Gelatinous Gifts - Keys of Wonder Lore

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Gelatinous Gifts
Keys of Wonder Lore Guide
HKG W P G is a holiday-themed adven-
ture that tasks the party with escorting a lost
young slime called Cubert back to his home in
the Radiant Caverns. Reuniting Cubert with
his “slime mother” will ensure that he inherits
the important role as the new alpha slime.
Furthermore, it will spare the humble town of
Rockhearth from destruction, as a slime-poach-
ing villain named Wert Wallach vies to disrupt
the holiday festival - and eliminate all of the
slimes in the process! intention of being a mining town, but as efforts
were made to tunnel underground, the resi-
dents soon discovered that an entire ecosystem
Rockhearth of slimes and oozes called the depths home.
In the following years, a distant peace was
made between societies, strengthened by the
Rockhearth is located in the far northwestern fact that the slimes released nutrients into the
mountain passages of the Greenwold, between soil at the end of their life-cycles. This turned
Stonefast and Esker, near a system of caverns Rockhearth into an unexpected farming town
called The Luminous Caverns. When running despite the cold climate.
the adventure, the GM may replace the Radiant Sixty-seven years ago, Rockhearth’s mayor
Caverns with this location. - a dwarf woman named Aya Hillsunder - or-
Founded by dwarves eighty years ago, ganized the first winter solstice festival. Its
Rockhearth was initially constructed with the purpose was to celebrate their iconic harvests

For more information on this adventure, the Greenwold, and
the rest of the Dungeon in a Box campaign, check out our site:

K trtsWPGK
Written by Chad Skiles. Edited by David Crennen.
Dungeon In A Box is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Wiz-
ards of the Coast® or Hasbro®. Dungeons & Dragons®, and D&D®
are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast®.

during the harsh winters, and to spread thank-
fulness to all beings - in all forms, and from all Holiday Traditions
walks of life. The townsfolk would decorate A number of holiday traditions have
Rockhearth’s square with holly and bells, ex- developed since the first winter solstice
change gifts, and leave freshly-baked treats celebration. For many Rockhearthians,
out for the slime residents of the nearby caves the highlight is exchanging gifts - espe-
to consume - as a small gesture of thanks for cially warm treats. For some local bak-
the gift they bestowed on Rockhearth. ers, the competition can be fierce! The
The event became an instant hit. The tra- townsfolk are also fond of decorating
dition has persisted undauntingly, attracted the town with bouquets of fragrant sage,
travelers from near and far who wish to partake holly, and rosemary clusters, tied togeth-
in the merriment - a night filled with copious er with bows. Children look forward to a
drink, song, and good cheer. sleigh ride, pulled by oxen that plow the
However, for the first time ever, a series of bewitchingly-bountiful fields. Some of the
unfortunate events has brought the wonderful radishes grow so large, that the tradition
Rockhearth Solstice Festival into jeopardy at has emerged of carving them into figures
the start of KPWGH . The party will and dioramas! These often depict friend-
need to rise to the occasion, or the festival ship and togetherness, and are put on
will be cancelled and the town itself could be display by the residents’ homes. And last,
destroyed! but not least, there is the strong tradition
of music. Bells of all sizes and pitches can
be heard jingling during the solstice’s
The Radiant Caverns celebration. The town’s Chorale is renown
for its moving performances, as explained
further in Alternate Plot Hook.
Slimes are a strange and ancient variety of
creature. Even among the most impassioned
scholars, few claim to know when their spe-
cies settled in the subterranean depths of the
Greenwold. The slimes native to the Radiant
Caverns settled there ages before the humble Ooze Durability
town was built upon the surface above. After spending ten consecutive hours within
The caverns’ structure and pathways have the Radiant Caverns, there is a 30% chance
changed drastically - albeit gradually - over the that a character acquires the following trait:
years, as the slimes have dissolved the rock For the next 48 hours, your flesh is
away with their innate abilities. As occasional malleable and ooze-like. It is indistin-
explorers would venture into the caves, the guishable from your original appearance
mostly-reclusive slimes would recede deeper unless one of the abilities are activated.
into the depths, creating new openings, narrow • You may squeeze through narrow
tunnels, and natural slides (like the one that passageways as small as 6-inches wide.
appears in the adventure). • 1/day - When you are damaged with a
Prolonged exposure to the radiative auras melee attack from an enemy within 10 ft.
and fumes within the caves can imbue non-ooz- of you, you may use your reaction to halve
es with temporary abilities, such as the ooze the damage, and deal 3d6 acid damage to
durability trait. the attacker.

Wert Walach
Wert’s Wares Discoveries
An adventurer and Rockhearth native named During the adventure, the party may
Wert Walach once ventured into the Radiant investigate Wert’s potion shop. The
Caverns seven years ago, with hopes of finding GM may add these optional discover-
treasure and stories worthy of sharing over a ies there.
pint of ale. Impulsive and violent by nature, • In Wert’s private office, there is a locked
Wert pushed his companions to clear out any chest. It requires a DC 14 Dexterity
slime creatures in their path, and to find how (Sleight of Hand) check to unlock it.
deep the caverns go. • Laying atop the chest is a quiver
However, his party was eventually over- of crossbow bolts that deal double
whelmed. They had peaked the hostility among damage to all creatures with the ooze
the slimes - ordinarily defensive creatures. As type.
they made a desperate retreat, Wert was the • Inside, there is a journal that recounts
only survivor. He watched his companions be the story of his forming adventuring
engulfed by a massive slime creature: a “slime party falling to the slimes of the Radiant
Caverns, and Wert’s subsequent hatred
for their species.
Wert spent subsequent weeks sulking in
the local taverns, mourning his loss. However,
the sadness gave way to anger, and anger to an
insatiable fury. Wert retired from adventuring, GP A
and began running “Wert’s Wares,” a shop sell-
ing potions. H
In his spare time, Wert began plotting a
scheme for ultimate revenge: to slay the slime The GM may use the following as an alternate
mother and become a being even more pow- plot hook for GELATINOUS GIFTS, if playing
erful than it. His workshop became the base along with the Keys of Wonder campaign
for his experimental brews, made using slime setting. This information could be presented
harvested from the caverns. in-person whenever the party returns to
Each year, during the Solstice Festival, Maestro Hewert’s tower, as a flashback, or as
Wert has acted as a reliably scrooge-like pres- a message sent to the party via courier or some
ence, who curses the slimes - and his fellow other means.
townsfolk for celebrating them as amicable Read or paraphrase the following:
neighbors. “Foolish to trust creatures whose Maestro Hewert plays a harmonic melody on
only purpose is to liquify all it touches!” Wert the great calliope. It is rich and complex - upbeat,
would bark. At times, after one-too-many ales, yet moving. He pauses, letting a note ring out.
he would shout warnings at the town square. “Ah,” he says. “‘Feel the Winter’s Warmth’ - the
He warned that the slimes were no friends to holiday folk tune of the Rockhearthian Chorale.
humanfolk, and that one day they would turn Some of the most beautiful music one could
on them all! ever hope to hear... especially with their voices
During the events of GELATINOUS GIFTS, added!” The half-elf stands from the calliope’s
Wert believes his so-called prophecy has come bench, and meanders over toward you, refilling
true, and it has motivated him to see his twisted his tankard with wine.
plot for revenge come to fruition! “You see, their performance at the annual
winter solstice festival is a true wonder! Folks

trek their way through the windy mountains -
sometimes traveling a great distance - just to be
able to shed a tear as they listen. They have such
a strong tradition of practicing, that their choir
can - quite literally - produce a pitch unlike any
other! Marvelous! There is magic in a sound so
beautiful. And so, as I’m sure you’re gathering,
those notes must be recovered, and added to
our grand calliope. I think you’ll quite enjoy
the festival too!” the Hewert says, grinning into
his cup.

When the party arrives in Rockhearth, they

find the festival in danger of being cancelled. If
they succeed by the adventure’s end, they save
the festival. The choir’s performance lives up to
Maestro Hewert’s hype - and then some! The
party can record the note to their tuning fork
simply by tapping it against the stage during
the performance.

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