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Required to define the following;

i. Shell roof; this refers to roof category of shell structure designed over large areas
without internal supports, characterized by their curved, single surface roof that
span over vast spaces, proving unobstructed views and open interiors. Commonly
takes various forms such including umbrella roof, hyperbolic paraboloids or folded
plate structures. These roofs are commonly found in airports, exhibition halls,
stadiums and cultural centers
ii. Framed roof; a triangular shaped roof that slopes downward from a central ridge or
peak, it is different apart from others this because of its unique shape and steep
pitch which provide ample headroom and interior compose rafters and
trusses both components frame the roof, there are two practices of framing roofs
stick and truss framing.
iii. Dome roof; dome roof as named is the roof that’s designed in shape of a dome.
This is designed to offers excellent resistance to atmospheric condition and is
designed to with stand very high wind and snow loads which makes them an
effective choice for weather protection.
iv. Folded roof; Folded roof structures feature flat plates that are folded or bent along
predetermined lines to create a series of interconnected facets. These folded roof
work together to form a structural system capable of carrying loads efficiently.
Folded roof structures are renowned for their visual appeal, geometric complexity,
and structural strength.
2. Required to describe the followings
i. Lifts
ii. Ramps
iii. stairs

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