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File : Adin Steinsaltz - Koren Talmud Bavli, Noé Edition, Vol 39_
Bekhorot, Hebrew_English, Large, Color (Hebrew and English
Edition)-Koren (2018).pdf
Title : Bekhorot Book.indb
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(Leviticus 19:14), when one causes a Christianto take an
Page : 39
see Leviticus 25:44–46), while a female gentile slave is
Page : 43
see Leviticus 22:23). The Gemara comments: This, too,stands
(Leviticus 22:4), which indicates that we require a man who
see Leviticus 22:23) refers to an animal whosethigh was
Page : 47
see Leviticus, chapter 27). Likewise, with regard
Page : 57
(Leviticus1:2). Although the term “animals” is a general one
Page : 60
(Leviticus 11:4), this verse indicates that you have an
”(Leviticus 11:4). This indicates that a camel itself is non
(Leviticus 11:4), “camel”(Deuteronomy 14:7), teaching the
Page : 61
(Leviticus 11:31). The Sagesinterpret the letter heh in the
Page : 63
see Leviticus 11:5–7; Deuteronomy 14:7–8), which are
in Leviticus (11:10–20)? With regard to theanimals, it is
mentionedin Leviticus, and with regard to the birds, it is
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(Leviticus 11:4).n The phrase: “From them that onlychew the
Page : 66
(Leviticus 11:4), “camel” (Deuteronomy14:7), i.e., the term
Page : 68
(Leviticus 11:21).The word “these” indicates that you may
”(Leviticus 11:20). Rather, the inference must be understood
Page : 78
see Leviticus 27:32), and if it dies, one may derive
Page : 81
see Leviticus 25:1–7and Deuteronomy 15:1–6), but most
Page : 83
see Leviticus 14:4–7), and of a firstborn donkey whose neck
(Leviticus11:34). The use of the Hebrew root alef, khaf,
Page : 85
see Leviticus 11:38). Since all food that grows in the
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see Leviticus 11:4–7).n If so, the dispute between Rabbi
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(Leviticus 27:25), which indicates that all valuations that
Page : 93
see Leviticus 27:19), which indicates that theone who gives
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(Leviticus 25:23),which indicates that Eretz Yisrael is
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(Leviticus 22:27), the words “a bull, or a lamb” are
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(Leviticus22:27), which is stated with regard to sacrificial
(Leviticus 27:32), which is stated in the context ofanimal
see Leviticus 27:32), and the term: Passing, stated
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(Leviticus 25:6),indicating that the produce may be used for
Page : 106
(Leviticus27:27).‫ִמ ְצ ַו ת ַה ִּי יּב ּו ם קֹוֶד ֶמ ת ְל ִמ‬
see Leviticus 27:12). If the property is redeemed bythe one
Page : 112
(Leviticus 25:46), the same halakha should apply to
(Leviticus 25:14),which teaches that it is only from the
Page : 113
(Leviticus 25:51), then with regard tothe property of a Jew,
(Leviticus 25:14), from which it may be inferred: Toyour
Page : 114
(Leviticus 25:14). The verse isderived as follows: You must
(Leviticus 27:19). He explainsthat since consecrated
”(Leviticus 25:14), as buying generally refers to payment
(Leviticus 25:14). If either thebuyer or the seller exploits
Page : 117
see Leviticus 27:10), and atractate of the Mishna, Temura,
Page : 119
(Leviticus 22:22), apply the verse in Deuteronomy to
in Leviticus, apply it to the matter of a firstborn, as it
Page : 120
in Leviticus, apply it to the matter of theanimal tithe, as
(Leviticus 27:33), let italso be sacrificed with its blemish
see Leviticus 27:32), and passingmentioned with regard to
(Leviticus27:10), it may likewise be sacrificed when it is
Page : 121
(Leviticus 27:10). The Gemara infers: Now that you havesaid
(Leviticus 27:11–12). The emphasis on “it”serves to exclude
(Leviticus 27:11), sothat he can appraise it and determine
Page : 123
”(Leviticus 22:28), is phrased with masculine pronouns in
Page : 124
”(Leviticus 7:25). The juxtaposition to a gazelle and a hart
Page : 125
(Leviticus 3:1), that the words“male” and “female” are
Page : 127
(Leviticus 27:26), so too, one cannotdedicate these
Page : 128
and Leviticus 21:20, seems to interpret this termas
Page : 129
(Leviticus 11:4).The extraneous phrase “impure to you”
Page : 135
”(Leviticus 22:27), as the phrase “a bull, or a sheep”
in Leviticus, Iwould say: That statement applies only where
in Leviticus, it would be assumed that only ananimal whose
Page : 136
(Leviticus 13:47). Justas the linen of a garment has not
”(Leviticus 23:37). Just as an offering must be an animal
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(Leviticus 27:32), and every tenthanimal is marked with red
Page : 160
(Leviticus 27:32),stated with regard to tithed animals.ּ ‫ְו‬
(Leviticus 22:27). The Sages derived from this verse
Page : 168
(Leviticus 11:39), and the details of this matter are
in Leviticus. RabbiYoĥanan holds that the verse in
in Leviticus: “And if any animal, of whichyou may eat, die,”
Page : 197
”(Leviticus 12:6). This description of the lamb is referring
see Leviticus 7:16), so too here, a firstborn maybe eaten
Page : 199
(Leviticus 21:20). Basedon Isaiah 40:22, this is understood
and Leviticus 21:20,seems to interpret this term as
Page : 208
see Leviticus22:9–15). If teruma becomes ritually impure, it
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(Leviticus 7:33). This means that withregard to the Temple
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redeemed.(Leviticus 27:32–33)This chapter is a continuation
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see Leviticus 27:11–12).The Gemara adds: This works out well
Page : 223
(Leviticus27:33), which teaches that its sanctity can never
(Leviticus 27:33). The Sageshave a tradition that this also
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(Leviticus 27:33). This indicates that a non-sacred animal
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”(Leviticus 27:33), indicating that its sanctity can never
Page : 227
(Leviticus27:28). This is a verbal analogy:b Just as there,
(Leviticus20:27). Since this verse uses the phrase “Their
Page : 228
(Leviticus 27:32), and in the case of the firstborn offering
Page : 229
(Leviticus 14:39), and another verse with regardto the
(Leviticus 14:44). This returning and thiscoming have the
(Leviticus27:28). The term “it” teaches that the prohibition
(Leviticus 27:28). Once the owner gave them to the priest,
(Leviticus 27:28), which indicatesthat dedicated items
Page : 230
”(Leviticus 27:33).Rav Ashi elaborates: When does the animal
see Leviticus 27:11–12).How, then, can the animal tithe
Page : 231
(Leviticus 10:14), so too here, with regard to the
Page : 238
”(Leviticus 6:10), and it is also stated: “No meal offering
(Leviticus 2:11). Thisindicates that one is liable for every
”(Leviticus 22:24). If one is liable when the seminal
(Leviticus 22:21), this categorical statement includeseven
(Leviticus 2:11),and: “It shall not be baked with leaven” (
(Leviticus 6:10), fromwhich it is derived that there is a
Page : 239
(Leviticus22:21); from here I have derivedonly the
”(Leviticus 22:21), indicating that the same prohibition
Page : 241
(Leviticus, chapter 13) andare elaborated upon in the mishna
Page : 242
see Leviticus13:12), or unless his old baheret had shrunk to
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(Leviticus 27:33), which teaches that the animal tithemay
Page : 265
land.(Leviticus 22:21–24)This chapter includes a list of
Page : 267
(Leviticus 1:2). “Animals” is a general term that includes
Page : 269
(Leviticus 27:11). The verse is speaking of ritually
”(Leviticus 27:27), a non-kosher animal is mentioned. So how
(Leviticus 27:11). This teaches that an animal thatis not
Page : 270
(Leviticus 25:41),which indicates that he returns to his
Page : 272
”(Leviticus 11:33). This indicates that an earthenware
Page : 273
(Leviticus 11:33). Consequently,if there is a receptacle, it
see Leviticus 11:33). Butwith regard to a vessel that is
Page : 274
see Leviticus11:32): Just as a sack is carried both full and
see Leviticus 15:33)draws a parallel between the halakhot of
Page : 275
see Leviticus 22:22). The Tur states thatnowadays, when
see Leviticus 21:20)is a white spot in the black of the eye.
Page : 276
seeLeviticus 21:20). This is the halakha provided that
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(Leviticus 21:20). The Gemara further asks: And with regard
Page : 282
”(Leviticus 22:22), which are also types of exposed
(Leviticus 22:21), which indicates that a complete animal,
(Leviticus 3:4), this teaches that one sacrificesonly an
Page : 283
(Leviticus 4:5). By using theterm “the bull,” the verse
Page : 284
(Leviticus 22:24). All of these blemishesare found in the
to Leviticus22:24). With regard to the difference between
Page : 289
see Leviticus 22:23) among the animals disqualified from
Page : 291
”(Leviticus 22:4), which teaches that in order to be fit for
Page : 293
see Leviticus 22:22). Rather, it is not difficult, as
see Leviticus 22:22). Thishalakha is in accordance with the
Page : 294
see Leviticus 22:22). If it does not contain a bone then it
Page : 297
see Leviticus 22:22)? And furthermore, is ĥazazit not
(Leviticus 1:10).These three instances of the word “from [
Page : 298
(Leviticus 1:2),each mention of the word “from” is
(Leviticus 22:22), and letone slaughter it due to that
Page : 299
”(Leviticus 22:22), which teaches that the blemish of being
(Leviticus 13:30), and the Sages explained: It is similar
Page : 300
(Leviticus 1:3), fromwhich it can be inferred: But not a
(Leviticus 1:10),a second time, it is difficult to
Page : 301
(Leviticus 27:3), includes one whosestatus as a male is
(Leviticus27:4), indicating only one whose status as a male
”(Leviticus 3:1). This indicates: Only a definite male or a
(Leviticus 1:3), from whichit can be inferred: But not a
(Leviticus 1:10), asecond time, it is difficult to
in Leviticus 27:1–8 andare clarified in tractate Arakhin.
Page : 311
God.(Leviticus 21:16–21)Continuing the previous chapter’s
Page : 313
see Leviticus 22:22). And furthermore, there are also
see Leviticus 21:20). Why, then, does the mishna on 38a
(Leviticus 21:20; 22:22), which serves to draw a verbal
Page : 315
see Leviticus 21:17–23), and that a blemish causes
seeLeviticus 22:20–25), and that a blemish causes
Page : 316
”(Leviticus 21:21). The verse indicates that the priest must
(Leviticus21:23). A priest who is not equal among the seed
Page : 318
(Leviticus 1:8), this serves to includethe bald priests in
Page : 319
see Leviticus 21:20).Rabbi Dosa says: A gibben is one whose
see Leviticus 21:20), this is referringto one who has many
Page : 320
(Leviticus 21:18), this is referring to a priest whose
Page : 321
(Leviticus 21:20). Since it is obvious that a cataract or a
seeLeviticus 21:18), this applies whether he is blind in
(Leviticus21:18, 20)? All these are necessary, as had the
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see Leviticus 21:20) among the blemishes thatdisqualify a
Page : 329
(Leviticus 21:19), I have derived only that a broken leg
(Leviticus 21:19). I have derivedonly that a broken hand
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”(Leviticus 10:9). He understands that “strong drink” means
(Leviticus22:28) is phrased with masculine pronouns, most of
Page : 354
(Leviticus 12:5),that the apparently superfluous term “she
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(Leviticus 27:7), and it is notderived from the redemption
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(Leviticus 27:25): We learn from here withregard to the
Page : 370
see Leviticus 27:19). And Shmuel says: Withregard to
see Leviticus 27:14, 30). Consequently, one may use any
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(Leviticus25:46), which teaches that these slaves have the
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(Leviticus 11:9). The verse first statesthe general term “in
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(Leviticus 27:23). Just as one bears financial
(Leviticus 27:23). This teaches that the itemremains non-
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see Leviticus 25:28), whereas a gift and an inheritance are
(Leviticus 25:13), is superfluous, as it is already stated:
(Leviticus 25:10). Therefore,this term serves to include a
see Leviticus, chapter 25); both of theseevents occur after
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Lord.(Leviticus 27:32)And you shall bring there your burnt
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(Leviticus 27:32), indicatingthat with regard to animal
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see Leviticus, chapter 27) and dedicate its monetary worth
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(Leviticus 27:33). This means one may not plan in
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(Leviticus 5:21), serves to include one who takes a false
(Leviticus 27:32). This teaches that this mitzvaapplies only
Page : 393
(Leviticus 27:33), andthe prohibition of: It shall not be
(Leviticus 27:32). This teaches thatall species referred to
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(Leviticus 27:32),let them be tithed from one for the other.
(Leviticus27:32). This indicates that one must give the
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(Leviticus 22:27), and with regard toanimal tithe it states:
(Leviticus 27:32). It is derived through this verbal
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(Leviticus 21:14–15). Conversely, an animal given to a
(Leviticus 18:29).ּ‫ה ְּד‬
ּ ‫מֵ י‬
ּ ‫ת ַ ּנ ָ א ַק‬
ּ ‫ת ָ ֵני‬
(Leviticus27:33). This teaches that even blemished animals,
(Leviticus22:25), that in any case where a blemished animal
Page : 409
see Leviticus, chapter 25). The liberation ofHebrew slaves
Page : 410
(Leviticus 22:27). Thephrase “a bull or a sheep” serves to
(Leviticus 27:32), and it is stated there, withregard to all
(Leviticus 22:27). Justas there, in the case of all
Page : 411
(Leviticus 27:32), and:“Under” (Leviticus 22:27), from the
(Leviticus 22:27), from the verse referring to
(Leviticus 22:25). This verse indicates that corruption
in Leviticus 22:25 teaches that in any case where a
(Leviticus 27:33), a matterof licentiousness or a matter of
Page : 412
(Leviticus 27:32), which excludes a tereifa, as it does
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”(Leviticus 27:32), from which it is derived that a definite
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(Leviticus 27:32), or if he counted the animals whenthey
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(Leviticus 27:32). This meansthat the animal must pass under
(Leviticus 27:32); this teaches thatall animals may be
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(Leviticus 27:32). This indicatesthat only an animal that
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(Leviticus 27:10), and a tractate of the Mishna, Temura,
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”(Leviticus 27:32). This indicates that the tenth animal
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(Leviticus 3:1).This serves to include the eleventh animal

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