Past Simple Present Simple Present Continuous 2 Exercises

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1.Complete the text (past simple, present simple, present continuous)

Anna's holidays _____________ (be/always) amazing, because she ____________ (know) how
to have fun! So last summer ___________ (not be) an exception. She ______________ (stay) in
a college in England for two weeks. She __________ (choose) that city because she
__________ (love) the weather in that part of Europe. She _______________ (have) classes in
the mornings; and in the afternoons she _______________ (do) some sports like swimming or
tennis. In the evenings she often __________________ (go) dancing or ________________
(watch) films with her new friends. At weekends they __________________ (drive) to some
interesting places. Once they __________________ (visit) Marwell Zoo where they
_______________ (see) some beautiful animals. Anna _________ (have) a few pets at home, a
dog, a cat and a rabbit. She _________ (usually / spend) time with them every day. Every time
she _______ (be) far away from home, she _______ (miss) them a bit.

Anna ____________________ (not like) the food at the college but that
_____________________ (not be) a problem. She _____ (buy) some food outside, before
getting in there for classes. During the summer, She ____________________ (meet) a lot of
people and ____________________ (learn) some English. All the students in her class
________________ (be) sorry to go home. They all _________________ (promise) to come
back next summer.

Now, Anna ________ (look at) a few pictures from that holidays. She ___________ (smile)
because she has so many good memories about it. She _________ (think) about making a new
trip as good as this one. Perhaps she ________ (can) visit Ireland or Switzerland. IT __________
(always / be) cold there, but she definitely_________ (like) wearing winter clothes!

2. Correct the mistake in the sentence.

1. She didn’t saw my grandma yesterday night at the party in the Albert Hall.
_______________________________________ ____________

2. The police catched them at the corner of Baker St and Road Avenue.
__________________________________________ ___

3. Many people dieed in the earthquake in 1985. _______________________________


4. Did she walked alone from the school to her house in Paddington?
___________________________________________ ____________

5. Celia and I was best friends at High School, a lot of years ago.
_______________________________________ ___________

6. He losted his job last Monday morning.

3. Write a paragraph in PAST SIMPLE, telling a short anecdote, which includes the following









4. Write a film plot (present simple)


a. When was the last time you cried at the end of a film?

b. When was the last time you broke something?

c. When was the last time you borrowed something? And the last time you lent?

d. When was the last time you wore formal clothes?

e. When was the last time you lost something?

f. When was the last time you felt surprised?

g. When was the last time you got a good present?

h. When was the last time you arrived somewhere late?

i. When was the last time you argued with someone? What about?

j. When was the last time you bought something new for yourself?

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