
Have you ever thought about what happens after death?
Where do we go when our time is up? Is there any explanation for
the mystery of adventure that we see in films? From an early age,
we hear about it, but we don't talk about it.

It seems like no one today has a true answer to this
question. The religions of the world often treat death like a game,
even going so far as to make money from the dead. Throughout
history, various religious groups have woven intricate narratives
around death, often exploiting the deep-seated fear and curiosity
surrounding the phenomenon.
From haunting ghost stories to elaborate séances, these
practices have been employed to capitalize on the vulnerable state
of the bereaved, offering purported connections to departed loved
ones for a fee. The spectacle of mediums conjuring spirits through
crystal ball readings and séances has become a form of
entertainment for some, while for others, it's a desperate attempt
to find solace and closure.
In this realm, charlatans and opportunists prey on the
grief-stricken, siphoning money from the broken and widowed in
exchange for false promises and fleeting reassurances. Despite the
skepticism and rational inquiry of modern times, the allure of
these mystical rituals persists, providing a semblance of comfort
to those grappling with the enigma of death. If there are answers
out there, and if anybody does know about this, why are they
being quiet? Where do we go when we die?
Do we move up or down, or do we cease to exist beyond
the veil of death? Although social media discusses it a lot, no one
seems to truly know. One afternoon, my seventeen-year-old
daughter came to me and asked me questions about death because
her grandmother had just passed away. Like everybody else, I had
only limited or no knowledge of this subject.
So I prayed to YHVH that he would grant me the wisdom
to answer these questions. The first thing I was led to do was to
read through my Canonized Bible. Then I read through the
Targums, then the Apocrypha, and also the Septuagint. I
discovered that there are many passages about death and where
the souls of humans depart; to this place called Sheol, the land of
the dead.

It's funny how hard people try to figure things out without
YHVH's Word. Many don't even think to look into the treasure
trove of knowledge. Instead, they will flock around to those who
do the occult, along with spiritualist gurus.
So I would like to share with you some fascinating
treasures that I have discovered through my studies of the ancient
Hebrew writings, about crossing the veil of death. The more I
studied, the more I realized that everyone goes down, to the land
of the dead called Sheol, where we are placed into one of three
different chasms: Darkness, Torment, or Paradise; according to
the way we live. No one goes up except for Y'shua and his
twenty-four elders who sit near the throne of YHVH.
As it is written, the graves were opened, and many of the
holy ones who had died were brought back to life and came out of
their graves. Then after Y'shua's resurrection, they were seen by
many people walking in Jerusalem (Matthew 27:52-53). I do
believe that these are the twenty-four elders who sit with Y'shua
in Shamayim, in the throne room of Aravoth (2nd Enoch 22:1).
I also came across passages in (Luke 16:19) and the (Book
of Natsarim 12:26), when Y'shua shed some light on the rich man
and Lazarus who died and where their souls had gone. This was a
good start. I know there are tons of philosophers, new-age
doctrines, and sanctimonious religious beliefs on this subject. But
I wanted to know what the Scriptures had to say through the
Hebrew perspective where everything started.
After all, it was through YHVH's people, the children of
Jacob, whom He had given power and authority to teach the
Gentiles His righteous rulings. Those outside of the Torah who
come into His Torah are grafted into the branch of Y'shua our
Messiah (Romans 11:23-24).
But I did come across three manuscripts that gave me
more details on death and what to expect when we cross over the
Veil. This was like winning the lottery. The fascinating thing was
it tied in with (Luke 16:19) and the (Book of Natsarim 12:26).

This truly piqued my curiosity, so I flipped open the
manuscripts like an Indiana Jones adventure, and I was truly
blown away by what I had read.
I finally had answers to give to my daughter, and to those
who want to know the truth. I gave praise to YHVH for the
wisdom that he gave me. I also thanked my daughter for her
questions. I felt led to put my research into this booklet, to shed
light on Life and Death, to you, the reader.
I pray that this will give you the encouragement and
strength to face yourself and others. That we can find hope in
Shalom through death and prepare ourselves for our crossing
The untimely death of my ten-year-old son, Kami'el, on
May 19, 2023, was a devastating trial that shook me to my core.
However, amidst the grief and heartache, I found solace and
strength through the process of understanding and acceptance.
Turning to the teachings of YHVH, I discovered a source of
profound wisdom and comfort.
His words, true and delightful to my soul, provided a
guiding light through the darkness of loss, helping me navigate
the tumultuous journey of grief with faith and resilience. In
praising YHVH, I found not only solace but also the courage to
carry on, knowing that Kami'el's spirit lives on in the eternal
embrace of Elohim's love in paradise.

Understanding our origins is the cornerstone of humanity,
recognizing that all human life traces back to Adam and his wife,
Havah, from the outset. Y'shua, the Word of YHVH, addressed
Adam following his breach of the covenant by eating from the
tree of knowledge of good and evil, despite being instructed
otherwise. Influenced by his wife, who was deceived by Heyl'el
(Ha-Satan), and relinquishing his authority, Adam faced the
Y'shua's words resonate: "For I am the Word of YHVH
who created man. When I created my creatures, I did not intend to
destroy them. But after they had sorely roused my anger, I
punished them with grievous plagues until they repent." (1st
Adam and Eve 9:6).
YHVH directed Y'shua to form man from the dust of the
ground, breathing into his nostrils the Shekinah, the Chayim (the
breath of life), thus instilling in him the essence of vitality, and
man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7).
On the eve of the Sabbath, YHVH instructed Y'shua, His
Word, and His spirit Shekinah, known as His Wisdom, to fashion
man from the seven components of creation.

"And the Word of Aravat said, 'I bestowed upon Adam
seven properties: hearing for the flesh; sight for the eyes; smell to
the spirit; touch to the veins; taste to the blood; endurance to the
bones; and sweetness to the reasoning of the Malakhim.
Behold, I have thought up an ingenious poem to recite:
From invisible and visible substances I created man. From both
his natures come both death and life. And (as my) image he
knows the word like no other creature.
But even at his greatest, he is small, and again at his
smallest, he is great. And on adamah, I assigned him to be a
second Mal'akh, honored and to be great and glorious. I assigned
him to be a king, to reign over Adamah, and to impart my
wisdom. There was nothing comparable to him on adamah, even
among my all creatures that I created." (2 Enoch 30: 10-13).
You have sought me out, YHVH, and you know me
intimately. Whether I sit or rise, you perceive my thoughts from
afar. You discern my paths and my resting places; you are
acquainted with all my ways. Before a word is even on my
tongue, you know it completely, YHVH. You formed me in my
mother's womb, carefully shaping every part of my being. Such
knowledge is beyond my comprehension, too marvelous for me to
Where can I go to escape your Spirit? How can I flee from
your presence? If I ascend to the heavens, you are there; if I make
my bed in the depths of the sea, even there your hand will guide
me, your right hand will hold me securely.
If I say, "Surely the darkness will conceal me, and the light
around me will be night," even the darkness is not dark to you;
the night shines like the day, for darkness is as light to you. You
formed my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's

I praise you, YHVH, for I am fearfully and wonderfully
made; your works are marvelous, and I know this full well.
(Psalm 139). You saw my frame when I was formed in the secret
place, woven together in the depths of Adamah.
Your eyes beheld my unformed body; all the days
ordained for me were written in your book before one of them
came to be. How precious are your thoughts to me, YHVH! How
vast is the sum of them! If I were to count them, they would
outnumber the grains of sand; when I awake, I am still with you.
If only you, YHVH, would slay the wicked! Away from
me, you bloodthirsty people! They speak of you with evil intent;
your adversaries misuse your name. Do I not hate those who hate
you, YHVH, and abhor those who rise against you?
I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them as my
enemies. Search me, YHVH, and know my heart; test me and
know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in
me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Your hands shaped me
and made me. Will you now turn and destroy me? Remember that
you molded me like clay. Will you now turn me to dust again?
(Job 10:8-12).
Thus says YHVH: to His Word, who created the sky and
stretched it out, and spread adamah and its structure; He who
gives breath to the people on it and the spirit to those who walk in
it." (Isaiah 42:5). "Everyone who is called by My name, and
whom I have created for My glory, whom I have formed, even
whom I have made." (Isaiah 43:7). "The Word of YHVH has
made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life." (Job
The song of Aravat, "From invisible and visible
substances, I created man. From his nature comes both Life and
Death; as my image says, he knows my word like no other
creature I have made; but even at his greatest, he is small; at his
smallest, he is magnificent.

Oh, Adamah, I assigned a man to be a second mal'akh; I
crowned him with honor. With my wisdom, I assigned him to be a
king, to reign over you."
"There is nothing comparable to him on Adamah, even
among all my creatures that I have made. I decided to give him a
name from the four winds: I gifted him four special stars and
called his name Adam. 'I gave him his free will, and I pointed out
to him two directions, light, and darkness. I said to him, 'The light
of my word is appropriate for you; it will bring life to you, but the
darkness is ominous and it separates you from me."
"I did this to test whether man would love me or hate me,
and so that it might become obvious who among his species
would love me." "I know his nature, but he does not know his
Thus, ignorance is more lamentable than transgression,
since transgression is in him. I said, 'After transgression, there is
nothing but death.'" "I assigned a shade for him, imposed sleep
upon him, and he fell asleep. While he was sleeping, I took a bone
from him. I created for him a woman, and I named her Havah." (2
Enoch 30).
When Adam died, Miyka'el the Arch Mal'akh appeared,
standing at Adam's head, and said to Seth, "Arise from your
father's body, and come with me and see what YHVH Aravat has
arranged for him. He is his creature, and he has taken pity on
Then all the Malakhim blew their shofars, and said:
"Blessed are you, YHVH Aravat, Father of Creation; for you have
taken pity on your creatures." Then Seth saw the word of Aravat
holding Adam as he handed him over to Miyka'el, saying. "Let
him be in your care until the day of retribution and until the last
day when I will change his mourning into joy. Then he will sit on
the throne of the one who beguiled him,

But Heyl'el; the one who sat on it prior to his becoming
arrogant; shall be cast into Sheol that he may see Adam
resurrected. Then that devil shall be condemned along with those
who obeyed him and he will grieve when he sees Adam sitting
upon his throne.
Then the Word of Aravat instructed and said to Miyka'el,
Gavri'el and Uriel. "Bring me three linen shrouds and drape them
over Adam. Bring other shrouds and drape them over Abel, his
son. Then bury Adam and his son," commanded The Word of
All the virtues of the Malakhim were processed before
Adam, and thus was the first burial of the dead to be sanctified.
The Malakhim, Miyka'el, and Uriel buried Adam and Abel in the
regions of paradise that Seth and his mother saw, but no one else.
Miyka'el, Gavri'el and Uriel said to Seth and his mother, "Just as
you see us doing, likewise bury your dead." (The Apocalypse Of
Moses 40:1-42:2).
As it is written, Y'shua has been raised from the dead, he
is the first fruits of those who have died. For since death came
through Adam, the resurrection of the dead comes also through
Y'shua. Due to Adam's sin, all are cursed to die, but in Y'shua, all
are made alive. (1 Corinthians 15:20-22).

What is the purpose of man?
The purpose of man is to glorify YHVH and enjoy Him
forever. As it is written, "So, whether you eat or drink, or
whatever you do in life, give all glory to YHVH." "Worthy are
you, Y'shua and YHVH, to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things, and by your will we existed and were
created." (1 Corinthians 10:31).
In (Isaiah 43:21), the profound essence of our existence is
illuminated: "the people whom I formed for myself that they
might declare my praise." This verse encapsulates the divine
purpose imbued within each of us—to acknowledge, honor, and
glorify our Creator. As beings intricately molded by the hands of
YHVH, we are not merely products of chance, but intentional
manifestations designed to reflect His majesty.
Embedded within this divine declaration is the notion that
our ultimate fulfillment and truest expression of self lie in
worshiping YHVH. It unveils a transcendent truth: that our souls
find resonance and alignment when we engage in acts of praise
and adoration towards the source of all existence. Moreover,
(Isaiah 43:21) serves as a guiding light in navigating the
complexities of human existence.

It illuminates the path towards purposeful living,
reminding us that our lives gain profound meaning when directed
towards Elohim. In essence, our purpose isn't found in fleeting
pursuits of worldly acclaim or material gain, but in the eternal
communion with our Creator.
Furthermore, this verse unveils the intrinsic human
propensity to worship. It suggests that if we neglect our innate
calling to worship YHVH, we will inevitably seek substitutes—
futile attempts to fill the void left by the absence of divine
connection. Thus, (Isaiah 43:21) serves as a poignant reminder
that our hearts will always yearn for something greater, something
sacred—and it is in acknowledging and embracing this truth that
we find true fulfillment.
In essence, (Isaiah 43:21) offers a profound outlook on the
purpose of our existence. It calls us to transcend the mundane and
embrace the commandments in (Exodus 20), to recognize our
creative origins, and to live in perpetual awe and reverence of the
One who formed us for His glory.
(Psalm 100:2-3) state: "It is the Word of YHVH who made
us, and we are His; we are YHVH's people, and the portion of
Y'shua's inheritance." This psalm reminds us that we were made
to serve and worship the Father of Creation with joy and
thanksgiving. It emphasizes the fact that we are YHVH's creation
and therefore belong to Him.
(1 Corinthians 6:20) states, "For you were bought with a
price: therefore glorify YHVH in your body and in your soul,
which are YHVH's." Without knowing our purpose in life, we
often suffer in ignorance of our own significance. We fall prey to
the illusion that our lives don't matter and that we have no
connection or impact on life around us.
The scriptures offer many insights into one's purpose on
adamah and living within a meaningful mission. "Everyone who
is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I
formed and made.

My praise may be expressed by the people I have formed
for myself." (Isaiah 43:21), (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
The purpose in a man's heart is like deep water, but a man
of understanding will pour it out. Trust in YHVH with all your
heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways
submit to Him, and He will direct your paths.
Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear YHVH and turn
from your selfish ways. Your Torah is a lamp to my feet and a
light for my path. YHVH will fulfill His purpose for me; your
steadfast love, merciful father, endures forever. Do not forsake the
works of your hands. (Proverbs 20:5), (Proverbs 3:5-7), (Psalms
138:8), (Psalms 119:105).
Listen, O people, and heed the words of the Nevi'em of
old, that resonate from the depths of eternity. The duty of man is
not a burden to be borne, but a sacred covenant. Trust, belief, and
obedience are the cornerstones upon which the edifice of faith
stands tall, reaching towards Shamayim. Make YHVH's words a
monument for all to see.
In our actions of life, justice, mercy, and forgiveness are
the threads intricately intertwined, each reinforcing the other,
forming the cloak of righteousness that adorns the righteous soul.
Take heed, for in the act of caring for the poor, the widow, and the
fatherless, the true essence of worship is revealed—not in
grandiose rituals, but in humble acts of compassion and kindness.
Behold, the path to fulfillment lies not in the pursuit of
worldly treasures, but in the footsteps of the righteous, who walk
in the ways of YHVH with unwavering devotion. Let your actions
be a symphony of praise, resonating with the melody of the
commandments of our Father YHVH.
And lo, as the sun sets upon the horizon, remember the
words of Y'shua Ha Mashiach, the embodiment of YHVH's grace,
who walked among us mortals as a beacon of hope and salvation.
In his footsteps, find the path to redemption, for he is the way, the
truth, and the life.

As the sands of time continue to flow, let your heart be
steadfast, your spirit unyielding. For in the fulfillment of your
duty to YHVH, you will find not only purpose but eternal shalom
and joy everlasting. So let your light shine forth, illuminating the
darkness, like the stars of the sky and proclaiming the glory of the
Most High for all eternity.

Let's consider our life expectancy.
In our fast-paced lifestyle, death is so frequent that many
of the wealthy seek the fountain of life, yet not from the one who
bestowed life upon us. Have you noticed how our lifespans
fluctuate, diminishing and sometimes expanding? There is a
reason for this; it's called sin.
Sin is often understood as the estrangement from the
abundant life offered by Elohim, a separation from the very
essence of YHVH's existence. This notion finds its roots in the
narrative of Adam's transgression, wherein humanity inherited the
curse of mortality, condemned to the fate of death as a
consequence of disobedience.

However, within this narrative framework, a beacon of
hope emerges in the figure of Y'shua, who offers a pathway to
reclaiming that lost vitality, bridging the chasm between mortality
and immortality. Whenever this destructible puts on
indestructibility and this mortal puts on immortality, then the
word that is written will come to pass: "Death is swallowed up in
victory." (1 Corinthians 15:54).
Across the epochs, there has been a palpable diminishment
in the span of human life. From the longevity of our forebears,
who purportedly lived for centuries, to the present era where the
average lifespan hovers between fifty to a hundred years, with
outliers occasionally extending this range. The biblical accounts
evoke an age where humanity's tenure far surpassed
contemporary norms, serving as a poignant reminder of the toll
sin exacts on the human condition.
The earliest humans could live up to 963 years, but none
since Adam walked Adamah reached 1,000 years. Our frail,
selfish nature seems to hinder us from standing in communion
with YHVH for a full day. Remember, "one day is like a thousand
years" for YHVH (2 Peter 3:8). Consider the case of Mahashta
Murasi, the Gentleman of Bangalore, India, mentioned in the
Guinness Book of World Records.
Born in January 1835, he passed away on November 19,
2014, blessed with an exceptionally long life of 179 years, which
is the equivalent of 3.58 Jubilees. This man lived because YHVH
willed it so. Yet, I wonder, did he embrace Y'shua? Did he accept
YHVH's salvation, or did he squander his gift on frivolous
doctrines of men? Nevertheless, YHVH's ways are indeed
remarkable, but overall, we acknowledge that Y'shua holds the
Keys to Life and Death.

"When I saw Y'shua, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then
he placed his right hand on me and said: 'Do not be afraid. I am
the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and
behold I am alive forevermore! I hold the keys of death and
Hades.'" (Revelation 1:17-18). Additionally, it is written that some
will be alive when Y'shua returns (Matthew 16:28, (Mark 9:1),
(Luke 9:27).
"Why are we cursed to this mortality?" Our rebellious
nature has spiraled out of control due to our transgressions. The
wages of our transgressions are death, but righteousness comes
from obeying YHVH's commandments.
He sent his only son to redeem us, and whoever believes
may be saved, but our actions must include obeying the
commandments, outlined in (Exodus 20); taught by Y'shua who
showed us how to honor the Father and show our love for Him
through obedience to His commandments (John 14:15).
We are saved by the grace of YHVH through Y'shua, who
became the ultimate sacrifice, abolishing the law of sin and death.
(Romans 6:8-14) However, we must be wary, for if we continue
to sin deliberately after knowing the truth, there is no forgiveness
for such transgressions (Hebrews 10:26), (Matthew 12:22-32),
(Mark 3:22-30), (Luke 12:10). Knowing this truth does not grant
us the liberty to continue sinning.
As reiterated in (Hebrews 10:26), there is no forgiveness
for sin if we persist in it after knowing the truth. (Philippians
2:12-13) Therefore, beloved, as you have always obeyed, not only
in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own
salvation with fear and trembling, for it is YHVH who works in
you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure (Colossians
3), (Romans 6:23), (Romans 6:14).
Have you ever pondered why, in the distant past, people
lived nearly a millennium and now struggle to reach even a
century? Speculation abounds regarding this shift, often attributed
to the sin inherent in our selfish nature.

Yet, many shy away from this truth, preferring to lay
blame elsewhere. Instead, they craft alternative explanations, such
as the impact of climate change post-Flood or the effects of
modern chemicals and genetically modified foods on our health.
However, a more comprehensive answer can be found in the
Book of Jubilees.
In the days of our forefathers, their lifespans spanned
nineteen jubilees, equivalent to 950 years. However, after the
Flood, lifespans began to diminish, aging accelerated, and days
were fraught with tribulations and wickedness, save for Abraham.
Abraham lived a righteous life, pleasing to YHVH in all his
deeds. Despite this, he did not reach four jubilees due to
prevailing wickedness.
Generations following Abraham until the great judgment
will age swiftly, failing to complete even two jubilees, and losing
knowledge due to old age. In those times, if someone lived a
jubilee and a half, they were considered to have lived long, yet
their days were marked by pain, sorrow, and tribulation.
Calamities such as illness, famine, and war plagued them due to
the generation's transgressions and wickedness.
People will lament the contrast between their own short,
troubled lives and the long, prosperous lives of their forefathers.
Sons will condemn their fathers for their sins and abandonment of
the covenant with YHVH, forsaking His commandments and
appointed feast days. Evil pervades the generation, with every
mouth speaking iniquity and all deeds tainted by uncleanness and
destruction. (Jubilees 23:9-17).
In our current age of apostasy, with the imminent return of
Y'shua, it's crucial to ask: Are we prepared? This revelation serves
as a wake-up call to prioritize our relationship with YHVH and
align our lives with His ways. Indeed, our existence is but a
fleeting moment in the tapestry of eternity.

During life's journeys, we are to work out our salvation
with fear and trembling. We do not work to earn our salvation, but
rather we work out our salvation by observing YHVH's
instructions for life, which we call the Torah.
We do this because we love Him, for in the end of the
matter; all has been heard. Fear YHVH and keep his
commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. (Ecclesiastes
What does YHVH require of you, but to fear Him, to walk
in all His ways, to love Him, to serve Him with all your heart and
with all your soul, and to keep the commandments and feast days,
which He has commanded for us to do for our good?
(Deuteronomy 10:12-13) The Apostle Paul encourages you to
"work out your salvation with fear and trembling" (Philippians
"You have faith and I have works." Show me your faith
apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my
works. (James 2:18) My faith is knowing that YHVH sent his son
Y'shua to deliver me from the curse of Sin and Death, and restore
my authority as man.
My works are in obeying the commandments of YHVH;
by loving my neighbor as myself, through my day-to-day life in
acting and showing the love of Y'shua, with love, mercy,
forgiveness, and charity to my fellow men with justice and
righteousness to YHVH's Torah, to the best of my ability.

One of the most challenging experiences a parent can face
is outliving their child; the loss of a soul is profoundly painful. On
May 19, 2023, my ten-year-old son, Kami'el, was taken to
paradise. As a father, it was difficult for me, and for his mother, it
was devastating.
As a believer and disciple of Y'shua, one might wonder:
why would you take my son at such a young age? The truth is,
there is no right or wrong answer to this question, but outside of
the scriptures, people cannot find solace for their souls, but
understanding the word of YHVH brings shalom.
In this process, I discovered that the pain I felt was not just
the loss of my flesh, but a part of me died along with my son. It
felt like a connection was cut from my body. For his mother, the
pain was even more profound, as she carried the gift of life within
her for nine months, laboring her own life to bring our son into
this life. "Is it YHVH's will for the young to die early?"
In my studies, I have come to understand that it is YHVH's
will to allow some people to die early. Even though you might not
understand what He is doing. Like if a newborn dies, why?
Perhaps for mercy's sake,

YHVH sees things before they happen; perhaps He sees
the destruction of that child's soul or yours, and for mercy's sake,
He saves that soul.
Are the possibilities of answers unknown to us?
Understanding the Character of YHVH, He's giving us the
answers, if we dare to seek for the answer, not through the words
of others, but through His words. "It is the glory of YHVH to
conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings."
(Proverbs 25:2).
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy
nation, YHVH's special possession, that you may declare the
praises of YHVH who called you out of darkness into His
wonderful light of Y'shua." (1 Peter 2:9).
As it is written in Deuteronomy 28, the Word of YHVH
tells us if we obey the commandments, His appointed times, we
will be blessed, including our children, but if we break the
commandments, we are cursed, even our children.
But it's funny how we are quick to judge YHVH for His
actions of taking a child away from us for their excellence. But
we allow seventy-five million children to be aborted each year
and we dare not judge the wicked while they lie to manipulate the
murdering of unborn children due to their selfish pleasures of
creating wealth and fame.
Death comes in many shapes and sizes. The death of a
righteous individual will always be peaceful, whereas the death of
a person bound by their transgression will always be violent. Our
unrepentant transgressions across the nations have caused this
cause and effect.
Some people die early because they cling to their sins of
ignorance, with bitterness, unforgiveness, hatred that festers
within them. Yet even the righteous will die young. Righteous
people pass away; the Holy ones often die before their time. But
no one seems to care or wonder why. (Isaiah 57:1-2).

Note: Holy literally means to be separate. As it is written;
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my
ways," declares YHVH. "As the sky is higher than the nations, so
are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher
than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8-9).
No one seems to understand that YHVH is protecting them
from the darkness to come. (Isaiah 57:1-7). In my life, I've seen
everything from the righteous person perishing in his uprightness
to the wicked one who lives a long life and keeps on doing
wickedly. (Ecclesiastes 7:15).
Knowing Y'shua holds the keys to life and death, YHVH
says who dies or who lives, and Y'shua judges according to
YHVH's Torah. Understanding YHVH's Commandments are His
way to protect us, but for some odd reason, people disobey His
commandments because they don't want to follow instructions
because they feel controlled or simply do not understand.
This is why people perish; they lack knowledge of the
truth. "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because
you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests;
because you have ignored the Torah of your Father, I also will
ignore your children." (Hosea 4:6),
In realms of light and shadows deep and wide, where
whispers of rebellion seep into life's choices, a cautionary tale
unfolds, of how dissent from YHVH's plan holds. Against the
grain, the rebellion sought to fight, blinded by their perceived
right, but rebellion's path, dark and wide, leads the little ones
away from the truth of life.
For in His wisdom, YHVH designed a purpose pure, with
love entwined. Yet, in rebellious revolt, that love's denied, birth
chaos reigns where shalom should reside. The structures meant to
uphold and bless, through rebellious defiance, we tear and
oppress, forgetting that in His grand design, lies a plan beyond
our wildest dreams.

So let us tread with humble hearts, and from the rebellious
path we depart. For in submission, there's true power, in YHVH's
design, is our strongest tower. Let not destruction be our mark,
nor lead our lives into the dark. Embrace the Torah, the right, and
the just, In YHVH's purpose, place your trust. For through His
blood, salvation is the gracious gift for us.
When I was thirteen, I always seemed to be in trouble
because I did not listen to instructions. One day I did something
really stupid, and I got into trouble for it. My dad asked me a
provocative question. "Son, do you like getting yourself into
trouble?" He asked. I said, "No, I hate it." Then he said to me,
"Then stop being stupid and start doing what you're told, and you
will avoid getting into trouble."
Growing up, I never agreed with my dad on many topics,
but in the end, he was right. Therefore, from that day forward, I
decided to just do what my parents asked me to do even when I
didn't like it. The same thing happens when we read the scriptures
and obey them, especially the commandments; good things will
YHVH tells us to be set apart from the ways of the
Nations of men, but as we see in our local news, that crime and
violence are at a high in America; due to the evil of man, where
many people get shot, many casualties with DWI. Prostitution,
O.D on drugs, gang wars, clubbing, or get trampled down from a
rock concert. Even in our schools with shootouts. This is because
of greed, idolatry, with no moral compass in the word of YHVH.
This is what rebellion looks like, knowing the truth but
denying it or rebelling against it to do your own thing even when
you know it's wrong. Diseases are sometimes caused by the
unnatural use of sex, known as fornication, the pleasures of the
flesh, like smoking that causes emphysema, poor eating habits
excessive of food and drink causing obesity, and diabetes from
unclean foods or (GMO) genetically modify organism.

High blood pressure, due to stress and lack of rest. If they
had obeyed and followed YHVH's instructions for life, which is
written in scriptures their death would not have happened in such
horrific states. Death is the cause and effect of our transgression,
due to our disobedience.
Remember, YHVH doesn't cause transgressions, but He
does allow them. When we see people die at a young age, it is a
constant reminder that life is short and precious and you never
know when you will clock out. There are three forces at work
here that will bring death, 1. Our actions of rebellion to YHVH's
Torah, 2. Our actions in this life, how we cruelly treat one
another, and 3. YHVH's act of Mercy to save souls.
The devout men who perish are taken away, while no one
understands. For the righteous man is protected from calamity.
Shalom is achieved; they rest in their beds and walk uprightly.
(Isaiah 57:1-2) I said: "Do not take me away, YHVH, in the midst
of my days; your years go on through all generations. In the
beginning, you laid the foundations of Adamah, and the sky is the
work of your hands.
We will perish, but you remain; we will all wear out like a
garment. Like clothing, you will change them, and they will be
discarded." (Psalm 102:24-26) Therefore, just as transgression
entered into adamah through one man and death through
transgression, in this way, death came to all people of the nations
because all have transgressed.
To be sure, transgression existed before the Torah was
given, but transgression has not been charged against anyone's
account where there is no Torah. (Romans 5:12-13 ). For just as
through the disobedience of the one man, the many were made
transgressors, so also through the obedience of the one man, the
many will be made righteous. The Torah was brought in so that
the transgressions might increase.

But where transgression increased, grace increased all the
more, so that, just as the transgressor's actions lie in death, grace
might reign through the acts of righteousness to bring eternal life
through Y'shua, our Messiah. (Romans 5:19-21). But don't be too
wicked or too foolish, either. Why die before you have to?
(Ecclesiastes 7:17).
There is a way that seems right to a person, but the end of
their transgression is death. If we live, we live for the YHVH; and
if we die, we die for YHVH. So, whether we live or die, we
belong to the YHVH. For this very reason, Y'shua died and
returned to life to become the Judge over the dead and the living.
(Romans 14:8-9).
What we see is Y'shua, who was given dominion over all
things but he came into our lives making himself a little lower
than the Malakhim and suffered death for us, and now he is;
"Crowned with glory and honor forever" Yes, by YHVH's Mercy,
who is Y'shua, tasted death for everyone's sake.
The Word of YHVH, through whom everything was made,
chose to bring many children into glory. It was only fitting that he
should make Y'shua, through his suffering, a perfect King, fit to
us to be YHVH's salvation. (Hebrews 2:9-10). (Psalms 32:10) The
wicked will have to suffer, but those who trust in YHVH are
protected by his constant love.
YHVH protects all who stay in Obedience' (Revelation
3:10-11). As it is written; YHVH takes care of those who obey
him, and the land will be theirs forever. They will not suffer when
times are bad; they will have enough in time of famine. But the
wicked will die; the enemies of YHVH will vanish like wild
flowers; they will disappear like smoke.
The wicked borrow and never pay back, but good people
are generous with their gifts. Those who are blessed by YHVH
will possess the land, but those who are cursed by YHVH will be
driven out. The Father of creation guides us in the way we should
go and protects those who please him.

If they fall, they will not stay down, because YHVH will
help them up. I am old now; I have lived a long time, but I have
never seen good people abandoned by the Father of mercy or their
children begging for food. At all times the righteous give freely
and lend to others, and their children are a blessing.
Turn away from your selfish ways and do good, and your
descendants will always live in the land; for YHVH loves what is
right and does not abandon his faithful people. He protects them
forever, but the descendants of the wicked will be driven out. The
righteous will possess the land and live in it forever. The words of
good people are wise, and they are always fair.
They keep the Commandment of YHVH their Father, in
their hearts and never depart from it. Wicked people watch good
people and try to kill them; but YHVH will not abandon them to
their enemy's power or let them be condemned when they are on
trial. Put your hope in YHVH and obey his commandments; he
will honor you by giving you the land, and you will see the
wicked driven out.
I once knew someone wicked who was a tyrant; he
towered over everyone like a cedar of Lebanon; but later I passed
by, and he wasn't there; I looked for him, but couldn't find him.
Notice good people, observe the righteous; those who walk in
shalom with the people have descendants, but the transgressors
are completely destroyed, and their descendants are wiped out.
YHVH saves the righteous and protects them in times of trouble.
He helps them and rescues them; he saves them from the wicked,
because they go to him for protection. (Psalms 37:18-40).

Transgression entered into Adamah through one man,
Adam, and death through his transgression; thus, death came to
all people of the nations because all have transgressed.
Understand that transgression existed before the Torah was given.
But rest assured, transgression has not been charged against
anyone's account where there was no Torah. (Romans 5:12-13).
Through the disobedience of Adam, many were made
transgressors; similarly, through the obedience of Y'shua, many
will be made righteous. The Torah was brought to us so that the
transgressions may be judged properly. Though transgression
increased, the grace of YHVH increased all the more, so that, just
as transgressors' actions lead to death, grace governs through acts
of righteousness to bring eternal life through Y'shua, our Messiah.
(Romans 5:19-21).
Don't be too wicked or too foolish. Why die before you
have to? (Ecclesiastes 7:17). There is a way that seems right to a
person, but in the end it leads to death. If we live, we live for
YHVH; and if we die, we die for YHVH. Thus, whether we live
or die, we belong to YHVH. For this very reason, Y'shua died and
returned to life to become the Judge over the dead and the living.
(Romans 14:8-9).

We see Y'shua, Sar Shalom, who was given dominion over
all YHVH's creation due to his obedience unto death. (Matthew
28:18). Yet, he came into our lives making himself a little lower
than the Malakhim (Hebrews 2:7, Psalms 8:5) and suffered death
for us (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24), and now he is "Crowned with
glory and honor forever" (John 8:36).
By YHVH's Mercy, Y'shua tasted death for everyone,
including you. How wonderful is YHVH's salvation through
Y'shua? "For YHVH so loved the nations that he gave his only
unique Son, Y'shua, so that whoever believes in him shall not
perish but have eternal life. For the Father of Mercy did not send
Y'shua into the nations to condemn the nations, but to be
salvation for the nations through him." (John 3:16-17).
YHVH, the King of Glory in his master plan to protect
life, through whom everything was made, chose to bring many
children into the glory of his Son. It was only for righteousness'
sake that He made Y'shua go through the passion of suffering, as
a perfect leader, the Mashiach, who is able to bring us into
YHVH's salvation as His High Priest. (Hebrews 2:9-10).
(Psalms 32:10) The wicked will suffer, but those who trust
in YHVH are protected by his constant love. We read in John 14:6
that Y'shua answered those who were near him and boldly told
them, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through me."
The desires of one's heart will determine the direction of
one's life and ultimately one's eternal destiny. It is difficult at
times to test someone's heart to determine if it is genuine. Without
the Torah, we don't have a proper scale. Man cannot govern man;
only YHVH governs man. Many are the plans in a person's heart,
but it is the purpose of YHVH that will stand. (Proverbs 19:21).
Today, many people talk, and many words make one a fool
(Ecclesiastes 5:3-6). The human heart and motives are always

Understand that the eyes of YHVH probe throughout
Adamah to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to
Him. In your disobedience, you have done a foolish thing, and
from now on you will be at war unless you repent (2 Chronicles
Don't you know if you love the ways of this world, you are
YHVH's enemies? If you decide to be a friend of this world, you
make yourself an enemy of YHVH (James 4:4). YHVH is looking
for people with the same heart as Y'shua.
We also see the testing of humanity as we read in (2
Esdras 7): "There is a sea set in a wide expanse so that it is broad
and vast, but it has an entrance set in a narrow place as deep as a
river. If someone dares to reach the gate, to look upon it, or to
navigate through it, how can he come to the broad part unless he
passes through that narrow path?"
Another example: "There is a city built and situated on a
high mountain, filled with all costly stones, but the entrance is too
small and located in a precipitous place, with only fire on the
right and deep rough water on the left; and there is only one path
lying between them, that is, between the fire and the water, so that
only one man at a time can walk upon that path."
"If now that city is given to a man for an inheritance, how
will his heir receive his inheritance unless he passes through the
danger set before him?" I said, "He cannot." He said to me, "So
also is Israel's portion.
For I made Adamah for their sake, and when Adam
transgressed my commandment, what had been made was judged.
So the entrances to this life have become narrow, sorrowful, and
toilsome; and they are only a few."
The path is long and wide with evils, filled with hazards
and hardships. But the entrances to the mighty kingdom are
narrow and safe, and ready to yield the fruits of immortality. The
living cannot receive what has been reserved for them until they
have passed through difficult and vain experiences.

"But now why are you disturbed, seeing that you are to
perish? Why are you moved, seeing that you are mortal? Why
have you not considered in your mind what is to come, rather than
what is now in your present?"
This narrative underscores the challenges and trials of
adherence to divine laws and the journey towards salvation. It
emphasizes the stringent requirements of faithfulness and the
narrow path to eternal life, underscoring the importance of
perseverance and commitment in the face of adversities.

When I was young, I didn't fully understand the
significance of the supernatural experiences I encountered.
Playing with the Ouija board with friends one night, strange
events unfolded, like a screwdriver mysteriously flying down the
stairs. Later, I learned that my house harbored a history of tragic
deaths—an old woman in the attic, an old man in my room, and
someone in the backyard. The incidents sparked curiosity, leading
us to explore further.
One chilling memory stands out from my childhood.
While playing cops and robbers with friends in the basement, we
stumbled upon a dark area that always filled me with dread.

Despite my apprehension,I ventured into the darkness,
only to find it empty. However, moments later, a metal object
hurled itself between my friend Billy and me,embedding into the
wall. The unexplained event left us shaken,prompting a hasty
retreat from the basement.
These encounters with the supernatural were not confined
to my home. During visits to Indiana with family, we engaged in
seances and experienced unsettling phenomena. One particularly
intense night, my aunt was seemingly grabbed by a spectral hand,
accompanied by blood-curdling screams. Such events fueled our
belief in ghosts and the unseen.
Reflecting on these experiences, I've come to view ghosts
not merely as departed souls but as entities masquerading as their
victims, intent on leading them astray from the path of salvation.
While ghost hunting may reveal cold drafts and eerie energies,
true peace is found in embracing the truth of faith in Y'shua who
gave us authority over the powers of darkness. (Luke 10:19).
In contemplating life after death, I'm reminded may
biblical passages that speak to the finality of earthly existence and
the unknowable nature of the afterlife. (Hebrews 9:27-28) Just as
man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,
likewise Y'shua was sacrificed once to take break the curse of sin
and death from many people; and he will appear a second time,
not in a state of sin, but salvation to those who are waiting for
Ecclesiastes reminds us that the dead know nothing of the
world they leave behind, while Isaiah speaks of the obliteration of
memory that's due to our part. These verses underscore the
transient nature of human existence and the mysteries that await
beyond the grave.

(1 Samuel 28)
But then one may ask Samuel when he died King Saul
called for the Witch of Endor to rise Samuel for consul. This act
of necromancy was forbidden in YHVH's Torah (Deuteronomy
"Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son
or daughter in the fire to Molech, who practices divination or
sorcery, interprets omens,engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or
who is a medium,spiritualist, or practices necromancy by
consulting the dead.
Anyone who does these things is detestable to YHVH.
Because of these detestable practices, YHVH your Father will
drive out those nations before you.
You must be blameless before YHVH as his Nevi'em. The
nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery
and divination. But as for you, YHVH has not permitted you to do
so. For He is your Father."

The story of Saul begins with the Philistines preparing for
war against Israel, with Achish requesting David and his men to
join him in battle. Meanwhile, Samuel, the prophet YHVH, had
passed away, and Saul, the king of Israel, is troubled by the
approaching Philistine army. Because Saul disobeyed and broke
from YHVH's edicts for Israel's glory.
Desperate for guidance, Saul seeks a Witch in Endor,
which breaking the commandment in (Deuteronomy 18:10)
despite having banished such practitioners from the land.
Disguised, Saul visits the Witch, asking her to summon Samuel's
spirit. She grew terrified when her medium a demon consulted her
the she was speaking to the King of Israel, and her life was
Initially hesitant due to Saul's actions against the Witch,
the woman eventually complies. Samuel's soul appears, revealing
that YHVH has turned away from Saul, forewarning him of his
defeat by the Philistines and the transfer of the kingdom to David.
Overwhelmed with fear and hunger, Saul collapses upon hearing
Samuel's words. The Witch cares for him, providing food, and
Saul, weakened, finally eats.
The next day, Saul and his army face their fate against the
Philistines. And due to King Saul's rebellion along with his
disconnection to YHVH he killed himself, showing us with out
YHVH we are nothing.
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might
for the glory of YHVH, for in the grave, where you are going,
there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
Moreover, no man knows when his hour will come." (Ecclesiastes
"For the living know that they will die, but the dead know
nothing; they have no further reward, and even the memory of
them eventually is forgotten. Their love, their hate, and their
jealousy have long since vanished; never again will they have a
part in anything that happens under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 9:5)

"They are now dead, they live no more; their spirits do not
rise. You punished them and brought them to ruin; you wiped out
all memory of them." (Isaiah 26:14).
Based on the teachings of (Hebrews9:27-28), we
understand that human life is finite—once lived, it concludes with
death. According to Hebrew tradition and texts such as (2 Esdras
7:75–101) and (1 Enoch:17-19, 20-32,) after death, the soul
transitions to Sheol, where it awaits the return of Y'shua.
Sheol comprises three chambers: Darkness, Torment, and
Paradise, where souls of men remain until their appointed time
according to their act of sin or righteousness in life. From the
first light of dawn to the final whisper of twilight, every moment
of your life is etched into eternity: every innocent gesture, every
perverse thought, each wrong, each right, captured in your words,
actions, and deeds, are written on the tablets of Shamayim before
(Psalms 139:16) Your eyes could see me as an embryo, but
in your book all my days were already written; my days had been
shaped before any of them existed.
(Malachi 3:16–18) Then those who feared YHVH spoke to
one another, and YHVH gave attention and heard them, and a
book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear
Him and who esteem His name.
‘They will be Mine,’ says YHVH of hosts, ‘on the day that
I prepare My own possession, and I will spare them as a man
spares his own son who serves him rightfully. So you will again
distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between one
who serves YHVH and one who does not serve Him.
(Revelation 20:12) I saw the dead, small and great, stand
before YHVH; and the books were opened: and another book was
opened, which is the BOOK OF LIFE: and the dead were judged
out of those things which were written in those books, according
to their works in their lifetime.


Our reflection should be deeply rooted in the wisdom of

(Ecclesiastes 12:14) For YHVH will bring every work into
judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
it be evil. (Hebrews 4:13), Neither is there any creature that is not
manifest in YHVH's sight: but all things are naked and opened
unto the eyes of YHVH with whom we have to do.
This emphasize the divine recording of our actions and the
transparency of our lives before YHVH. Indeed,this awareness
can profoundly shape our choices and paths in life even bringing
us to repentance. Realizing the accountability we bear for our
own souls can serve as a guiding principle, steering us away from
actions of sins that would lead us astray and toward those that are
align with righteousness and with integrity.
Had you possessed this understanding earlier in life, your
journey might have taken a different trajectory. Nevertheless,
embracing these teachings now empowers you to navigate life
with greater purpose and mindfulness. The knowledge that every
deed, whether overtone concealed, will be subject to divine
scrutiny underscores the importance of living authentically and

Ultimately, (Ecclesiastes 12:14) reminds us of the
inevitability of judgment, where every aspect of our lives will be
examined—both the visible and the hidden. (Hebrews 4:13)
reinforces this concept by highlighting the omnipresence of
YHVH, who perceives all things with utmost clarity.
YHVH dose not show favoritism in judgment he only
acknowledges the truth, we are compelled to live with integrity,
knowing that our actions are laid bare before YHVH's gaze.
Contrary to popular belief, ghosts are not manifestations of
departed loved ones, but rather demons, as elucidated in (Jubilees
Personal experiences often corroborate these biblical
truths. For instance, during the week of my mother's passing due
to cancer in 1985, I encountered a haunting vision while staying
at my father's house. Startled awake, I witnessed my mother
engulfed in flames, issuing a warning as she was drawn into
darkness—an unsettling episode that puzzled me for years.
However, through diligent study of YHVH's scriptures,
guided by the Living Word embodied in Y'shua and the spirit of
wisdom,Shekinah, I have attained shalom, or peace, despite life's
trials. I've embraced the responsibility of safeguarding my soul's
destiny,recognizing its value above material wealth. To the reader,
I offer hope anchored in Y'shua. Though uncertain of our loved
ones' fates,adherence to YHVH's commandments affords us a
greater likelihood of fulfillment in this life and the next. Shalom.

Now we've heard what Y'shua said to the crowd around
him as he instructed them to cross to the other side of the sea.
Another disciple approached him, saying,'Rabbi, let me first go
and bury my father.' Y'shua's response,'Follow me, and let the
dead bury their own dead' (Matthew 8:18) (Matthew 21-22),
(Luke 9:60), may seem harsh to those unfamiliar with Y'shua or
YHVH. However, there's profound meaning behind his words.
Y'shua is emphasizing that if someone is spiritually
dead,disconnected from the commandments, the teachings of the
Torah, and how he taught us to walk they way he walked, then let
them who are dead handle their own spiritual dead. In Y'shua,
who is them embodiment of resurrection and life, one finds the
path to Father YHVH because Y'shua fulfilled his mission to
redeem us. (2Corinthians 5:21), (John 14:6).
Now lets look at this logically, there's nothing inherently
wrong with burying the dead, as is customary. However, the
disciple in question had ulterior motives. In Y'shua's time, his
statement had a different implication than it would have today.

Essentially, the disciple was saying, 'Y'shua, I'll follow
you, but first, let me stay with my father until he passes away. I'm
not sure how long that will take, but once it happens, I'll bury him
and then I will follow you.'
Moreover, he may have been considering his inheritance.
In the Hebrew culture inheritances is a big deal in monetary vale.
Perhaps she was waiting to claim his inheritance from his father,
indicating his desire to secure his financial future before fully
committing to following Y'shua.
Regardless of the specific reason, the disciple who
followed Y'shua. He believed there were more pressing matters at
hand. Essentially, he was telling Y'shua, 'I'll get back to you soon.'
However, Y'shua recognized the misplaced priorities.
As it's written in (Matthew 16:25), 'For whoever wants to
save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for my
name's sake will find it.' In essence, if you're spiritually dead to
Y'shua,you're also dead to the Father, your neighbor, and
ultimately, your own soul. Let those spiritually dead handle their
own matters;prioritize your walk in life for you are responsible
for your own soul.
Adam is therefore not the cause, of your transgressions, he
sinned against his own soul, But each of us has to be the Adam of
our own soul. For at the consummation of our age, vengeance will
be taken upon those who have done wickedness according to their
wickedness, and YHVH will glorify the righteousness according
to their faithfulness. (2 Baruch 1-4).

Upon entering Adamah, the Mal'akh Uriel showed me
three hollow chasms,deep and wide; inside the chasms were
smooth to look upon. Two of the chasms were dark to look at, and
one was brighter than the others.
There was a river of water in the midst of the bright
chasm. Then I asked Uriel, "What is this place that you have
come to show me?"Uriel responded, "These beautiful corners are
here in order that the souls of the children of men would be
gathered here.
Elohim prepared this place in order to place the souls of
men when they leave their fleshly garments. When they depart
from their bodies,they are judged on what they have done in their
life, every word,every action in secret and openly, man is judged
according to Aravat YHVH's Torah.
Then,they are placed into one of these three chasms
according to their crimes or virtues. This is the first judgment, and
they are to wait for the final judgment that will come upon all
creation at the end of days. That day, no one knows except for
Aravat!" (Matthew 24:36).

It was then I saw the souls of the already dead children of
men, and their voices were reaching Shamayim. But there was
one soul who caught my attention; this soul was crying louder
than all the rest.
I asked Uriel, "Who is this soul, whose voice is reaching
into Shamayim with much grief?" Uriel answered, "This is the
soul of Abel whom Cain, his brother, murdered; he continues to
cry out for justice. Till Cain is dead and extinct along with all his
seed who dwell on the face of Adamah, he will continue to cry
out." (Enoch22: 2-14).
I raised a question regarding Abel and the judgment of all
souls. "For what reason is one separated from the other?" I
asked?" Uriel said to me, "The three chasms were made so that
the souls of the children of men could be separated from one
another according to their behavior toward their neighbors and
how they honor the word of YHVH Aravat. (Mark 12:31),
(Romans 13:8-9), (James 4:12), (Leviticus19:17-18), (Proverbs
For the righteous, paradise is prepared with the Tree of
Life and River of Life. These were the souls of men who obeyed
YHVH's commandments,ordinances, and statutes; they loved not
their lives unto death, but they gave their lives to death due to the
obedient of the commandments. They did not value their fleshly
desires for the value of the sinful man. (Revelation 12:11) (Luke
As the transgressors die and are buried, the punishment is
a dark chasm filled with rivers of fire. Throughout their lifetime,
these souls worked selfishly and were not judged; here, they
suffer greatly for the sins they commit. This land of the dam will
continue to suffer until the great Day of Judgment. YHVH Aravat
will bind them here.

In this place, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth
when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets in
the kingdom of YHVH Aravat, but those who are hypocritical,
judgmental, unforgiving,indulging in fornication will be thrown
into the furnace of fire; in this place, there will be weeping and
gnashing of teeth. (Matthew7:21-23) (Psalms 6:8) (Luke 13:27)
(Psalms 5:5).
The wicked will see it and be vexed; they will gnash their
teeth and melt away; the desire of the wicked will perish. (Psalm
112: 10) So the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers,
those who practice the magic arts, the idolaters, and all liars will
be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second
death." (Revelation 12:8) (Luke 13:28) (Matthew 13:42)
(Matthew8:12) (Matthew 24:51).
Oblivion is the land of condemnation; utter darkness "In
this third chasm, it's a separation that was made for the souls of
those who make their allegations and those who tell the story of
their destruction in the days of the Nephilim. Yahava Aravat keeps
the feet of His righteous ones, but the wicked, they are silenced in
darkness; for a person cannot triumph through force. (1 Samuel
Then the wicked will look to Adamah, and behold they
will see distress and darkness, gloom and anguish; and they will
be driven away into darkness. (Isaiah 8:22). The sons of the
kingdom will be cast out into the outer darkness; in this place,
there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Those who
blaspheme the Shekinah (Matthew 8:12) (Matthew 12:22-32)
Hebrews (10:26) (Luke 9:62)
NOTE: To my understanding, this place of condemnation
is where 90% of the Nephilim souls, known as demons, are cast
according to the statement above (those who mention their
destruction in the days of the Nephilim.)

The Word of YHVH answered me, saying, "When YHVH,
the Highest, decided to create Adamah and Adam and all those
who have come after him, He first prepared a pillar of judgment
and the elements pertaining to His judgments.
For this reason, those who dwell on Adamah will be
tormented, especially those who deliberately continue to commit
transgressions against the moral-spiritual values of truth.
Though they received the commandments, they did not
keep them, and though they obtained the instructions of the Torah,
they dealt unfaithfully with greed. What do they expect to say in
judgment, or how will they answer in the last days? How long
must YHVH the Highest, bear with the rebellion of man? He has
been patient with those who dwell on Adamah, urging them to
repent, because of the times that He has foreordained!"
I responded and asked, "If I have found favor in your
sight, Oracle of YHVH, please show me what happens after death
when everyone yields up their souls? Where do we go until the
appointed time comes when you will renew creation, or do we all
suffer torment at once?"

The Word of YHVH answered, "Now I will show you so
that you will not be associated with those who have expressed
hate or count yourself among those who are tormented due to
their unrepentant transgressions. You have a treasure of works
laid up with YHVH, but it will not be shown to you until the last
days. (2 Esdras 7:75).
Concerning death, the teaching is: When a decree has gone
forth from YHVH's throne for a soul to die, He sends His
Malakhim to take the soul from their body to be buried; then the
dispatched Mal'akh will escort the soul across the veil to their first
judgment. YHVH's spirit, Chayim, leaves the mortal body and
returns to Him. The righteous soul will experience the glory of
YHVH the Most High, and adore the Father of Life.
Souls who have shown hate and not kept YHVH's
instructions, known as His Torah, to the full extent of their
abilities, will wither with fear at seeing the glory of YHVH Most
High, whom they transgressed while alive. These souls will not
enter paradise but will immediately be thrown into torment after
receiving their first judgment, ever grieving with sadness in seven
destructive ways:
For hating and mocking the Torah of YHVH the Most
High. Because they cannot repent as they could have when alive.
When they see the rewards laid up for those who trusted YHVH
Most High through His Son Y'shua, the living word, or His Torah.
By considering the torment laid up for themselves in the last days
due to their selfish transgressions.
As they witness how the Malakhim guard the habitations
of others with profound and silent service. When they see some
souls pass from darkness to torment. This way is the most
destructive because they will utterly waste away in confusion and
be consumed with shame.
For those who have kept the ways of YHVH, they will be
separated from their mortal bodies having faithfully served
YHVH, standing against all odds to keep His Torah.

They will see with overwhelming joy the glory of YHVH
who receives them, for they will have rest in seven orders, as
described in (Matthew 25:23).
These righteous souls will:
Receive the crown of life for overcoming their selfish
thoughts, so they do not wander into death. Be near the tree of
life, understanding the perplexity in which the souls of the unholy
wander. See the witness of YHVH whom they bore, affirming that
they kept the Torah given to them in trust.
Understand the rest they now enjoy, gathered into their
chambers and guarded by Malakhim in profound silence. Receive
a white stone with their new name, rejoicing in their escape from
corruption and the inheritance of immortality. (Revelation 2:17,
James 1:12)
Be shown how their faces will shine like the sun and be
made like the light of the stars, being incorruptible from then on.
Rejoice with boldness, be confident without confusion, and be
glad without fear.
This is the order for the souls of the righteous and the
wicked, a warning to those who do not heed and will suffer
hereafter. Then I asked, "Will time be given to the souls, after
they have been separated from the bodies, to see what you have
described to me?"
The Word of YHVH said, "After a soul sees the glory of
YHVH, a Mal'akh will escort them for seven days to show them
the cause and effects of their actions in their lifetime; how they
affected the lives of those around them. Afterward, they will hear
their sentence.
For the righteous, they will be shown how they served
YHVH and obeyed His commandments; then they will be
gathered into their habitations of paradise, until the last

We can see, Sheol is the Land of the Dead where both the
righteous and the wicked go until the day of Judgment. On the
day of resurrection, Adamah will surely give back the dead as it
received their souls, unchanged in form.
YHVH delivered the soul to the grave, so it will return. It
will be necessary to show those alive that the dead are living
again, and that those who went away have come back. It will be
when they have recognized each other, then my judgment will be
strong, and those things spoken of before will come to pass. (2
Baruch 50:1-2).
Keep a clear conscience, so that those who speak
maliciously against your righteous behavior in Y'shua will be
ashamed of their slander. For it is better, if it is YHVH's will, to
suffer for doing right than for doing evil.
For Y'shua also suffered once for sins, the righteous for
the unrighteous, to bring you back to YHVH. He was put to death
in the flesh but made alive in the Spirit. After being made alive,
he went and made a proclamation to the imprisoned souls—those
who were disobedient long ago when YHVH waited patiently in
the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In the end, only
eight souls in all were saved through water. (1 Peter 3:16-20).

There was a rich man who was dressed in fine clothing
and lived a luxurious life, eating delicious food and having a
decent clean living. However, at his gate, there was a man named
Lazarus, who had lost everything and was stricken with sores.
Lazarus was hungry, and he would beg for food at the rich man's
gate, but the rich man would not show him any mercy.
One day the rich man had a banquet for his high-class
friends, and Lazarus would ask for food from the guests that
passed him by. They ignored him, but Lazarus would wait to
collect the scraps of food lying around. He would wait until the
dogs came and licked his sores.
The time came when Lazarus died and a Mal'akh of
YHVH carried him to Abraham's side in Paradise. The rich man
also died, and he was buried. A dark Mal'akh took him to a place
of torment. The rich man looked up and saw Abraham far away,
with Lazarus. So he called to Him, "Father, Abraham, take pity on
me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water to cool
my tongue because I am in agony and parched from this fire of

Abraham replied, "Son, remember that in your lifetime,
you received your blessings, but you were selfish with what you
had while Lazarus received terrible things, yet he was generous
with what small possessions he had. But now he is comforted, and
you're in torment. Take note of the deep chasm between us.
So those who want to enter from your side cannot pass.
Nor can anyone cross over from here to aid you." So the rich man
cried out. "Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for
I have five brothers. Let him warn them so that they will not come
to this place of Torment."
Abraham replied, "They have Moses and the Nevi'em with
the instructions of the Torah. Let them listen to them." "No,
Father Abraham," said the rich man. "But if someone from the
dead appears to them, they will repent" the rich man continued to
argue. Abraham replied. "If they do not listen to Moses and the
Nevi'em, or follow the instructions of the Torah. They will not be
convinced even if someone rises from the dead," Abraham said.
(Luke 16:19).
One last note; the other day my fourteen year old
Daughter came to me and asked me about Reincarnation, so here
is my thoughts about reincarnation. In my experience in life,
people talk about this a lot, but this doctrine is from the pits of
hell. This doctrine was created so that you and I can continue to
sin if we believe in this doctrine. If we are good people and we
make mistakes and then we all of sudden die we have a way to fix
it, we come back, as the Philosopher encourages.
It goes something like this, I die I come back as a human,
an animal or an insect and live my life to the best I can do
hopefully I make it to paradise. This causes me to think that my
good works alone will get me into paradise. The bases on this is
not scriptural, but philosophical.

So if we are reincarnated, then we would have immortal
souls, then if I am immortal then why would I be seeking for
something I already have? According to the scriptures we are
born, we die, we are judged, and we are placed into a holding area
until Messiah Y'shua returns for us. When he returns, we will be
resurrected with him, and we will rule with him for a thousand
The story of the thief on the cross is found in the
following scriptures: (Matthew 27:38), (Luke 23:32-43) (and
Mark 15:27). This story is in many ways among the most
touching stories in the life of Y'shua. A dying penitent thief
accepts and realizes who Y'shua is, defends His honor, and Y'shua
declares to him, "You will be with me in Paradise."
Note: Y'shua did not say, you will be reincarnated with me
and live another life to have a second chance. He did not say, you
will be with me in Shamayim at my Father's throne.
Scientifically proven bloodlines carry memories that can
have us remember something of the past from our generations.
This has been proven. When one person receives an organ
transplant from another person's body, they take on certain traits
of the person who died.
The bloodline is the lifeline of the soul. For the life of all
flesh – its the blood its the life. Therefore I say to YHVH's
people: You will not eat or drink the blood of any flesh, for the
life of all flesh is in the blood. Anyone who partakes of it will be
cut off" (Leviticus 17:13-14).
We are not immortal beings; we will die, and we are
placed in a place of judgment until Messiah Y'shua returns to
claim us. To keep this command without spot or blame until the
appearance of our Messiah Y'shua returns, which YHVH will
bring about in His own time. (1st Timothy 6:14-16). YHVH, the
blessed and only ruler, will send the King of kings, Y'shua, who
lives in unapproachable light, whom we cannot see at this time.
To Him be all honor, and glory forever. Emunah.

The choice is yours. Obedience is better than sacrifice. To
obey is to love YHVH with all your heart, with all your soul, with
all your might, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. This is
how we are recognized as YHVH's precious people.
(Deuteronomy 6:5), (Leviticus 19:9-18), (Mark 12:30-31),
(Mathew 27:37-40).
Y'shua is knocking at your door; repent of your wicked
ways. Y'shua died so that you could have eternal rest from sin and
death. Believe in Y'shua, but worship YHVH, the father of love
and mercy who has been waiting for you to turn to him. Obey His
commandments, follow His ordinances, and walk in His Torah of
life; Through our loving savior Y'shua, with the help of the spirit
of wisdom Shekinah (Holy Spirit).
In the light of YHVH's gaze, we stand, Guided by His
Torah, His divine hand. In a world that veers from His righteous
path, We strive to be the best, to rise above his wrath. Through the
eyes of Y'shua, His blessed son, we seek eternal life, our battles
won. Against the tides of doubt and disbelief, we hold fast to
faith, finding blessed relief.
Though others may falter, and darkness may descend, we
walk in His truth, until the very end. With hearts ablaze with love
devotion, we spread His message of hope salvation. May all souls
heed the call to repent, and turn back to YHVH, their spirits
For in His ways lies eternal life, a path of righteousness, a
sacred embrace. So let us strive, let us shine, as beacons of His
light divine. Living each day in His holy sight, Bringing His love
to all, day and night.
As we, the righteous, do what YHVH has instructed us, as
it is written in (Deuteronomy 13:18) "When you obey the voice of
YHVH, to guard all His commandments which He commands
you this day, and do that which is upright in the sight of YHVH,"
we will inherit the Tree of Life as described in (1 Enoch 24:3–
25:6), (2 Enoch 8:3–7), and (3 Enoch 5:1; 23:18).

In (3 Enoch 5:1), the Tree of Life provides shelter for the
righteous upon whom Shekinah dwelled after the expulsion of
Adam. The righteous and holy are to inherit the Garden of Eden
with the Tree of Life.
When Y'shua returns to reign for a thousand years, the
Tree of Life, also known as the Tree of Righteousness, will be
located at Tzion, the throne of YHVH where Mashiach will reign.
It is superlatively fragrant and inaccessible until Judgment Day,
after which the righteous and holy will enjoy it. It will be planted
toward the house of YHVH, and its fragrance shall give the
righteous long life on Adamah.



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