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Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/NIM : 053442992

Kode/Nama MK : MKWI4201/Bahasa Inggris

Kode/Nama UT Daerah : 50/ UT SAMARINDA

Masa Ujian : 2023/2024 Genap (2024.1)


Anda lulus dari PGSD (Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar) dan melihat iklan
lowongan pekerjaan di suatu website sebagai guru SD di sebuah sekolah bilingual.
Tulislah surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris yang berisi penjelasan:
 tentang diri Anda
 jabatan yang dilamar
 dari mana Anda mengetahui lowongan tersebut
 ketertarikan Anda terhadap jabatan tersebut
 alasan mengapa Anda cocok untuk jabatan tersebut
 ucapan terima kasih atas waktu yang telah diberikan untuk mempertimbangkan

You are a fresh graduate with a bachelor's degree in Primary Education and saw
a job vacancy/opening on a website for an Elementary Teacher at a bilingual
Write a cover letter stating:
 who you are,
 the position you are applying to,
 where you found the opening/vacancy,
 your interest in the position,
 reasons why you are a good fit to the position, and
 thanking them for taking the time to consider you.

Jawaban :
Saturday, 27th May 2024
Richard Purnomo
Pelita Bunda Elementary School
School Street No. 1
Samarinda, 40457
Dear Mr. Purnomo,
My name is Muhammad Buqrah Rifky, and I am interested in applying for English
teacher in your school. As a 2020 graduate of Garuda university of Primary School
Teacher Education Department, I have a strong interest in pursuing a teaching career.
With experience working as a teacher and knowledge about teaching that I obtained
in college, I believe I am the right candidate for this position.

My teaching experience was during my sophomore year in college as a volunteer

English teacher at Sekolah Anak Jalanan, a school for homeless kids, for a year.
During which, not only did I teach, but I also worked with other teachers to
formulate teaching materials and contents.
During that time, I had to find a way to explain complicated concepts to simpler and
easier example in order to make my student comprehend them easily. It was hard,
but it was rewarding for both me and my student.
For your consideration, through this letter, I enclosure some important letters, they
are 4 pieces of 2 X 3 photos, CV, copies of diplomas, and a photocopy of ID card.
I would be glad to tell more about myself in the interview. Please feel free to contact
me at 081225644487 or I hope to hear from you at
earliest convenience.

Muhammaad Buqrah Rifky
2 Bacalah percakapan di bawah ini. / Please read the conversation below.

Tobias : Hello, my name is Tobias Kennish. Is this Mr.

Sorrento’s office? Secretary : Hello, Mr. Kennish.
Yes, it is. How may I help you?
Tobias : I'd like to make an appointment with Mr. Sorrento. We talked a
week ago about the possibility of a business partnership and he
told me to call and make an appointment for this week.
Secretary : I understand. Let me see. Mr. Sorrento seems to have quite a
busy schedule for this week. The earliest time he could meet
would be on Wednesday at 4 pm. Would that be okay for you?
Tobias : I'm afraid I have another business meeting at that time. Would it be
possible to set an appointment for any other day?
Secretary : How about Thursday at 3 pm?
Would that suit you? Tobias :
Secretary : Okay, Mr. Kennish. I have scheduled the appointment for
Thursday, 3 pm. We will be waiting for you.
Tobias : Thank you. Have a good day.
Pertanyaan / Questions
Isilah percakapan yang kosong di atas dengan kalimat/ekspresi yang tepat.
Please fill in the blanks with the proper expression that is suitable with the
Jawaban :
Kalimat yang tepat untuk mengisi percakapan yang kosong yakni
Tobias: I would be available at that time

3 Bacalah dialog berikut. / Please read the dialogue below.

Joe : What is your production situation now? Do you have the

capacity to provide us with a substantial number of units?
John : Provided that you give us sufficient notice, we have the production
capacity to meet your needs. What sort of quantities are you looking
Joe : We are considering an initial quantity in excess of 200,000 units,
with additional similar quantities ordered on a quarterly basis. What
unit price could we expect?
John : As long as we are clear on your specifications and have 30 days
before beginning production, we could offer a unit price of 1,500
Joe : If we doubled the number of units in our order, what discount on
the unit price could we receive?
John : We could offer a 5% discount on the larger order. Is it acceptable to
Joe : (1) I’m afraid we can’t agree on that. If you could offer a 10%
discount, then we would agree to place the larger order.
John : Supposing we offered a compromise discount of 7.5% on the larger
order, would that satisfy you?
Joe : (2) I think that sounds reasonable. We also consider the fact
that you supply good technical support.
John : Great. Thank you.

Pertanyaan / Questions

Identifikasi ungkapan apa yang tersirat dalam kalimat yang bergaris bawah
nomor 1 dan 2.
Identify what expression is implied in each underlined sentence 1 and 2.
Ungkapan yang tersirat pada kalimat di atas yakni:
1. Negosiasi
Joe : (1) I’m afraid we can’t agree on that. If you could offer a 10%
discount, then we would agree to place the larger order.

2. Kesepakatan
Joe : (2) I think that sounds reasonable. We also consider the fact
that you supply good technical support.

4 Ubahlah kalimat kesimpulan berikut menjadi frasa sederhana.

Simplify the conclusions below into simple phrases.
No Original conclusion Revised conclusion
1 We are developing our current long-term
and medium-term business plan based on
the sustainability goals or the 17 SDGs
formulated by the United Nations in
addressing the global crises and issues.
2 We will be doing what we can on our
own, but our focus is on open innovation,
or, in other words, the collaboration with
all kinds of excellent companies and
startups around the world.
Jawaban :
Simplified Conclusions
1. Developing business plan based on UN's 17 SDGs to address global crises.
2. Focusing on open innovation through collaboration with companies and
startups worldwide.

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