The Web of Latrodectus - Level Adjustment Guide

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than parties at the highest level of the listed

The Web of range.
If your party prefers easier combat, con-
Latrodectus sider using the monsters from the next lowest
level range. If your party level is listed at the
top of the level range, and you enjoy deadlier
Level Adjustment Guide combat challenges, consider taking on the next
highest level range.
The Web of Latrodectus as written is an First, begin by referring to the below table
adventure for 4 characters of 8th level. This to record the DC/Damage Dice adjustments
companion guide will provide adjustments to recommended. For instance, if the DC/Damage
the encounters to allow parties of any level to Dice adjustment lists -2, reduce the DC check
infiltrate the thieves' guild! of the trap by 2 and reduce the damage it deals
The following pages provide a breakdown by two dice. Once that is complete, refer to the
of creatures to incorporate in each encounter Creatures by Difficulty breakdown starting on
depending on the level of the party. If specific page 3.
monsters are being replaced, that will be spec- Trap Adjustments Table
ified in the description of the encounter Use
the entries for the appropriate level range for Party is at least. . . DC / Damage Dice Adjustment
your party.
The encounter modifications are balanced 1st level -2
to be a moderate threat for the average of the 2nd level -1
listed level range. Parties at the lowest level of
the listed range will face a tougher challenge 5th level As written

9th level +1

13th level +2

17th level +3

T7 Stolen Goods Vault
Creatures by See Trap Adjustment table. Spiders take 3
minutes to hatch, and affected creature may make
Difficulty a new saving throw against the disease after each
minute to prevent the eggs from hatching.

Level 1 T8 Transept
See Trap Adjustment table. Replace swarm of
fiendish spiders with the listed monster.
In this version, The Web is an upstart thieves' • 1 swarm of insects (spiders)
guild looking to gain prestige. They stole a
valuable amulet, but perhaps bit off more T10 Guard Chamber
than they could chew. Replace any magic Replace spies with the listed monsters.
items aside from the amulet of ooze at GM's • 1 bandit
discretion. • 1 commoner

Into the Web T11

Replace assassins at each entrance with the See Into the Web.
listed monsters.
• 2 bugbears C1 Chancel
See Trap Adjustment table. Spider Idols may be
T1 Narthex destroyed with mundane weapons (AC 13).
Replace wyvern stats with the listed monster.
• 1 giant spider C2 Old Chapel
Replace cult fanatics and glabrezu with the
T2 North Tower listed monsters. Make listed adjustments to the
Replace gladiator with the listed monster, and Secret Door.
it has no magic items. • 2 cultists
• 1 spy (with poisoned heavy crossbow attack) • 1 quasit

T3 South Tower C4 Latrodectus's Lair

Replace giant fiendish spider and swarms of
fiendish spiders with the listed monsters. Replace Latrodectus with the listed monster,
• 1 giant wolf spider and it has no magic items.
• 2 spiders • 1 ettercap (no recharge on Web attack)

T4 Nave Aftermath
Replace giant fiendish spiders with the listed Replace veterans with the listed monsters.
monsters. • 3 guards
• 2 giant wolf spiders • 2 kenku

T6 Barracks
Replace spies with the listed monsters.
• 1 bandit
• 1 commoner

Level 2-4 T8 Transept
See Trap Adjustment table. Replace swarm of
fiendish spiders with the listed monster.
In this version, The Web is a tribe of • 1 swarm of insects (spiders)
goblinoids recently converted to the worship
of the demon Lady of Spiders, their leader T10 Guard Chamber
ensnared by promises of wealth and power. Replace spies with the listed monsters.
Replace any magic items aside from the • 2 goblins
amulet of ooze at GM's discretion.
Into the Web See Into the Web.
Replace assassins at each entrance with the
listed monsters. C1 Chancel
• 1 bugbear chief See Trap Adjustment table. Spider Idols may be
• 1 hobgoblin captain destroyed with mundane weapons (AC 14).

T1 Narthex C2 Old Chapel

Replace wyvern stats with the listed monster. Replace cult fanatics and glabrezu with the
• 1 carrion crawler (with the ability to ignore listed monsters.
movement restrictions caused by webs) • 2 acolytes
• 1 shadow demon
T2 North Tower
Replace gladiator with the listed monster, and C4 Latrodectus's Lair
it has no magic items. Replace Latrodectus with the listed monster.
• 1 bandit captain (with poisoned heavy • 1 drow elite warrior (with the ability to ignore
crossbow attack) movement restrictions caused by webs, and
wields wand of web, which may be used in
T3 South Tower place of one short sword attack)
Replace giant fiendish spider and swarms of
fiendish spiders with the listed monsters. Aftermath
• 1 swarm of insects (spiders) Replace veterans with the listed monsters.
• 2 goblins (with a climb speed equal to walking • 4 thugs
speed and the ability to ignore movement • 1 imp
restrictions caused by webs)

T4 Nave
Replace giant fiendish spiders with the listed
• 2 swarms of insects (spiders)

T6 Barracks
Replace spies with the listed monsters.
• 2 goblins

T7 Stolen Goods Vault

See Trap Adjustment table.

Level 9 - 12 T11
See Into the Web.

In this version, the drow of The Web C1 Chancel

have gained a serious foothold in the city. See Trap Adjustment table. Spider Idols have AC
Latrodectus soon plans to unleash a wave 16, 10 hit points, and dispel magic requires a
of demonic terror on the city, and has been 4th-level spell slot.
granted the fiendish gifts to do so.
C2 Old Chapel
Into the Web Replace 1 cult fanatic and glabrezu with the
Replace assassins at each entrance with the listed monsters.
listed monsters. • 1 yuan-ti malison (replace snake features with
• 2 glay golems spider features)
• 1 horned devil (demon subtype instead of
T1 Narthex devil)
Replace wyvern with the listed monster.
• 1 chasme C4 Latrodectus's Lair

T2 North Tower Make the listed modifications to Latrodectus's

Replace gladiator with the listed monster. stat block.
• 1 drider (wielding +1 longbow with drow • Damage Resistances: cold, fire, lightning;
poison, DC 14) bludgeoning, piercing, slashing from
nonmagical attacks.
T3 South Tower • Brute: A melee weapon deals one extra die of
Replace 1 swarm of fiendish spiders with 1 damage when Latrodectus hits with it.
giant fiendish spider. • Use DC 16 for wand of web.

T4 Nave Aftermath
Replace 1 giant fiendish spider with the listed • 4 black puddings (appear as armored
monster. humanoids before melting into oozes)
• 1 shadow demon

T6 Barracks
Replace spies with the listed monsters.
• 2 bandit captains

T7 Stolen Goods Vault

See Trap Adjustment table.

T8 Transept
See Trap Adjustment table. Replace swarm of
fiendish spiders with the listed monster.
• 1 swarm of poisonous snakes (look like

T10 Guard Chamber

Replace spies with the listed monsters.
• 2 bandit captains

Level 13 - 16 T7 Stolen Goods Vault
See Trap Adjustment table. Anyone who touches
the infected character, other than to magically
In this version, The Web is a coven of cure the disease, also becomes infected.
vampires making a play to undermine other
underworld powers of the city. T8 Transept
See Trap Adjustment table. Add a second swarm
Into the Web of fiendish spiders to this area.
Replace assassins at each entrance with the
listed monsters. T10 Guard Chamber
• 2 vampires (area around The Web's hideout is Replace spies with the listed monsters.
magically shadowed, protecting vampires from • 2 doppelgangers
T1 Narthex See Into the Web.
Replace wyvern with the listed monster.
• 1 yochlol C1 Chancel
See Trap Adjustment table. Spider Idols have AC
T2 North Tower 17, 15 hit points, and dispel magic requires a
Replace gladiator with the listed monster. 5th-level spell slot.
• 1 glabrezu (with a ballista, DMG p. 255, in the
tower) C2 Old Chapel
Replace cult fanatics and glabrezu with the
T3 South Tower listed monsters.
Replace swarms of fiendish spiders with the • 2 succubus,
listed monsters. • 1 marilith
• 2 shadow demons
C4 Latrodectus's Lair
T4 Nave Replace Latrodectus with 1 vampire
Replace giant fiendish spiders with the listed spellcaster with the following traits:
monsters. • wielding a staff of power
• 2 vampire spawn (with the ability to ignore • wearing a mantle of spell resistance
movement restrictions caused by webs)
• Children of the Night summons 2d4 swarms of
fiendish spiders
T6 Barracks
Replace spies with the listed monsters.
• 2 doppelgangers Aftermath
Replace veterans with the listed monsters.
• 5 cambions

Level 17 - 20 T8 Transept
See Trap Adjustment table. Replace swarm of
fiendish spiders with the listed monster.
The lich and leader of The Web, Latrodectus, • 1 black pudding
lairs within the abandoned temple: a cruel
joke to its former residents. The lich has T10 Guard Chamber
gathered all manner of evils to serve his cruel Replace spies with the listed monsters.
whims and destroy any would-be heroes who • 1 wight
might threaten his designs. • 1 helmed horror

Into the Web T11

Replace assassins at each entrance with the See Into the Web.
listed monsters.
• 2 death knights C1 Chancel
See Trap Adjustment table. Spider Idols have
T1 Narthex AC 20, 20 hit points, and dispel magic requires
Replace wyvern with the listed monster. a 5th-level spell slot.
• 1 young red shadow dragon (with climb
speed instead of fly speed, and the ability to C2 Old Chapel
ignore movement restrictions caused by webs) Replace cult fanatics and glabrezu with the
listed monsters.
T2 North Tower • 2 night hags
Replace gladiator with the listed monster. • 1 balor
• 1 arcanaloth
C4 Latrodectus's Lair
T3 South Tower Replace Latrodectus with the listed monster.
Replace giant fiendish spider and swarms of • 1 lich (in lair) (wielding a staff of the magi)
fiendish spiders with the listed monsters.
• 1 drider (immune to banshees' Horrifying Aftermath
Visage and Wail features) Replace veterans with the listed monsters.
• 2 banshees • 4 yuan-ti abominations
• 1 assassin
T4 Nave
Replace giant fiendish spiders with the listed
• 1 drow mage
• 1 brain eater (MM pg. 222)

T6 Barracks
Replace spies with the listed monsters.
• 1 wight
• 1 helmed horror

T7 Stolen Goods Vault

See Trap Adjustment table. Anyone who touches
the infected character, other than to magically
cure the disease, also becomes infected.

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