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Journal of Hazardous Materials 460 (2023) 132449

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Enzymatic polyethylene biorecycling: Confronting challenges and shaping

the future
Jin Jin a, Jane Arciszewski b, Karine Auclair b, Zongchao Jia a, *
Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, Queen’s University, 18 Stuart Street, Kingston, ON KL7 3N6, Canada
Department of Chemistry, McGill University, 801 Sherbrooke St. West, Montréal QC H3A 0B8, Canada


• Biorecycling PE is challenging due to its

inert chemical structure.
• The discovery and development of PEa­
ses are vital for tackling plastic
• More evidence is needed to support
enzymatic oxidation of untreated PE.
• Unconfirmed PEases from microorgan­
isms and insects need further study.
• PE biorecycling is likely to require a
multi-enzyme process with synergistic


Editor: Lingxin Chen Polyethylene (PE) is a widely used plastic known for its resistance to biodegradation, posing a significant
environmental challenge. Recent advances have shed light on microorganisms and insects capable of breaking
Keywords: down PE and identified potential PE-degrading enzymes (PEases), hinting at the possibility of PE biorecycling.
Polyethylene biodegradation Research on enzymatic PE degradation is still in its early stages, especially compared to the progress made with
PE-degrading enzymes
polyethylene terephthalate (PET). While PET hydrolases have been extensively studied and engineered for
Enzymatic oxidation
improved performance, even the products of PEases remain mostly undefined. This Perspective analyzes the
Synergistic effect
Evolutional engineering current state of enzymatic PE degradation research, highlighting obstacles in the search for bona fide PEases and
suggesting areas for future exploration. A critical challenge impeding progress in this field stems from the inert
nature of the C-C and C-H bonds of PE. Furthermore, breaking down PE into small molecules using only one
monofunctional enzyme is theoretically impossible. Overcoming these obstacles requires identifying enzymatic
pathways, which can be facilitated using emerging technologies like omics, structure-based design, and
computer-assisted engineering of enzymes. Understanding the mechanisms underlying PE enzymatic biodegra­
dation is crucial for research progress and for identifying potential solutions to the global plastic pollution crisis.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Z. Jia).
Received 24 April 2023; Received in revised form 25 August 2023; Accepted 30 August 2023
Available online 1 September 2023
0304-3894/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
J. Jin et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 460 (2023) 132449

1. Introduction recent years, researchers have been investigating the PE chewing and
biodegrading abilities of insects such as worms and termites [49,82].
Among various types of plastics, polyethylene (PE) is a widely used, Additionally, they have explored the contribution of their gut microor­
low-cost, and versatile synthetic polymer, constituting 36% of the total ganisms in this process [110].
plastic market [36]. PE is a high molecular weight (MW, 30,000–6,000, In this Perspective, we delve into the advancements of PE-degrading
000 for commercial PE) hydrophobic compound, composed solely of enzymes (PEases) that facilitate the introduction of functional groups
inert C-C and C-H bonds. PE can be broadly classified into two types: into the PE polymer, thereby breaking down PE into smaller molecules.
low-density PE (LDPE) and high-density PE (HDPE), based on the These enzymes, found in diverse organisms, hold the potential to offer
polymerization methods employed during synthesis [28]. LDPE is pro­ an eco-friendly solution to plastic pollution. However, developing
duced through high-pressure polymerization of gaseous ethylene, practical and effective PEases poses formidable challenges due to PE’s
resulting in a polymer with branched chains. It finds extensive appli­ exceptional recalcitrance, requiring the coordinated action of multiple
cation in manufacturing packaging materials, plastic bags, and agri­ enzymes for effective biodegradation. Our article strives to provide
cultural mulching films. On the other hand, HDPE is produced by comprehensive insights into these hurdles and guide future research in
subjecting petroleum to intense heat, converting ethylene gas into a this burgeoning field.
linear polymer. Due to its higher density, HDPE exhibits exceptional
durability and is therefore widely used in various industrial and 2. PE biodegradation pathways
daily-life products, including detergent bottles, garbage containers, and
water pipes. LDPE and HDPE account for approximately 40% and 60% The mechanism of PE biodegradation has been investigated, and
of the PE market share, respectively. pathways have been proposed [112,114,123,25,86];), although they
The exceptional stability and low degradation rate of PE have led to a remain largely incomplete and unconfirmed. For example, in the review
significant accumulation of PE waste, causing severe environmental articles [114,120,121,123–125], the detailed explanations of the
impacts. The degradation rate of PE in nature varies depending on the mechanism mainly focused on the decomposition of short-chain alkanes
environment. For example, the estimated half-lives of HDPE range from (C<24) in microorganisms or by enzymes. However, the original
58 years (bottles) to 1200 years (pipes) in the marine environment and modification and breakage of long-chain PE were only briefly attributed
from 250 years to 5000 years on land, respectively. The full degradation to the synergistic actions of biotic and abiotic factors. In the research
of commonly used LDPE bags requires an estimated 3.4 years in the papers [25,112], specific mechanisms of PE degradation were specu­
marine environment and 4.6 years on land [11]. A total of 97 million lated based on the metatranscriptomic analysis of PE-degrading micro­
tons of PE waste were generated globally in 2015 [27], and the amount organisms or the study of model substrate metabolism, lacking
of discarded PE continues to surge rapidly, aligning with the exponential experimental support. The most efficient PE biodegradation thus far
growth of plastic production. The accumulation of PE in the environ­ appears to be achieved by waxworms, likely due to the structural sim­
ment is a serious threat to both terrestrial and marine ecosystems, as ilarity between PE and beeswax, a main food source of waxworms [9].
well as human health. As highlighted by Yao et al. [111], the presence of Under this circumstance, the mechanism of PE degradation in insects
floating PE particles of various sizes in marine environments can lead to and their intestinal microbiota has been explored, providing insights
entanglement or ingestion by animals, resulting in organ damage, gen­ into the enzymes involved in PE biodegradation [47]. The proposed PE
otoxicity, and even mortality. Likewise, the infiltration of PE micro­ biodegradation pathway is divided into four stages based on the prod­
particles into the soil can detrimentally affect soil quality and the ucts of the enzymatic reactions: biodeterioration, depolymerization,
well-being of terrestrial organisms [88]. Furthermore, the presence of assimilation, and mineralization (Fig. 1). In the biodeterioration stage,
PE microplastics or nanoplastics in the human body has been linked to microbes adhere to the PE surface and use their extracellular enzymes to
various health issues, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and introduce functional groups, such as hydroxyl, carbonyl, and ester
chronic inflammation [3]. groups, through free radical and oxidation-reduction reactions. Hy­
Traditional methods of managing PE waste encompass landfilling droxylation is considered the starting point of PE biodegradation, with
and incineration, often leading to unintentional release into the envi­
ronment [74]. The breakdown of PE waste in landfills predominantly
happens through photodegradation, a time-consuming process known
for its low efficiency [112]. Incineration, liquefaction, and gasification
methods employed for PE waste treatment require elevated tempera­
tures at the cost of substantial energy consumption. These processes also
generate toxic gases due to incomplete combustion, including carbon
monoxide (CO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), polycyclic aromatic hydrocar­
bons (PAHs), dioxins, and furans, thereby posing severe health risks and
contributing to global warming. Dioxins, for instance, can induce
harmful effects on various bodily systems, impacting the nervous sys­
tem, immune responses, and leading to carcinogenicity, hepatotoxicity,
and metabolic and enzyme toxicity [57]. Similarly, furans are widely
recognized as harmful chemicals with severe health implications,
including cancer development and compromised immunity [69].
Incineration, being a dominant method in plastic waste management,
results in remarkably high emissions and serves as the primary driver of
greenhouse gas emissions. Globally, plastic package incineration
contributed to approximately 16 million metric tons of CO2 emissions in
2015 [32]. Consequently, this has sparked interest in biodegradation
and biorecycling as more eco-friendly alternatives to landfilling and
Numerous review articles have discussed PE biodegradation by mi­
croorganisms from soil, waste sludges, and marine sediments, including
algae [15], bacteria [108,123,28,48,86], and fungi [100,119,67]. In Fig. 1. Proposed mechanism of PE enzymatic degradation.

J. Jin et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 460 (2023) 132449

exogenous oxidation occurring in-chain and at the termini, similar to the mechanism in PE degradation remains uncertain. In a study investi­
oxidation of shorter-chain alkanes by alkane hydroxylases. In-chain gating the degradability of PE by insects, the persistent weight of
hydroxylation is preferred due to its lower energy barrier, although Galleria mellonella served as evidence that the insect can utilize PE as its
few oxidative enzymes have been discovered that cause in-chain exclusive energy source [47]. However, even though the host was
breakages in PE. After further oxidation reactions (e.g., to esters), the implicated in partial PE degradation, the evidence was inadequate to
modified PE polymer is depolymerized by extracellular hydrolases definitively establish whether long-chain hydrocarbons (C>20) could be
and/or oxidases into small molecules, generating, for example, dicar­ metabolized by the larvae. To delve into comprehensive metabolic
boxylic acids, alcohols, fatty acids, ketones, aldehydes, and esters pathways of aliphatic-compound degradation in bacteria, a blend of
(Fig. 2). The resulting products are expected to find their way into the isotope-tracking and proteomics analysis was employed. This approach
cell (assimilation), where several transformation steps generate useful focused on Alcanivorax that was subjected to incubation with both PE
metabolites. Finally, in the mineralization stage, the metabolites are and alkanes of differing lengths [117]. Short and medium-chain alkanes
broken down to form CO2 and H2O (Fig. 1). have been determined to undergo terminal hydroxylation catalyzed by
PEases, as key enzymes engaged in PE biodegradation, facilitate the AlkB. Subsequently, it is believed that subterminal hydroxylated alkanes
modification of PE by introducing functional groups such as hydroxyl, are converted into esters through the action of the Baeyer-Villiger
carbonyl, and ester groups, and subsequently catalyze the breakdown of monooxygenase (BVMO) AlmA. These esters are further hydrolyzed by
PE into smaller molecules. PEases encompass various types of enzymes, esterases. The hydroxylated alkanes resulting from this hydrolysis are
including but not limited to hydroxylases, dehydrogenases, mono­ then oxidized into fatty acids, entering the β-oxidation pathway.
oxygenases, and hydrolases. The main challenge in the development of Regarding untreated PE, it is postulated that the primary chain scission
enzymes for PE recycling lies in the intricate and multi-stage process of occurs through the generation of extracellular reactive oxygen species
PE biodegradation. Currently, the limited understanding of these path­ (ROS) and nonspecific in-chain oxidation of high-molecular-weight PEs.
ways and of each individual step hampers the development of effective However, the mechanism of assimilating long-chain alkanes (such as
enzymes for PE recycling. For instance, the PE degradability of Tenebrio C50) remains elusive. Interestingly, a computer-based molecular dock­
molitor has been assessed by using PE as its diet. PE degradation was ing study has meticulously analyzed the PE degradation pathway
observed in the gut microbiota of mealworms, and alkene groups were involving individual enzymes and potential synergistic effects of mul­
detected in the frass of PE-fed worms [10]. The formation of alkenes was tiple enzymes [92]. However, the lack of verification data for the ob­
subsequently elucidated through the catalytic activities of CYP152 jectives is notable. Moreover, the substrate utilized in this study,
peroxygenases [80] and decarboxylase OleT [34], but the exact dodecane, cannot faithfully represent the authentic degradation process

Fig. 2. Enzymatic reactions involved in PE biodegradation. (AlkH: Alkane hydroxylase; AlcDH: Alcohol dehydrogenase; AldDH: Aldehyde dehydrogenase; BVMO: Baeyer-
Villiger monooxygenase.).

J. Jin et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 460 (2023) 132449

of PE with a long carbon chain. with Demetra (no chemical or physical pre-treatment was applied)
revealed oxidation of PE to ketones at room temperature and neutral pH,
3. PE degradation by PEases: the status quo while treatment of PE with Ceres led to no visual deterioration. When
the PE-degrading effect of the waxworm G. mellonella was first reported
Enzymes involved in the degradation of PE have been identified [9], some concerns were raised regarding the possibility of FTIR peaks
through metagenomic studies, including transcriptomic and proteomic being due to protein contaminants and the absence of an inactive con­
analyses of microbes and insects cultured in the presence of PE (Fig. 3). trol; hence, a 13C-labelled experiment was recommended [107]. How­
However, there have been very few reports of cell-free PEase activity, ever, the recent report of PEase activity of the Demetra enzyme [91]
especially from purified, recombinant enzymes (Table 1). In a recent further supports the conclusions of Bombelli et al. [9]. More recently, a
study [26], several PE- and PET-degrading enzymes, including lipases, laccase mediator system (LMS) consisting of two recombinant laccases
esterases, cutinases, and hydrolases, were proposed based on macro from Botrytis aclada (BaLac) and Bacillus subtilis (BsLac) along with three
transcriptomic profiling of a reconstituted bacterial community mediators was applied to UV- and heat-treated LDPE. It was found that
composed of three strains isolated from marine sediments. Three of the this system enhanced the oxygen content of PE and decreased its average
putative PEases were further produced recombinantly and shown to MW by 40% [112]. The authors attributed the generation of carbonyl
cause morphological changes in PE films. Gao et al. [25] also applied groups on PE to the UV pre-treatment and found that PE underwent
transcriptomic analysis to a marine fungus, Alternaria alternata FB1, greater oxidation with the formation of C-OH and C-O-C bonds in the
isolated from plastic debris, and detected PE degradation, leading to the presence of the LMS compared to UV exposure alone. In a separate study,
identification of enzyme sequences potentially associated with PE the recombinant multi-copper oxidase abMCO from Rhyzopertha
degradation. The PE degradation activity of two of these enzymes, a dominica was reported to degrade PE films [123], based on the reduction
glutathione peroxidase and a laccase, was verified by scanning electron of the water contact angle (WCA) and the MW of PE.
microscopy (SEM) and gel permeation chromatography (GPC) analyses Engineering bacterial strains to produce PEases is an important
of the reacted PE. Independently, Zhang et al. [120] monitored the ef­ strategy in the search for PE recycling methodologies. It has the
fects of a laccase from Psychrobacter sp. NJ228 (PsLAC) on untreated PE advantage of potentially combining multiple catalytic activities in one
through various detection methods, revealing PE weight loss, reduction agent. Cells engineered to heterologously express a specific alkane hy­
in hydrophobicity and crystallinity, formation of oxygen-containing droxylase have been reported to modify PE, including Escherichia coli
polar functional groups, and morphological changes on the PE surface. BL21 harboring the alkane hydroxylase gene alkB from Pseudomonas sp.
As the most efficient PE biodegraders currently known, waxworms E4, a strain that can degrade low MW PE (LMW-PE, i.e., MW of
are an attractive source of potential PEases. Through proteomic analysis, 1700–23,000, compared to 30,000–6,000,000 for commercial PE)
Sanluis-Verdes et al. [91] identified two enzymes from the saliva of the [115]. Further studies with an E. coli BL21 strain harboring the alkB gene
waxworm G. mellonella larvae: Demetra (annotated as a phenoloxidase) from P. aeruginosa E7 and the genes encoding rubredoxin and rubre­
and Ceres (with high homology to hexamerins). Raman and Fourier doxin reductase revealed an enhanced LMW-PE degradability compared
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses of PE after treatment to the E. coli cells that produced AlkB alone [37]. It is unclear whether

Fig. 3. Discovery and development of PEases.

J. Jin et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 460 (2023) 132449

Table 1
Cell-Free Enzymes with Verified PE Degradation Capability in Literature.
Putative PEase Original PE material Condition Verification results Reference

IR195_09930, hydrolase Halomonas venusta PE film (Thickness: 0.25 mm), from pH7.5, 30 C,◦
• SEM: Degradation effects on PE films [26]
(QPI65985.1) Good Fellow Company, UK 24 h
IR195_04495, alpha/beta Halomonas venusta
hydrolase (QPI64981.1)
IR196_16650, alpha/beta Ochrobactrum
hydrolase (QPA27412.1) anthropi
Glutathione peroxidase (evm. Alternaria PE film (Thickness: 0.25 mm), from Sea water, • SEM: Cracks and signs [25]
model.contig_3.359) alternata FB1 Good Fellow Company, UK 30◦ C, 48 h
Laccase (evm.model. • GPC: 18% and 7% reduction in Mn and Mw
• Two enzymes showed synergetic
degradation effect
rPsLAC, laccase (UVG67878.1) Psychrobacter sp. PE particles (1000 μm)PE film pH3.0, 30◦ C, • Weight loss: 13.2% in PE particle [120]
NJ228 (30 mm×20 mm), from (Thermo 7d • WCA: Decreased from 97.2◦ to 74.6◦
Fisher Scientific) • FTIR: Carbonyl and carboxyl groups
• Crystallinity: 25% reduction
• SEM: Enormous damage to surface and
Arylphorin subunit alpha Saliva of Galleria Commercial PE film, PE 4000, from RT, 5d • AFM-RAMAN: Demetra caused occasional [91]
(Demetra), phenoloxidase mellonella Larvae Sigma-Aldrich visual effect and oxidation signature; Ceres
(XP_026756396.1) caused oxidation and deterioration of PE

Hexamerin acidic juvenile • GC-MS: 2-ketones from 10 to 22 carbons in

hormone-suppressible protein 1 products
(Ceres), hemocyanin
BaLac, laccase (AFC76164.1) Botrytis aclada PE films (Thickness: 20 μm), from 5 days at 30◦ C • SEM: Changes in the microscopic [112]
PetroChina Company Limited UV, in a 150-rpm morphology of the PE films
70◦ C, 3d. With mediators: HBT, water bath
BsLac, laccase (WP_003243170) Bacillus subtilis ABTS, TEMPO • FTIR: Carbonyl and alcohol hydroxyl groups
• GPC: The average reduction in Mw by BaLac
is around 40% and, ranged from 31.3% to
52.6% for BsLac. The average reduction in Mn
by BaLac is around 21% and around 30% for
AbMCO, laccase, Bacteria from LDPE film (a food fresh-keeping bag, 12 h at 42◦ C • SEM: Some damage [123]
(EHX0593423.1) Rhyzopertha Mw greater than 130 kD); LDPE
Dominica powder (Mw greater than 80,000) • WCA: Decreased from 78.2 to 68.1
◦ ◦

• GPC: Mn and Mw decreased by 52.20% and

LfLAC, laccase (QDZ99871.1) Lysinibacillus LDPE film (4 × 4 cm) 8w at 28◦ C • Weight loss: 2.79% [121]
fusiformis • FTIR and XPS: -C=O, C=C-, and -C=N-,
• SEM: larger cracks and cavities

(AFM-RAMAN: Atomic Force Raman Spectroscopy; FTIR: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; GC-MS: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; GPC: Gel permeation
chromatography; Mn: Number-average molecular weight; Mw: Weight-average molecular weight; RT: room temperature; SEM: Scanning electron microscopy; WCA: Water
contact angle; XPS: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.)

AlkB catalyzes the hydroxylation reaction only or if it is involved in some PE degradation when exposed to LDPE [73]. While some of these
other steps of PE degradation as well. Mineralization of PE to CO2, e.g., peroxidases have been characterized, such as the MnP from IZU-154
via β-oxidation, might be catalyzed by other enzymes of this engineered [63], more studies are needed with recombinantly expressed, purified
E. coli strain. Besides alkane hydroxylases, cytochrome P450 enzymes enzymes to further confirm and characterize their effects on the struc­
(CYPs) have also attracted attention due to their ability to hydroxylate ture of PE.
short degradation intermediates of PE (i.e., linear alkanes, alcohols, and Laccases are the most studied PEases, with some of the rare reports of
fatty acids of diverse chain lengths). It was recently proposed that bac­ recombinant enzymes being used rather than enzymes isolated from
teria engineered to produce specific CYPs might contribute to PE biological sources [112,120,25]. Treatment of PE with both a partially
degradation [114], although experimental data is needed to support this purified laccase from Trametes versicolor IFO 6482 and hydroxybenzo­
hypothesis. triazole (HBT) caused a reduction in the elongation and tensile strength
Secreted enzymes such as manganese peroxidases (MnP), lignin of PE [23]. A crude laccase sample from the extracellular matrix of the
peroxidases (LiP), and laccases have been suggested to play a role in the actinomycete Rhodococcus ruber was also reported to show oxidative and
oxidation of waste PE in the environment. The first report describing degrading activity on PE [94]. In this study, UV irradiation was applied
extracellular enzyme activity on PE films attributed the degradability to first to increase the number of carbonyl groups before incubation with
LiP [83]. Subsequently, partially purified MnP from the extracellular the laccase from R. ruber. In contrast, a purified commercial laccase from
matrix of the lignin-degrading fungus IZU-154 or from a Phanerochaete T. versicolor did not have this effect, suggesting that some isoforms are
chrysosporium culture was reported to contribute to the degradation of more promising than others or that some mediators in the crude laccase
PE, while the laccase and LiP purified from this extracellular matrix sample may play an important role in the reaction. Although hypo­
were not [35]. Another study examined the degradation of chemically thetical PE biodegradation mechanisms have been proposed based on
oxidized PE using black liquor from the paper industry and identified a the docking of dodecane to a MnP and a LiP, as well as a non-specific
synergistic effect between LiP and MnP activities [70]. MnP and laccase peroxygenase [92], much remains unknown about the precise effect of
secreted by Staphylococcus saprophyticus were also found to demonstrate these enzymes on PE. Two laccase-like multicopper oxidases (LMCOs),

J. Jin et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 460 (2023) 132449

named AFLA_006190 and AFLA_053930, from the Aspergillus flavus expression and pinpointed specific nodes of their roles in the pathway.
fungus found in the G. mellonella wax worm’s gut were identified as Omics analysis has also been applied in studies of gut microbes and
PEases based on a preliminary screening process [122]. However, their saliva from PE-degrading insects. The functional analysis of insect gut
ability to degrade PE requires further experimental verification. contents has shown promising results in identifying PEases, including
PE enzymatic degradation is a rapidly growing area of research. increased enolase activity during the metabolism of ingested PE [50].
However, the understanding of these reported PEases is currently Additionally, the protein composition of G. mellonella salivary glands
confined to degradability assessment, mainly focusing on laccases. (after PE consumption) has been analyzed, revealing a total of 47 en­
Further in-depth characterization of PEases should encompass aspects zymes likely involved in PE metabolism, including oxidoreductases such
such as comprehensive validation, elucidating the catalytic mechanisms, as (3 R)− 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, aldehyde dehydrogenase,
conducting kinetic analysis, performing structural investigations, and and catalase; transferases including acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase and
undertaking endeavors like de novo enzyme design and engineering. In glutathione transferase; and hydrolases such as multiple
this context, potential challenges might arise concerning the choice of inositol-polyphosphate phosphatase [78]. Transcriptome analysis of
the expression system, improving expression yield, as well as the opti­ T. molitor larvae revealed that mealworms act as downstream de­
mization of solubility and stability of recombinant PEases. composers of PE and that fatty acid degradation pathways may play an
important role in the breakdown of PE degradation intermediates [126].
4. Challenges in the search for PEases In addition, as mentioned earlier, proteomics analysis was used to
explore enzymes responsible for PE degradation in the saliva of
4.1. Challenges in identifying authentic PEases through omics approaches G. mellonella, and two enzymes with PE oxidation activity were purified
by size exclusion and ion exchange chromatography [91].
Currently, the main methods to identify PEases involve tran­ The potential offered by omics analyses in PE biodegradation is
scriptomic and proteomic analyses of microbes that can grow in the promising. However, the sheer volume of data acquired by omics anal­
presence of PE. These approaches have been increasingly applied to ysis poses significant challenges. Moreover, the inaccuracy of annota­
study PE degradation by bacteria, fungi, algae, as well as the gut tions can lead to a misunderstanding of the roles of these putative PEases
microbiota of insects and insect hosts (Fig. 2). Purohit et al. [84] con­ in the intricate process of PE biodegradation. Furthermore, the incom­
ducted a review on the application of metagenomic analysis of microbial plete coverage of the entire genome and proteome may result in the
populations to expedite the discovery of PEases. Furthermore, a strategy oversight of crucial enzymes. To address this problem, a specialized
combining RNA-sequencing and lipidomic analyses has been developed database, PlasticDB, has been developed to implement analytical tools
to identify R. ruber genes encoding potential PEases [31]. This led to the that accept inputs, including genes, genomes, metagenomes, tran­
discovery of a strong induction of pathways related to alkane degrada­ scriptomes, metatranscriptomes, and taxa data [24]. Despite recent
tion and β-oxidation of fatty acids in R. ruber. However, a bottleneck in progress, the application of omics in PE biodegradation is still limited. In
the ability of this bacterium to degrade high molecular weight PE the case of microbes, only 2% of environmental microbes can be
(HMW-PE) was observed, consistent with the extremely slow biodeg­ cultured in the laboratory [105], leaving a vast proportion of untapped
radation of PE in the environment. Transcriptomics studies of Rhodo­ fungi, bacteria, and other extremophiles for future exploration. Con­
coccus opacus R7 [118] identified genes potentially involved in PE cerning insects, more precise omics analysis should extend across
biodegradation through quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR). Predic­ various growth stages and tissue distributions to ascertain potential
tive bioinformatics analyses revealed three up-regulated genes anno­ PEases. Moreover, the integration of multiple omics holds the promise of
tated as laccase-like multicopper oxidases (LMCO1, 2, and 3), which yielding more robust evidence. Additionally, the landscape becomes
may be responsible for the first PE oxidation step. Other up-regulated further complex, as negative results with purified enzymes might not
transcripts encoded oxygenases or oxidases that may participate in the have been published. This underscores the importance of transparently
following oxidation steps. For example, the R7 alkane hydroxylase gene, sharing both positive and negative outcomes to foster a comprehensive
alkB, was up-regulated 100-fold when R. opacus was in the presence of understanding of PE enzymatic degradation.
PE. Oberbeckmann et al. [71] employed an integrated
metagenomics-metaproteomics approach to assess the production of 4.2. Debatable enzymatic degradation of untreated PE
PEases such as laccases and MnP during PE degradation. In another
study, Mishra et al. [66] utilized genomic sequencing to identify genes The initial step of PE degradation, likely involving oxidation of inert
associated with biofilm formation and PE biodegradation in the micro­ C-C and C-H bonds, is expected to be the limiting step based on the high
algae cyanobacteria Jacksonvillea sp. ISTCYN1. Their analysis predicted stability of these bonds. To date, most studies of PE biodegradation have
the presence of several enzymes, including laccases, esterases, lipases, used PE plastic that had undergone abiotic pre-treatment consisting of
thioesterases, and peroxidases, which play important roles in plastic either thermo-irritation, UV photooxidation, or physicochemical treat­
degradation. Transcriptomics studies of a PE-degrading bacterial com­ ment. These processes are believed to initiate the oxidation of PE and
munity identified five putative PEases annotated as esterases, cutinases, facilitate enzymatic degradation [28]. However, an opposing viewpoint
and hydrolases, of which the PE degradation effect of a putative esterase arises with the observation of new functional groups, such as carbonyls
and two hydrolases was claimed [26]. Subsequently, transcriptome produced from untreated PE by various microbes. This provides direct
analysis revealed that, in Alternaria alternata FB1 cultured in the pres­ evidence that enzymatic oxidation of PE is indeed possible [87]. Recent
ence of PE, 153 potential PEases may be produced, including peroxi­ studies have reported additional evidence of biodegradation of un­
dases, laccases, hydroxylases, monooxygenases, oxygenases, treated PE by microbes and insects (Table S1). Further examples include
dehydrogenases, oxidoreductases, oxidases, reductases, esterases, li­ PE exposed to Stenotrophomonas sp. and Achromobacter sp. Dey et al.
pases, and cutinases. In the presence of PE, the transcription levels of a [17], to Lysinibacillus sp. JJY0216 [38], to Agrocybe aegerita mycelium
laccase-encoding gene, a peroxidase-encoding gene, and an [7], to a marine bacterial consortium composed of Oceanimonas, Vibrio,
oxidoreductase-encoding gene were increased by 23, 44, and 102-fold, and Paenibacillus [26], and to the marine fungus Alternaria alternata FB1
respectively. The PE degradation activity of only two oxidative en­ [25]. Additional PEases are expected to be discovered, particularly
zymes, a glutathione peroxidase and a laccase, was further investigated through follow-up studies of the reports highlighted with an asterisk in
[25]. Additional work is still required to confirm their PE-degrading Table S1. Such studies would include omics analyses, enzymatic activity
activities. Proteomics analysis of a marine bacterium Alcanivorax has classification, identification of microbes in the insect gut, and exami­
been performed following incubation with PE and its metabolic in­ nation of PE metabolism in these promising organisms. Enzymatic
termediates [117]. This study identified enzyme genes with altered studies of PE degradation suggest that PE oxidation could possibly be

J. Jin et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 460 (2023) 132449

initiated by enzymes. Enzymatic hydroxylation of C-H bonds may occur the fungus Trametes versicolor (Lv) has since been determined, revealing
at terminal (-CH3) and in-chain (-CH2-) positions in the main carbon four copper sites [81]. Additionally, the structure of glycosylated Lv in
backbone, as well as the tertiary C-H bonds in the carbon chain branches complex with an arylamine, 2,5-xylidine, has been reported, providing a
[114]. The PE degradability by bacteria containing the AlkB gene of model for engineering more efficient laccases or improving substrate
Pseudomonas sp., which encodes an alkane hydroxylase capable of hy­ promiscuity [8]. Furthermore, the structure of a thermostable laccase
droxylating alkanes, has offered compelling evidence for this hypothesis from bacteria enabled the identification of an interdomain loop as a
on LMW-PE [37,115]. However, the precise position that AlkB attacks main contributor to thermostability [21]. In parallel, a range of protein
remains unclear. Additionally, whether AlkB can hydroxylate long-chain modeling techniques has been used to identify diverse substrate binding
PE with higher MW remains to be determined. Furthermore, the use of modes for T. versicolor laccase, confirming the important roles of
the recombinant PsLAC to degrade untreated PE [120], as well as the Asp-206 and His-458 in substrate recognition and lending promise to
detection of PE oxidation by two recombinant, purified enzymes iden­ future rational optimization [64]. Meanwhile, structural insights into
tified from waxworm [91], provides more compelling evidence for the the oxygen reduction mechanism of laccase in the context of water
enzymatic oxidation of untreated PE. Inert C-C bonds in PE have posed bioremediation have been documented [2].
further challenges for enzymatic degradation due to their high dissoci­ Structural studies of laccases with PE degradability have been
ation energy. Ligninolytic enzymes, such as laccases, which can cleave limited. One of the few X-ray structures available is BaLac, which was
C-C bonds present in lignin, have been documented as capable of obtained using a Pichia pastoris expression system with subsequent
degrading PE [12,36]. PE degradability studies of PsLAC [120] deglycosylation [75]. Additionally, the structure of a mutant variant of
demonstrated that incubation with recombinant PsLAC for 7 days at BaLac, L499M, was resolved, revealing a structure remarkably similar to
30 ◦ C resulted in a 13.2% weight loss of PE. AbMCO, a laccase from an the wildtype. Intriguingly, the mutant exhibited a 140 mV decrease in
intestinal microbe of Rhyzopertha dominica, resulted in a 52.2% reduc­ redox potential. Another laccase, known as BsLac, had its structure
tion in Mn and a 1% reduction in Mw of PE film at 42 ◦ C for 12 h [123]. resolved [22]. In the subsequent study, the complex structure of BsLac
Additional ligninolytic enzymes, such as LiP and MnP, have been sug­ with the substrate ABTS, which may act as a mediator in PE enzymatic
gested to potentially contribute to PE degradation based on observations degradation, was determined, providing insights into the binding sites
of partially purified enzymes or attributed activities. It is noteworthy with ABTS [20]. Further structures containing a monovalent copper ion
that the strength of the C-C bonds in PE (330–370 kJ mol-1) exceeds that (Cu+), dioxygen, or hydroxyl ion within BsLac were analyzed, revealing
of lignin (240–425 kJ mol-1) [12]. The involvement of mediators has the oxidation mechanism of the laccase [5,76]. Structural analyses of
been reported to improve laccase-catalyzed PE degradation, overcoming mutants leading to alterations in redox potential and oxidation capacity
the hindrance derived from C-C bonds [112]. However, further enzy­ further contributed to explaining the oxidation mechanism of BsLac [14,
matic characterization and structural studies are required to explain the 18], as well as revealing novel binding sites for ABTS [56]. Subsequent
mechanism. to these structural studies, the PE degradability of BaLac and BsLac was
The available experimental data confirming the direct degradation of published [112]. However, the specific substrates targeted by different
PE by annotated hydrolases or esterases is limited. Only one report, laccases during PE transformation remain unclear. The question remains
based on three enzymes from a marine bacterial consortium, has stated whether these enzymes act on PE directly or on PE breakdown in­
that a hydrolase can directly degrade untreated PE [26]. This assertion is termediates. Alternatively, laccases may enhance the redox potential of
incredibly intriguing and demands deeper exploration, particularly mediators, potentially facilitating the degradation process.
considering that PE lacks hydrolysable bonds. If these hydrolases are The structure of the long-chain alkane monooxygenase LadA in
unequivocally verified as bona fide PEases, they could serve as appealing complex with its coenzyme has been published, suggesting a flavopro­
initial templates for protein engineering endeavors. Another study has tein monooxygenase mechanism [54]. CYP153D17, an enzyme from
attributed the PE-degrading effect of three marine bacterial isolates [two Sphingomonas sp., has been crystallized in complex with dodecane,
Marinobacter sp. (H-244 and H-246) and one Bacillus subtilis (H-248)] to revealing several features of substrate binding by this enzyme [52].
the production of three bacterial esterases. This conclusion based on the Insights into how these enzymes catalyze the degradation of n-alkanes
significant increase in esterase activity observed during PE degradation and what determines their substrate specificity have also been obtained
by all three strains [45]. Up-regulated expression of lipases, esterases, [39]. A better understanding of alkane hydroxylases can shed light on
and cutinases was detected during the PE degradation process, and es­ the mechanism of PEases and guide protein engineering efforts, yet
ters were detected in the products of PE degradation, indicating that further structural studies are needed.
these hydrolases appear to be involved in PE degradation. The specific
step in which hydrolases or esterases are involved remains unclear. A 4.4. The complexity of PE degradation products limits the identification of
mechanism study of PE degradation conducted by Zadjelovic et al. [117] new PEases
revealed that esterases participate in hydrolysis after oxidized PE is
converted to an ester by BVMO. Interestingly, a docking study used The degradation of PE can lead to a highly complex mixture of
cutinase, a cutin hydrolase, as a negative control for PE degradation products, including both soluble compounds such as alcohols, alde­
[92]. The study found that cutinase exhibited the least negative hydes, ketones, ethers, and acids, as well as insoluble compounds such as
enzyme-PE score and the smallest enzyme cavity, indicating weaker long-chain alkanes. The identification of these compounds requires a
attraction for PE compared to the other tested enzymes. From these combination of techniques, including high-performance liquid chro­
findings, it is plausible that hydrolases are only involved in the PE matography (HPLC), FTIR, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS),
degradation steps that incorporate a hydrolysable group, as depicted in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and gas chromatography-mass
Fig. 2. However, conducting further verification is imperative to ascer­ spectrometry (GC-MS). Therefore, this severely complicates the mea­
tain the specific role(s) of the esterases in the process of PE degradation. surement of PEase activity. The products of untreated PE reacted with
the waxworm saliva enzyme Demetra were analyzed by GC-MS and GC-
4.3. Structural characterization of potential PEases MS/MS. This analysis revealed the presence of a mixture of 2-ketones
ranging from 10 to 22 carbons in length [91]. In another study, the
One obstacle in the design and optimization of PEases is the lack of products of UV-pretreated PE reacted with BaLac and BsLac in the
structural information about these enzymes, which could guide protein presence of different mediators were monitored by GC-MS. The analysis
engineering research. In the early years of this field, mutagenesis aiming revealed oxygenated products such as ketones, alcohols, aldehydes,
to improve the redox potential of laccase was performed but failed due acids, esters, and ethers. The carbon chain length of these molecules
to limited structural knowledge [109]. The structure of a laccase from ranged from C3 to C20 [112]. The type and distribution of oxidation

J. Jin et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 460 (2023) 132449

products differed between different mediators, indicating that the products using light absorption techniques [127], ranging from Fenton
selectivity of the LMS may differ. The range of product carbon chain fluorescence labeling of terephthalate acid (TPA) [79] to
lengths also varied between the two tested laccases, which harbored dual-fluorescence methods [55]. These advanced detection approaches,
different redox potentials. integrated with traditional HPLC detection, have significantly propelled
Adding to this complexity, GC-MS analysis consistently detected the the development of PETases and provide insights for assessing the
presence of plastic additives, including stabilizers and plasticizers, when degradation rates of other plastics. However, when evaluating the de­
commercial PE bags were used as substrates. This finding also furnishes gradability of PEases, the complexity and low throughput of the
indirect evidence of PE degradation [91,112]. The effect of these addi­ degradation products present ongoing challenges in quantifying PE de­
tives on PE biodegradation remains unclear. Pro-oxidant additives gradability and hinder the discovery of PEases. To overcome these ob­
aimed at enhancing PE biodegradation have been reviewed [28]. stacles, high-sensitivity, rapid, and high-throughput screening platforms
Conversely, the impact of different additives, including based on substrate design are required.
oxo-biodegradable and non-oxo additive, has been assessed. Yet, no Additionally, several other crucial research gaps remain in the field
conclusive evidence has emerged to suggest that any of these additives of PE biodegradation. For instance, the mechanisms underlying the
can effectively promote PE biodegradation, either in anaerobic or aer­ absorption of long-chain PE polymers by bacteria in insects warrant
obic conditions [96]. Additive-free PE films have been utilized to exploration. Are there additional processes at play beyond the initial
investigate the impact of additives on PE biodegradation and to isolate oxidation step? Moreover, it is essential to investigate whether the
specific effects of additives [26]. Notably, due to the complexity of the oxidative modification and degradation of long-chain PE polymers are
product mixture, it has been difficult to develop high-throughput consistent with the oxidation patterns observed in short-chain hydro­
screening methods to identify PEases, which also explains the lack of carbons. Addressing these questions will undoubtedly advance our un­
PEase engineering studies. In summary, product analysis remains chal­ derstanding of PE degradation mechanisms. Determining the optimal
lenging, and much work is required to further clarify the specific role of recycling point for PE biodegradation, considering the synthesis of
different PEases during PE breakdown. valuable chemicals, and assessing whether degrading to the final
monomer represents the most efficient recycling pathway are pivotal
4.5. Main research gaps in the discovery and catalytic mechanism of inquiries in the pursuit of advanced recycling strategies. Moreover,
PEases gaining a comprehensive understanding of the significance of parame­
ters like temperature, pH, salt, and metal ions in PE degradation requires
In recent years, as our comprehension of the biodegradation mech­ further investigation. Lastly, conducting comparative studies among
anism of PE has steadily deepened and novel enzymes have come to different enzymes involved in PE degradation could yield valuable in­
light, the investigation of PE biodegradation has increasingly focused on sights into their distinct functionalities and potential applications. As
the molecular level. Nonetheless, the number of PEases is still limited, well, investigating factors like enzyme adhesion to the PE surface and
and their catalytic activity remains low, underscoring substantial the inhibition of intermediate products on PEases will be valuable for
research gaps. Since the first publication claiming the degradation effect enhancing degradation efficiency. Addressing these research gaps is
of recombinant PEases [26], more than 10 PEases have been reported to imperative in advancing our knowledge and fostering more effective and
exhibit varying degrees of PE degradability (Table 1). However, this sustainable strategies for PE biodegradation and recycling.
number pales in comparison to the vast genetic changes analyzable
through omics methods, underlining the limitations of omics research. 5. Opportunities and future perspectives
Although omics approaches have provided insights into changes in
enzyme gene expression in the presence of PE, they fall short in 5.1. Emerging resources
revealing the specific steps of degradation for which these enzymes are
responsible. Further research is required to explore these altered en­ PE-degrading microbes, such as algae, bacteria, fungi, and insects
zymes via recombinant expression, despite the potential pitfalls in like worms, termites, and beetles, provide abundant sources of potential
expression yield, solubility, and stability. new PEases. Recent advancements in metadata analysis techniques, such
Furthermore, the evidence supporting initial hydroxylation as a po­ as transcriptomics and proteomics, have significantly contributed to the
tential mechanism in PE degradation is steadily increasing (Table S1). identification of potential PEase candidates, and some promising leads
Research has primarily concentrated on the degradation of untreated PE have been validated by selected methods [25,26,91]. However, despite
by various organisms. While evidence has emerged that PE can be these initial discoveries, most candidates remain unexplored, and their
oxidized by a single enzyme [91], the precise molecular mechanism proposed PE degradability awaits verification and comprehensive
remains unclear. Although the involvement of hydrolases in the PE characterization. Moreover, numerous organisms exhibiting substantial
degradation process is gaining support [26], further confirmation of PE degradability have yet to undergo omics analysis, which holds great
their direct degradability on PE would require additional methods promise for unveiling more PEases. Despite the omics approach, ho­
beyond SEM. mologous comparisons between genomes of different species may offer
Structural studies of PEases are still limited, despite years of ongoing another promising avenue to identify additional PEases, as successfully
research on related enzymes like laccase, which has provided valuable applied in the research of PETases. For instance, the renowned PET
insights into redox mechanisms, thermal stability, and substrate recog­ hydrolase from Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6 (IsPETase) was identified
nition. Structural analysis of other related enzymes such as the long- through draft genome sequencing, followed by a homology comparison
chain alkane monooxygenase LadA and CYP153D17 has revealed their with a known hydrolase from Thermobifida fusca (TfH). The PET hy­
binding mode with short-chain dodecane. Such structural insights into drolysis activity of IsPETase was subsequently confirmed through re­
PEases and their interactions with related substrates will be increasingly combinant protein experiments [116]. Additionally, investigating
important for a better understanding of the PE degradation process. The enzymes that act on substrates resembling PE (e.g., polypropylene,
pathway of PE enzymatic degradation has been proposed using polystyrene, and polyvinyl chloride), as well as on shorter alkanes (e.g.,
computer-based study of PEases from fungi [92] without experimental paraffin, beeswax) [47] or long linear PE-derived alkenes, alcohols,
validation. Further structural analysis of PEases would be required to ketones, aldehydes, or ethers, holds the potential to reveal novel en­
clarify the mechanism of PE enzymatic degradation. zymes capable of functioning as PEases.
Regarding the PETase discovery process, which stands at the fore­
front of plastic-degrading enzymes, research on screening platforms is
continually evolving. This encompasses quantitative assessment of total

J. Jin et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 460 (2023) 132449

5.2. Standardization of PE degradation experiments [19]. The biosurfactant known as surfactin was reported to enhance PE
degradation by Bacillus subtilis [104]. Besides surfactants, mediators
As PE biocycling is a relatively new field, research groups employ such as 1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT), 2,2’-azino-bis (3-ethyl­
diverse experimental conditions and measurements, rendering it chal­ benzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), and 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperi­
lenging, if not impossible, to directly compare data across various din-1-yloxy (TEMPO) have been used in LMS derived from two
publications [67]. Moreover, these studies use PE materials from recombinant laccases, BaLac from Botrytis aclada and BsLac from Bacillus
different suppliers, with varying density and crystallinity, in various subtilis. The mediators were found to increase PE degradation, as sug­
forms (powder, foil, sheet, nanoparticle, etc.), with diverse additives gested by larger molecular weight reduction and the introduction of
(plasticizers, etc.), or subjected to different pre-treatments (UV, thermal, more oxygen-containing groups [112]. It is also well-known that metal
chemical), all factors that can affect enzymatic breakdown. In most PE ions can play an important role in enzyme-catalyzed reactions. For
biodegradation studies (as shown in Table S1), LDPE was the primary example, laccases are multi-copper oxidoreductases, and the addition of
substrate investigated. Only a limited number of studies explored the copper has been reported to increase their PE degradation activity [94].
degradation of both LDPE and HDPE, or solely focused on HDPE. PE degradation by MnP was found to be accelerated in the presence of
Notably, one publication demonstrated a higher weight loss from LDPE manganese ions [35]. Therefore, selecting the appropriate auxiliary
(58%) compared to HDPE (46%) in the presence of a formulated mi­ agents for PEase activity is a key consideration. Furthermore, techniques
crobial consortium composed of three strains of Brevibacillus sp. and combining living cells, such as whole-cell catalysts, yeast-display sys­
Aneurinibacillus sp. Skariyachan et al. [97]. Another study reported that tems, and multiple gene engineering cells, are promising strategies to
the two potential fungal strains Penicillium oxalicum NS4 and Penicillium take advantage of synergistic effects.
chrysogenum NS10 exhibit a higher activity on HDPE than on LDPE [72].
These findings indicate that microbes may employ distinct mechanisms 5.4. Structure study and enzyme design
for the degradation of LDPE and HDPE. Therefore, conducting further
comparative studies is essential to delve deeper into the specificity of Although no structural studies have been published for any of the
microbial PE degradation. putative PEases in the presence of PE-related ligands, some potential
Notably, the definition of "degradation" can vary among studies [33, PEases, such as laccases, MnP, LiP, alkane hydroxylases, and CYPs, have
67]. Some define it as a reduction in MW, while others consider it as the been structurally characterized in complex with small molecules or
breakdown of the polymer into small molecules or surface modifica­ other substrates not related to PE [52,54,65,81,99], providing confor­
tions. Thus, meticulous evaluation of methods and results is crucial. mational information on the substrate binding pockets and
Given that the field of PE degradation is still in its early stages, norms structure-stabilizing features. Further studies using X-ray crystallog­
and standards in research have not yet been established and are ex­ raphy and cryo-EM are needed to explore the binding mode of PEases to
pected to rapidly evolve. Standardizing the PE materials used, reaction large polymeric substrates relevant to PE. In the meantime, structure
conditions, and detection methods is highly desirable at this early stage. predictions, including those with computational servers such as Alpha­
Moreover, conducting comparative studies between different PEases Fold, Phyr2, and Rosetta [42,44,53], as well as programs predicting
within the same publication and independently reproducing published enzyme-substrate interactions (e.g., docking and molecular dynamics),
results will further strengthen existing knowledge. can offer some guidance. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) meth­
odologies, particularly machine learning, holds the potential to accel­
5.3. Synergistic effect of enzymes erate enzyme engineering and enhance the design of more efficient
PEases. AI techniques have already found application in the advance­
PE is a highly recalcitrant polymer because it lacks reactive func­ ment of PETase. A noteworthy instance is FAST-PETase, crafted through
tional groups. Therefore, its complete degradation requires the coordi­ machine learning, which represents a significant accomplishment by
nated action of multiple enzymes together with their cofactors. This is showcasing remarkable enhancements in both thermostability and
illustrated by the fact that the degradation of PE by a microbial com­ degradation efficiency in comparison to the wildtype PETase [58].
munity is always more efficient than that of each individual species, and
microorganisms are more effective at breaking down PE than individual 5.5. Protein engineering and directed evolution of potential PEases
enzymes. For example, a consortium of C. necator H16, P. putida LS46,
and P. putida IRN22 has been reported to cause significantly greater Directed evolution and site-specific saturation mutagenesis have
LDPE weight loss than that induced by the individual bacteria [68]. In shown great potential for improving the efficiency of enzymatic PET
another study, the breakdown of PE was more pronounced when a degradation, particularly with IsPETase [116,16,58,98], and with the
marine bacterial community of three strains was used rather than any leaf-branch compost cutinase (LCC) [101]. Unfortunately, protein en­
single strain [26]. A separate investigation using a two-enzyme system gineering studies of PEases have yet to appear in the scientific literature.
from a marine fungus confirmed that glutathione peroxidase and laccase For example, despite the considerable interest in laccases as potential
have a synergistic effect on PE film [25]. It is expected that microbial PEases, no protein engineering efforts have been documented that spe­
proteins responsible for biofilm formation may facilitate PE degradation cifically aim to improve their PE-degrading activity. However, studies
by bringing the secreted enzymes and the substrate closer in proximity. have been conducted to improve the optimal pH range, thermostability,
Fungi are known to secrete hydrophobins to help hyphae attach to the and redox potential of laccases, using rational, semi-rational, and
surface of hydrophobic substrates like PE [90]. From this, it is envisaged directed evolution approaches [60,77]. Interestingly, a high redox po­
that future research seeking PE biorecycling systems should aim for a tential laccase (HRPL) from basidiomycete PM1 was engineered using
tailored consortium of several different enzymes. directed evolution and rational design, resulting in significantly
In addition, cofactors, metals, and mediators may also be essential improved laccase activity [59]. Rational design has also been used to
for optimal enzyme activity. Considering that PE is a partially crystal­ enhance stability and confer affinity for aniline in a laccase [89,93].
line, hydrophobic polymer, enzymes involved in its first oxidation step Structure-based engineering and enzyme evolution have been combined
would have to harbor a relatively exposed, hydrophobic active site. For to improve the stability and activity of a chloride-tolerant HRPL from
PET breakdown, a co-display yeast system of a hydrophobin and a the ascomycete B. aclada [95]. The thermostability of a fungal laccase
PETase significantly increased the degradation of PET films [13]. The has been improved by swapping the second cupredoxin domain with
same strategy could be applied to PE degradation, as suggested by some that of another fungal laccase, and by computationally designing re­
studies. For example, chemical surfactants such as Tween 20, Tween 80, combinant chimeras to stabilize flexible surface loops [103]. Together,
and CHAPSO help MnP degrade PE in the absence of H2O2 pre-treatment computational design and directed evolution have enabled the

J. Jin et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 460 (2023) 132449

generation of fungal HRPL variants with improved stability and redox screening [121]. Further design strategies can be expected for
potential, resulting in increased activity toward high-redox-potential tailoring enzymes for specific properties. De novo enzyme design based
mediators [62]. In another study, 27 stabilizing mutations were intro­ on deep learning would provide additional opportunities for highly
duced into an HRPL from basidiomycete PM1, yielding a variant with efficient PEases. In fact, there might already be existing examples of this
remarkable thermostability [61]. However, whether these laccase var­ approach [51,113]. Additionally, directed evolution can further play
iants are more efficient in PE degradation remains to be explored. Future important roles in improving enzyme stability, degradation efficiency
laccase engineering studies focusing on improving their ability to and selectivity, and adhesion capability of PEases.
degrade PE are warranted. Fusing various proteins and domains with different functionalities
opens new avenues for novel PEases. For instance, combining PEases
5.6. Assessment of PE enzymatic degradation with proteins with surface adhesion properties could increase their
attachment to the PE surface [121]. Another intriguing pursuit lies in the
As aforementioned, assessment of PE degradation varies significantly development of chimeric dual-enzyme systems, where two enzymes
from one lab to another, with techniques ranging from visual inspection with distinct catalytic activities, such as oxidation-reduction and hy­
to weight loss measurement, GPC, FTIR, SEM, and GC-MS. Ideally, for drolytic enzymes, are linked together. This strategy assists an enzyme
comprehensive product characterization of a given reaction and for with relatively poor solubility and stability by coupling it with one that
cross-validation purposes, these methods are best used in combination. has better properties. More importantly, it enables synergistic effects
Although the products of PE degradation are complex, it is anticipated due to their proximity. Similar strategies have been successfully applied
that the intermediates and final products of PE enzymatic degradation in PET degradation, such as the combination of a polyester hydrolase
will be categorized and elucidated through the increasing application of and the immobilized carboxylesterase TfCa [4], as well as the chimeric
techniques such as FTIR, HPLC, and GC-MS. Isotope-labeled PE has protein consisting of PETase and MHETase [46]. Important consider­
proven to be a powerful tool for tracking the metabolism of PE in or­ ations for this fusion strategy include the selection of PEases with
ganisms. For instance, the use of deuterated PE has been successfully diverse activities, the choice of a PE-binding domain, optimization of
employed in conjunction with μFTIR hyperspectral imaging on cry­ mutants, types of linkers, and fine-tuning their length. A recent publi­
osections of larvae fed with deuterated PE. This method not only facil­ cation reported the screening of candidate laccases and
itated the visualization of PE metabolization but also offered valuable carbohydrate-binding domains [29].
insights into the specific tissues where PE metabolites accumulate and Designing multi-enzyme engineering bacteria and establishing
the potential synthesis of diverse biomolecules involving PE [85]. 13C detection methods at various levels, ranging from the organismal level,
isotope-labeled PE tracer has been created to study the kinetics of such as worms and bacteria, to molecular levels, like PEases, can pave
mineralization [30]. This strategy allows for the tracing of the 13C from the way for more comprehensive insights in the field of PE degradation.
C-PE in the final product CO2, providing unequivocal proof of the Importantly, establishing high-throughput detection methods becomes
mineralization of PE-derived carbon by microbes. Furthermore, the crucial. Deuterated PE [85] and 13C isotope-labeled PE have been uti­
application of these techniques can provide solid evidence to distinguish lized in the quantification of metabolites derived from PE breakdown.
between authentic degradation of PE and products attributed to addi­ The design of fluorescent and luminescent-based detection platforms
tives. Additionally, a library of PE metabolites may be created to help with rapid and high sensitivity will contribute to the kinetic analysis of
establish the sequence of events and corresponding enzymes. PEases and accurate assessment of degradability. Quantification of total
Model substrates that share some chemical features of PE or likely fatty acids and diacids will undoubtedly aid in accelerating the pace of
intermediates of its degradation have been used to verify the specific discoveries. Finally, implementing moist-solid methods has shown great
function of some putative PEases. For example, oleic acid and squalene promise in significantly enhancing the efficiency of plastic degradation
were used to determine whether double bonds are broken during enzymes [43].
enzymatic PE breakdown [112]. These experiments indicated an easier
reaction after UV pre-treatment and confirmed the involvement of hy­ 6. Concluding remarks
droxylation, ketone formation, epoxidation, and chain breakdown dur­
ing PE degradation by LMS. The discovery and utilization of new model Even though investigations of plastic waste biodegradation started 5
substrates, along with the corresponding product determination, can decades ago, research on PE in particular has been severely hampered
provide a clearer understanding of the PE biodegradation pathway, by: 1) the exceptional lack of reactivity of PE; 2) the numerous steps
thereby identifying the specific activity of the enzymes involved. required for PE biodegradation; 3) the challenges of characterizing the
Detection methods for total fatty acids and dicarboxylic acids in PE multiple reaction products; 4) the limited number of enzymes known to
degradation mixtures can be developed (if not assimilated by organisms, degrade or act on PE; 5) the difficulty in identifying pure enzymes with
the end products are expected to be mostly fatty acids and dicarboxylic true PE-degrading activity since multiple enzymes are likely needed; and
acids). Besides complete PE degradation, closed-loop recycling or 6) the lack of structural information about PEases. Currently, most
upcycling PE into value-added products, such as polyhydroxyalkanoate research focuses on the degradation of short-chain PE and alkanes, and
(PHA) [41], contribute to environmental sustainability. there are still many unknowns about how to transition from short-chain
PE to long-chain PE materials.
5.7. Future trends and perspectives In recent years, the degradation of commercial PE by worms has
demonstrated the feasibility of PE biodegradation and has gradually
In the field of PE enzymatic degradation research, several impressive attracted researchers to explore its mechanism. While some promising
developments are emerging. Harnessing the capabilities of structural PEase hits have emerged, future research needs to focus on demon­
databases and cutting-edge tools like those in PDB, AlphaFold2, and strating their ability to degrade PE to a specific product or family of
FoldSeek [102,42,6] for PEase mining holds the promise of revolution­ compounds, thereby providing bona fide targets for optimization
ary breakthroughs. These resources grant us the ability to scrutinize through enzyme engineering techniques. Such enzymes would likely
existing structures, such as laccase, and systematically learn and accu­ also be produced recombinantly and characterized structurally and
mulate features in the laccases with PE degradability. Armed with this mechanistically, facilitating further enzyme design. High-throughput
wealth of knowledge, we can venture into designing novel enzymes, screening methods are desperately needed to identify effective and
whether they stem from biological sources or are engineered de novo. A efficient PEases. Eventually, once enzymes are identified for each step of
novel PEase from Lysinibacillus fusiformis has been identified using PE breakdown, it might be possible to fuse them together to create one
computer-aided structure analysis combined with initial activity-based multi-functional enzyme capable of breaking down PE cleanly to a few

J. Jin et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 460 (2023) 132449

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