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A. Choose the best answer!

Kosa Kata
Greeting : Salam
Formal : Resmi
Apologize : Permintaan Maaf
Polite : Sopan

1. When greeting someone in a formal setting, which of the following is most appropriate?
A. "Hey, what's up?"
B. "Hi there, how are you?"
C. "Yo, dude!"
D. "Sup?"

2. Which of the following is a common way to greet someone in the morning?

A. Good afternoon
B. Hello
C. Good morning
D. Good evening

3. What is a polite way to apologize for being late?

A. "Sorry I'm not sorry."
B. "My bad, bro."
C. "Please forgive my tardiness."
D. "It's not my fault I'm late."

4. When apologizing, it is important to?

A. Blame others.
B. Justify your actions.
C. Take responsibility
D. Deny any wrongdoing.

5. Which of the following is an appropriate response to someone apologizing to you?

A. "No, it's your fault!"
B. "It's okay, no worries."
C. "You better be sorry!"
D. "I'll never forgive you."

6. How can you show sincerity when apologizing?

A. Make excuses.
B. Avoid eye contact.
C. Use a sincere tone and words.
D. Laugh it off.

7. Which phrase is commonly used to greet someone in the afternoon?
A. "Good evening!"
B. "Good afternoon!"
C. "Good morning!"
D. "Hey, buddy!"

8. How should you greet your teacher at the beginning of class?

A. Say nothing
B. Give them a high-five
C. Say "Good morning" or "Good afternoon"
D. Ask them personal questions

9. What is a formal way to apologize for forgetting someone's birthday?

A. "Sorry I spaced out."
B. "My bad, I forgot.”
C. "Please forgive my oversight."
D. "Blame it on my busy schedule."

10. When apologizing, it is important to avoid?

A. Making excuses.
B. Expressing genuine remorse.
C. Offering to make amends.
D. Accepting responsibility.

The following text is for questions 11 to 13.

Lionel Messi is a professional soccer player from Argentina who is widely regarded as
one of the greatest of all time. He is 5'7" tall and has a lean, muscular build. Messi has dark
brown hair and a well-groomed beard. He is known for his quick movements and agility on the
field, which are aided by his small stature and low centre of gravity.
Off the field, Messi is known to have a disciplined approach to his diet and exercise
regimen. He is a vegetarian and avoids sugary drinks and fatty foods. Messi also maintains a
regular workout routine that includes strength training and cardio exercises.

11.What is the text about?

(Teks di atas membahas tentang?)
A. Lionel Messi's physical appearance and habit.
B. Tips how to be a professional soccer player.
C. How Lionel Messi became a vegetarian.
D. Lionel Messi`s football career journey.

12. From the text, we can say that Lionel Messi is a …. person
(Hal yang benar tentang lionel messi dari teks di atas adalah …)
A. lazy and disciplined
B. cruel and intolerant
C. weak and arrogant
D. fast and healthy

13. “….which are aided by his small stature and low centre of gravity.…

”The word “his” refers to….

(Kata “his” mengarah kepada ….)
A. Lionel messi`s life
B. A soccer player
C. Lionel Messi
D. A vegetarian

The following text is for questions 14 and 15.

Nina : I am really excited for the school trip tomorrow!

(Saya sangat bersemangat untuk perjalanan sekolah besok!)
Olin : Make sure you have a good rest.
(Pastikan kamu istirahat yang cukup)
Nina : I will.
Olin : Don't forget to arrive at school 30 minutes earlier.
(Jangan lupa untuk sampai di sekolah 30 menit lebih awal)
Olin : As a student representative, we need to list the student attendance before leaving.
(sebagai perwakilan sekolah, kita perlu mendata kehadiran siswa sebelum
Nina : Yes, I will arrive on time. Okay, then. I'll see you tommorow.
(Iya, saya akan tiba tepat waktu, oke kalau begitu. Sampai jumpa besok)
Olin : Until tomorrow! Have a good rest!
(sampai besok, istirahat yang baik)

14. “Okay, then. I'll see you tommorow.”

The underlined sentence above expresses… .
A. Greeting (salam)
B. leave-taking (Pamitan)
C. Apologizing (permintaan maaf)
D. Thanking (terima kasih)
15.Nina and Olin are….
A. tour leaders (pemimpin tour)
B. school trip planners (Perancang perjalanan sekolah)
C. parent representative (perwakilan orang tua)
D. students representative (perwakilan siswa)

16. Read the sentences below!

1. Our family immediately checked into the hotel and had lunch.
2. I can’t wait to visit Lake Toba again on the next holiday.
3. We had been planning this trip for a few months.
4. We went back to the hotel after sunset.
5. I was spending there two days
6. I have to go home.

Which ones are the simple past tense?

(Mana yang merupakan kalimat simple past tense)
A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 4
D. 4 and 6

Iced Fruit Cocktail with Condensed Milk

Ingredients :

150 g sugar; 2 pandan leaves; 3,5 tablespoons of water; 400 g avocado, cut into1-cm
cubes; 400 g jackfruit, deseeded and cut into 1 cm cubes; 3 youngcoconut; Crushed ice;
Condensed Milk

Steps :
1. Combine sugar, pandan leaves and water in a small saucepan and heat for a few minutes
over low heat until sugar dissolves. Cool syrup.
2. To serve this dessert, place generous spoonful of cubed avocado, jackfruit, and young
coconut into a bowl. Add a little syrup to sweeten, top with crushed ice and drizzle on
a little condensed milk. Serve immediately

17. The text is written to ….

(Tujuan penulisan teks tersebut adalah..)
A. describe iced fruit cocktail in general.
B. entertain the readers about iced fruit cocktail.
C. tell the steps how to make iced fruit cocktail.
D. retell the readers the story about iced fruit cocktail.

18. What should the readers do to make the cocktail sweet?

(apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk membuat cocktailnya manis?)
A. Add a little syrup
B. Boild a little condensed milk
C. Place generous spoonful of jackfruit
D. Heat pandan leaves for a few minutes

19. “…and drizzle a little condensed milk”

The closest meaning of the word “drizzle” is …
(Sinonim dari kata “drizzle” adalah …).
A. sprinkle
B. beable
C. gamble
D. winkle

20. We need …. to serve the dessert.

(Kita perlu …. untuk menghidangkan dessert ini)
A. a small saucepan
B. a huge glass
C. a bucket
D. a bowl

The following text is for questions 21 and 22.

Dear Bethari,
I hope this message finds you well. Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and
sending you sunshine and good vibes. May your day be filled with happiness and may you have
many reasons to smile.

Your beloved aunt,


21. What is the message about?

(Apa isi dari pesan di atas)
A. A job offer
B. A condolence
C. An invitation to a party
D. A wish for a happy day

22. What does the card wish for the recipient?

(Apa doa yang diberikan kepada penerima pesan dalam kartu ucapan di atas?)
A. To have a miserable day
B. To feel unhappy and sad
C. To have many reasons to smile
D. To ignore the message from others

B. Write Your Answer

23. Complete the dialogue with a suitable expression.

(Lengkapi dialog berikut dengan kalimat yang sesuai)

Mr. Martin : Hello, students ……………………

(Halo, siswa .…………………………)
Students : Fine, thanks. And you, Sir?
(Baik, terima kasih, bagaimana dengan Anda Pak?)
Mr. Martin : Pretty well, thanks. Who is absent today?
(Cukup baik, terima kasih. Siapa yang tidak hadir hari ini?)
Students : No one, Sir.
(Tidak ada, Pak)
Mr. Martin : Excellent! Well, let's start our English lesson. Open your book page 5!
(Luar biasa, mari kita mulai pelajaran bahasa inggrisnya. Silahkan
buka buku halaman 5!)
Students : OK, Sir!
(Ok, Pak)

24. Complete the dialogue with a suitable expression.

(Lengkapi dialog berikut dengan kalimat yang
Kosa Kata
Submitted : Menyerahkan
Forgot : Lupa
Reminding : Mengingatkan
Task : Tugas

Ana : Hi, Bela.

Bela : Hi, Ana. Have you submitted your English task?
Ana : Oh, I really forgot that…………….………for reminding me, Bela.
Bela : Don’t mention it, Ana.

25. Look at the picture below

What does the sign mean?
(Jelaskan arti dari simbol berikut)

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