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Part 1

Elder people should be treated with love and respect because of their status and health concerns.

People in US treat the elderly very directly to their needs. They put the elderly into home care so

that they will be able to obtain the needed medical care. However, comparing this to other

countries, Asian nations are more caring to their elders. They do not want the elderly to live

alone so they ensure that the families are the ones who take care of them.

In a recent study, it was shown that elderly people in Korea are not just respected, they are

celebrated. In fact, reaching the ages of 60 and 70 are important dates as this shows that the

elderly lived a good life.

The most beneficial to society is to take care of the elderly at home as the best way to treat them

is to be given the love of their family. There may be economic implications if the elderly stay at

home, but it will be more advantageous for them in the long run.

Part 2

Arlie Hochschild found out that there is an imbalance in the family and work life of American

families due to failing relationships among the members. This is because of the lack of time and

effort on the family members to prioritize the emotional demands of each other.

I agree with her findings, especially in the current time, the fast-paced methods are actually

making things lighter but creating big gaps in relationships. We are more focused on the end

goal, but the means of obtaining such goals are not anymore appreciated because of the fast-

paced world.

For the things done in the household, I would pay high I terms of cleaning and childcare. These

are tasks which I think should be given assistance especially if the people in the house are busy.

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