Hemodialysis - Ultrasound Group 5

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Presented by: GRoup 5
hemodialysis VS. ULTRASOUND

Is an invasive procedure Is an non-invasive procedure

treatment that filters and purifies the Is also called sonography
blood using a machine. This helps to it is a test that shows structures inside
maintain electrolyte balance and the body using high intensity sound
remove waste products when the waves.
kidneys are no longer able to perform
these functions adequately.
how does hemodialysis work?
hemodialysis ACCess
3 types of hemodialysis
3 times per week
01. Conventional
3-4 hours for each treatment
patient's blood drawn out through a tube
at a rate of 200-400 mL/min.

6-7 days a week

02. hemodialysis 2 hours for each treatment
patient's blood drawn out through a tube
at a rate of 200-400 mL/min.

3-6 nights a week

03. hemodialysis
6-10 hours per session
patient's blood drawn out through a tube
at a rate of 200-300 mL/min.
how does ultrasound work? What conditions can be
detected by ultrasound?
Ultrasound can help providers diagnose a wide range of medical
issues, including:
Abnormal growths, such as tumors or cancer.
Blood clots.
Enlarged spleen.
Ectopic pregnancy (when a fertilized egg implants outside of
your uterus).
Aortic aneurysm.
Kidney or bladder stones.
Cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation).
Varicocele (enlarged veins in the testicles).
3 categories of ultrasound imaging
often called prenatal or obstetric
01. Ultrasound
ultrasound to monitor you and the fetus
during pregnancy.

Ultrasound involves using ultrasound imaging to

02. procedure
guidance for visualize internal structures and guide
medical procedures in real-time.

also known as medical ultrasound or

03. ultrasound
sonography, is a non-invasive imaging
technique used to visualize internal body
structures in real-time.
Abdominal Pelvic
ultrasound ultrasound

Kidney (renal) Different

types of Transvaginal
diagnostic ultrasound
Breast Thyroid
ultrasound Doppler ultrasound
Thank you
very much

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