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I, Lila H. Manghirmalani, age 84 years, Hindu adult residing at C-36, Self-Help

Society (Sindhi Colony), St. Francis Road, Vile Parle (West) Mumbai – 400 056,

do make this my last will and testament.

1. I have not made any will or other testament document, but, if any made, I

hereby revoke all previous wills and codicils, if any, and declared this to be

my last will and testament.

2. I am possessed of and absolute entitled to Flat No. C-36, Self-Help Society

(Sindhi Colony), St. Francis Road, Vile Parle (W) Mumbai 400 056. My

brother’s widow, Mrs. Geetu Nandlal malani, My niece, Mrs. Poonam

Heman Bhagnani nee Kamlesh and her two children are residing with me in

the said flat. I bequeath the said flat to my niece, Mrs. Poonam Heman

Bhagnani nee Kamlesh However, my brother’s widow, Mrs. Geetu Nandlal

Malani shall have all the rights to continue to reside in the said flat during

her life time and nobody has any right to remove her from the said Flat. Mrs.

Poonam Heman Bhagnani nee Kamlesh may reside in the said flat along

with her husband and their children and she shall have absolute and full

power to sell, transfer, give on lease / license and / or encumber the said Flat

in any manner whatsoever.

3. I have cash, fixed deposits and saving Accounts in banks and Post Offices. I

direct that a sum of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One lac Only) be paid to my

younger brother’s widow, Mr. Renu Kishin Malani. I bequeath the balance

amount of cash and amounts lying in fixed Deposits and Saving Accounts in

Bank and post offices (i.e. after payment of the said sum of Rs. 1,00,000/-

(Rupess One lac Only) to my younger brother’s widow, Mrs. Renu Kishan
Malani,) to my said brother’s widow, Mrs. Geeta Nandlal Malani. No other

person(s) shall have any right to said amounts.

4. I bequeath all my jewellery, gold and other ornaments that I possess to my

neice, Mrs. Poonam Heman Bhagnani nee Kamlesh. No other person(s) shall

have any right of any nature whatsoever on the said jewellery, gold and

other ornaments.

5. I also own a collection of coins of various countries. The same are lying with

my sister’s son, Mr. Dilip Jagatrai Mansukhani. He has paid to me a sum of

Rs. 1,50,000/- (Rupees One lac and Fifty Thousand Only) towards the sale

price of the said coins. He has promised me to sell the said coins and pay the

amounts to me after deducting the said Rs. 1,50,000/- (Rupees One Lac fifty

Thousand Only). I bequeath the said balance amount of the sale price of the

said coins in equal shares to (1) Mrs. Geetu Nandlal Malani, (2) Mrs. Renu

Kishin Malani and(3) Mrs. Poonam Heman Bhagnani nee Kamlesh. No

other person(s) shall have any right of nature whatsoever on the said amount.

6. On the death of Mrs. Geetu Nandlal Malani and / or Mrs. Renu kishin

Malani, and if either or both of them predecease me, then on my death the

respective shares of Mrs. Geetu Nandlal Malani and Mrs. Renu Kishin

Malani in the amount of cash, fixed deposits, jewellery, ornaments,

proceeds of sale of coins as stated in the foregoing paragraphs of this Will

will belongs to my said niece, Mrs. Poonam Heman Bhagnani nee Kamlesh

absolutely. No other person(s) shall have any right of any nature whatsoever

of the same.
7. All the rest and residue of my estate which I may die possessed of any

entitled to shall belong to my niece, Mrs. Poonam Heman Bhagnani nee


8. This will is read over and explained to me and that I have understood the

same and confirm the contents of this will are correct.

9. I have made this will out of my free will and while I am in sound health and

in good understanding and in good understanding and in witness thereof I

put my signature hereunder in the presence of witness this

_________________ day of July, 2011.

Signed by the within named testator )

XYZ in the )

Presence of witness, who in his )

Presence and at his request and in )

Presence of each other have put )

Their signatures as witness )

Hereunder )


1. No.1

2. No.2
Codicil to Will
I, ____________________________ of _________, _________, Indian Inhabitant,
residing at __________________________________________, hereby make this First
Codicil as under:—
1. I have executed my last Will and Testament dated _________ under which I have
appointed Shri ______________________ and Shri _______________________
as Executors of my said Will.
2. By this Codicil I hereby bequeath and grant the property bearing Plot No.
____________________ together with structure standing thereon situate at
____________________ in the State of Gujarat and standing in my name to my
relative ______________________ resident of __________________________.
After my life the said Shri ______________________________ shall be the
absolute owner of the said property and notwithstanding the provisions of my
aforesaid Will, none of my heirs or legal representatives shall have any right or
claim to the said property.
3. Shri ________________________________ is in my relation and has been
looking after my aforesaid property and has taken good care of the same on
account of my own personal inability to do so. Out of affection for him, I have
made the aforesaid bequest in his favour.
4. In all other respects, I confirm the provisions of my Will
dated ___________.
5. I have made this Codicil in sound health and mind and with full understanding and
my no other heirs will be entitled to object to the same.
In witness whereof I have affixed my hands to this writing at ____________ this
______ day of _________ 200___.

SIGNED AND DECLARED by the withinnamed )

_________________________ as and for his )
First Codicil to his last Will and Testament dated )
the ___________day of ________ ______ )
in the presence of us present at the same time )
Who at his request in his presence and in the )
Presence of each other have hereunto set and )
subscribed our respective names as )
attesting Witnesses: )

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