Sickeningly Beautiful V5

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Hail, Adventurers!

Sickeningly Beautiful is an adventure for 4 to or as several short encounters. Anywhere the

6 characters of 3rd level. party can find the intrigue of nobility and
Like all Wondrous One-Shots, this short courtly life, they can find themselves caught
adventure can be played along with any other up in this adventure.
5e campaign as a stand-alone gaming session

Setting and Synopsis

Port Fenris placed at the bottom of the social ladder? Or
will you arrive like a fireball and rise through
Life in the river city of Port Fenris is exciting the ranks to the Duke’s Favored? It is a constant
and full of new opportunities, provided you tightrope walk to stay in the Duke’s favor, as he
are part of the Duke’s social court. The Duke’s is fickle and his interest turns with the seasons.
court is the pinnacle of opulence and fashion. With a simple misstep, you can find yourself at
Anyone who is anyone in the realms makes an the bottom of the social ladder - or even worse,
appearance in the Duke’s court at least once, ostracized from the court entirely.
and how that appearance is made is of extreme Just prior to the party arriving in Port
importance. Will you arrive in rags and be Fenris, the aristocracy was suffering from...

Wondrous One-Shot
For more information on this adventure, the Greenwold, and
the rest of the Dungeon in a Box campaign, check out our site:
Copyright 2020 - Dungeon in a Box LLC
Written by Jameson McDaniel. Cover art by Albert Chauw.
Foblin art by Matt Gardner.
Dungeon In A Box is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Wiz-
ards of the Coast® or Hasbro®. Dungeons & Dragons®, and D&D®
are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast®.

Reading the Entries
This adventure references the three primary 5e sourcebooks–monster entries are found
in the MM, spells and rules for players are in the PHB and game rules & treasure are
found in the DMG.
• Monsters are listed in bold.
• Spells are listed in italics.
• Sidebars like this, provide optional rules and supplemental adventure information.

boredom. No new fashions had entered court GlintBoons

in over a season, and a stultifying, dreary status
quo had begun to set in. Quick to act on success, Lucre has bought two
large warehouses near the docks. The larger
Lucre Refyet is her warehouse for shipping and receiving
orders; the smaller, her factory and storefront.
However, all that changed when Lucre Refyet And like that, GlintBoons makeup was found-
[LooCray ReffYet] made her entrance. A local ed. Each of Lucre’s packages wears a stylish
girl, unnoticed by most, had finally returned "GB" on the front to denote their origin - a
from her five-year voyage utterly transformed. symbol now ubiquitous in aristocratic homes
She wouldn't speak of where she went, but across the city.
returned with a tidy fortune. What once was As of late, people have been getting sick
another ho-hum peasant-faced girl now radi- from the makeup. Though many have ques-
ated with the glow and beauty of a fey creature. tioned what the makeup is made of, Lucre
She told all that the secret of her beauty could
be theirs, for the price of a few gold. Even more
incredible her promise held true, as Lucre Port Fenris and Fashion
peddled a line of beauty products that all but
Beauty and style are held most dear in
magically enhanced the appearance of the user.
Fenris. If the characters are not wearing
Once members of the Duke’s court got
makeup (acquired at GlintBoons),
ahold of the makeup, it truly shifted the social
or fine clothes of noble quality, the
paradigm. Lucre was elevated to just below
common citizens are unfriendly to
the Duke in social order - a position that the
them and people of the court treat
entitled woman now lords over others with
them with disgust and/or hostility.
an arrogance that has rankled several feath-
Once fashionable clothes and makeup
ers. She is needlessly cruel to those below her
are acquired, everyone’s attitude
station, which is everyone except the Duke.
toward them shifts instantly, either
Making matters worse, the Duke himself has
to friendliness or just indifference.
taken to joining in on her cattiness against the
Nobles are always lavished with gifts
other members of the court.
from shops in an attempt to gain favor
Lucre is a low-level spell caster, who keeps
with the Duke. But a careful glance at
two things close to her at all times: the secret
any of the shops shows that they are
formula for her makeup, and a golden amulet
just putting on a front to project wealth
that she was never seen wearing before she
and prosperity, yet in truth, they are all
returned to the city.
struggling to survive.

Adventure Hooks
Use these hooks if the party needs a reason to get involved in the adventure.
Friend of the Court: You have been gone for many years but to maintain status in the
Duke’s court, you must make an appearance from time to time. Your status allows you
to get funding from the Duke and the court for your expeditions. In exchange, you regale
them with tales of your deeds and gift them with rare items from your adventures. When
you arrive, you find you have been knocked to the lowest rank on the social ladder and
that your funding has been cut off thanks to Lucre. Whispers have it that Madam Avana
Tak, a member of court, is looking for someone to investigate Lucre and reveal if her
makeup is indeed making people sick.
Sick Friend: Word has reached you that a close friend, Hosanna Darers, has fallen ill. A
rash has spread over her face and hands, making it near impossible for her to be in the
sunlight. She has been using GlintBoons, but refuses to believe the makeup is the cause,
and blames herself and her "sensitive skin" for the rash. Her friend, Madam Avana
Tak knows that other nobles have also had similar effects. She has tried to present the
makeup as the cause of her friend’s illness, but has been dismissed by the Duke, and now
seeks help from the adventurers.

brushes off their inquiries and plainly states fey realm. Moreover, the amulet allows her to
she will no longer sell to said inquirers. She charm the fey creatures. Using the foblins, she
does, however, offer to replace any “tainted” has developed a line of makeup products that
product with fresher one if it will put buyers frames, conceals, and accentuates the wearer
at ease, but still denies her makeup has made perfectly.
anyone sick. Recently, a common goblin somehow got
What is not publicly known is that Lucre’s mixed into the last batch and thus tainted the
makeup is made out of goblins - a rare race of line. Lucre has been on edge since the incident
goblins, in fact, from the fey realm who call and has instructed her right-hand man, Keffrey
themselves “foblins” (see pg. 10). Sun, to “take care of it” and to get more prod-
Getting foblins is not easy, but with the ucts ready as fast as possible.
help of her magic amulet, fresh supplies are Keffrey Sun is a tall, bald human warrior
delivered to Lucre’s factory on a regular basis. who is in love with Lucre. He pledged himself
Uncovered by chance during her time away to her long ago but she has not, and will not,
from the city, the amulet creates a magical reciprocate. He stays on as her most trusted
portal to the homeland of the foblins in the employee and guards her factory personally.

Casting Shade
The port city of Fenris acts as a shipping hub onto the main road of the city read this next
to the northern mountains. The weather on part aloud:
most days is cloudy and grey, with the nights As you step onto the hard cobblestone path
becoming near-freezing. As the characters step of the main road, the noonday sun warms your
shoulders and you are greeted with the call

of fishmongers hocking their latest catch. The out over Port Fenris. There are three chairs
buttery smell of a fresh eel pie cooling on the available and she motions to the characters
window tickles your nose, followed closely by the to have a seat as she leans against the ledge
salty taste of the ocean breeze telling you that near the window. Madam Avana Tak’s age is
this is Port Fenris. It is the last stop for many elusive. She appears wise without appearing
before heading into the northern mountains. old but still carries much beauty and strength
Three beautiful creatures wearing more in her demeanor. She gets down to business
colors than you’ve ever seen giggle and make immediately.
eyes at you from behind their large fans. Quickly, The lady that just left is a close friend by
they scamper up the path toward the largest the name of Hosanna Darers. She is a server at
building in the city - the Duke’s court. Judging the Duke’s court and recently came down with
by their dress you can tell that they must be a a terrible rash that has made her allergic to the
part of it. They held bags in their hands with the sun. Now, she can’t leave her home without her
distinct “GB” on the side. The breeze blows a flyer scarf and gloves. The Madam has heard of simi-
at you, sticking it to your leg. It reads “Half off lar issues with other nobles in the city. Though
last season’s stock. You deserve a boon, why not she has no proof, she believes it is caused by
make it GlintBoons?” GlintBoons makeup.
Regardless, you’ve been requested personally Alarmed, she brought the issue to the
by Madam Avana Tak to meet at the Lily Duke’s attention. The Duke, however, rebuked
Longboat and you shouldn’t keep her waiting. her. Lucre Refyet, owner of GlintBoons, is his
favorite and he refuses to act against her with
The characters can find the building with- anything short of indisputable evidence. When
out issue, as a longboat hung from the front of the Madam presented the Duke with Hosanna’s
the shop is filled with flowers of wild colors. makeup, he turned to Lucre, who claimed that
The inside is just as ornate as the out - flowers the Madam had tampered with it out of spite
are everywhere. A DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) and jealousy.
check confirms a magical aura of transmutation Nevertheless, the Duke decided to give
emanating from the flowers, which enchants Madam Avana Tak one day to come up with
them to always be in bloom. A half-orc recep- solid evidence that the makeup was to blame
tionist greets you. Their name is Rose and they for Hosanna’s condition. She offers the charac-
ask you to have a seat. If questioned about the ters 50 gold pieces each to help find evidence
shop, Rose explains that the Lily Longboat that the makeup is at fault. She must present
mostly sells seeds for farming, but that they her findings at court tomorrow night - they
also collect rare seeds and provide flowers for have until then to investigate.
the Duke’s court. If asked about the Duke or the
court, Rose knows very little, as they don’t go to What Madam Avana Tak
the court, even though Madam Avana Tak has
requested that they join her numerous times. Knows and Shares:
Freshwater with a slice of lemon is given to • Lucre is the Duke’s current favorite because
each of the characters as they wait. Before of the stunning new fashion she has brought
long, the door to the back office opens and a to court. Given her position, no one else in
young woman steps out wearing a scarf over the court will speak up against Lucre.
her face and head, as well as long sleeves and • Two members of the Duke’s court had similar
gloves. From behind, Madam Avana Tak sees rashes - the Marquess of Fennel and the Earl
her guest off before welcoming the characters of Pearl. She provides a written pass to see
into her office. them at court [See Speaking of Royalty, pg. 5].
Her office feels cozy, with a desk in the cen- • The Madam is hiding that she used to be
ter and a chair behind it, and a window looking the favorite of the Duke. A DC 15 Charisma
(Persuasion) check will get her to reveal this.

While she would love to see Lucre’s downfall,
gazebo is the Earl of Pearl and the Marquess of
she is legitimately concerned about what she
believes to be a dangerous product. Fennel having tea and small sandwiches. They
invite the characters to sit and have tea with
• Hosanna will not testify. She doesn’t believe
them. The Earl of Pearl is a tall gaunt man clad
the makeup is the cause and blames her
“low quality” skin. The Madam feels this is in white, with numerous pearls accentuating
nonsense but is unable to convince Hosanna his clothing. The Marquess of Fennel is a plump
to speak out. man wearing green robes that fade to white by
• A DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check will his feet.
get Hosanna to come forth but her testimony Anyone with a passive Perception of 12 or
alone won’t be enough. higher sees they are wearing heavy makeup
• The best place to look for evidence is in the and are sitting as far from sunlight as possi-
GlintBoons factory. The factory is on the dock ble. They give the characters more information
and is one of two buildings adorned with the about Lucre. They reveal she is a local girl that
GlintBoons name. The larger one is their came back from a five-year voyage looking
warehouse for manufacturing, shipping and absolutely stunning and loaded with gold.
packaging. The smaller one is the shopping The Earl and Marquess pretend not to know
outlet [See Cracking the GlintBoons, pg. 5].
anything about the makeup causing rashes
With that, the characters are dismissed. but they are clearly lying. If force is used or
They may inquire at the Vogue Rogue for a aggressive action is taken to reveal the rash,
place to stay. The sign for the Vogue Rogue is the guards spring forward and remove the
a portrait of a highwayman in a three-corner characters from the court. A DC 12 Charisma
hat with shifty and ornate eyes. The rooms are (Deception) check touting the lethality of the
provided for the next three days, compliments rash, or a DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion) check,
of the Madam. gets the Earl and Marquess to admit that they
have been suffering from rashes ever since they
Speaking of Royalty started using GlintBoons makeup. They will no
longer use it, believing it to be dangerous to
The Duke will not speak with the characters their health, but will only speak up if another
nor will they be admitted into the court without witness does so first or more evidence is pre-
permission. Armed guards throw out any that sented.
attempt to break-in. The Madam can get them
into the court but only to speak to the Earl and Cracking the GlintBoons
Marquess. Any attempt to deviate from that
results in the character being ejected. GlintBoons has an outlet shop that is public-fac-
When the characters present the pass from ing and open to all. They operate from sunrise
the Madam their weapons and arcane focuses to sunset. Not far off, the smokestack of the
are taken, and they are escorted by four guards GlintBoons factory can be seen fuming away
to the topiary garden. Large shrubs styled to look at the docks.
like dragons dot the garden. Sitting beneath a Currently, they are having a large sale of last
season’s product. The store is large enough to
fit 20 people at once, along with product racks.
Asking Around Workers of all races and genders can be found
but one thing they have in common is their
Characters can speak to the people on beauty.
the street but no one knows anything Speaking with the workers reveals:
about the makeup causing rashes. • No one has complained about the makeup.
Everyone loves the colors they can get
• They don’t know what’s in it.
now and feel GlintBoons is amazing.
• They know it comes from the factory but no
one can get in there except for the owner and

Keffrey Sun. (made with thieves’ tools) to open.
• The owner is rarely here during the week but • A sewage outlet pipe that leads to the factory
Keffrey has been locked up tight in the factory. is wide enough to climb through. Entering via
He makes sure the factory is well guarded, to the pipe requires a character to make a DC 14
keep away jealous nobles who want to steal Constitution saving throw or become poisoned
Lucre’s secrets. for 1d4 hours. The sewage pipe connects to the
grates in the factory floor.
• Lucre spends most of her time at the court
but comes in on the weekends to ensure the • A DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
warehouse receives more inventory. She won’t skylights on the roof of the factory. On approach,
be in for another two days. it can be seen that the skylights have been
painted over to prevent anyone from spying in.
• They are not hiring.
• The guards do not talk and have orders to only
Makeup at the store can be purchased for 1 let Keffrey or Lucre pass. They will aggressively
gold each. eject any intruders poking around.
They have the following items:
• Primer - Helps the rest of the makeup stick Allow the characters time to consider each
better (doubles duration of makeup bonuses). option. The roof is more discreet but will re-
• Foundation - Evens out skin tone (6 uses. +1 quire them to avoid guards, scale the building
to Persuasion checks for 1 hour). and enter through the skylight. The front door
• Lipstick - Adds color to lips (6 uses. +1 to is more public and will require dispatching the
Performance checks for 1 hour). guards, then picking the very impressive lock
on the factory door. Keep track of the scouts
• Eyeshadow - Accentuates eyes (6 uses. + 1 to
Deception checks for 1 hour). who patrol the grounds. If they discover in-
capacitated guards, or notice the characters
If the entire set is worn, characters instead trying to gain access, they’ll attack and call in
get a +1 to all Charisma checks for 2 hours. back-up from the other guards.
Faint traces of fey magic can be detected from None of the guards outside have a key to the
the product. doors - Keffrey keeps those to himself.
The GlintBoons factory is 90 ft. long, 60 ft.
wide, and 30 ft. tall, and is surrounded by a 12 ft. Inside the Factory
tall metal fence. The fence can be climbed with
a DC 12 Athletics check. The warehouse can Once the party enters the factory, read or para-
be climbed with a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) phrase the following:
check. No one goes in or out after sunset. The interior of the factory is ordinary in
If the party investigates the factory, they many regards - heavy crates litter the cluttered
can discover the following through divination floor, and large machines line the walls. Yet even
spells, careful observation, or speaking with as you enter you witness a horrifying sight. A
locals. tall, bald man in a heavy leather work apron
• Two scouts patrol the grounds, and two guards operates a rickety wooden crane from one
are always on watch in front of the factory gates. corner of the factory. You see him lift one of the
• The scouts circle the grounds between the crates with the crane, only to realize that the
warehouse and the fence - one on each side. crate is in fact a cage. Inside, you see the pointy
Each scout walks 60 ft. each turn. If one notices green ears and nose of a goblin rattling at the
trouble, they call for support from the other bars. The man at the crane controls ignores its
scout or the door guards as appropriate. plight as he swings the cage over a grinding
• Strong traces of fey magic can be detected from machine splattered with green goo. With the
within. pull of a lever, the cage bottom opens up and
• There are no windows to the factory and both drops the goblin into the grinder. After a few
doors are locked tight by Keffrey. The high- moments of horrible noise, green goo slides out
quality locks require a DC 20 Dexterity check of the grinder and into a waiting bucket.

The factory is, in fact, a goblin slaughter- After the events of the factory have been
house, as Glintboons' makeup is prepared from resolved, the characters can investigate further.
goblin extract. After a thorough grinding, the It is obvious that Lucre was grinding up the
goblin extract is superheated, dried, pulver- creatures to turn them into cosmetics.
ized again, and dried once more, before being One of the caged goblins speaks Common
deposited in a mixing vat as a fine powder. and calls out to the characters, introducing
Overseeing this monstrous work is Lucre’s herself as Pulchra. She explains that they are
right-hand man, Keffrey Sun. foblins, a variant form of goblin from the fey
One of the goblins in the cages spots the realm. Identical to goblins, but gentle by nature
party as they enter, and pleads loudly to be and with the soft eyes of a child, the foblins do
saved. “Intruders!?” shouts Keffrey as he notic- not war or fight and only wish to get home. She
es the party, “You’ll end up like these goblins!” relates how Lucre came to them in their peaceful
Keffrey’s crane can extend or shorten to hidden home in the fey realm. She promised the
reach anywhere in the room. On this turn, he foblins a new, better home if they came with her.
can use the controls to make an attack against Naively, they followed, and have been locked in
a creature in the room with +5 to hit. On a these cages as experimental subjects ever since.
successful hit, the character is grappled by the Damning evidence can be found in Lucre’s
crane, and can be moved up to 30 ft. to any notes kept in the factory. Her notes are held
other location in the room. Treat the crane as in a safe in the back of the overseer’s room.
if it has a +5 modifier to its opposed grapple A DC 20 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check
checks. The crane can only grapple one crea- made with theives' tools opens the safe
ture at a time. As an action, Keffrey can cause (Keffrey also has a key on him, but swallows
the crane to drop whatever it’s holding. The it if given the chance). Lucre’s notes outline
crane has 20 hit points and 12 AC. how she discovered the amulet in old ruins
The crane is controlled from the overseer's during her travels. She found that it had a
room, 20 ft. above the ground on top of a flight connection to the fey realm that let her open
of wooden stairs. The wooden door to the room a portal to the foblin’s home and lure them
is locked with an average lock, requiring a DC forth. Discovering that their fey blood had a
15 Dexterity check made with thieves’ tools naturally enchanting power, she proceeded to
to open. If anyone enters the room, Keffrey experiment on them - ultimately discovering
attacks. He uses the stats for a veteran. the formula for her cosmetic line. There are
Keffrey can also open the doors to the ware- even records of the batch that was given to
house from the overseer's room by throwing the court and Hosanna. It appears a regular
a large lever. Doing so allows any guards re- goblin got into the batch somehow and con-
maining outside the factory to enter and join taminated it.
in on the fight. Keffrey will fight to the death to The foblins are adorable, and nearly help-
protect Lucre’s secret. less - dissolving into tears at the mere threat
Any creature that enters the grinding ma- of confrontation. Nevertheless, Pulchra volun-
chine’s space, or starts their turn there, takes teers to help the party if they ask for her aid in
6d6 points of piercing damage. The grinding revealing Lucre’s nefarious scheme.
machine has 18 AC. If it takes at least 15 points
of damage, it breaks down. Alternatively, a char-
acter can figure out how to shut it off with a DC
12 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Seven more of the goblin-like creatures
remain in cages around the room. The rest of
the crates and cages are either empty, or filled
with containers of GlintBoons makeup.

Spilling the Tea
The notes and Pulchra are the final pieces need- The Duke warmly greets the party, takes the
ed to get Hosanna, the Earl, and the Marquess Madam’s hand, and leads you into the enormous
to come forth in the court and speak aginst ballroom. The guest sway in coordinated and
Lucre. The characters, and anyone else they rehearsed dances - their beauty and opulence
take with them, ride in Madam Avana Tak’s radiating with their every gesture. The band is
private carriages. Pulchra is excited to see all missing, but instruments hang in the air of their
the people and things outside the factory and own accord and play elegant chamber music.
tries to talk to everyone she can. Characters are free to mingle with the other
When the party arrives at the Duke’s court, guests, or partake in the sumptuous seafood
read or paraphrase the following: buffet. Use the noble stats where needed for the
When you arrive, night has fallen and there guests.
is a line of other fine carriages ahead of you - The Duke begs for forgiveness from the
each more ornate than the last. Classical music Madam, assuring her this was all meant to be
emanates from the entryway to the Duke’s court a joke, but Lucre got ahold of it and it spiraled
and young pages dart about as guests enter, out of his control. He was sure that she would
handing out satirical flyers. The slips of paper be able to handle the joke. Ever the politician,
read, “The Trial of Lucre,” and depict the sad face Madam Avana Tak maintains her composure.
of the beautiful, young Lucre, along with an ugly She attempts to speak to the Duke privately,
caricature of the Madam braying like a horse. It’s but he’s distracted by something. Finally, he
all too clear how seriously the Duke takes Madam catches sight of what he’s been looking for and
Avana Tak's claims against Lucre - he’s even using calls out, “LOOK LUCRE, SHE DID SHOW UP!
the opportunity to throw a ball at the Madam’s YOU OWE ME 20 GOLD!”
expense. It’s clear that the Duke is ignoring the
The other guests all wear masks and their Madam. The characters can make a DC 12
finest clothes, and treat anyone not wearing Charisma (Deception or Intimidation) check
GlintBoons with disdain no matter how they’re to bring the Duke to order and present their
dressed - yourselves included. The Madam waves evidence. On a success, the crowd of wealthy
off the guards as they approach to take your guests take their seats, and the Duke sits on his
weapons, explaining that you are her royal detail, throne to preside over the court. Sitting to his
before leaning in close to you and whispering, right is Lucre, dressed in a stunning gown of
“these waters have turned treacherous.” red and gold. She glares daggers at the Madam
As you enter the ballroom, you catch sight of and the characters from behind a stunningly
many guests snickering from behind their fans made-up face.
and pointing at the Madam. A thin man in a tight The Duke clears his throat and allows the
vest suddenly steps forth, stopping your party as characters to present their case.
you enter, and proclaims for all to hear, “May I This situation can either be resolved narra-
present, Madam Avana Tak and her… associates!” tively, with the characters presenting the evidence
A collective hush falls over the ballroom, they’ve uncovered, or mechanically through a
broken by a deep belly laugh, as a mountain of special “Judgement Roll” to see if the Duke be-
a man crosses the room toward your group. He lieves them. In either case, Lucre’s counterpoints
stands a full head taller than most. His tunic is for each piece of evidence are presented below.
closely cut in the latest fashion and his face is
covered with GlintBoons makeup - the Duke of
Port Fenris has arrived.

The Judgement Roll: A burst of energy explodes out from Lucre and
washes over the crowded ballroom. One by one,
Choose one player to roll a d20. Modify the roll the eyes of everyone wearing GlintBoons begin
based on the party’s actions. The roll must be to glow the same color pink as Lucre’s amulet.
15 or higher to succeed. “Who is the most popular, beautiful, power-
• If Hosanna testifies add +1 to the roll. ful person in all the world!?” Lucre shouts to the
• Lucre counters that Hosanna has terrible crowd. With one voice the assembly responds,
hygiene and that is what caused any reaction “You are, Lucre!”
she had. “Good! Now destroy these losers, while I
• If the Earl and Marquess testify add +5 to the make my escape!” Lucre hastily adds.
roll. All the attendees, with the exception of
Madam Avana Tak, Hosanna, and Pulchra, enter
• Lucre counters that the Earl and Marquess
are mixing so many makeups that, of course, combat against the party. They are charmed by
there is going to be a reaction if they aren’t Lucre, and will do anything to help her escape.
careful. There are a total of 20 nobles in the ballroom.
• If the logbook is presented in Lucre’s own
1d4 nobles target each player character. If one
handwriting add +5 to the roll. is incapacitated, another steps in to fill their
place until all the nobles have been defeated.
• Lucre counters by saying it’s obviously fake.
Lucre attempts to flee the ballroom and es-
• If Pulchra testifies to what Lucre has been cape. Due to the number of people in the room,
doing to her kind add +5 to the roll. all squares are considered difficult terrain for
• Lucre stutters and says, “Who are you going both the players and Lucre. Lucre only fights
to believe, me or a disgusting little goblin?” back if she is attacked. Use the stats for a cult
fanatic for Lucre, with the following spell list:
Lucre and the Duke laugh the characters and Cantrips: friends, light, prestidigitation
their friends out of the party. If the characters turn 1st level: charm person, command, inflict
hostile to the Duke, his numerous guards step in wounds
to protect him. The Madam dissuades violence
and leaves peacefully. She pays the characters, 2nd level: shatter, suggestion
closes up shop and takes her business to a new
port. Port Fenris is lesser for it. Eventually, Lucre If Lucre escapes, she flees Port Fenris and
succeeds in bringing the Duke and aristocracy plots her revenge. The nobles eventually shake
completely under her power, becoming the de off their charmed condition after an hour, but
facto monarch of the port. don’t remember what happened.
Lucre’s amulet is the source of her power. If
IF THE JUDGMENT ROLL SUCCEEDS: it is taken from her or destroyed, she is caught
Lucre sees the entire court turn on her and in a sudden magical backlash. The charm ef-
her cool attitude finally snaps. She pushes over fect immediately ends as the makeup on the
a server and shouts, “YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!? nobles turns runny and slides off. Lucre herself
I knew you were a fool but not this big of a fool!” cutches her own face and shrieks as her magic
As she does, she rips the amulet from her neck backfires on her. When she reveals her face,
and begins to channel the power of her patron the crowd is shocked to see that she has been
into it, causing it to glow bright pink. transformed into a goblin.
“You think you can stop me? I didn’t want
to do this yet, but you leave me no choice! You
see, everyone in Port Fenris loves me - whether
they want to or not!”

Bye Fey-Licia
If the characters managed to stop Lucre, the characters are considered friends of the court. The
Duke offers to grant one boon within his power to each character. Pulchra thanks the characters
for all they’ve done for her, and tells them they will always be her friend before departing for the
fey realms with her kin. Lucre herself is exiled from the city, and GlintBoons is shut down. The
shop is purchased by Madam Avana Tak, who converts it into a flower store, and Port Fenris is
left a more beautiful place.

Small humanoid (goblinoid, fey), neutral good
The foblins target one Humanoid that it can see within 30 ft. of them. If the target can see the
foblins, it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed. The charmed
creature regards the foblins as a trusted friend to be heeded and protected. Although the target
isn't under the foblins’s control, it takes the foblins’s requests or actions in the most favorable
way it can.

Small humanoid (goblinoid, fey), neutral good

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 12 (3d6)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)


8 (-1) 8 (-1) 14 (+2)

Fey Charm. Each time the foblin or its allies
Skills Stealth +5
do anything harmful to the target, it can
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive repeat the saving throw, ending the effect
Perception 9 on itself on a success. Otherwise, the
Languages Common, Goblin effect lasts 24 hours or until the foblin
Challenge 1/2 (100 xp) dies, is on a different plane of existence
from the target, or ends the effect as a
Bonus Action. If a target's saving throw
Nimble Escape. The foblin can take the
is successful, the target is immune to the
Disengage or Hide action as a bonus
action on each of its turns. foblin's Fey Charm for the next 24 hours.
The foblins can have no more than one
humanoid charmed at a time.

Sickeningly Prepare to take your table
Beautiful into this wondrous one-shot!

Some will do anything to be drop dead gorgeous...

• Take your party on an adventure through a fashion obsessed town,

where style always trumps substance. A new trend is taking the
nobility by storm - but is there more than glitz to this glamour?
• This Wondrous One-shot is intended to be played as a stand-alone
adventure, compatible with 5e.
• Use the adventure maps for the GlintBoons Warehouse and the
Duke's Ballroom to run the adventure presented in this one-shot!

Visit our site for more information!

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