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Paul’s High School

Class – 10
 English
English literature:
Julius Caesar- Write the character sketch of the following:
1) Julius Caesar
2) Marcus Brutus
3) Mark Antony
4) Cassius
(Word limit 400 ).
English Language:
(Comprehensive Grammar of Current English)

 Hindi
1. स्वाध्याय के ऩाठ_भेडे और भेडडए।
2. ओऩचाररक ऩत्र तथा अनौऩचाररक ऩत्र का अभ्यास करना।
3. प्रथम सावधधक ऩरीऺा के धऱए डदए गए ऩाठों को ऩढ़ना।
4. धनबंध_ववऻान वरदान है या अधभशाऩ।

 Maths
TEST YOURSELF (Page no : 49) Linear inequation
TEST YOURSELF ( Page no : 65) Quadratic equation Q/No :8,10,11,12,14,15,16
TEST YOURSELF (Page no: 100) Proportion Q/No:10,11,14,15,16,17,19,21
TEST YOURSELF (Page no :110) Factor and Remainder theorem Q/No :2,3,5,6,7,9
SIMILARITY Exercise (15'A') Q/No:8,9,11,16 Exercise (15'B') Q/No 10,11

 Physics
Attempt ICSE Previous year questions (till 2015) of the following chapters:
1) Ch 1 Force
2) Ch 2 Work power & Energy
Read the chapter light thoroughly and list down your point of problems.

 Chemistry
1) Do the exercise questions of acid,bases & salts.
2)Revise chaps.1,2,3 & 4.
 Biology
1)Do the exercise questions of transpiration.
2)Revise chaps.1,2,3 & 4.

 History & Civics

Self Study- The First World War.
Write all the question answers which has already been taught in the class in a separate rough
Lesson 1 The Union legislature.
Lesson1 The Great Uprising of 1857
Lesson 2 Factors Promoting the growth of nationalism and Foundation of the Indian National
Lesson 3 Programme and Achievements of the Early Nationalists (Moderates)
Learn and write the assignment.
Topic - Powers and functions of the Parliament.

 Geography
1. Learn the portions taught
2. Do the Q/A of chapters taught
3. Complete the map book

 Economic Applications
Project-Take the case of an automobile company and analyse the production process in which all
the factors that you have studied in your class are used by the company to produce a product.

 SUPW (Socially Useful Productive Work)

1. Do 2 water colour/ poster colour work.
2. Make one canvas painting (framed).

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