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ED Printer Fenty Record Detas Reference Number: English [Contact Type: | Complaint ‘Consumer I DNC?: | No | QED vas tagged as a Medicare call on Ina 1 Minute and 20 second ‘recording, the call stars off eutomated. The automated recording appears to be a prerecorded female voice which explains thatthe updated version of Medicare had been released and starts to list soveral benefits including an adsitional benefit where the consumer can get up to $140 and states that this is cash back to thelr social security depending on income, The recording pauses lke its waiting for an ‘enswer from the person they called and then the call switches to a live person who identifies themselves 2s [F®]to gather more information. The live person on the phone then says Hello befoe the callis terminated. A general search of the phone number on other Robocall detection websites show that this phone number was flagged as a Robocall on November 1th, 2023 accor. Which also listed the carrier fo as ‘search verified that the carrer ofthis line as SR1 background check was also performed on this number to be sure that it wasn't. an active line being spoofed and found tha this phone number was registered t 1nd in the listing, the carier was also sted as 2 QI line back then as well. | believe its likely that this phone number is no longer being used by his person and that the line was taken out of rotation and reassigned to the people facilitating this scheme. is attached below. ‘Addition Comment ‘Compl disposition provided?: ‘Complaint Disposition: Data Load Date: | 05/09/2024 6:54:54 PM Reference: Created By:_|_FICCIS-FTCUSER Created Date: | 05/09/2024 6:54:54 PM Updated By: Updated Date: Complaint | FTC Online Complaints Product | Government imposters Source: Service Description: “Amount Paid: “Amount Requested: Payment | Agency | Intemet Method: Contact: Complaint | 05/09/2024 | Transaction | 05/09/2024 Date: Date: | Tnitial Contact: | Phone Co Tritial Response: Law Violation: Dispute with Cre Bureau?: Statute/Rule:_| FTC Act Sec 5 (BCP) Topic: Deception/Misrepresentation Say [ntps:liwwn consumersentinel goviSearchPrintDetails 2 Dp rt Fie Det Dispute with Dispute with Credit Bureau - Pe RT) Responded?: Resolved to Satisfaction?: Member of | No Gross Border | No armed forces Complaint’: lor dependent?: 4 (Consumer Information ‘Consumer ‘Small Business or Organizatior First Nam ‘Address 1: city: Last Name: (Address 2: Zip: County: Judicial Home Number: Cell Number: Work Number Ext: Fax Number: Email: ‘Age Rangt itary Service| Branch: ‘Soldier Status: ‘Soldier Station: ‘Subject ‘Address 1: City: zi [— Tounty: =z Phone Number: Country:_[ UNITED STATES ‘Subject ID ‘Medicare Call naps siwvew consumersentine gouSearchPrinDetalls 2

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