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What is a heart attack?

A heart attack is medically termed a myocardial infarction. The definition of this

cardiac event can be found by looking closely at the name. Myo- meaning muscle, cardi-

meaning heart, and infarction meaning obstruction of blood flow when put together tell us that a

heart attack is an obstruction of blood flow to the heart. In America 1 in 8.5 individuals will

suffer a heart attack in their lifetime. Fairly recently my grandfather became one of those people.

Fortunately he also became part of the 9.3% of heart attack patients to survive. The prognosis, or

likely outcome, of a heart attack is largely dependent on how long the cardiac (heart) cells have

been deprived of oxygen and how much necrosis, cell death, has occurred. As stated, on average

1 in 10 heart attack patients survive, and the ones that do likely had proper treatment. Arguably

the most important treatment is cardiopulmonary resuscitation, commonly called CPR. CPR

consists of chest compressions and breaths, essentially keeping blood going round and round and

air going in and out to prevent tissue death. Patients with a history of heart issues may be

prescribed nitroglycerin (nitro) which is most often a tablet that dissolves after being placed

sublingually. Nitro releases the blood vessel, allowing for more blood flow to the heart.

Response time is critical in cardiac events. Early recognition of symptoms such as chest pain,

cold sweats, nausea, and feelings of impending doom can drastically improve survival rates as

does seeking help as quickly as possible.

Works Cited

“More than Half of U.S. Adults Don’t Know Heart Disease Is Leading Cause of Death,

despite 100-Year Reign.” American Heart Association,




%20discharge. Accessed 25 Mar. 2024.

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