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In this study, the researchers focused on the three research problems. First,

they are concerned in determining the level of parental involvement as well as

identifying the level of parental involvement in terms of communication at home,

attendance in parent-teacher consultation, support in modules and homework, and

motivations. Second, the researchers were concerned in determining the level of

academic performance of Grade 12 students of Colegio San Agustin – Mati, Inc. The

third problem is to determine if there is a significant relationship between parental

involvement and level of academic performance of Grade 12 students of Colegio San

Agustin – Mati, Inc. The respondent of this study are the Grade 12 students of

Colegio San Agustin – Mati, Inc. The researchers used the adapted and modified

questionnaire to determine the level of parental involvement. In order to accomplish

such, median was selected to represent the average of the level of parental

involvement of each respondents. To determine the level of academic performance,

they used the mean. In addressing the third question, the researchers used Spearman

rank-order correlation analysis. The findings of the research were: the data obtained a

median of Parental Involvement in terms of the following indicators: communication

at home – 5; attendance in parent-teacher consultation – 4; support in modules and

homework – 4; and motivation – 4. The overall combined median of parental

involvement was 4, the level of parental involvement was high having a median of 4,

the academic performance of Grade 12 students got a general average of 1.88, and the

significant relationship between parental involvement and academic performance.

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