Wild Ride To Fireburst Ridge Adventure Booklet

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Adventure Overview Flames. The demon offered a pact - it would

adventure optimized for a party of four
level 3 characters and can be played as a stand-
is an use its magic to fuel their mighty forges, if
they would let it freely burn the forests of the
mountain range they inhabited.
alone session or easily incorporated into an The dwarves accepted, carrying little
ongoing campaign. The party will confront the for the forests of the surface dwellers. The
“The Screwfoots,” a band of goblins that have dwarves became known as the Fireburst
mechanically enhanced their bodies, replacing clan, in reference to the ever-roaring flames
their limbs with tools and weapons! of its forges, and the forest fires that swept
They must find a way to stop the Screw- the mountain ridges. For many decades, their
foots' rampaging "war-wagon" before it raids pact with Vinnarock remained. However, a
a nearby town, only to discover that the vehicle later generation of Fireburst dwarves came
contains a stolen, and dangerous, magic relic of to regret the pact their forefathers made. They
great importance. The heroes must comman- devised a plan to magically imprison Vinnaro-
deer the war wagon and take it on a harrowing ck, but in such a way that they could still har-
ride back through enemy territory as they race ness the demon's power for their forges. The
to return the relic before a demonic entity is Fireburst clerics fashioned the Smoldering
unleashed! Seal , a magical artifact that could drink up
all the hateful fire of the demon of flames. At
Adventure Background an opportune moment the dwarves betrayed
the demon, locking Vinnarock away. The divine
NCOGIFPT EV AP artifact allowed the Fireburst clan to divert
In ancient times, a clan of dwarves were ap- Vinnarock’s chaotic flames into their forges,
proached by a great demon, Vinnarock of the dispersing the demon’s power and providing


For more information on this adventure, the Greenwold, and
the rest of the Dungeon in a Box campaign, check out our site:

Writers: Jonathan & Beth Ball Editors: C had Sk iles & D a vid Cr ennen.
Cover art by Jarek Madyda.

Dungeon In A Box is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Wiz-

ards of the Coast® or Hasbro®. Dungeons & Dragons®, and D&D®
are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast®.

an everlasting source of heat from which they
can forge and smelt metals. Reading the Entries
The dwarves of the Fireburst clan have long This adventure references the three
worked in the shadows to contain the demon, primary 5e sourcebooks–monster entries
which powers their forges to this day. Should are found in the MM, spells and rules for
the Seal ever be removed from the dwarves players are in the BHP and game rules &
temple under the mountain, its magic would treasure are found in the DMG.
quickly wane and the demon be released again. • Monsters are listed in dlob .
• sl epS are listed in italics.
• srabediS like this, provide optional rules
For many years, the Screwfoot goblin tribe
and supplemental adventure information.
was a minor nuisance. They had earned a
reputation for being unhinged, given their
practice of severing their limbs and replacing
them with crude mechanical enhancements, CTF YNOG PKV
but not one for being especially dangerous. Ketwona “Ket” Flameward is the priestess
Local militias had no trouble repelling their currently appointed to watch over the Smol-
sporadic and poorly-organized attacks. dering Seal. She has dedicated her life to mak-
But in recent weeks, this has changed. ing up for the wrongs of her fore bearers who
Rip Screwfo t , an ambitious new leader of first struck the pact. She is painfully aware of
the tribe, poured all the clan's resources into the destruction that Vinnarock would cause,
building a vehicle that would allow them to and how her clans shameful history would be
travel great distances and carry looted mate- brought to light, should she ever fail in her
rials and relics easier. Rip’s vision came to life duty to keep the Seal fully contained.
when the nogaw r was finished! Ket was in the temple when the goblins
The war-wagon is pulled by a mechanical- raided it. Unable to stop them from taking the
ly enhanced ogre that never tires. This wagon Seal, she offered herself as a prisoner. Ket is
itself is equipped with the latest and greatest currently on board the war-wagon with the
products of Rip’s twisted engineering mind. goblins, watching the Seal's wards decay and
To inaugurate its completion, the goblins trying to figure out a way to prevent catastro-
have kicked off a marathon series of town phe. She knows that if the Smoldering Seal is
raids - crashing through the wilderness and not returned to the temple soon, Vinnarock will
plowing into villages with reckless abandon burst free and burn the whole region to ash.
and looting anything that looks valuable or
Success has lead to success, as isolated • Monetary. Leaders of nearby towns have
communities keep falling to the goblin blitz. offered the party a bounty of 10 gp for each
Most recently, Rip burst through the doors of Screwfoot goblin they stop, and 700 gold if they
the Fireburst clan, overwhelming the dwarves can stop the war-wagon assaults altogether.
with sudden violence. The obvious importance • Moral. The Screwfoots have raided undefended
of the Smoldering Seal immediate attracted the hamlets, orphanages, and sites of peaceful
goblins. Unaware of the Seal’s purpose and worship. They are only growing more brazen.
power, Rip ignored the dwarven priest’s des- • Personal. In the midst of a Screwfoot raid,
perate plea to not remove it from the temple. an NPC important to the character or party
The goblins have loaded it onto the war-wagon, was kidnapped or killed. The Screwfoots may
have assailed a place important to the party.
where it becomes ore volatile by the hour.
Or perhaps the Screwfoots looted an item or
artifact that the party cares about.

WTCFH GR Lying in Wait
Work with your party to set up an

W hen ready, read or paraphrase the follow-

ing to begin the adventure.
The Ironrock Valley stretches before you.
ambush of the fast-moving goblin
war-wagon. The Screwfoots will arrive
onto the scene allowing for each party
Recently this beautiful region has been the member to attempt to tilt the odds in
victim of a terrible scourge of raids unleashed their favor. You should work with your
by the terrifying mechanically enhanced party to determine the effects and re-
Screwfoot tribe of goblins. The most dangerous sults of any actions not listed.
weapon against the innocents of the valley has
been the war-wagon. The townsfolk that hired Ambush Action
you are anticipating an imminent raid that you • Timber. A successful DC 13 Strength
have been tasked with preventing. To that end, (Athletics) check allows a character to
you have each been provided with a fast horse push over a large, but rotting tree across
and the location of where the war-wagon is the path. The ogre and wagon must stop
and the ogre must use his first action to
likely to pass through. Your party represents
pitch the tree to the side.
the last, best chance to prevent yet another
atrocity. • Buzzing. A successful DC 14 Wisdom
(Animal Handling) check allows a
character to locate and place a beehive
The party travels a cliffside path toward in the path of the wagon. They take
Almsman’s Pass on ridng horse (PHB, pg. 3(1d4) piercing damage on a failed
157) provided by their employers, and arrives check.
at the choke point through which the party can • So Itchy. A successful DC 15 Intelligence
expect the Screwfoot war-wagon to pass. Even (Nature or Arcana) check identifies a
as they arrive, the sound of the war-wagon and large growth of Rashweed nearby that
its passengers sounds. can be mashed into a usable oil.
Once everyone has had a chance to prepare, • The Sky is Falling. A successful DC 17
read or paraphrase the following to start the Dexterity (Acrobatics) check allows a
encounter: character to scale the steep cliff side and
position themselves behind a precarious
The speeding war-wagon’s approach boulder. In addition to the wagon-
stopping effects of the “Timber” ambush
draws ever nearer, its progress easy to mark
action above, the boulder does 2d10
first by the plume of dust and the hooping and bludgeoning damage to any creature in
screeching of the goblin raiders. Just as the its path.
cacophony reaches a crescendo, the goblins
lurch into view around the corner and rush
headlong down the road at a breathtaking
speed propelled by a massive ogre, whose body
has been crudely modified. Steam hisses from Wondrous Add-On
pistons mechanically powering its massive legs If you purchased the goblin war wagon
forward. The ogre draws a towering wagon 3d terrain for your box, assemble it
behind it, attached by a yoke that has been and use it throughout the adventure!
cruelly bolted to its back. Goblins stand at You may replace it instead with the
mounted crossbows and swing from the sides backside of the war wagon’s stat card
of the blood-red war-wagon. (included in your box) which portrays
a top-down view of the wagon.

WPVGTHCFIEM KL In the likelihood that the war-wagon es-
There are six Screwfoot snilbog aboard the capes the initial ambush, the party’s best option
wagon, each using a different variant from the is to begin a chase on horseback (see DMG, pg.
table below. (see table). 252) to stop the ogre towing the wagon. In this
Thenoga w r nilboG (see stat block, pg case, the goblins might be knocked or pulled
10 or reference card included in your box) is off the wagon. Doing so requires success on a
drawn by the mechanizede r g o , with the follow- contested Strength (Athletics) check against
ing changes: it has a walking speed of 100 ft. a goblin within melee range. Any character
(halved when pulling the wagon), as well as the attempting to board the moving wagon must
following ability: succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity (Acrobatics or
• Charge. If the ogre moves at least 10 feet Athletics) check. On a failure, the player may
straight toward a target and then hits it with a attempt a DC 12 Strength saving throw to hang
melee attack on the same turn, the target takes onto the side of the wagon. On a failed save,
an extra 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage. If the they are thrown from the wagon and knocked
target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14
Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 10
feet away and knocked prone. The goblins enjoy full use of the war-wagon’s
capabilities, but wait until there is more than
The goblins in the war-wagon benefit from one player character surrounding the wagon to
half cover, but any hanging off the side do not. attempt their first Repulse attack (see Goblin
The mechanized ogre attempts to pull the War-Wagon stat block, pg. 10 and on reference
wagon out of the ambush, but if it is reduced card included in your box).
to half of its maximum hit points, it becomes
enraged and attacks indiscriminately.
A character with the highest passive Per-
ception notices a fiery glow emanating from It Got Away!
inside the war-wagon, and a bound and hooded If the party fails to stop the war-wagon
humanoid captive curled against it as closely within 5 rounds of it escaping the ambush,
as possible. This is the Smoldering Seal and the goblins pull far enough ahead to break
Ketwona Flameward (dwarven tseirp with the line of sight and go careening into the
following changes: AC 15, 37 hp). town. Read or paraphrase the following:
A huge pillar of flame erupts over the tree
F CTKPV YHSETG canopy in the direction of town. As you rush
1 Saw-sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to forward, you see villagers frantically putting
hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d12+3) out fires and tending to wounded. Gobins lie
slashing damage. This replaces the charred and scattered about the smoldering-
goblin’s scimitar attack. but-intact wagon. As you approach, a groan
emanates from inside as a soot-covered
2 Spring-sprint. The goblin can jump up to
15ft in any direction using its bonus action. If dwarven priestess struggles to stand. “That
this is taken directly before making a melee was just the start,” she rasps.
attack, that attack is made with advantage.
Proceed to the A B r i e f R e p r i e v e
3 Hook-hand. The goblin can make a
ranged attack against a creature within
section (see pg. 6). In addition to the
30ft. If the attack hits, the creature takes other information she shares, Ketwona
1d6 piercing damage, and the goblin can Flameward describes how the combat and
pull the creature up to 10 ft. closer to it. reckless driving triggered an explosion
from the volatile Seal. Nevertheless, they
4 Hammered-head. The metal casing
hammered into the goblin’s body
must make haste to the temple!
increases its AC to 17.

XGTKABHR makes the vehicle operable, heroes, but one
In the wake of combat, as the party begins in- of you must rise to the challenge of giving it
vestigating the war-wagon, they discover a the direction.”
Smoldering Seal: an onyx stone 3 ft in diameter,
and incredibly dense for its size, weighing over Flameward is preoccupied with the Seal
500 lbs. The volatile magic within it has caused and concentrating on keeping the war-wagon
it to fuse with the wagon's metal parts. operable. If she takes damage, she must suc-
They also find a hostage, the dwarven ceed on a concentration check. If she fails, the
priestess Ketwona Flameward. She allowed war-wagon cannot move for one round, but
herself to be captured so that she could attempt its other functions remain. Additionally, when
to contain the Seal’s destructive power, but the Ketwona or the war-wagon itself takes damage,
artifact is growing more and more volatile and roll a d20. On 6-20, nothing happens. On a 2-5,
explosive as time goes on. Ketwona summarizes everyone in the War-Wagon takes 1d4 fire
the information contained in the gedor actFP damage as the Smoldering Seal expels some of
in Flame section (see Adventure Background, its constrained flame. On a 1, the Seal explodes
pg. 2) with the warning that, “given the rate causing one of the Seal Surge effects (see table).
of increasing volatility, if we fail to return the
Seal before the next sunset, Vinnarock will be Fv IGCNSWT
unleashed and this region, and then the world,
1 The Seal glows with bright light in a
will be consumed by flame.” 15-foot radius for the next 1d4 rounds.
Any creature that ends its turn within 5
ft of the Seal is blinded until the end of its
VGRKFIEC next turn.

2 The Seals deals 1d4 extra fire damage to all

The Seal is impossible to transport without creatures within 10 ft.
the war-wagon, given that it is melded into
the vehicle. Fortunately, Ket knows how to 3 The Seal casts firebolt at a random target
call upon the power of the Seal to aid them. (+4 to hit).
Ket can channel some of the arcane energy 4 The Seal casts burning hands in a random
of the Seal to animate the war-wagon (much direction (DC 12).
like the animate objects spell) allowing it to
be commandeered by the party. Refer to the
n o g a W ri l b G stat block (pg. 10). Each
Action Station requires a number of Crew to
take advantage of the vehicle’s abilities. One The Long and Winding Path
of the party must lay their hand on the orb to
mentally drive the vehicle, assuming the Helm With Ket's guidance, the party must travel
Action Station. through treacherous terrain to the dwarven
Once the party has interacted with Ketwona temple. Read or paraphrase the following:
Flameward and she has secured their help, read Flameward squints towards a solitary hooked
or paraphrase the following: peak high above the tree line as the last rays of
The freshly liberated priestess stretches her the setting sun plunge the mountain pass into
hands out to the mysterious orb, as she whispers shadow. The road forward twists up and away
incantations in a forgotten tongue. Her eyes into the darkness. At various times the wagon
roll into the back of her head and divine light must be squeezed in between claustrophobic cliff
bathes the once foul wagon as it magically knits faces, and at others it seems that it might careen
itself back together. The vehicle seems to hum into the wide open space yawning open just off
in anticipation of its new purpose. In a far off the edge of the winding road.
voice, Ketwona intones, “My concentration

The GM may use the following encounters sticky webbing. Encased in webbing is the body
to create excitement on journey. Run 2-4 en- of an adventurer holding 1d3 potions of healing.
counters (or more for strong parties) by either 4. A Bridge Too Far H a rd I The party’s
selecting the encounters or rolling a d6. progress is halted as they encounter a large
ravine, a fallen rope bridge, and a distressed
1. Roadblock H M e d i u m I The party bar- ettin.
rels headlong into a Screwfoot roadblock The ettin is not hostile, but is stuck at the
consisting of foursnilb�gto fwercs and two bottom of the ravine and unable to climb out
worgs . Seeing the war-wagon and assuming due to an injury, which can be healed with a DC
the party might be friendly, the goblins don’t 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check. The party can re-
immediately attack. A Charisma (Persuasion) call information about another route - a hidden
check contested by the goblin’s Insight allows low road across the chasm - with a successful
the party to talk their way through without a DC 13 Intelligence (History) check. They can
fight, but any aggression is quickly matched. successfully navigate it with a DC 13 Wisdom
The goblins have a Thunder Thrower (see (Survival) check. The ettin happily follows. On
Goblin War-Wagon stat block, pg. 10) that the a success, the ettin rewards the party with an
party can steal and add to their vehicle. item of treasure it found in the ravine: a wand of
magic missiles (DMG, pg. 211). On a failure, the
2. Birds of a Feather yHIDeadl The party party is lost and takes a long while to navigate
hears the crying of a distressed animal and dis- the secret path. The ettin grows hostile and
cover a very large, but evidently juvenile bird. attacks. This extra time allows Rip to commit
An Intelligence (Nature) check of 12 reveals an additional 1d6 goblins in the final encounter.
that this is a newborn roc (use the axe beak 5. Skyfall The party runs across a large
stats). A huge shadow passes quickly over the boulder in the middle of the path. Upon inspec-
party, growing larger as its parent descends. tion, two hands jut from underneath, where a
Escaping the roc requires a skill challenge man has been crushed. Dislodging the bolder
in which three successes must be accumulated requires a DC 18 Strength check. The body be-
before three failures. A character must succeed neath has a bag holding two potions of climbing
on a DC 13 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to and one sending stone. (The other is in the pos-
instruct the party how to appear non-threaten- session of the unfortunate mountaineer’s wife.)
ing towards the baby. A character must succeed
on a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check to help
spot obstacles on the path. And a character Map General Features
must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) The following features apply to both maps
check to swing over and counter-balance the included in this box.
war-wagon as it lurches around the corner. Add htLig Natural light.
others to suit. If the party accumulates three Cliffs. The cliffs drop 60 ft. to jagged rocks
failures before three successes, the roc crashes belows.
down on them and combat runs for 1d3 rounds rT e s ‹ B u s h e These areas count as
before it collects its charge and flies off. difficult terrain, and are considered heavily
3. A Sticky Situation H a r d I A pair of B o u l d er s ‹ u i ns R These rocky obstacles
yprah sisters ambush the party with their siren are between 10 - 15 ft. high.
songs. To one side, a flying harpy attempts to Bridges The crumbling stone bridges
lure listeners off a cliff to their death. On the have AC 15 and 30 hit points per 10 ft. by
other side of the road, her sister works in 10 ft. section. They are immune to poison
concert with a giant spder to entrance and and psychic damage.
then entangle unsuspecting prey in the spider’s

6. Vengeance From Beyond H a r d I A There are ten snilbog tfwercs stationed
storm sweeps across the mountain range, outside the gates. They've already learned the
driving the party into the shelter of a mountain war-wagon is not commandeered by their kind,
cave. Inside is a dwarven sepulcher, where an and are waiting in hiding to spring an ambush.
ancient dwarven warrior in dwarven plate has Use the map (pg. 9), to determine starting lo-
been entombed. This is the lost tomb of Khari cations.
Flameburst, one of the dwarves who struck • GM note. When goblins fall, take note of where
the initial pact with Vinnarock. The warrior’s their corpses lie as their location will come into
ghost appears and attacks shortly after the play in the next encounter.
party arrives - unable to rest due to the guilt
it feels. The ghost can be reasoned with if the The first four goblins attempt to ambush
party can convince it, with a successful DC 14 the party before they cross the first bridge. The
Charisma (Persuasion), check that they are other goblins either lay in wait, or begin attack-
friendly and on a quest to stop Vinnarock’s ing the party as best benefits the situation. If
release. On a failure, it attempts to possess a given a good opportunity, the goblins will try to
character and drive the war-wagon into battle. climb aboard the wagon to attack Ket or take an
action to disable a Thunder Thrower.
I CFNEHDG TRAKPF When the party crosses the first bridge,
At the GM’s discretion, the party begins the Tear, Screwfoot’s loyal mechanical beast
final approach to the Temple at Fireburst Ridge. emerges from the gates. Tear uses the grow
Use the map included in this box to run this stat block with the following changes: its size
encounter. is Medium and it has an AC of 14. It attempts
With the temple in sight, Ket urges the to directly attack Ketwona.
party forward. Unbeknowst to her, this is where When the party begins crossing the second
Rip has been holding up with the rest of his bridge, Rip Screwfoot emerges from the gates.
clan. Read or paraphrase the following when He uses the hobg lin stat block with the
the party arrives: following changes: he has 30 hp and can use
By the time you finally ascend to the top of to B eht me viG as a bonus action:
the ridge, it is clear that Ketwona Flameward • Giv’em the Boot. Melee weapon attack: +3
is exhausted. As the wagon rounds the final to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1)
turn of the approach, the wheels dislodge some piercing damage. Rip activates his mechanical
rocks and they noisily slide down the mountain. leg and kicks a creature. A target hit with this
attack is thrown 10ft. away from Rip.
A goblin horn sounds in the distance.
"There are the gates," says the priestess, "we Proceed to the next section when the char-
have to get the Smoldering Seal inside. acters bring the war-wagon to within 15 ft. of
the gate, if the party defeats all the goblins, or
The final approach to the ruined dwarven if they eliminate Rip Screwfoot which causes
enclave is very precarious and the threat of any remaining goblins to flee.
careening off the side is ever-present. Because
of this, the entire area counts as difficult terrain I CFNOGHD TPA
for the war-wagon. In addition, creatures may Read or paraphrase the following:
make opportunity attacks against the wagon Victory is near at hand, but it is cut short
as if it was a creature. as you hear Ketwona shout out in horror - the
In addition, the Smoldering Seal is becoming Smoldering Seal has failed at last. A gout of red
more volatile, and forces the wagon forward. flame erupts from the stone, melting away the
The war-wagon gains this setback: metal around. Before your eyes, it begins levitate
• 5tCan opSt If the wagon fails to move more into the air and unleash balls of fire that rain
than 10 ft. in the round, roll on the Seal Surge down on the goblins around you. The flames

of one of the burning corpses solidfies into the es her deepest gratitude to the party and with
shape of a laughing demon. a brightness in her eyes, raises her hands over
“It's escaped the Seal!" shouts Ket, "But there her head, and directs once more the divine
may be hope!” . power of the Seal towards the war-wagon.
• GM note. Depending on how dire the previous At Ketwona’s gesture, the war-wagon is
encounter was, GMs might consider the permanently marked and awakened with
Smoldering Seal magically granting the party divine energy. The party can continue to use
the benefits of a short rest or some other aid. their War-Wagon in future adventures, even
Vinnarock (see pg. 11) has emerged! However, without the Seal!
the power of the Seal has left the demon weak-
ened and prevents it from fleeing.
The demon’s rain of fire ignites four corpses
of the GM’s selection. Vinnarock begins combat
in one of those four spaces. The demon can
make use of its Flamestride action to move
between the other burning corpses.
The Seal levitates during this encounter,
allowing it to be maneuvered independent of
the wagon. A character can use their action to
grab the Seal and take it with them as part of
their movement. Additionally, a character can
use their action to douse a fire within 5 ft. of
The party can defeat Vinnarock by reducing
its hp to 0 or by forcing it to remain within 5ft.
of the Smoldering Seal for two consecutive
rounds. The demon has no intention of being
returned to his prison, and he does whatever
he can to stay away from the Seal.
If either of these conditions are met, Vinn-
arock is trapped back within the Seal long
enough to return it to the temple.

Prevailing over Vinnarock, the party has saved
the region from certain fiery destruction. The
dwarven survivors left inside the blasted
temple emerge, singed and grateful. Soon the
dwarves’ resolve shines through as a cheer
rises up and ale begins to flow in celebration of
the heroes. Ketwona is promoted to the highest
rank within her clan. Their new leader express-

Higher or Lower Level?

If this adventure is being played by a party of player characters of higher or lower experience
level, refer to the difficulty adjustment guide available at our website.

Huge Vehicle

eCapcityªur 6 Medium Goblin-Tech. Rolling a natural 1 on any

Creatures check at an Action Station results in a
catastrophic failure. The Helm ceases to
goCapcityªr 1500 lbs.
be operable for one round. The Thunder
AC 14 (drops to 12 when Thrower deals 1d8 lightning damage to
motionless) the Crew at the station.
ointsªHP 100 (damage Prone Deficiency. If the wagon rolls over
threshold 10) and falls prone, it can’t right itself and is
Spedª 50ft. incapacitated until flipped upright.

20(+5) 10 (0) 16 (+3) Helm (Requires 1 Crew and grants Three-
Quarters Cover). Drive and steer the
INT WIS CHA War-Wagon.
0(+0) 0(+0) 0(+0) 2 Thunder Throwers (Each Station
Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half-
Cover). Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
DamgeIunitsª poison, hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 10
psychic (2d8 + 1) lightning damage. If the target
onditImuesªC blinded, is adjacent to another creature, the
charmed, deafened, frightened, second creature must succeed on a DC
paralyzed, poisoned, stunned, 12 Dexterity saving throw or take half as
unconscious much damage.
Repulse (Requires 1 Crew and Grants
Magic Weapons. The wagon’s weapon Half-Cover. Recharge 6). Stored static
attacks are magical. electricity pulses outward from the
Road Kill. If it moves in a straight line War-Wagon. All hostile creatures within
10 ft. beforehand, the wagon can 15 ft. of the War-Wagon must succeed
move through the space of any Large on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be
or smaller creature. When it does, knocked prone and suffer 21 (4d8 + 6)
the creature must succeed on a DC lightning damage.
13 Dexterity saving throw or take 22
(4d10) bludgeoning damage and be
knocked prone. This trait cannot be
used on the same creature more than
once per turn.

Large fiend(demon), chaotic evil

ArmoClasª 14 (natural armor) AEVK P

ointsªHP 104 (11d10 + 44)
Multiattack. The demon makes two
Spedª 25 ft. flamethrower attacks.
Flamethrower. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6
RT S DEX NO C to hit, range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit:
10 (+0) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 10 (2d6 + 3) fire damage. If the target
is a creature or a flammable object, it
INT WIS CHA ignites. Until a creature takes an action
12 (+1) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) to douse the fire, the target takes 5
(1d10) fire damage at the start of each
of its turns.
esitancDmgR Fire Burst (Recharge 6). A 15-foot-radius
bludgeoning, piercing, and sphere explodes outward from the
slashing from nonmagical demon. Each creature in the area must
attacks succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving
DamgeIunits fire, poison throw or be pushed back 10 ft and
onditImuesC knocked prone. Additionally, creatures
exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, in the effected area take 10 (2d10) fire
petrified, poisoned, prone, damage, or half as much on a successful
restrained, unconscious save.
Sens darkvision 60 ft., passive L E G E N DA RY A C T I O N S
Perception 10
anguesL Abyssal, telepathy The demon can take 2 legendary
120 ft. actions, choosing from the options
halengC 6 (2,300 XP) below. Only one legendary action option
can be used at a time and only at the end
of another creature's turn. The demon
Magic Resistance. Vinnarock has regains spent legendary actions at the
advantage on saving throws against start of its turn.
spells and other magical effects. Flamestride. Vinnarock has the ability
Fire Incarnate. A creature that touches to enter a fire and move from inside it
the demon or hits it with a melee attack to inside another fire within 100 feet.
while within 5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) He uses 5 feet of movement to enter a
fire damage. In addition, the demon fire. He appears in a fire of choice using
can enter a hostile creature's space and another 5 feet of movement.
stop there. The first time it enters a Fire Swipe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
creature's space on a turn, that creature reach 5ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d6+3)
takes 5 (1d10) fire damage and catches fire damage. If the target is a creature or
fire; until a creature takes an action a flammable object, it ignites, dealing an
to douse the fire, the creature takes 5 additional 1d10 fire damage.
(1d10) fire damage at the start of each
of its turns.

Wild Ride Prepare to take your table
to Fireburst into this wondrous one-shot!

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• Your party is tasked with stopping a band of meddlesome goblins

raiding towns aboard a war wagon! But that's only half of their
journey. They'll need to pilot the unstable wagon back to a temple -
and fast - before a threat far deadlier than goblins is unleashed!
• This Wondrous One-shot is intended to be played as a stand-alone
adventure, compatible with 5e.
• Use the battlemaps for the mountainside road and Fireburst
Temple to stage encounters in this adventure!

Visit our site for more information!


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