Keys of Wonder Lore - Wild Ride To Fireburst Ridge

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Wild Ride to Fireburst Ridge
Keys of Wonder Lore Guide

raucous thrill-ride that pits the party
face to face with a rampaging war-wagon
is a
Vinnarock & The Flame-
crewed by mechanically augmented goblins! Forged Pact
The party will eventually take possession of
the dangerous piece of goblin tech, but the Unlike most demons, Vinnarock uses cunning
war machine contains a deadly secret - it rather than just brute force and destruction to
is powered by a mighty demon of fire. The achieve his ends. Rather than conquering and
group must return the engine of destruction consuming, Vinnarock manipulates others to
to an isolated dwarven temple before the feed the flames of chaos. Thus, Vinnarock’s
fiend is able to break free of its prison and influence was set upon the dwarves before they
reduce the region to ashes. were even aware of the demon’s existence. As
The lore guide provides additional back- the dwarven smiths of what would become the
ground information on the demon, Vinnarock Fireburst clan worked their forges, Vinnarock
of the Flames, trapped within the wagon and whispered to them of glorious masterworks
the pact forged by the ambitious dwarves who of dwarven craft. Sparked by the voice of the
bound the demon in ages past. This guide also flames, the imaginations of the dwarven smiths
offers additional options to add even more ran wild - dreaming up new and wonderful, if
flavor to the goblin raiders. It also provides destructive, works. And so, when the clan was
an alternative plot hook if your group is play- in search of greater power to stoke magical
ing along with the Keys of Wonder campaign forge-flames, Vinnarock of the Flames ap-
setting. peared with an offer of partnership.

For more information on this adventure, the Greenwold, and
the rest of the Dungeon in a Box campaign, check out our site:

Written by Z ak Kotlow. Edited by David Crennen.
Dungeon In A Box is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Wiz-
ards of the Coast® or Hasbro®. Dungeons & Dragons®, and D&D®
are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast®.

Optional Rule
W ith the forest fires like an offering fit for
a god, the fire demon flourished - as did
his dwarven servitors. Fortunately, the later
During theegdiR eht ot ecaR section of the
adventure, Vinnarock’s starvation causes
him to cry out in hunger and pain. The
members of the clan realized the error of their demon addresses the player characters
ancestors and managed to imprison the demon directly. Vinnarock bemoans its starving
with the Smoldering Seal. The artifact is able to and imprisoned state, asking only for a
restrain much of the demon’s power, but also small object to be placed near the Seal
cuts Vinnarock off from direct contact fire, the that it could ignite and consume. Small
only sense of nourishment for the demon. As nourishment is better than none. If asked,
a result, if Vinnarock’s magic isn’t being chan- Ketwona confirms it wouldn’t affect the Seal
neled through the Seal to feed and feast upon and that what the demon says is true - he’s
the flames of the Material plane, the demon suffering starvation. She urges not to feed
begins to starve. the demon. Vinnarock points out that if he
Since Vinnarock has been cut off from the should perish, the Fireburst clan will lose
dwarven forges for now, the demon slowly suf- the power of their mighty forges.
fers in its hunger. Though with the clear silver
lining that the dreadful Seal is weakening, so
that soon he might be free! To ensure his es- Seal does not trigger another save for charmed
cape and future feast upon the Material plane, creatures. Vinnarock may try to sway multiple
Vinnarock rewards those who grasp for greater characters to its side, as opportunities permit.
power in their moments of weakness. On the During the F i n a l A p r o a c h scene (see
journey to Fireburst Ridge, the demon will pg. 8 in Adventure booklet), Vinnarock makes
attempt to do just that to the party members. his final move. He targets a creature he has
charmed, forcing them to make a DC 16 Wisdom
Roaring Hunger saving throw. On a failure, the target becomes
Vinnarock’s ally during A Frenzy of Flame .
Until Vinnarock dies or the charmed condition

S hould the party be unwilling to feed the

demon, it will wait until the group is dis-
tracted by other events during the journey. At
ends, unquenchable flames cover the creature’s
body, granting immunity to fire damage and
the Heated Body feature (MM, pg. 22). Also,
the GM’s discretion (perhaps in place of a Seal Vinnarock may use the creature as a fire source
Surge result: see pg. 6 in Adventure booklet), for Flamestride. The GM may alter the DCs or
Vinnarock forces one creature within the duration of these effects to suit the level of the
war-wagon to make a DC 14 Wisdom saving party, as per the Level Adjustment Guide.
throw. On a failure, the creature spends a bonus
action to feed the demon a small flammable
object, which is quickly reduced to ash with GPVWTAF
an audible sigh.
After being fed twice, the demon’s power UNGOPVRSW
grows. It now attempts to influence one of
the party members directly. The target must The following are optional additions that can
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be incorporated into running the EDIRL W
becomes charmed by the demon and gains EGDIR TS UBERIF OT adventure.
resistance to fire for 1 week. The charmed
creature is intrigued by Vinnarock’s promises
of power, but thinks it’s better to keep the
relationship quiet. Taking damage from the


1 Your mount/vehicle takes a jarring
his section provides a suite of Vehicle Chase
bump. Make a DC 10 Dexterity
Complications for any chase that might (Animal Handling or Vehicles) check
ensue during this adventure, and those in the to avoid losing your seat. On a failure,
future! These Complications occur more fre- you take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage
quently than normal due to the unpredictability and fall off of the mount/vehicle,
and dangers of moving at higher speeds. The landing prone.
table can be used in place of or in addition to 2 A piece of equipment from your
the Urban and Wilderness Complications ta- vehicle or mount comes loose! Your
bles, and the GM may alter the difficulty and/ mount/vehicle must succeed on a
or severity of these Complications, as per the DC 12 Constitution saving throw or
Level Adjustment Guide. its base speed is reduced by 5 ft. for
10 minutes.

3 A pedestrian or other creature darts

into your path. Your mount/vehicle
makes a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw.
On a failure, the creature takes 10
(3d6) bludgeoning damage or more
(e.g. from the war-wagon’s Road
Kill feature). You may choose not to
avoid the creature, in which case it
automatically takes the damage.

4 Your mount/vehicle crashes through

a small barrier. The mount/vehicle
must make a DC 12 Strength saving
throw to pass unscathed. On a failure,
the mount/vehicle takes 7 (2d6)
bludgeoning or slashing damage
(ignores damage threshold).

5 Your mount/vehicle begins to lose

momentum from the taxing pursuit.
You must make a DC 10 Wisdom
(Animal Handling or Vehicles)
to coax more speed from it. On a
failure, the mount/vehicle’s speed
decreases by 10 ft. this turn and it
has disadvantage on its next ability
check or saving throw.

6 A sudden gap looms before your

mount/vehicle, forcing a harrowing
jump to the other side! The mount/
vehicle must make a DC 13 Strength
(Athletics) check. On a failure, you
barely make it, but a creature (other
than the mount) must spend an
action to prevent the mount/vehicle
from slipping back into the gap.

7 - 12 No Complication.

New Feat
T his table provides additional variants
for the Screwfoot g o b l i n s encountered
throughout the adventure (see Adventure
The following feat becomes available to
the player characters after their conflict
with the Screwfoot tribe in WILD RIDE TO
booklet pg. 5). As an option, the GM may roll FIREBURST RIDGE. The feat may be pre-
on both tables to give goblins two variants, or sented as an option to be selected when
simply combine them into a single (d8) table. a character would normally gain a feat
Noteª creatures with multiple variations are (through an Ability Score Improvement),
likely to be of a higher CR, and the GM should or granted as a bonus feat, depending on
scale the attack bonuses, DCs, and damage the interest and actions of the party during
similar to suggestions in the Level Adjustment the adventure.
Guide for the adventure (see XX).
Goblin Tech Initiate
Fst CTKPV YHSETG Prerequisite: Goblinoid subtype or
Constitution 13 or higher
1 Dizzy-disc. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 Through observation and experimentation,
to hit, range 20/60, up to two targets
you’ve learned the goblinoid art of grafting
within 30 ft. of each other. Hit: 5
(1d4+3) slashing damage. mechanical components to your body.
• Increase your Constitution or Intelligence
2 Glop-grenade. The goblin launches by 1, to a maximum of 20.
a viscous glob at a target within 30 ft.
The target must succeed on a DC 13 • You gain proficiency with either artificer’s
Dexterity saving throw or becomes tools or smith’s tools. If you are already
restrained (escape DC 13). proficient with both types of tools, you gain
Expertise (double your proficiency bonus)
3 Grease-gun (Recharge 4-6). The with one of those tools instead.
goblin sprays a slick, slippery • You gain one Screwfoot Variant: see pg. 5
substance in a 15-ft. cone. The area is in the adventure booklet or the Additional
under the effects of the grease spell Screwfoot Variants section above.
(DC 13). Any 5-ft. cube of grease
exposed to fire or lightning burns
away in 1 round, dealing 5 (2d4) fire
damage to any creature that starts its 10) during the adventure, or may present these
turn in the fire. options as rewards or crafting options in the
4 Mechani-mender (Recharge Short future. The GM could select one or more of these
or Long Rest). As a bonus action, options to replace any of the Thunder Thrower
the goblin activates a device which or Repulse stations. Or, may simply add more
pinches and knits damaged flesh weapons/stations to the war-wagon! N o t e ª
back together. For the next three additional weapons on the wagon will increase
rounds, the goblin regains 5 hit
the difficulty when the party attempts to hijack
points at the start of its turn.
the vehicle, but might also provide greater ad-
vantages to the party after the wagon is under
their control.
Additional War-Wagon • Creepy-crawly Catapult (Requires 2 Crew
Weaponry and Grants Half Cover). Ranged Weapon
Attack: +6 to hit, range 50/200 ft., one target.
Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing damage from insect

bites. Hit or miss, the nest of insects bursts,
his is a list of additional weapons to equip
forcing the target and other creatures within
thenogaw r nilbog (see Adventure pg. 5 ft. of it to make DC 13 Wisdom (Animal

Handling) check. On a failure, the creature wipe away the acid.
takes 7 (2d6) piercing damage and becomes
• Icy Infuser (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half
distracted by the insects until the end of the
Cover). Sprays fast-freezing liquid in a 30-ft.
goblin’s next turn (functions as the poisoned
cone. All creatures in the area must succeed
condition, but is not a poison effect).
on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take
• Gatling Gusher (Requires 1 Crew and Grants 5 (2d4) cold damage. Creatures take half of
Half Cover). This large nozzle spews a stream that damage on a success. The area becomes
of acid in a 40-ft. line. Each creature in the difficult terrain for 1 minute.
area must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving
• Mini-mines (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half
throw or take 7 (2d6) acid damage and 3 (1d6)
Cover). Place 4 (1d4+2) mines anywhere within
acid damage at the end of the creature’s next
30 ft. of the war-wagon. A creature moving within
turn, unless a bonus action is spent to
5 ft. of a mine on a turn or starting its turn there

triggers the mine to explode. A creature in the
area must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving
throw or take 3 (1d6) fire damage. Gas Exchanger
Wondrous item, rare
As thanks for helping them, the dwarves
N P G V C P T G NV A are capable of adding a gas exchanger
to the party's war wagon. This device
If you are using the SRYEFDKONW cam- can be installed in an enclosed building
paign setting, you may use this plot hook in or vehicle, which magically produces
place of, or in conjunction with, those found in a continual ventilation system for the
the adventure booklet. enclosed space. The gas exchanger can
The plot hook can occur when the party has be activated or deactivated as an action.
revisited Maestro Hewert at his tower, or it may While active, the space is supplied with
be modified to be presented as a visit from the clean air, and any fog, gas, smoke, vapor,
Maestro during their travels, or as a flashback. etc. in the space is evacuated after 1
Read the following aloud: • Poison
round Puffer (the GM(Requires
may 1decide
Crew and Grants
it takes
Half Cover). Launch a gas bomb up to 40 ft.,
You have again received a missive from longer for a larger building/vehicle).
creating a 15-ft.-radius sphere of noxious gas.
your eccentric patron, Maestro Hewert. His Gaseous substances are also prevented
Creatures that start their turn completely
latest letter included a large, grease-smeared from
withinentering the succeed
the gas must space asonifaprotected
DC 13
cog. Holding the heavy metal part in your hand, by a wind
Constitution saving throwwall spell as long as poison
against the sys-
you can make out the goblin runes carved into tem 5is(1d10)
take active.poison damage and spend their
it. nextThe action gas exchanger
retching and reeling. A creature
can also be re-
You recall the words of his letter as you look takes
versed half
tothat damage
channel andon a success
trap gaseousandsub-
no other effects. The cloud disperses at the end
it over: stances within the space (or a closed-off
of the goblin’s next turn.
"I have heard rumbling that worry me, portion of it). The party may use mun-
my friends. Rumblings of a goblin war party dane gas/smoke in the exchanger to
on a rampage. That is nothing new, of course, produce the effects of that substance.
though this one seems to move fast and leave The system can also produce the effects
devastation in its wake. Devastation - and lost of certain spells with its emissions. Once
parts. The gear (enclosed) comes from the a spell effect has been used, it cannot be
site of one of these goblin raids. To my ear the used again until the next dawn.
heavy iron seems to resonate with something... Spel Ef ects The following spell
unnatural. I recognize something in the tone effects manifest as if cast using a
of it - the lingering note of a long lost dwarven 3rd-level spell slot: fog cloud, sleep,
artifact, one that serves as a prison to a very stinking cloud.
old fiend.
Though it is doubtlessly very dangerous, I
ask you stalwart heroes if you can investigate
these goblin raids. If they have the dwarven
artifact, you must find it and obtain the
resonating frequency of the magical prison
which holds that fiend - and so restore another
lost note to the Calliope!"

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