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Women's Day
1. How important is it for women to take control of their own

2. What qualities do you think are essential for women to

break barriers in society?

3. Do you believe that women face more challenges than men

in pursuing their goals?

4. In your opinion, what role does society play in empowering

women to achieve their full potential?

Vocabulary Fill in the gaps using the words

from the quizlet set

The nation watched on TV as the tragic events _____

The students _____ the task in less than ten minutes
She believes her _____ is to become a successful
With _____, she faced the challenges and overcame them
His _____ to finish his degree helped him through tough
Through _____, she finally mastered playing the piano
It took _____ for him to confront his fears and speak up
Her _____ for painting shines through in every artwork she
It's important to _____ the time spent with loved ones
She showed _____ towards the injured puppy on the

Quizlet set
After watching Answer True/False

The baby girl in the video was born in a country full of

challenges and difficulties.

The story in the video is about women who are passive

and submissive.

Women in the video are portrayed as lacking courage

and determination.

The video highlights the importance of women breaking


The video suggests that taking the easy road is the best

Women in the video are encouraged to find their inner

strength and stand tall.

watch the video here

Once upon a time in a country bustling with opportunity, a
baby girl was born, a tiny princess to her adoring family.
While she is treasured and protected by all who love her,
her story won't unfold as the simple fairy tale they would
like it to be. 

This is My Story and the story of women everywhere. It's

the story of women taking control of their own destiny.
Women of courage, passion, persistence, innovation,
compassion, and determination. It's about those who dare
to break barriers. 

It's no easy task taking the road less traveled, but at the
end of the day, the appreciation is worth it. Remember, the
most interesting stories are not of those who had it easy.
We rise, we fall. But what's important is that we find our
inner strength and stand tall. 

Women, know your value. Wear your crown. Write your

own story. We believe there's no limit to what you can
accomplish. Happy Emirati Women's Day!

watch the video here

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