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The Pacific location

index In the Pacific region is
Valle del Cauca, which is
a department located in
1. location
(Valle del the southwest region of
Colombia. With Cali as
2. population capital. This region is
Cauca-Cali) 3. economy and
located in the Pacific
zone of the country.
Regarding its operation,
Hannah Lozano, tourism Cali is a city with a
Gabriela León, diverse economy where
Camila Lache
4. gastronomy agriculture, industry,
commerce, tourism, etc.
population and tourism
Cali, renowned as the *capital of
The economy of the Colombian
rumba, is celebrated for its vibrant
Pacific region, specifically in Valle
festivals and fairs, including the **World
del Cauca and its capital Cali, has
Salsa Festival* and the *Cali Fair. It
stands out as the **world capital of shown signs of recovery and
salsa* due to its dynamic musical growth.
rhythms. As the economic and cultural Agriculture and Livestock: These
hub of Valle del Cauca, Cali plays a activities have experienced growth
significant role in Colombia's above the national average,
development. The region's rich culture highlighting crops such as sugar
is reflected in its salsa festivals and cane for panela, corn and cassava.
various sporting events. The diversity Tourism: Ecotourism represents
of its people, comprising Afro- more than 40% of tourism in the
Colombian, indigenous, and mestizo region, taking advantage of its
heritage, adds to the region's unique extensive tropical forests and
character. mangroves.
Adding to this culinary

gastronomy tapestry is the

**Salpicón*, a refreshing
Valle del Cauca's fruit drink made with
cuisine is celebrated for finely chopped
its *Sancocho de pineapple, lulo, papaya,
Gallina, a traditional guanábana, and piñuela,
chicken stew, and a mixed with water, sugar,
variety of street foods and plenty of crushed
like **empanadas. ice. It's a delightful
These dishes showcase beverage that
the region's cultural complements the local
richness and communal fare and offers a taste
dining traditions.
of Valle del Cauca's
tropical abundance.

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