The Wolves at Winter's End V4

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The Wolves at the Hearth of Eos, an artifact with the power

to end winter, and of the Order of the Shel-

Winter's End tered Flame, who oversee and protect it.
The party is asked to climb Ballast Moun-

T his adventure is designed for a party of three

to five 5th-level adventurers, and takes place
on the snowy slopes of a towering mountain.
tain and see why the hearth hasn't been lit yet.
Along the way, the party will battle the weather
and the wolf demon, Zuzu, who wishes for
Springtime is late in coming, and the party winter to last forever.
finds themselves hunted by a relentless pack of
wolves on the slopes of a tall mountain range. The Hearth of Eos
The party will have to overcome a pack of In the early days of the world, the god Eos shed
demonic wolves as they help an ancient order light upon it, bringing warmth and holding back
bring back spring to a land locked in winter. the forces of evil. But there can be no light with-
out darkness, and eventually Eos slept. For a
Adventure Summary long time there was only the ice and the shad-
ow of a never-ending winter, where demons
and monsters tormented forsaken mortals.
The party is being hounded by wolves and the After many years, Eos re-awoke and found
cold when they stumble upon the mountain the world had turned to despair in his absence.
hamlet of Sommertime at the base of Ballast The god banished the darkness again, but knew
Mountain in the Shrouded Peaks. This winter he could not always be there to provide light to
has lasted far longer and been far harsher than the people or the world. So it was, the god built
anyone expected. There, the party learns of the Hearth of Eos - an artifact that would allow

Wondrous One-Shot
The Wolves at
Winter's End
For more information on this adventure, the Greenwold, and
the rest of the Dungeon in a Box campaign, check out our site:
Copyright 2021 - Dungeon in a Box LLC
Written by Jameson McDaniel. Cover art by Adrien Gonzales.
Story by David Crennen & Roman Banfield.Edited by David Crennen
Dungeon In A Box is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Wiz-
ards of the Coast® or Hasbro®. Dungeons & Dragons®, and D&D®
are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast®.

mortals to provide their own light, and drive
back the cold and darkness of winter when lit. Reading the Entries
The Hearth of Eos looks like a fire pit for giants This adventure references the three
and sits atop Ballast Mountain. When lit, the primary 5e sourcebooks–monster
warmth radiates outward, melting the ice and entries are found in the MM, spells and
ushering the return of spring. The Hearth of rules for players are in the PHB and
Eos can only be lit once every twelve months, game rules & treasure are found in the
though its fire only burns half that time. DMG.
With the power of light and warmth passed
• Monsters are listed in bold.
on to mortals, Eos left the Material plane for
other realms. • Spells are listed in italics.
• Sidebars like this, provide optional
Order of the Sheltered Flame rules and supplemental adventure
The Order of the Sheltered Flame received the information.
teachings of Eos, and is dedicated to ensuring
the Hearth of Eos is lit once a year. The Order
maintains a monastery built around the hearth slog. Somewhere behind you are the wolves
at the top of Ballast Mountain. Only members of that have been following your trail.
the Order have the power to relight the Hearth The peak of the Ballast Mountain looms high
of Eos each year. in the distance. Thankfully, you know there is a
The Order is peaceful, dedicated to tending town not too far from here - a small mountain
the flame rather than war. They believe in village called Silverlode. With relief, you spot its
balance of all things, and in bringing light to high wooden walls in the distance.
the world where there is none. At the same moment, you realize the howl
wasn’t coming from the wind. The wolves are
Zuzu the Wolf nearby and will be upon you soon! You must
A demon of cold and despair, Zuzu the Wolf either stand and fight, or run for safety.
wishes for winter to never end. The demon
recently returned to the world after being ban- If the party chooses to make a stand and
ished to the lower planes by Eos long ago. It fight, five dire wolves encircle the party mem-
lead an attack on the unprepared Order of the bers and attack, with two more dire wolves
Sheltered Flame, destroying the monastery joining at the start of the second round, and
and killing all the members, save for one - a two more at the end of the third round.
female dwarf named Ella Hammersworn. If the party flees, they must make a DC 15
Strength (Athletics) group check to get to the
Haven In the Snow walls before the wolves catch them. On a failure,
three dire wolves cut off the party, with two
more arriving at the start of each round until

T he adventure begins with the party lost in

the Shrouded Mountains, having been driven
off course by a blizzard. Only a half-day of rations
all nine dire wolves catch up.
In either case, after three rounds of combat,
a hail of arrows falls around the party, injuring
remain, and making matters worse, a wolf pack and driving off the wolves.
has been following the party all day. Read or Read or paraphrase the following aloud:
paraphrase the following aloud: The whistle of arrows descends upon you,
The frigid air howls past, stealing all the piercing your four-legged foes. Turning to look
moisture from your dry, cracked lips. The for the source, you see three villagers have come
heavy snow makes the trek an exhasuting out of a small door in the wall and are firing
arrows at the wolves. Leading them is a skinny

man with wild red hair. The wolves disengage the mountain on her own to see why. That was
and retreat to the cover of the forest. The man a month ago, and there has been no word from
waves at you to follow him into the village Ella or the monastery since.
through the small door. Mother Griss asks the party to investigate
With a slam, the door is shut behind you. - to look for signs of Ella or clues as to what
“That was a close one,” chuckles the red- happened at the monastery. Ian has offered to
haired man, “Any longer, and we would have guide the party. The town is poor, but Mother
had to play tug of war to get you in.” Griss can provide the party with equipment at
no cost.
This red-haired figure is Ian Alfonse - he Each party member is given their own
and his two friends, Lucy and Riley, make up Explorer’s Packs, along with these additional
the town guard (all three are scouts). The items: a set of Cold Weather Gear (thick coats,
town is small: a handful of houses with a gen- gloves, and the like), a week of trail rations,
eral store at its center, and high palisade walls a climber’s kit, and a tent. The Cold Weather
encircling it all. Ballast Mountain looms high Gear provides resistance to cold and automatic
over the town, cloaking it with its shadow. A success on Extreme Cold checks.
small crowd has come to see the new arrivals If the party is hesitant to help, Mother Griss
and tend to their wounds. The party is led into offers up her family heirloom as payment, a
the longhouse where food is provided to the solid gold sunburst pendant worth 250 gp.
hungry travelers. The next morning, the party finds Mother
There are only basic services in Silverlode. Griss and Ian waiting for them at the gate.
The general store provides any item in the PHB Mother Griss offers a quick prayer for them,
that costs 25 gp or less, and also doubles as and Ian confirms that there have been signs of
a drinking establishment for the locals. A few wolves since they were chased off.
cots in the store room serve as bedding for
travelers. Ballast Mountain
Shortly after the party arrives, an elderly
half-orc woman with long hair wearing several
animal pelts approaches the group with Ian. The party must to ascend 20,000 ft. to reach the
She is introduced as Mother Griss (a druid), Monastery of the Sheltered Flame at the peak of
the town leader and healer. Ballast Mountain. The GM may use the overland
Mother Griss asks the party for help. She travel rules presented in the DMG to handle this
tells them there is a monastery atop the moun- travel time. In addition, the following special
tain - an Order that protects a beacon of sacred rules apply to the party's climb. Mother Griss
flame. Normally, the beacon is lit at the end of or Ian can provide this detail to the party as
the year, signaling the end of winter. This year necessary before they set out.
the beacon was not lit, and the winter has only Travel Pace. Travel pace ascending the
grown harsher. mountain is slower than typical overland travel.
One of the Order, a dwarf named Ella Ham- At a normal pace, the party can ascend 1,000
mersworn, had been living in town the last few ft. a day. At a faster pace, they can climb 1,500
months to help educate the village youngsters. ft. in a day, but characters will have a penalty
When the beacon was not re-lit, she went up to their passive Perception and cannot forage.

Pace Feet Per Day Effect

Fast 1500 - 5 penalty to passive Wisdom (Perception) scores; no foraging

Normal 1000 None
Slow 500 + 5 bonus to foraging or able to use Stealth
Stopped 0 Allows the party to recover from exhaustion
Moving slower allows them to forage and refill
supplies, but may increase their Pursuit Level Zuzu’s Dire Wolves
(see pg. 6). Additionally, the only way to reduce
exhaustion levels with a long rest is to spend All dire wolves in this adventure are
a day Stopped. controlled by Zuzu and have the fiend
Cold. If the party forgoes their Cold Weath- type (rendering abilities that target
er Gear, follow the extreme cold rules (DMG beasts, ineffective). A successful DC 15
pg. 110). Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) check
Foraging. Hunting enough food to survive reveals their unnatural heritage.
off of each day requires a DC 15 Wisdom (Sur-
vival) check. On a failure, the character fails to 2. Rockfall - The pebbles above begin to give
find enough food for the day. Failing this check before large boulders and ice come tumbling
by 5 or more means the character stumbles down. Each party member must make three
onto thin ice, and must make a DC 15 Dexterity DC 12 Dexterity saving throws, taking 4d6
saving throw to avoid falling in and suffering bludgeoning damage and losing 1d4 days
of rations on each failed save. Decrease the
the effects of frigid water (DMG pg. 110).
Pursuit Level by 1.

Mountain Encounters 3. Thick, Thorny Bramble - The thorny and

twisted frozen shrub has grown over the
Every day spent on the mountain poses its
path. It reeks of demonic energy. The entire
own trials. Once per day, roll a d20 and con- area counts as difficult terrain. The party can
sult the Mountain Encounters table. Ignore cross it at a slow pace for the day and take
the Pursuit Level values until the party meets no damage, or cross at a normal pace, with
Ella Hammersworn. After ascending 7,000 ft., each character taking 8d4 necrotic damage.
run the Frozen Bridge encounter in the next In addition, at a normal pace, all characters
section. must make a DC 10 Survival check or their Cold
Weather Gear becomes damaged and unusable.
4. Natural Hot Spring - This natural hot spring
d20 Mountain Encounters will remove two levels of exhaustion and heal
1 - 13 No Encounter the party if they spend a day stopped here.
Increase the Pursuit Level by 1.
14 - 15 Terrain (roll once on the Terrain
Encounters table) 5. Unnatural Ice - As you round the corner, you
find part of the mountain has been frozen in
16 - 17 Creature (roll once on the Creature unnatural ice. Your pace is slowed for the day
Encounters table) as you navigate it without sliding down the
18 - 20 A terrain with a creature in it (roll once mountain. Increase the Pursuit Level by 1.
on both the Terrain Encounters table 6. Sudden Hail - Abyssal words are carried on
and the Creature Encounters table) the wind and the sky opens up, unleashing
constant hail, forcing the party to a slow
pace. The party can move at a normal pace
Terrain Encounters but each character takes 6d6 bludgeoning
damage and lose 2 hit dice. A fast pace is
Roll a d6 to determine the terrain type:
1. Icy River - A river blocks your path. To cross, Creature Encounters
each character must succeed on two sequential
DC 10 Strength (Athletics) or Wisdom Roll a d6 to determine the creature type.
(Survival) checks. Any character failing by 5 or
1. Yeti Strike (Medium) A pair of yeti
more plunges into the icy water and gains one
summoned by Zuzu to block the party’s path
level of exhaustion. If the party succeeds on at
ambush the party from muddy snowbanks: one
least half of the checks, decrease the Pursuit
yeti in front of the party, the other behind.
Level by 1.

2. Eagle Nest (Hard) - A Giant Eagle nest with
seem to be calling you to hurry. Turning to look
eggs blocks the path. Seven giant eagles fly
overhead and attack if the party gets close to behind you, you see wolves racing across the
the eggs. If the party defeats them, or succeeds bridge after you.
on 3 DC 14 Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks, The bridge begins to sways with the activity.
they find a large silver sculpture of a fish At the start of their turn, each character must
(worth 400 gp), though carrying it grants make a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to
disadvantage on Dexterity ability checks and maintain balance (the GM may also choose to
saving throws.
roll for the wolves). On a failure, the creature
3. Silver Goats (Medium) - Ten silver giant falls prone.
goats with pure white eyes attack the party. The fur-cloaked figure fires arrows at the
These agents of Zuzu attempt to push the party
wolves from the other side. Ian is caught by a
off cliffs or into dangerous terrain.
wolf and knocked prone before he reaches the
4. Starving Owlbears (Hard) - Three starving halfway point. When he goes down, he cries out
owlbears attack the party. A DC 14 Wisdom
“Get out’a here! Cut the rope, and I’ll take
(Animal Handling) check deduces the ravenous
creatures could be placated by each being given ‘em down with me!” he shouts, wrestling with
3 day's worth of rations. If the owlbears are the wolves.
defeated, the party finds 3 potions of greater The bridge has an AC of 9 and 15 hit points
healing in their nearby den. In addition, their (vulnerable to slashing damage). If it is cut
pelts can be used to make Cold Weather Gear if with Ian on it, he plunges into the river and
necessary. is swept away, but takes any wolves on the
5. Bear Battle (Hard) - Three dire wolves bridge with him. Any natural 1 on an attack
doing battle with two injured brown bears. roll hits the bridge instead of the target. If the
A successful DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) group party chooses to fight, they must move single
check avoids the wolves’ notice, and the
file onto the bridge. Moving past another char-
Pursuit Level does not increase. If the party
aids the bears, one of them is actually a druid. acter requires an additional DC 10 Dexterity
She leads the party through a shortcut, which (Acrobatics) check. Use the scout stats for the
reduces the Pursuit Level by 2, and can provide mysterious figure. There are six dire wolves
the party with additional Cold Weather Gear if total. A winter wolf watches from behind them
necessary. all. If the party clears the bridge of wolves, the
6. Hunting Giant (Hard) - The party enters the winter wolf and the rest of its pack flee into
hunting ground of a frost giant. The giant the woods.
has dug four, 10x10-ft. pit traps in the ice, and When the wolves are defeated, the hooded
covered them with snow. Each pit is 10-ft.- figure gives a moment of silence for Ian (if he
deep. An adjacent character can notice a pit
has fallen), before introducing herself as Ella
trap with a DC 12 Perception check.
Hammersworn. She guides the party to her
hideout, an abandoned owlbear cave not too
The Frozen Bridge (Hard) far from the bridge. She stoically walks with a
limp and strained expression. In the cave she
When the party has ascended 7,000 ft., they tells the party about the Hearth of Eos and the
reach a gorge crossed by a narrow bridge. Order of the Sheltered Flame. She corroborates
When the party arrives, read or paraphrase Mother Griss' story. Ella knows that the winter
the following: will never end unless the Hearth of Eos can be
You round a bend and see a rickety rope lit. The fact that it has not been lit yet means
bridge, barely 5-ft.-wide, hanging before you. something terrible must have happened to the
It spans a 75-ft. crevice 50 ft. above a raging monastery.
river. Ian ushers you across before following in Ella also reveals that she bears the blessing
the rear. As you reach the halfway mark of the of the mantle of the hearth lighter (see pg. 7)
bridge, you notice a humanoid figure wrapped - a magic granted to the Order by the power
in thick furs standing on the other side. They of the hearth. Only someone with this blessing

can light the Hearth of Eos. Unfortunately, she
was not able to reach the peak on her own. She
Pursuit Level
reveals a particularly bad bite on her thigh that The distance between the wolves and the
looks infected - a cursed wound she received party is measured in Pursuit Levels, with
from a large white wolf while trying to reach 5 meaning the party runs into the wolves
the monastery. The wound cannot be healed and a 0 meaning the wolves have lost the
without powerful restorative magic (spell of party’s trail.
at least 6th-level). The Pursuit Level begins at 3. When
Ella knows that these are not normal the party reaches Pursuit Level 5, three
wolves, but servants of Zuzu, a demon from dire wolves attack the party. Roll on the
long ago. She suspects the white wolf was Terrain Encounters table to see where
Zuzu himself. Due to her wound, she can only this occurs. If the Pursuit Level reaches
move at a normal or slow pace. Each morning, 5 during a creature encounter, the three
a character may make a DC 12 Wisdom (Med- wolves join the fight at the start of the
icine) check. On a success, Ella can move at a second round of combat.
fast pace for the day. On a failure, she moves Four more dire wolves and a winter
at a slow pace. wolf attack the party 1d4+1 rounds after
Ella has access to the spells outlined in the the first wolves arrive. The party can try
Hearth Lighter Mantle (pg. 7). She draws on to flee and evade the wolves. Run this as
the hearth’s power to keep the cursed wound a chase scene (DMG pg. 252). If the party
from getting any worse, but can only do so as eludes the wolves, the Pursuit Level is
long as she has one spell left on her spell list. reduced to 4.
The party is able to take a long rest in Ella's If the party is in danger of falling to
cave. the wolves, allow the party to escape due
to unforeseen intervention. A wandering
A Cold Snap (Deadly) frost giant may attack the wolves for being
on its territory, or the clamor of battle may
set off an avalanche. Try to avoid doing
When the party reaches the top of Ballast this more than twice, to avoid removing
Mountain, read or paraphrase the following risk of failure from the adventure.
aloud: The party can increase or decrease the
After weeks of traveling, the peak is almost Pursuit Level in the following ways:
in sight. The air is thin and Ella has grown pale • Decrease the Pursuit Level by 1 if the party
and weak, requiring frequent breaks to catch travels at a fast pace for the day.
her breath. She moves under her own power... • Decrease the Pursuit Level by 1 if the party
but only barely. The winds are heavy, as a dark travels at a slow pace and covers their
storm has plagued your path up the last leg of tracks. This requires a successful DC 14
the mountain. The snowfall has cut visibility in Wisdom (Survival) check.
half. • Increase the Pursuit Level by 1 each day
As you come around a final turn you see the party travels at a slow pace without
it - the ruins of a large stone monastery in the covering their tracks.
swirling snow. Inside, you can see what must be • Increase the Pursuit Level by 1 each time
the Hearth of Eos: a large stone fireplace that the party has a random encounter with
still stands in the ruins. A cry of grief leaves Ella's a creature, unless they can avoid the
throat. The entire Order must have died here. encounter.
Apart from the hearth, almost nothing is left • Increase the Pursuit Level by 2 each time
standing. As you take in the sight, a bone chilling the party spends the day stopped.
howl rises around you. From the shadows of the • Certain random encounters will increase or
decrease the Pursuit Level.

ruins, a pack of dire wolves steps forth, their lips Zuzu has the stats of a winter wolf with the
currled back into snarls. ability to cast misty step at will, and the power
Six dire wolves attack the party, targeting to enter the Ethereal plane. Zuzu targets the
Ella as a priority. Due to her wound, Ella has Hearth Lighter above all others.
four levels of exhaustion - she has half her hit If the new Hearth Lighter is killed, the man-
points, moves at half speed, and has disadvan- tle passes to the next member that accepts it.
tage on all attacks, saving throws, and ability If the entire party is killed, the mantle is sent
checks. off to anoint another worthy being, somewhere
To ignite the hearth and end winter, the far from here.
party must escort Ella to the Hearth of Eos. When the Hearth of Eos is lit, read or para-
Although weary and injured, Ella fights cou- phrase the following aloud:
rageously. Zuzu has a trap planned for Ella, As you reach the cold stone of the Hearth
however. The demon hides in incorporeal form of Eos, you feel a blaze ignite. Any remaining
in the darkness under the hearth. When Ella wolves flee for their lives. The clouds part and the
approaches to light it, a winter wolf appears sun shines on the mountain once more, melting
from the shadows and bites her, killing the the heavy snows.
dwarf where she stands. The trip down takes considerably less time
If Ella dies before she reaches the Hearth and all along the way, signs of spring can be
of Eos, the winter wolf reveals himself to the seen. Upon reaching Silverlode, the doors are
party as well. thrown wide open and your return is celebrated.
When this occurs, read or paraphrase the A feast is held that night so you can recount your
following aloud: adventure and the fate of Ella. Mother Griss
The white wolf emerges from the deep sheds a tear for Ella’s passing but thanks you all
shadows and addresses you in a human voice for your heroism and vows to expand the Order
dripping with hate: “This is my winter. It will of the Sheltered Flame to help you, and all future
never end.” Hearth Lighters, on their journey.
The wolves snap and growl at the you, eager
to rip you to pieces. All at once, the winds die
away and a single beam of sunlight breaks Hearth Lighter's Mantle
through the storm cloud, illuminating Ella’s
body. A voice rings out in your heads at once, You have been bestowed with the Hearth
clear and strong: Lighter's mantle. With this mantle, once
"You brought me to the hearth but I cannot per year, the Hearth Lighter must return
light it. Only one of you can. Who will take up to Ballast Mountain to light the Hearth of
my mantle?" Eos. The mantle may also be passed on to
another willing host by using a ritual that
Time freezes for the party as they make this takes 24 hours to perform.
decision. Hearth Lighter powers: The Hearth
The GM should grant the players 60 sec- Lighter may cast each of the following
onds, in real time, to choose who will take spells once, without using a spell slot or
up the mantle of the Hearth Lighter. Once requiring material components. These
someone has been chosen, Ella appears in a spells may not be cast again in this way
ghostly visage and places her hand on their until they return to the Hearth of Eos and
head. The chosen character feels the warmth relight it at the end of the next winter.
of the Hearth Lighter enter their body. Once While the character has at least one of the
done, the character understands that the only spells available, they have a +1 bonus to
way to light the Hearth of Eos is to first defeat Constitution and Wisdom saving throws.
Zuzu. Time snaps back and the remaining Wisdom is the spellcasting ability for
wolves charge to attack. these spells: dancing lights, faerie fire, heat
metal, and fireball.

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