Chasm of The Strange - Level Adjustment Guide

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Chasm of the Strange

Level Adjustment Guide The encounter modifications are balanced
to be a moderate threat for the average of the
Chasm of the Strange as written is an adven- listed level range. Parties at the lowest level of
ture for 4 characters of 4th level. This companion the listed range will face a tougher challenge
guide will provide adjustments to the encounters than parties at the highest level of the listed
to allow parties of any level to explore the Great range.
Chasm! If your party prefers easier combat, con-
The following pages provide a breakdown sider using the monsters from the next lowest
of creatures to incorporate in each encounter level range. If your party level is listed at the
depending on the level of the party. If specific top of the level range, and you enjoy deadlier
monsters are being replaced, that will be spec- combat challenges, consider taking on the next
ified in the description of the encounter Use highest level range.
the entries for the appropriate level range for
your party.

Creatures by Difficulty
Level 1-3 Testing Lab
Replace strangers, ape, and scout with the
listed monsters and modifications.
In this version, the Strangers have started • 1 tribal warrior (replace Spear with Punch 6
to mentally and physically deteriorate due to (1d10+1) bludgeoning damage; reduce extra
their long imprisonment below the ground. force damage to 1d6)
Their weapons and technology are euqally • 1 cultist (with Giant Spider features)
worn out and are in “low power” mode to • 3 bandits (add Foreign World Durability
maintain functionality. feature; replace Light Crossbow with Low-
power Pistol 7 (2d6) radiant damage)
Descent Into Weirdness • Decrease Wyvern Sting to 7 (1d6+4) piercing
Replace the gricks with the listed monsters and damage plus 3 (1d6) poison damage
• Reduce damage of all alien tech weapons by 1
• 1 giant centipede damage die
• 1 swarm of insects (centipedes)
Secret of the Strangers
• Reduce Complication rolls to 1d6.
Replace the stranger leader and strangers
with the listed monsters and modifications.
Vapor Exposure • 1 mantid-folk (MM pg. 288; with Low-power
Make the listed modifications to the table. Laser Rifle +4 to hit, 9 (2d8) radiant damage;
• Reduce Ogre-Arm and Acidic Eyes damage by add 1st-level spells from stranger leader’s
1d6 Advanced Tech feature)

• Phase Stealth reduces your max HP by half of • 4 bandits (add Foreign World Durability
your hit die value feature; replace Light Crossbow with Low-
power Pistol 7 (2d6) radiant damage)
• Hardened Exoskeleton grants 5 temp HP and
+1 AC

Stench of Death Wreckage

Replace the cadaver crawler with 1 giant Replace +1 laser rifle with +1 low-power
octopus the following modifications. laser pistol (2d6 radiant damage)
• Static Field deals 1d4 lighting damage to
nearby creatures, and no extra damage on

Level 5-8 Secret of the Strangers
Make the listed modifications.
• stranger leader (with Regeneration 10 which
In this version, the Strangers make use of is suppressed by cold/lightning damage; no
a couple small combat drones to keep out Recharge on Antimatter Rifle attack)
unwanted guests while they make the final • strangers gain the Advanced Tech feature from
repairs to their vessel. The rank-and-file stranger leader, but only have 1st-level (2/
Strangers are also carrying small defensive day): absorb elements, shield )
technologies, providing them with limited-
use shields.

Descent Into Weirdness

Replace the gricks with the listed monsters and
• 1 flameskull (change type to Construct;
replace fireball with scorching ray cast as 3rd-
level spell)
• 1 helmed horror (describe both creatures
as hovering drones made of Strangers’
• Increase Complication rolls by 1d6.

Vapor Exposure
No changes necessary.

Stench of Death
Replace the cadaver crawler with 1 dark
delver (MM pg. 292) with the following
• uses rotting corpse as bait, emerging from
the rock beneath when other creatures move
within 20 ft. the bait.
• Apply Static Field to umber hulk as described

Testing Lab
Replace the grimlock, ape, and scout with the
listed monsters and modifications.
• 1 deep dwarf (MM pg. 122; with wyvern Sting
Recharge 5-6)
• 1 deep mauler (MM pg. 256; replace Claw
with Fist attack)
• 1 bugbear (with Giant Spider features,
including Bite attack, which deals 12 (2d8+3)
piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) poison damage)
• strangers gain the Advanced Tech feature from
stranger leader, but only have 1st-level (2/
day): absorb elements, shield

Level 9-12 Secret of the Strangers
Make the listed modifications.
• stranger leader (with AC 16; Resistances: fire,
In this version, the mutation experiments bludgeon/piercing/slashing from nonmagical
of the Strangers have gone out of control! attacks; Regeneration 15 which is suppressed
The Stranger leader has used extractions to by cold/lightning damage; Advanced Tech 2nd-
level (3/day), 3rd-level (3/day) counterspell,
create new nanotechnology to create extra
elemental weapon, lightningbolt, 4th-level (2/
protection for itself and the underlings. day) confusion, greater invisibility; no Recharge
on Antimatter Rifle
Descent Into Weirdness • strangers start with 20 temp HP; gain the
Replace the gricks with the listed monsters and Advanced Tech feature from stranger leader;
modifications. Multiattack: three attacks
• 1 drone demon (MM pg. 57)
• 1 vulture demon (MM pg. 64)
• these are mutants affected by the radiation
• both creatures are Monstrosity type. Wreckage
• Increase Descending the Chasm DCs by 2 Replace +1 laser rifle with +2 laser rifle; 3
• Increase Complication rolls by 2d6 of each grenade

Vapor Exposure
Make the listed modifications to the table.
• If applicable, increase feature range by 10 ft.
and add 1 die of damage

Stench of Death
Replace the cadaver crawler with 1 grick
alpha with the following modifications.
• Static Field applies to the grick alpha’s tail and
tentacle attacks.

Testing Lab
Replace grimlock, ape, scout and spy with the
listed monsters and modifications.
• 1 ettercap (with wyvern Sting, no Recharge)
• 1 giant ape (with only 70 HP and modified
• 1 wererat (with phase spider features and
• 1 knight
• strangers start with 20 temp HP; gain the
Advanced Tech feature from stranger leader;
Multiattack: three attacks

Level 13 - 16 Secret of the Strangers
Replace the stranger leader and strangers
with the listed monsters and modifications.
In this version, the Strangers have learned • 1 archmage (spells function as Advanced
to draw upon the magical energies of the Tech; add Antimatter Rifle attack, no Recharge)
Material plane to augment their technology. • 4 stranger leaders (add Regeneration 10
In turn, this allows them to control the native which is suppressed by cold/lightning damage;
magical creatures. add Multiattack: three attacks; remove
Antimatter Rifle)
Descent Into Weirdness
Replace the gricks with the listed monsters and
modifications. Wreckage
• 1 young blue dragon Replace +1 laser rifle with +2 antimatter
rifle; 3 of each grenade
• 1 young green dragon (describe with metallic
devices attached to their skulls).
• Increase Descending the Chasm DCs by 3
• Increase Complication rolls by 4d6

Vapor Exposure
Make the listed modifications to the table.
• If applicable, increase feature range by 10 ft.
and add 2 dice of damage.

Stench of Death
Replace the cadaver crawler with 1 behir with
the following modifications.
• Static Field applies to all of the behir’s attacks
except Swallow.

Testing Lab
Replace strangers, grimlock, ape, scout, and
spy with the listed monsters and modifications.
• 1 wyvern (change to Humanoid type; describe
as a humanoid with wyvern’s wings, talons,
sting, etc.)
• 1 giant ape (remove Rock attack; also may
deal extra force damage 1/day)
• 1 cambion (change to Humanoid type;
describe as humanoid with cybernetic
• 3 stranger leaders (add Regeneration 10
which is suppressed by cold/lightning damage;
add Multiattack: three attacks; remove
Antimatter Rifle)
• 1 gladiator

Level 17 - 20 Secret of the Strangers
Replace the stranger leader and strangers
with the listed monsters and modifications.
In this version, the Strangers are led by a • 1 death knight (modify Multiattack: three
fanatical warleader who will stop at nothing longsword attacks or two antimatter rifle
to subjugate this new world. . . or reduce all attacks; add +3 Antimatter Rifle Ranged
life to primordial compounds to be harvested. Weapon Attack +9 to hit, one or two targets
if they are adjacent to one another. On hit, 30
(6d8+3) necrotic damage)
Descent Into Weirdness
Replace the gricks with the listed monsters and • 4 stranger leaders (with AC 15; add
Regeneration 15 which is suppressed by
cold/lightning damage; add Multiattack: four
• 2 rocs attacks; remove Antimatter Rifle)
• Increase Descending the Chasm DCs by 4
• Increase Complication rolls by 6d6
Replace +1 laser rifle with +3 laser rifle; 3
Vapor Exposure of each grenade
Make the listed modifications to the table.
• If applicable, increase feature range by 20 ft.
and add 3 dice of damage

Stench of Death
Replace the cadaver crawler with 1 purple
worm with the following modifications.
• Static Field deals 3d6 lightning damage, and
applies to the purple worm’s Tail Stinger

Testing Lab
Replace strangers, grimlock, ape, scout, and
spy with the listed monsters and modifications.
• 1 gray skin-shifter (MM pg. 277; with
wyvern’s Sting attack, no Recharge)
• 1 shrunken frost giant (remove Greatsword
and Rock attacks; add Fist attacks, but may deal
bonus force damage once per round)
• 1 assassin (with phase spider features and
Bite attack)
• 3 stranger leaders (with AC 15; add
Regeneration 15 which is suppressed by
cold/lightning damage; add Multiattack: four
attacks; remove Antimatter Rifle)
• 1 hobgoblin warlord

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