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Oxytocin and microglia in the

development of social behaviour
Alicia Gonzalez and Elizabeth A. D. Hammock
Department of Psychology and Program in Neuroscience, Florida State University, 1107 West Call Street,
Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA

Review AG, 0000-0002-1495-1208; EADH, 0000-0001-7668-745X

Cite this article: Gonzalez A, Hammock EAD. Oxytocin is a well-established regulator of social behaviour. Microglia, the
resident immune cells of the central nervous system, regulate brain develop-
2022 Oxytocin and microglia in the
ment and maintenance in health and disease. Oxytocin and microglia
development of social behaviour. Phil. interact: microglia appear to regulate the oxytocin system and are, in turn,
Trans. R. Soc. B 377: 20210059. regulated by oxytocin, which appears to have anti-inflammatory effects.
Downloaded from on 26 October 2022 Both microglia and oxytocin are regulated in sex-specific ways. Oxytocin
and microglia may work together to promote experience-dependent circuit
refinement through multiple developmental-sensitive periods contributing
Received: 2 February 2022
to individual differences in social behaviour.
Accepted: 18 April 2022 This article is part of the theme issue ‘Interplays between oxytocin and
other neuromodulators in shaping complex social behaviours’.
One contribution of 15 to a theme issue
‘Interplays between oxytocin and other
neuromodulators in shaping complex social
1. Introduction
Advances in understanding, diagnosing and reporting social behaviour
disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), are associated with
Subject Areas: increased diagnostic prevalence globally. According to the Centers for Disease
neuroscience, developmental biology, Control and Prevention, 1.85% of US children aged 8 were diagnosed with ASD
behaviour in 2016. Additionally, a UK multi-centre study estimated the prevalence of ASD
to be 1.57% [1] in 2009. Recent standardized epidemiological assessment of
ASD in China [2] and Qatar [3] have reported similar prevalence. Other dis-
Keywords: orders, like anxiety and depression, which can be improved or made worse
oxytocin, microglia, development, social by the quality of available social interaction, have a global prevalence of 7.3%
behaviour, sex differences [4] and 5% according to the World Health Organization. Anxiety- and depress-
ive-like behaviours are also markedly increased in mouse models [5] of ASD
and in humans [6] diagnosed with ASD. Given the prevalence of these diag-
Author for correspondence:
noses, researchers are keen to identify neural and environmental mechanisms
Elizabeth A. D. Hammock that ameliorate or exacerbate challenges associated with them. Oxytocin regu-
e-mail: lates social behaviours such as attachment and partner preference [7–9],
including a potential role in ASD. Interestingly, emerging evidence has
suggested microglia may also play a role in social behaviour development,
with a potential contribution of dysregulated microglia in the aetiology of
ASD [10,11]. More recently, it has been suggested that oxytocin and microglia
systems interact during neurodevelopment, with implications for neurodeve-
lopmental disorders like ASD [12–18]. In this review, we focus on the
available evidence for microglia to regulate the development of the oxytocin
system and for oxytocin to exert an anti-inflammatory role on microglia, and
their contribution to social behaviour development in health and disease.

2. Duality of microglia
Microglia, the innate immune cells of the central nervous system (CNS), work to
maintain a homeostatic environment [19]. Comprising 5–10% of the total
number of brain cells [20], microglia interact with other cells of the brain
throughout life, playing critical roles in development, learning and brain main-
tenance, and in response to injury or pathogens. Microglia have a spectrum of
phenotypic presentations with an amoeboid ‘activated’ phenotype thought to

© 2022 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
(a) 2
ramified amoeboid
healthy vulnerable

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IL-6 neuroprotection
synaptic homeostasis IL-1b
healthy vulnerable
Figure 1. Microglia display a dynamic morphology and expression of chemokines and cytokines throughout their interactions with neurons. (a) Microglia (top row)
vary in their morphology from ramified (left) to amoeboid (right). Ramified microglia play an active role in synapse regulation between healthy neurons. Amoeboid
microglia are associated with neuronal vulnerability due to tissue damage and/or infection which activate microglia. (b) While in the ramified state, microglia release
chemokines and cytokines at low levels to maintain a homeostatic synaptic environment. As microglia become activated and transition into the amoeboid mor-
phology as a result of infection or injury, they release more chemokines and cytokines and contribute to the vulnerability of the neuron. A rapid return to lower
levels of inflammatory chemokines and cytokines is associated with improved outcomes, while chronic elevation of inflammatory chemokines and cytokines after
microglia activation is associated with poor neural outcomes. Created with

play a role in immune functions and ramified ‘resting’ pheno- encompass the phenotypic diversity of microglia, the diver-
type playing a role in critical synaptic regulatory functions sity of microglia function (i.e. similar or even opposing
(figure 1). While they provide these important functions to functions) is crucial in maintaining a homeostatic environ-
regulate brain health, microglia can also become dysregulated ment [32,33] and to help regulate the crucial balance of
with sustained activation [21,22] and contribute to neuro- cytokine release [34]. Microglia express signal detecting cell
pathology [23,24]. surface receptors such as toll-like receptors (TLRs), Fc recep-
Adult microglia maintain a steady state turn-over rate of tors, CD36 and RAGE [35–38], all of which assist in
renewal and elimination that varies by brain region [25–27]. responding to the local environment. As resident macro-
Unlike circulating macrophages which have a mesodermal phages in the brain parenchyma patrolling the spaces
origin, most microglia are of endodermal origin and reside between neurons, microglia use phagocytosis to clean up
and renew within the brain. However, it is possible that injured cells or pathogens [39]. Because neurons are generally
during sickness, injury or disease, inflammatory circulating non-mitotic, the rapid clearing of invading pathogens or
monocytes may enter the brain parenchyma and differentiate accumulation of cellular debris is an important component
into cells with microglia-like phenotypes [28,29]. Whether of the overall function of microglia. In neurogenic areas of
they are resident microglia or invade from blood in severe the adult brain, microglia play a role in the engulfment of
injury or disease, inflammatory microglia are amoeboid in neuronal precursor cells, thus controlling the pool of poten-
shape and secrete inflammatory cytokines including tial neurons in adults [40].
tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα), interleukin-1α (IL-1α) and More than just phagocytosis in injury and disease, micro-
interleukin-1β (IL-1β) [30,31]. It is upon introduction of a glia help to regulate many aspects of healthy brain function
pathogen or debris that these cells enter into an active state. as they monitor brain activity at the synaptic and cellular
A classical and simplified view of activated microglia level [41–43], playing an important role in learning and
argued that there are two extreme ends of a gradient of acti- memory. In their ‘resting’ ramified state, microglia survey
vated microglia, M1 and M2. In this simplified dichotomy, synapses. Well-studied hippocampal circuits that use N-
the polarization (M1 or M2) of their activation depends on methyl-D-aspartate receptor activation for long-term poten-
their downstream response. That is, M1 microglia character- tiation in synaptic plasticity appear to depend on signals
istically release pro-inflammatory cytokines, while M2 from microglia [44–46]. Microglia also play a role in synaptic
microglia release anti-inflammatory cytokines. It is important scaling through TNFα signalling, which is proposed to occur
to note that this polarization is not necessarily binary. More during sleep to change relative synaptic strength to maintain
recent data demonstrate more nuance and diversity of micro- informative synapses while also leaving room for new synap-
glia function. Though the terms M1 and M2 no longer fully tic plasticity [47–50]. Microglia scan the brain parenchyma
and make contact with active synapses [41–43]. In zebrafish population peaks in number in the first two postnatal 3
time-lapse video recordings, the frequency of synapse scan- weeks and starts to decline in population such that by six
ning activity is positively correlated with highly active weeks of age, the population of mature ramified microglia
synapses. Once microglia have scanned (made direct contact is about 50% of their developmental peak [89]. Also, while
with) an active synapse, synaptic activity is reduced [51], resting ramified microglia are the predominant microglial
suggesting that this scanning contact from microglia was morph, there are other forms determined by the local
the cause of the reduction in synaptic activity. environment in the brain parenchyma [29,52,90–96].
In short, microglia have characteristic responses that are Microglia participate in the developmental regulation of
both necessary for and harmful to healthy brain function synaptic pruning [63,64,97]. Early in development during
[29,41,52–55]. Whether patrolling the brain parenchyma for synaptogenesis, the brain overproduces synapses. Microglia
synaptic activity or serving their neuroimmune functions, contribute to the process of synapse elimination
microglia use the same cytokines and chemokines and [42,61,63,65,67], with impacts on social behaviour in adult-
phagocytic processes (figure 1). This duality of microglial hood [98]. First, microglia tag the weak synapses, then
function raises fundamental questions of how brains may engulf them [63,64,97]. Mice without the ability to tag weak

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be at special risk during development when microglia are synapses (C1q knockout mice) display seizures and higher
both setting up brain architecture and potentially negotiating than typical numbers of excitatory synapses [65,99]. In a
neuroinflammatory insults throughout critical periods for mouse model of optic nerve injury, the expression of comp-
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circuit formation and sensitive periods for experience- lement C1q, C3 and C3 receptor (CR3) mRNA and protein
dependent circuit refinement. The duality of microglia is were upregulated following injury. CR3+ microglia phagocy-
made more complex by the presence of numerous robust tose C1q opsonized myelin debris after optic nerve injury
sex differences in activity and response to inflammatory [100]. Increased engulfment of synapses by microglia also
events at different developmental stages, putting males and occurs with an overexpression of C4a, resulting in a reduction
females at unequal risk for different adverse outcomes [56]. of synaptic density in the cortex and altered social behaviour
in adulthood [98]. CX3CR1 knockout mice have impaired
microglia production and overabundant synapses in the
CA1 hippocampal region during development. These mice
3. Microglia in development also have a behavioural phenotype that includes impairments
Derived from primitive macrophages within the blood in social behaviour [65,101]. Microglia play a role in experi-
islands of the embryonic yolk sac [57], microglia are present ence-dependent plasticity of numerous brain systems,
early in brain development with roles in neurogenesis including the visual system [42,43], with an experience-expec-
[58,59] and apoptosis [60–62], synaptogenesis and develop- tant critical period in mice from 21–35 postnatal days [102].
mental synaptic pruning [63–65], and wiring [66–68]. For example, mice without P2RY12—another important
Microglia contribute to critical early developmental processes regulator of microglia—have deficits in synaptic plasticity
like facilitating the travel of numerous axons into a nerve in the visual cortex [103].
bundle (fasciculation) [69] and ensuring vascular cell tip Iba1 is a well-established marker of microglia, used
fusion of developing blood vessels [70], as well as later devel- frequently to identify microglia for cell counting and mor-
opmental processes wherein lived experience shapes brain phological analysis. Mice with a conventional global
development. deletion of the gene encoding this protein, Aif1, demonstrate
The primitive macrophages are believed to migrate to marked impairments in neurodevelopmental events as well
the developing brain parenchyma through the develop- as behaviour in adulthood [104]. Using an alternative
ing vasculature [39], ventricular layer [71–74] and the marker to identify microglia, loss of Iba1 did not impair the
meninges through the pial surface [52,71–73,75–77]. The numbers of microglia in the developing brain, but the loss
brain parenchyma lures microglia through these routes of Iba1 did impair the function of microglia. Iba1-deficient
using chemoattractants, such as colony-stimulating factor 1 mice showed dysregulated expression of synaptic pruning
(CSF-1) [57,78], interleukin-34 and matrix metalloproteinases markers (some were elevated, some were reduced). Hippo-
(MMP-8 and MMP-9) [79]. Once recruited to the brain par- campal CA1 microglia in Iba1-deficient mice were less
enchyma, microglia can use structural support and ramified, and the neural activity of excitatory neurons was
directional guidance of radial glia to migrate to different diminished. As adults, Iba1-deficient mice were tested in a
areas or cortical layers, where they can be functionally inte- variety of tasks (open field, elevated plus maze, novel
grated with cells native to the CNS [72,80–85]. The brain object recognition and sociability). The Iba1-deficient mice
parenchyma also produces instructive signals, including showed increased locomotor behaviour, no change in
TGFβ [86] and other unidentified factors, for the maturation anxiety-like components of the behavioural tasks, impaired
of microglia, accomplished during the first two postnatal novel object recognition and impaired sociability. Like the
weeks in mice [87]. The first postnatal week is marked by prior studies, this provides clear evidence for an important
high microglia proliferation rates. During proliferation, contribution of microglia in the regulation of brain function
these cells adopt an amoeboid morphology and exhibit and associated behaviour, beginning in development.
increased phagocytosis. As the cells mature, extensive
branches protrude from the soma [88]. By the end of the
second postnatal week, microglia display a mature adult-
like ramified phenotype, often referred to as ‘resting’ micro- 4. Neuroinflammation
glia [87]—a name which seems out of touch with modern While microglia play important roles in development, micro-
live imaging data that show that these ramified cells are glia also contribute to immune reactivity of the brain and
very active [41]. While the cells themselves mature, their contribute to neuroinflammation with potential for impairing
(a) 4


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(b) (c)
extracellular space
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Figure 2. Oxytocin receptor (OXTR) expression changes in response to immune mediators within the fetal environment. (a) Placental macrophages express PRRs and
recognize surfactant protein, bacteria and viruses. Once recognized, downstream signalling cascades result in the release of immune mediators necessary for parturi-
tion, but harmful to the fetus if overexpressed. (b) Increased peripheral cytokines infiltrate the CNS and activate microglia. As microglial cells become activated, OXTR
expression on the cell membrane increases. The deactivation of microglial cells is OXTR-mediated. (c) In this simplified intracellular signalling cascade, various
immune mediators contribute to OXTR membrane expression. Solid arrows represent known pathways, while the dashed arrow represents a hypothesized pathway
based on known kinase activation of NF-IL-6 [111]. The phosphorylation of NF-κB [112] and NF-IL-6 [111] by downstream signalling of TLR4, IL-1R, IL-6R and OXTR
promote translocation into the nucleus, where they act as transcription factors in a synergistic manner on the OXTR gene. Created with

brain function [10]. Inflammation is characterized by the acti- of some innate effector cells but additionally recruits lympho-
vation of immune cells in response to harmful stimuli, which cytes. Adaptive immunity is important in the formation of
include pathogens, damaged cells and irritants. The mount- immunological memory of specific pathogens, allowing for
ing of an immune response serves to clear the damage and better host defence upon reinfection [108] (reviewed in [82]).
initiate repair. As the first line of defence, the innate Though the mature CNS is protected from peripheral
immune system throughout the organism attempts to stave pathogen exposure due to the presence of the blood–brain-
off noxious stimuli using a variety of physical and chemical barrier, disruption of this barrier in adulthood, or its imma-
barriers, such as the skin and mucosa [105]. Additionally, ture state in development, can lead to peripheral infiltration
effector cells like the epithelial cell layers that make up the and subsequent central immune activation. Upregulation of
skin, endothelial cells expressing cell adhesion molecules peripheral cytokines, specifically IL-6, induces the expression
(CAMs) and cadherins, or monocytes that secrete pathogen of vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) on endo-
degrading enzymes and phagocytose, are all components of thelial cells [109]. VCAM-1 mediates the adhesion and
innate immunity [106]. This mechanism of host defence is transmigration of leucocytes as well as IL-6 [110] (figure 2).
evolutionarily ancient, and as such uses biochemical signa- As peripheral infiltration continues, increasing concentration
tures known as pathogen-associated molecular patterns of IL-6 activates T-cells which subsequently shed their IL-6
(PAMPs) found in a broad spectrum of bacterial and fungal receptors (IL-6R) via metalloproteinase-mediated proteolytic
cell walls to distinguish invaders from host cells [107]. The cleavage, specifically by ADAM17 [113]. The shed IL-6Rs
PAMPs are recognized by pattern recognition receptors bind the neighbouring IL-6 to coordinate trans-signalling
(PRRs) which include four classes—TLRs, C-type lectin and subsequent activation of microglia and astrocytes [114].
receptors, RIG-I-like receptors and nucleotide-binding oligo- Fetal microglia activation has been linked to social develop-
merization domain [107]. Additionally, PRRs are activated mental disorders, like ASD. Using histochemical techniques,
by molecules that are released from damaged or dying cells brain samples of individuals diagnosed with ASD showed
known as damage-associated molecular patterns. abnormal microglial morphology associated with the activated
The initiation of innate effector cells is rapid and prompts phenotype and increased pro-inflammatory cytokine profiles
the onset of the adaptive immune system, which is composed [115–117]. Dysregulation of the oxytocin system has been
causally linked to social behaviour disruption in animal models related to IL-6 released from microglia. Within the 17 kilobase 5
and has been associated with ASD in humans [118,119]. human OXTR gene lies two transcription start sites 618 and
Though the direct interplay between oxytocin and microglia 621 base pairs upstream of the methionine initiation codon
in ASD has not yet been studied, oxytocin and microglia inter- [129]. Binding sites for several transcription factors were
actions have been explored in numerous other contexts. found near these start sites, including one for nuclear factor
Microglia and oxytocin appear to regulate each other, with interleukin-6 (NF-IL-6) [129]. The addition of IL-6 and IL-1β
developmental age and sex influencing this potential for co- has been shown to translocate NF-IL-6 into the nucleus and
regulation. regulate OXTR expression, though some conflicting evidence
concerning the direction of regulation has been published.
One study using immortalized human myometrial cells trea-
5. Microglia and oxytocin ted with IL-6 and IL-1β resulted in a decrease of OXTR
mRNA expression [130]. By contrast, another study obtained
(a) Microglia regulate the oxytocin system biopsied myometrial tissue from women during elective
One of the first studies identifying microglia as a potential cesarean delivery, in which isolated cells treated with IL-1β

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modulator of oxytocin used immunohistochemical tech- increased OXTR mRNA expression within 4 h [131]. Further,
niques along with electron microscopy to reveal that the increased activity of NF-IL-6 upregulated OXTR mRNA
microglial cells make up about 19% of the neurohypophysis, expression in response to mechanical stretch of human uter-
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where they make contact with and engulf magnocellular ine myocytes [132].
terminals, suggesting their ability to modulate the release of However, the NF-IL-6 binding site is not the only one
oxytocin into the periphery [120]. In a drug-induced model within the OXTR gene regulatory region that responds to
of diabetes mellitus in adult male rats, microglia appeared local cytokines. A binding site for nuclear factor kappa B
to phagocytose oxytocin neurons of the paraventricular (NF-κB) was also identified within the regulatory region of
nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus and their terminals in the OXTR gene. NF-κB translocation is induced by cytokines,
the posterior pituitary [121]. Additionally, injections of IL-1β hormones, transmitters and growth factors. The binding of
(a cytokine released by microglia) into both the periphery NF-κB to its DNA binding site spurs transcription of genes
[122] and the brain [123–125] activate oxytocin neurons. involved in cell survival, positive and negative feedback,
Peripheral injury such as gut perforation can activate and inflammation [133–135]. NF-κB works mutually with
microglia in the brain. In turn, these activated microglia can NF-IL-6 to finely upregulate OXTR expression in myometrial
modulate oxytocin release into the periphery [126]. Cecal lig- cells isolated from humans [131]. In primary macrophage
ation and puncture (CLP) is an animal model of sepsis due to cells isolated from humans and mice, NF-κB activation regu-
perforated intestines. Adult male Wistar rats were used to lates OXTR [136]. OXTR mRNA and protein expression was
evaluate what happens to plasma levels of hormones after upregulated when treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS).
the CLP procedure with and without microglia function. However, the increased expression of OXTR was hindered
After CLP, Iba1 protein levels (a marker of microglia) in the upon NF-κB inhibition, suggesting OXTR expression is regu-
brain were elevated at 6 and 24 h. A microglia inhibitor, min- lated via NF-κB [136].
ocycline, was delivered directly to the brain to evaluate the In addition to pro-inflammatory-related binding sequences,
impact of microglia inhibition on circulating hormones. the OXTR promoter region contains partial estrogen response
Microglia inhibition reduced the increase in Iba1 seen after elements (ERE) that may contribute to the sex-specific
CLP. Brains were collected for protein quantification by wes- expression of OXTR [137]. Two classes of nuclear estrogen
tern blot, and ELISAs were used to measure hormones in receptors bind to the ERE subsequently promoting transcrip-
blood plasma. Within 6 h of CLP, circulating oxytocin levels tion, estrogen receptor alpha and beta (ERα, ERβ—
were nearly doubled. Microglia inhibition with minocycline respectively) [138–140]. Regulation of OXTR mRNA expression
prevented this increase [126]. Combined, this evidence indi- via oestradiol in human uterine cells has been shown to be con-
cates that the intestinal injury activated microglia leading to centration dependent [141]. Experiments using a murine model
an oxytocin response in adults. identified similar regulation of OXTR in that expression is
Microglia regulate not only oxytocin, but also potentially modulated by the addition of oestradiol in the uterus, but
the oxytocin receptor (OXTR), through their release of cyto- also in the pituitary and brain [142–144]. The increase in
kines. The OXTR gene encodes a 7-transmembrane protein OXTR expression is mediated by the activation of ERα, while
that is coupled with a Gq/11α class G-protein [127]. Upon activation of ERβ is responsible for the maintenance of basal
activation of OXTR via ligand binding, phospholipase C-β OXTR expression [145]. Interestingly, ERβ is the only estrogen
is stimulated resulting in the enzymatic cleavage of phospha- receptor class that is expressed by microglia, demonstrated
tidylinositol biphosphate (PIP2) into inositol trisphosphate using an autoimmune encephalomyelitis mouse model [146].
(IP3) and 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG). The binding of IP3 to Activation of microglial ERβ suppresses the TLR4-mediated
receptors expressed on the endoplasmic reticulum triggers inflammatory response by potentially acting as a transcriptional
calcium release from internal stores. The increase in intra- co-repressor as it interacts with the repressor C-terminal-bind-
cellular calcium has a variety of effects on specific tissue ing protein (CtBP) [147].
types. Brain expression patterns of OXTR are dynamic These studies show a process of peripheral injury or
throughout life [128]. stimulation leading to microglia activation followed by
OXTR levels are regulated by the pro-inflammatory cyto- altered oxytocin function, with the potential for feedback
kine, interleukin-6 (IL-6), as established in a variety of cell regulation via cytokine regulation of the OXTR. From these
types. Because microglia are a major producer of IL-6 studies alone, it is not clear what role oxytocin might play,
within the brain, it is hypothesized that some of the dynamic but in combination with the studies below, it appears that
regulation of OXTR across time and brain areas might be oxytocin may serve in a negative feedback role to help
reign in microglia and prevent or reduce inflammatory Oxytocin pretreatment appears anti-inflammatory in vivo 6
damage. as well. LPS injected into the intraperitoneal cavity of adult
male mice induced a standard inflammatory response in
the prefrontal cortex with increased microglia activation
(b) Oxytocin regulates microglia (amoeboid shape and more intense Iba1 staining), which
Oxytocin regulates peripheral macrophages [148–150] was significantly reduced by pretreatment with intranasal
through OXTR activation [136,151,152] and appears to simi- oxytocin. Oxytocin did not affect these parameters in the
larly regulate microglia. Cultured human vascular cells and absence of LPS treatment. The mRNA and protein for
macrophages express OXTR mRNA. Cells treated with phys- TNFα and IL-1β were both increased by LPS treatment,
iological concentrations of oxytocin exhibited a decrease in which was ameliorated by oxytocin pretreatment. LPS
superoxide activity and IL-6 secretion [153]. The addition of increased TNFα in microglia (Iba1 + cells) and astrocytes
oxytocin blunted the action of LPS, an endotoxin, and (GFAP+); however, oxytocin only blunted the microglia
decreased the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines response to LPS [159]. Combined, these data provide evidence
such as IL-1β, IL-6 and TNFα. Moreover, oxytocin increased that oxytocin may act on microglia cells to apply the brakes to

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response to IL-4 and stimulated the production of genes pro-inflammatory processes within the brain. In this manner,
characteristic of the anti-inflammatory macrophagic pheno- oxytocin acting within the brain could serve a neuroprotective
type, including arginase I (Arg1) [152]. Oxytocin inhibits role during neuroinflammation across the lifespan.
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NF-κB signalling and alleviates LPS-induced stress in Oxytocin may serve as an anti-inflammatory not just for
Caco2BB enterocytes [154]. The infusion of oxytocin into the innate immune response to endotoxins like LPS, but
obese mice reduced the size of adipocytes and decreased also to other insults like traumatic brain injury. Like oxytocin,
levels of the cytokines IL-6 and TNFα and the systemic treatment with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, salsa-
inflammatory marker amyloid A [148]. Thus, there is ample late, reduced levels of TNFα and IL-1β in response to LPS in
evidence that oxytocin activity in the periphery is associated BV-2 cells. In vivo, experimental traumatic brain injury induced
with a reduction in inflammatory activity. Iba1 immunofluorescence in adult mice, but this effect was
In the brain, manipulation of the oxytocin system impacts blunted with salsalate, coincident with the decreased expression
microglia function or markers of activity, although it is less of some inflammatory response genes, and a NF-κB gene set,
clear if microglia express OXTRs in vivo. An early indication and upregulated neurogenesis and neuroprotection-associated
that oxytocin might regulate microglia came from an inciden- transcripts including oxytocin and vasopressin [163]. Perhaps
tal finding using the microdialysis technique to evaluate salsalate is effective at dampening pro-inflammatory cas-
extracellular contents in the brain. Microdialysis probes infus- cades after injury through its upregulation of oxytocin.
ing an acidic solution adjacent to the oxytocin-rich supraoptic Oxytocin levels are regulated in part by social experience.
nucleus were used in adult male rats and after 6 h, a signifi- For example, co-housing with an ovariectomized female for a
cant microglia response (as indicated by hypertrophied OX- period of one week increased oxytocin mRNA production by
42 immunoreactive cells) was noted [155]. This inflammatory about 40% in adult male mice compared to mice housed
response was prevented with a subcutaneous injection of alone during that time period [158]. There is strong clinical
hypertonic saline [123], a known inducer of oxytocin release evidence that social support helps individuals recover from
from PVN magnocellular cells [156]. stroke [164]. Using a middle cerebral artery occlusion stroke
Direct evidence of oxytocin regulation of microglia is model, socially housed male mice had decreased infarct
apparent from cell culture studies. It is important to note size after occlusion compared to mice housed alone. Isolated
that recent RNA sequencing efforts suggest little-to-no Oxtr males treated with oxytocin had reduced infarct size, but not
expression in microglia of healthy postnatal mice in vivo if the oxytocin administration was combined with an OXTR
[87,157]. However, in cell culture, microglia express OXTR antagonist. Socially housed mice treated with a selective
[158,159]. These conflicting results might be explained by OXTR antagonist had larger infarct size similar to the isolate
alterations in microglia transcriptome due to serum exposure, housed males. Combined, these data suggest that social hous-
or when not in the presence of factors secreted by the CNS ing increases oxytocin signalling through the OXTR, which
environment [160]. Despite this important confound, cell cul- protects against infarct size in a stroke model [158]. In vivo,
ture remains an important tool to evaluate direct effects of microglia play an important role after stroke [165]. In vitro,
oxytocin on cellular processes. Inflammatory responses can microglia express OXTRs and oxytocin pretreatment attenu-
be experimentally induced with LPS which binds to a PRR, ated the reactivity of these cells to an inflammatory
TLR4 [161], in the cell membrane of macrophages and micro- stimulus (LPS) [158]. Speculatively, these data implicate oxy-
glia. Oxytocin given to microglia in the cell culture media tocin regulation of microglia in the acceleration of stroke
reduced the levels of LPS-induced activation of microglia recovery with social support.
[158]. Pretreatment of oxytocin followed by LPS exposure in The anti-inflammatory effects of oxytocin/OXTR acti-
primary microglial cells cultured from the cortex of neonatal vation on microglia appear to be conserved across species
mice or cells from the BV-2 microglial cell line significantly and in development. For example, chronic hydrocortisone
reduced the activation state of both cell types compared to treatment in zebrafish larvae induces microglia activation
cells treated only with LPS. Additionally, the expression of (including increases in IL-1β, IL-8 and TNFα expression,
pro-inflammatory markers (TNFα and IL-1β) was reduced and increased activated amoeboid microglia). Activating the
in the oxytocin-pretreated group. Oxytocin had no effect on OXTR with carbetocin treatment blocked this hydrocorti-
these markers in the absence of LPS. OXTR mRNA and sone-induced inflammatory microglia activation [166]. A
protein expression was elevated upon LPS exposure [159]. similar effect was observed in mice. Compared to wild-type
A similar anti-inflammatory role for oxytocin has been docu- mice, adult male OXTR knockout mice displayed increased
mented in an additional microglia cell line (MG6) [162]. activation of microglia as assessed by Iba1 immunoreactivity
in the medial amygdala and the lateral septum, but not the macrophages are the initial effector cells of this innate 7
medial prefrontal cortex [167]. Additionally, these OXTR immune response, which detect these signals by immune
knockout mice had decreased levels of the synaptic scaffold- mediators, such as toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) [190]
ing protein, PSD95, measured in whole-brain preparations. (figure 2). The activation of TLR4 has been shown to down-
This genetic effect was rescued with pharmacological silen- regulate 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (PGDH)
cing of microglia with minocycline throughout pre- and in fetal membranes and amniotic fluid of mice, though the
postnatal development. These findings are consistent with a mechanism through which this occurs is still unclear [191].
direct effect of OXTR providing negative feedback regulation PGDH serves to catalyse the oxidation of prostaglandins
to constrain the impact of developmental microglial acti- thereby rendering them biologically inactive [192]. A key
vation on synaptic modulation [167]. A large body of prostaglandin during pregnancy and parturition is prosta-
evidence has suggested alterations to the postsynaptic den- glandin E2 (PGE2), which also plays a role in the
sity are associated with the development of ASD (reviewed inflammatory response [193]. In addition to the downregula-
in [168]). These important clues continue to point to the tion of PGDH, TLR4 activation upregulates the production of
need to better understand mechanisms of bidirectional regu- pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6, IL-1 [194–196] and

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 377: 20210059

lation of oxytocin and microglia in health and disease. TNFα [197–199] (figure 2). Though demonstrated to play
Both in vivo and in vitro evidence across the lifespan and other roles during parturition, oxytocin has been shown to
across species indicate causal bidirectional regulatory inter- exhibit anti-inflammatory properties [200] which may serve
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action between oxytocin and microglia. This raises the to protect the fetus from the increasing inflammatory
question of how their interaction in development may be environment during typical in utero development.
important for social behaviour—expressed during develop- In utero exposure to infection can have long-term neuro-
ment as well as later in adulthood. developmental [201–203] and behavioural [204] effects
through vertical transmission by placental macrophages
[205], with potential sex-specific effects on some outcomes
6. Microglia and oxytocin in developmental- [206]. Animal models of in utero flu virus exposure indicate
causal impacts on oxytocin, microglia and social behaviour.
sensitive periods with social behaviour Seasonal flu virus (H3N2) given to first-time pregnant
implications BALB/c mice on gestational day 9.5 (right after anterior
neural tube closure and during subdivision of forebrain ves-
Oxytocin is an important regulator of social behaviour,
icles) leads to sex-specific neurochemical, anatomical and
including pair bonding between partners, sociability between
behavioural changes in adult offspring [207]. In young
conspecifics, social recognition, aggression, parental care and
adult (P56) males and female mice, in utero flu exposure eli-
caregiver–infant attachment (reviewed in [8]) and emerging
cited dose-dependent effects on social behaviour and on
evidence indicates a role for oxytocin in infant attachment
aggression and reduced oxytocin and serotonin levels. High
to a caregiver [169–172]. Oxytocin might execute some of
doses of seasonal flu virus increased the Iba1 immunoreactiv-
these functions through its interactions with microglia. Devel-
ity of microglia in the brainstem of males only and decreased
opmental dysregulation of oxytocin can alter behaviour in
oxytocin levels in plasma in both males and females. Thus, in
later life, and dysregulation has been associated with
utero infection caused long-term changes in microglia and
depression [173,174], anxiety [175,176] and ASD [177–179].
oxytocin evident in adulthood.
Similarly, developmental dysregulation of microglia can dis-
Prenatal malnutrition can also lead to upregulated neu-
rupt typical development leading to alterations in social
roinflammatory pathways in microglia [208]. Malnutrition
behaviour [180–187]. Finally, social experience in different
combined with infection induces significant changes to typi-
phases of development can regulate the oxytocin system
cal developmental trajectories. In a two-hit rat model of fetal
(reviewed in [188]) and microglia (reviewed in [189]).
growth restriction ( prenatal low protein diet and postnatal
There are several important developmental periods in
IL-1β exposure [166]), neonates exhibited reduced Oxt
which bidirectional regulation between oxytocin and micro-
mRNA levels and increased hypothalamic Oxtr mRNA
glia could influence the developmental trajectory of social
levels, and increased markers of inflammation in the cortex.
behaviour in health and disease. As seen in adults, the dua-
In sorted microglial cells, microarray analysis indicated
lity of microglia may contribute to both essential
robust upregulation of inflammatory genes. The addition of
developmental processes and neuropathology when dysregu-
an OXTR agonist, carbetocin, alleviated the observed inflam-
lated. There is evidence for the interaction of oxytocin and
matory response by reducing the expression of pro-
microglia at prenatal, early postnatal and juvenile stages of
inflammatory cytokines, but had no effect on the expression
development. In the next sections, we will discuss this sensi-
of anti-inflammatory cytokines. The inflammatory responses
tive period evidence. Intriguingly, many of the observed
resulting from the two-hit model were associated with later
relationships between oxytocin and microglia appear to be
atypical neurodevelopment. By P10 there were apparent
reductions in myelination after the two-hit insult. On P28,
rats were imaged with functional ultrasound. The two-hit
(a) Prenatal development and birth model impaired interhemispheric and intra-hemispheric con-
Prenatal development involves activation of the innate nectivity, which was prevented with neonatal carbetocin
immune system with exposures to endogenous fetal com- treatment. Behaviourally, P28 animals with the two-hit
ponents such as pulmonary-derived surfactant proteins and insult had increased anxiety-like behaviours in the open
phospholipids in fetal amniotic fluid in the typically sterile field test, which were prevented with neonatal carbetocin
amniotic space (figure 2). The innate immune system is also treatment. Therefore, rats exposed prenatally to a low protein
activated by exposure to bacteria and viruses. Placental diet, combined with an inflammatory insult in the early
postnatal period, had increased microglia activation and treatment for epilepsy, migraine or bipolar disorder. Children 8
long-term anatomical and behavioural changes that were born to mothers treated with valproic acid have an increased
ameliorated with early postnatal OXTR activation at the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders including ASD [211].
time of the second insult [166]. Valproic acid treatment in animal models indicates a causal
More recent evidence indicates that environmental insults influence on brain development [5]. Prenatal treatment with
such as cold stress during prenatal development can lead to valproic acid causes social impairment in adulthood and
microglia activation in the hypothalamus, impairment in oxy- leads to upregulation of pro-inflammatory markers like
tocin production in development, and reduced sociability in TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 in juvenile mice and an increase in
adulthood [209]. Cold stress (exposure to 4°C for 30 min) Iba-1 expressing microglia [212]. Intranasal administration
was induced in pregnant female mice beginning on embryo- of oxytocin at postnatal day 30 in valproic-acid-exposed
nic day E11.5 and repeated every day through E15.5. Cold mice alleviated all transcriptional markers of pro-inflam-
stress reduced the number of oxytocin-positive cells in the mation and alleviated the number of Iba-1 microglia.
male PVN to about 25% of unstressed controls without sig- Repetitive behaviours and social interaction were also
nificantly reducing the numbers of oxytocin-positive cells in rescued with acute oxytocin treatment.

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 377: 20210059

females. At E15.5, four cluster types of microglia were ident- In utero exposures that engage the innate immune system
ified from the hypothalamus based on their unique and/or impair the oxytocin system may set up further vulner-
expression profiles. Of the four clusters, ‘cluster 2’ cells abilities that exacerbate the challenges of birth. Birth represents
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were predominantly located next to the third ventricle and a unique transition in the life of the organism from an aquatic
also included a smaller pool of cells located in the supraoptic to terrestrial environment [213]. Numerous challenges are pre-
nucleus on the pial side, and also surrounding the anterior sent among regulatory systems. Hypoxia, contractions,
commissure. Cluster 2 cells were observed to contact a passage through the birth canal (or not if the birth mode is
neural stem cell pool, raising the intriguing possibility that Cesarean delivery) and inoculation with commensal bacteria
microglia might be involved in regulating the types of cells from the maternal microbiome are a few of the major events
emerging from the neural stem cell pool. Indeed, in vitro at birth. The inflammatory insult of birth, if sustained, can
experiments demonstrated that a marker enriched only in cause dysregulation of the neonatal immune system and con-
males after cold stress, CCL4, increased the proliferation of tribute to children’s mental health disorders. Prenatal
progenitor cells. The impairment in oxytocin number in exposure to valproic acid or OXTR antagonist can impair the
males was rescued with a maternal diet including PLX622, birth transition. Prenatal valproic acid treatment impairs the
a CSF1-receptor inhibitor that depletes greater than 99% of neuroprotective transient switch of the neurotransmitter
microglia, indicating that the changes in microglia after cold GABA from excitatory to inhibitory at birth [214]. Similar
stress could be the mechanism responsible for reducing oxy- effects were observed when an OXTR antagonist [214] was
tocin production in males, although the drug also affects given to the pregnant mother via the drinking water on the
other cell types in the periphery [210]. The drug alone did day before delivery. In combination with maternal immune
not alter oxytocin cell number in males or females. In activation, neonatal hypoxia ischemia, as a result of parturi-
addition to cold stress in utero impairing oxytocin production tion, increases the NF-κB signalling pathway, resulting in
in males, CCL3/4 in utero also impaired oxytocin cell prolonged neuroinflammation. The increased neuroinflamma-
number, and this effect was present in both males and tory environment results in decreased synaptic density in the
females. CCL3 and CCL4 share a receptor called CCR5. A hippocampus of neonatal mice [215]. Oxytocin may serve as
selective CCR5 antagonist, DAPTA, given to dams during a protective anti-inflammatory during birth to restrain micro-
the cold stress was able to prevent the oxytocin impairment glia [14].
in males. With these sex-specific changes in anatomy after
cold stress, this begs the question of the potential behavioural
impacts after cold stress. Cold stress impaired sociability in (b) Postnatal attachment and socialization
males, which was rescued by a PLX5622 diet. Cold stress Infants form social attachments to their caregivers, through
also impaired sociability in females, which was not rescued an experience-dependent process. An early precursor to
with diet, suggesting a different aetiology. A working attachment must involve learning about sensory stimuli
model of the combined data suggests that cold stress causes (what is social versus what is not). Once that is established,
microglia cluster type-2 cells to release more cytokines (like the infant must learn how to use a caregiver to regulate its
CCL4) in males only. CCL4 binds to CCR5 on neural stem own distress. Learned attachment styles play an important
cells in the progenitor pool along the third ventricle. This role in the infant’s social and emotional capability later in
leads to underproduction of oxytocin neurons and oligoden- life [216,217]. Studies in rodents have demonstrated secure
drocytes—but only in males. In adulthood, in utero cold social attachments act as a social buffer and alleviate some
stressed males have an impairment in sociability, but not if of the stress response in part by modulating the PVN and
the entire pool of microglia are inhibited during the same corticosterone output of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal
time as the cold stress in utero. Cold stress does impair socia- axis. [218–220].The activity of the PVN in neonatal rat pups
bility in females, but not through microglia reducing oxytocin was shown to be directly related to the presence of the
production or oligodendrocytes. A separate, as yet unknown, mother when presented with a stressful stimulus [220]. In
mechanism induces sociability impairment in females after mouse models of early life stress using brief daily maternal
in utero cold stress. separation (DBS) from postnatal day 1 to 21, plasma corticos-
Adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes after in utero terone levels were higher in DBS pups than controls, a pattern
exposures to pharmacotherapeutics or their metabolites are that continued into postnatal day 14 [221]. Another study
possible when drugs are needed for maternal health. A pro- using the same early life stress paradigm demonstrated an
minent example of this is Depakote (valproic acid) upregulation of corticosterone and a downregulation of
LPS-binding protein, a protein that mediates phagocytosis in The juvenile brain undergoes experience-dependent 9
innate immune cells, including microglia. This downregula- changes. Social experience during this period is an important
tion resulted in decreased pruning of CA1 pyramidal contributor to adult social preferences and the quality of
neurons in the hippocampus of postnatal day 30 male mice. adult behaviour. Rats engage in robust rough and tumble
Behavioural deficits were also noted in these mice in adult- play during this socialization-sensitive period. Social
hood, specifically increased anxiety-like behaviours [222]. In interaction during the post-weaning period of juvenile devel-
male mice, 3 hour daily separations from postnatal day 2 to opment is necessary for the full species-typical expression of
14 increased levels of neuroinflammatory markers in the hip- social behaviour. In rats, social isolation (versus group hous-
pocampus and depression-like behaviour in adulthood. ing) for two weeks after weaning from the home cage
Treatment with oxytocin (delivered intracerebroventricularly) reduced vasopressin immunoreactive cell number in the
just prior to testing in adulthood rescued the depression-like PVN in males and oxytocin immunoreactive cell number in
behaviour and normalized the levels of neuroinflammatory the PVN in females [224]. Isolation during this time period
markers [188]. also impacted social recognition behaviour. The lack of
Peripheral stimuli that cause pain and local inflammation social interaction during this period impacts immune

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 377: 20210059

in the neonatal period can have long-term effects on oxytocin system function in the brain and periphery [225]. Specifically,
and microglia in the brain as well as later emerging social be- social isolation in the adolescent period increases markers of
haviour [223]. For example, formalin injected into the two neuroinflammation and impairs the oxytocin system, with
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hind paws of neonatal Wistar rats results in a biphasic potential sex-specific effects. Normal sex differences of motiv-
response. The first response occurs within 5 min and is related ated social behaviour during adolescence are, in part, due
to the somatosensory activation of pain receptors. The second to the phagocytosis by microglia of dopamine 1 receptors
occurs over a period of more than 20 min and is a result of an in the nucleus accumbens [182]. This microglial process
inflammatory reaction in the peripheral tissue and activity causes the developmentally typical reduction in social play
changes in the spinal cord where sensory input enters the behaviour in juvenile male rats as they reach the end of
spinal cord. When rat pups were evaluated on postnatal day adolescence.
6 after 3 days of treatment from day 3–5, there was elevated Several gene variants have been associated with ASD,
mRNA in blood for TNFα and IL-1β in males and females, including phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN). In a
with no changes in IL-6. In the brain, mRNA for TNFα mouse model of mutant PTEN, behavioural deficits were
increased for males but not females. In the brain, there were observed in juveniles, including decreased sociability and a
no neonatal changes in IL-1β or IL-6. In addition to increased preference for familiar social stimuli instead of the typical
TNFα in the brain of males, there was also elevated Iba-1 preference for novel social stimuli. These juveniles also dis-
immunoreactivity (activated microglia) in cortex and played an increase in repetitive behaviour [226].
increased markers of cell death in the cortex and CA2 of hip- Dysregulated PTEN resulted in a significant increase of phos-
pocampus. Many of these outcomes seemed to be prevented phorylated protein kinase B (Akt) which activates NF-κB. As
with NSAID treatment (indomethacin). Later outcomes result- such, microglial cells become activated and release pro-
ing from formalin injection on postnatal days 3–5 measured at inflammatory cytokines. Oxytocin components (i.e. neuro-
postnatal day 21, showed more male-specific effects. In blood physin I immunoreactivity) and oxytocin mRNA levels
and brain tissue, mRNA for TNFα and IL-1β was elevated in were increased, as were several markers of active microglia.
males but not females. Structural changes were also observed: Interestingly, another study using an autism mouse model
formalin injection reduced axonal diameter in cortical layers found that administration of oxytocin alleviates oxidative
IV/V and reduced neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus. By wes- stress, inflammation and repetitive behaviours [212]. It is
tern blot, oxytocin levels (likely measured by neurophysin I, possible the differences observed in these two studies is
instead of actual oxytocin) were decreased in male cortex. due to the use of different autism models. It is also possible
Indomethacin co-applied with formalin blocked these effects that the endogenous increase in oxytocin observed by Sarn
in the cortex. OXTR levels in hippocampus CA1 and CA2 et al. [226] serves to combat overactivation of microglia
were reduced by formalin in males and females, although induced by the depletion of PTEN [226], or perhaps, alterna-
the effect was larger in males. These molecular and anatom- tively, reflects an inability to use oxytocin or cleave it
ical changes after neonatal peripheral inflammatory injury appropriately.
were associated with changes in social behaviour evaluated
during the juvenile period. In particular, juveniles treated neo-
natally with formalin injections showed impaired sociability,
poor social novelty preference and impaired social recognition 7. Conclusion and future directions
memory. Males were more impaired than females. To sum- The release of immune mediators by microglia is necessary
marize, males had activated microglia and decreased for prenatal and postnatal development. However, the over-
markers of oxytocin peptide in the cortex at P21 after 3 days activation of microglia by way of pathogen exposure during
of neonatal treatment with formalin injections. Sociability development can result in a disturbance of proper synaptic
and social novelty preference were impaired, as was social rec- development, circuit formation and social behaviours. Unco-
ognition behaviour. Thus, a neonatal inflammatory event led vering the mechanisms that contribute to microglia–neuron
to changes in oxytocin, OXTR and social behaviour that was crosstalk are essential for a refined understanding of the mol-
apparent as the developing rat entered into another develop- ecular regulation of social behaviours and potential
mental-sensitive period, creating the potential for ongoing therapeutic targets to alleviate behavioural dysfunction.
developmental impairment as the juvenile socialization However, more research is necessary to validate a causal
period uses social experiences to further refine the develop- relationship between inflammatory activation in utero and
ment of the brain. in different postnatal-sensitive periods for altered
behavioural outcomes later in life. Moreover, the specific con- as we attempt to understand human health and the aetiology 10
tribution of oxytocin and regulation of OXTR in microglial of disease where much of the data in humans is correlational,
cells after immune challenge as it relates to social behaviour and potentially misleading for understanding cause and
needs to be assessed. Emerging research points to a develop- effect mechanisms.
mental contribution of commensal organisms (the While human evidence is often correlational, this does not
microbiome) and oxytocin–microglia interactions mean that causal modelling in animals alone is sufficient. As
[187,227,228]. Future studies using a combination of primary a case in point, there is ample causal evidence from pre-clini-
cell culture, in vivo molecular manipulation and behavioural cal animal models that oxytocin modulates social behaviour.
assays could present a more comprehensive determination This has led to enthusiasm for oxytocin as a therapeutic for
of the interplay between oxytocin, microglia and social beha- social behaviour challenges. However, a recent large clinical
viours. Specific attention should be paid to the molecular trial suggesting no significant benefit to social behaviour of
phenotype of microglial cells, including tissue location and intranasal oxytocin for children with ASD [230]. This indi-
local milieu and immune status. Attention must also be cates that current methods of off-label use of intranasal
paid to the timing of inflammatory insult or experience as oxytocin is not supported for ASD, but further clarifying

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 377: 20210059

it relates to sensitive periods in social behaviour develop- information is needed, such as age, state-dependent oxytocin
ment. Sex differences must continue to be considered. system reactivity, social experience/context, genetic variation
The developmental timing of atypical exposures will and perhaps indicators of innate immune function. Perhaps
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likely play a very important role in the impact on develop- oxytocin is not the appropriate intervention for all causes of
mental outcomes. A recent study in mice [229] ASD, but as we improve our understanding of the causes
demonstrates the dissociability of outcomes to the same of ASD, we may find an appropriate sub-type where oxytocin
insult through different mechanisms in different systems. may help. Understanding oxytocin and microglia interactions
Pregnant mice treated with an inflammatory agent ( poly I: might lead to improved understanding of the development of
C) give birth to offspring who have increased inflammatory social behaviour, with opportunities for biological interven-
susceptibility and altered neurodevelopmental outcomes, tion when needed if changing the social environment is
modelling a repeated observation of co-occurring immuno- insufficient.
logical and behavioural features in a subset of individuals
diagnosed with ASD. Through careful study design to tease
apart the timing of the effects using cross-fostering, it Data accessibility. This article has no additional data.
became clear that the neurodevelopmental and behavioural Authors’ contributions. A.G.: visualization, writing—original draft and
outcomes were attributable to in utero inflammation, while writing—review and editing; E.A.D.H.: writing—original draft and
the immune sensitization was caused by the postnatal micro- writing—review and editing.
All authors gave final approval for publication and agreed to be
biome status of the rearing dam, which was caused by held accountable for the work performed therein.
maternal inflammation during pregnancy. Thus, a prenatal Conflict of interest declaration. We declare we have no competing interests.
immune challenge had more direct impacts on offspring Funding. The authors are supported by NIH MH114994 (to E.A.D.H.)
brain development and delayed indirect effects on the off- and the Good Nature Institute (to E.A.D.H.).
spring immune system through the postnatally transmitted Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank lab members for
microbiome. Findings like this will be especially important helpful discussions on initial drafts of this work.

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