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Both in what is now the eastern and the southwestern United States, the peoples of the
Archaic era (8,000-1,000 B.C) were, in a way, already adapted to beginnings of cultivation
through their intensive gathering and processing of wild plant foods. In both areas, there
was a well-established ground stone tool technology, a method of pounding and grinding
nuts and other plant foods, that could be adapted to newly cultivated foods. By the end
of the Archaic era, people in eastern North America had domesticated certain native
plants, including sunflowers; weeds called goosefoot, sumpweed, or marsh elder; and
squash or gourds of some kind. These provided seeds that were important sources of
carbohydrates and fat in the diet.

The earliest cultivation seems to have taken place along the river valleys of the Midwest
and the Southeast, with experimentation beginning as early as 7,000 years ago and
domestication beginning 4,000 to 2,000 years ago. Although the term “Neolithic” is not
used in North American prehistory, these were the first steps toward the same major
subsistence changes that took place during the Neolithic (8,000-2,000 B.C.) period
elsewhere in the world.

Archaeologists debate the reasons for beginning cultivation in the eastern part of the
continent. Although population and sedentary living were increasing at the time, there is
little evidence that people lacked adequate wild food resources; the newly domesticated
foods supplemented a continuing mixed subsistence of hunting, fishing, and gathering
wild plants, Increasing predictability of food supplies may have been a motive. It has been
suggested that some early cultivation was for medicinal and ceremonial plants rather
than for food. One archaeologist has pointed out that the early domesticated plants were
all weedy species that do well in open, disturbed habitats, the kind that would form
around human settlements where people cut down trees, trample the ground, deposit
trash, and dig holes. It has been suggested that sunflower, sumpweed, and other plants
almost domesticated themselves, that is , they thrived in human –disturbed habitats, so
humans intensively collected them and began to control their distribution. Women in the
Archaic communities were probably the main experimenters with cultivation, because
ethnoarchaeological evidence tells us that women were the main collectors of plant food
and had detailed knowledge of plants.

1. The passage mainly discusses which of the following aspects of the life of Archaic
(A) The principal sources of food that made up their diet
(B) Their development of ground stone tool technology
(C) Their development of agriculture
(D) Their distribution of work between men and women
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (C) Their development of agriculture

Tipe soal: Main Idea Question
Cara Jawab:: lihat kalimat pertama setiap paragraf. Temukan keyword (biasanya
berulang-ulang atau berhubungan dari 1 paragraf ke paragraf lainnya) yang menjadi
pembahasan utama.
Paragraf 1: Both in what is now the eastern and the southwestern United States, the peoples
of the Archaic era (8,000-1,000 B.C) were, in a way, already adapted to beginnings of
cultivation through their intensive gathering and processing of wild plant foods.
Paragraf 2: The earliest cultivation seems to have taken place along the river valleys of the
Midwest and the Southeast, with experimentation beginning as early as 7,000 years ago and
domestication beginning 4,000 to 2,000 years ago.
Paragraf 3: Archaeologists debate the reasons for beginning cultivation in the eastern part
of the continent.

Dapat kita temukan bahwa 'cultivation' menjadi keyword dari paragraf-paragraf di atas.
Pilihan jawaban C merupakan yang paling berhbungan dengan 'cultivation' yaitu

2. The word “these” in line 13 refers to

(A) seeds
(B) river valleys
(C) the Midwest and the Southeast
(D) experimentation and domestication
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (D) experimentation and domestication

Tipe Soal: Reference Question (Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda untuk
mengidentifikasi noun yang diganti menjadi sebuah pronoun)
Cara Jawab:: temukan noun yang terletak sebelum pronoun 'these'.
--> The earliest cultivation seems to have taken place along the river valleys of the Midwest
and the Southeast, with experimentation beginning as early as 7,000 years ago and
domestication beginning 4,000 to 2,000 years ago. Although the term “Neolithic” is not
used in North American prehistory, these were the first steps toward the same major
subsistence changes that took place during the Neolithic (8,000-2,000 B.C.) period
elsewhere in the world.

Dapat kita identifikasi bahwa pilihan yang paling tepat ialah pilihan D.

3. According to the passage, when did the domestication of plants begin in North
(A) 7,000 years ago
(B) 4,000 to 2,000 years ago
(C) Long after the Neolithic period
(D) Before the Archaic period
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (B) 4,000 to 2,000 years ago

Tipe Soal: Factual Question (Pertanyaan seperti ini menginginkan Anda untuk
menemukan informasi spesifik yg ada dalam passage).
Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi spesifik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada
Keyword: domestication of plants begin
--> The earliest cultivation seems to have taken place along the river valleys of the
Midwest and the Southeast, with experimentation beginning as early as 7,000 years ago
and domestication beginning 4,000 to 2,000 years ago.

Jadi jawaban paling tepat ialah pilihan B.

4. The word “adequate” in line 18 is closest in meaning to

(A) sufficient
(B) healthful
(C) varied
(D) dependable
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (A) sufficient

Tipe Soal: Vocabulary-in-Context Question (Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda
mengidentifikasi arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage)
Cara Jawab: Sesuaikan makna jawaban dengan konteks kalimat.

'Adequate' merupakan sinonim dari 'sufficient'.

5. According to the passage, which of the following was a possible motive for the
cultivation of plants in eastern North America?
(A) Lack of enough wild food sources
(B) The need to keep trees from growing close to settlements
(C) Provision of work for an increasing population
(D) Desire for the consistent availability of food
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (D) Desire for the consistent availability of food

Tipe Soal: Factual Question (Pertanyaan seperti ini menginginkan Anda untuk
menemukan informasi spesifik yg ada dalam passage).
Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi spesifik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada
Keyword: motive
--> there is little evidence that people lacked adequate wild food resources. (Pilihan A)
--> Increasing predictability of food supplies may have been a motive. (Pilihan D)

Bisa ditemukan bahwa pilihan A telah dibantah dalam passage (there is little evidence ....).

6. The phrase “rather than” in line 21 is closest in meaning to

(A) in addition to
(B) instead of
(C) as a replacement
(D) such as
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (B) instead of

Tipe Soal: Vocabulary-in-Context Question (Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda
mengidentifikasi arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage)
Cara Jawab: Sesuaikan makna jawaban dengan konteks kalimat.

'Rather than' merupakan sinonim dari 'instead of'.

7. The plant “sumpweed” is mentioned in line 25 in order to

(A) contrast a plant with high nutritional value with one with little nutritional value
(B) explain the medicinal use of a plant
(C) clarify which plants grew better in places where trees were not cut down
(D) provide an example of a plant that was easy to domesticate
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (D) provide an example of a plant that was easy to domesticate

Tipe Soal: Factual Question (Pertanyaan seperti ini menginginkan Anda untuk
menemukan informasi spesifik yg ada dalam passage).
Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi spesifik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada
Keyword: sumpweed
--> By the end of the Archaic era, people in eastern North America had domesticated certain
native plants, including sunflowers; weeds called goosefoot, sumpweed, or marsh elder; and
squash or gourds of some kind.

'Including' menunjukkan sebuah contoh (example). Pilihan tepat ialah D.

8. The word “thrived” in line 26 is closest in meaning to

(A) stayed
(B) originated
(C) grew well
(D) died out
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (C) grew well

Tipe Soal: Vocabulary-in-Context Question (Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda
mengidentifikasi arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage)
Cara Jawab: Sesuaikan makna jawaban dengan konteks kalimat.

'Thrived' merupakan sinonim dari 'grew well''.

9. According to the passage, which of the following is true about all early domesticated
(A) They were varieties of weeds.
(B) They were moved from disturbed areas.
(C) They succeeded in areas with many trees.
(D) They failed to grow in trampled or damaged areas.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci Jawaban: (A) They were varieties of weeds.

Tipe Soal: Factual Question (Pertanyaan seperti ini menginginkan Anda untuk
menemukan informasi spesifik yg ada dalam passage).
Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi spesifik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada
Keyword: early domesticated plants
--> One archaeologist has pointed out that the early domesticated plants were all weedy
species that do well in open, disturbed habitats, the kind that would form around human
settlements where people cut down trees, trample the ground, deposit trash, and dig

10. According to the passage, it is thought that most of the people who began cultivating
plants were
(A) medical workers
(B) leaders of ceremonies
(C) women
(D) hunters
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (C) women

Tipe Soal: Factual Question (Pertanyaan seperti ini menginginkan Anda untuk
menemukan informasi spesifik yg ada dalam passage).
Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi spesifik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada
Keyword: people who began cultivating plants were
--> Women in the Archaic communities were probably the main experimenters with
cultivation, because ethnoarchaeological evidence tells us that women were the main
collectors of plant food and had detailed knowledge of plants.
'experimenters with cultivation' mewakili makna 'began cultivating plants'.

Many ants forage across the countryside in large numbers and undertake mass
migrations; these activities proceed because one ant lays a trail on the ground for the
others to follow. As a worker ant returns home after finding a source of food, it marks the
route by intermittently touching its stinger to the ground and depositing a tiny amount of
trail pheromone—a mixture of chemicals that delivers diverse messages as the context
changes. These trails incorporate no directional information and may be followed by
other ants in either direction.

Unlike some other messages, such as the one arising from a dead ant, a food trail has to
be kept secret from members of other species. It is not surprising then that ant species
use a wide variety of compounds as trail pheromones. Ants can be extremely sensitive to
these signals. Investigators working with the trail pheromone of the leafcutter ant Atta
texana calculated that one milligram of this substance would suffice to lead a column of
ants three times around Earth.

The vapor of the evaporating pheromone over the trail guides an ant along the way, and
the ant detects this signal with receptors in its antennae. A trail pheromone will
evaporate to furnish the highest concentration of vapor right over the trail, in what is
called a vapor space. In following the trail, the ant moves to the right and left, oscillating
from side to side across the line of the trail itself, bringing first one and then the other
antenna into the vapor space. As the ant moves to the right, its left antenna arrives in the
vapor space. The signal it receives causes it to swing to the left, and the ant then pursues
this new course until its right antenna reaches the vapor space. It then swings back to the
right, and so weaves back and forth down the trail.

11. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The mass migration of ants
(B) How ants mark and follow a chemical trail
(C) Different species of ants around the world
(D) The information contained in pheromones
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (B) How ants mark and follow a chemical trail
Tipe Soal: Main Idea Question
Cara Jawab: Cukup lihat baris pertama setiap paragraf

Paragraf 1: Many ants forage across the countryside in large numbers and undertake mass
migrations; these activities proceed because one ant lays a trail on the ground for the
others to follow.
Paragraf 2: Unlike some other messages, such as the one arising from a dead ant, a food
trail has to be kept secret from members of other species.
Paragaf 3: The vapor of the evaporating pheromone over the trail guides an ant along the
way, and the ant detects this signal with receptors in its antennae.

Cara termudah untuk tahu, tanpa berpikir panjang: Lihat keyword (kata yang terulang).
Kita lihat terdapat "ants" dan "trail". Dari pilihan jawaban sangat jelas pilihan jawaban
yang paling sesuai (Pilihan B).

12. The word “forage” in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) look up
(B) walk toward
(C) revolve around
(D) search for food
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (D) search for food

Tipe Soal: Vocabulary-in-Context Question (Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda
mengidentifikasi arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage)
Cara Jawab: Temukan sinonim dari kata yang dipertanyakan. Jika dalam pilihan jawaban
terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna jawaban dengan konteks kalimat.

forage: to go from place to place searching, especially for food

Jadi, pilihan jawaban yg sesuai / sinonim ialah jawaban D.
13. The word “intermittently” in live 4 is closest in meaning to
(A) periodically
(B) incorrectly
(C) rapidly
(D) roughly
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (A) periodically

Tipe Soal: Vocabulary-in-Context Question (Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda
mengidentifikasi arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage)
Cara Jawab: Temukan sinonim dari kata yang dipertanyakan. Jika dalam pilihan jawaban
terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna jawaban dengan konteks kalimat.

intermittent: not happening regularly or continuously; stopping and starting repeatedly

or with periods in between
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yg sesuai / sinonim ialah jawaban A.

14. The phrase “the one” in line 8 refers to a single

(A) message
(B) dead ant
(C) food trail
(D) species
Kunci & Pembahasan:

15. According to the passage, why do ants use different compounds as trail pheromones?
(A) To reduce their sensitivity to some chemicals
(B) To attract different types of ants
(C) To protect their trail from other species
(D) To indicate how far away the food is
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (C) To protect their trail from other species

Tipe Soal: Factual Question (Pertanyaan seperti ini menginginkan Anda untuk
menemukan informasi spesifik yg ada dalam passage).
Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi spesifik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada
Keyword: different compounds

Unlike some other messages, such as the one arising from a dead ant, a food trail has to
be kept secret from members of other species. It is not surprising then that ant species
use a wide variety of compounds as trail pheromones. (Paragraph 2)

a wide variety = different (keyword)

has to be kept secret from members of other specie = to protect their trail from other
species (answer key)

16. The author mentions the trail pheromone of the leafcutter ant in line 11 to point out
(A) how little pheromone is needed to mark a trail
(B) the different types of pheromones ants can produce
(C) a type of ant that is common in many parts of the world
(D) that certain ants can produce up to one milligram of pheromone
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (A) how little pheromone is needed to mark a trail

Tipe Soal: Factual Question (Pertanyaan seperti ini menginginkan Anda untuk
menemukan informasi spesifik yg ada dalam passage).
Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi spesifik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada
Keyword: the trail pheromone of the leafcutter ant

Investigators working with the trail pheromone of the leafcutter ant Atta texana
calculated that one milligram of this substance would suffice to lead a column of ants
three times around Earth. (line 11-13)

one milligram of this substance = how little pheromone

would suffice to lead a column of ants = is needed to mark a trail

17. According to the passage, how are ants guided by trail pheromones?
(A) They concentrate on the smell of food.
(B) They follow an ant who is familiar with the trail
(C) They avoid the vapor spaces by moving in a straight line.
(D) They sense the vapor through their antennae.
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (D) They sense the vapor through their antennae.
Tipe Soal: Factual Question (Pertanyaan seperti ini menginginkan Anda untuk
menemukan informasi spesifik yg ada dalam passage).
Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi spesifik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada
Keyword: guided

The vapor of the evaporating pheromone over the trail guides an ant along the way, and
the ant detects this signal with receptors in its antennae. (line 14-15)

the ant detects this signal with receptors in its antenna = They sense the vapor through
their antennae.

18. The word “furnish” in line 16 is closest in meaning to

(A) include
(B) provide
(C) cover
(D) select
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (B) provide

Tipe Soal: Vocabulary-in-Context Question (Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda
mengidentifikasi arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage)
Cara Jawab: Temukan sinonim dari kata yang dipertanyakan. Jika dalam pilihan jawaban
terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna jawaban dengan konteks kalimat.

furnish: to provide with furniture; to put furniture in

Sangat jelas, jawabannya ialah B (provide).

19. The word “oscillating “ in line 17 is closest in meaning to

(A) falling
(B) depositing
(C) swinging
(D) starting
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (C) swinging

Tipe Soal: Vocabulary-in-Context Question (Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda
mengidentifikasi arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage)
Cara Jawab: Temukan sinonim dari kata yang dipertanyakan. Jika dalam pilihan jawaban
terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna jawaban dengan konteks kalimat.

oscillating: to move repeatedly from one position to another

swing: to move easily and without interruption backwards and forwards or from one side
to the other, especially from a fixed point, or to cause something or someone to do this

20. According to the passage, the highest amount of pheromone vapor is found
(A) in the receptors of the ants
(B) just above the trail
(C) in the source of food
(D) under the soil along the trail
Kunci & Pembahasan:

Kunci Jawaban: (B) just above the trail

Tipe Soal: Factual Question (Pertanyaan seperti ini menginginkan Anda untuk
menemukan informasi spesifik yg ada dalam passage).
Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi spesifik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada
Keyword: highest amount

A trail pheromone will evaporate to furnish the highest concentration of vapor right over
the trail, in what is called a vapor space. (line 16-17

the highest amount = the highest concentration (keyword)

over the trail = just above the trail (kunci jawaban)

The Quakers, also called the Society of Friends, are a Christian group that arose in the
mid-17th century in England and the American colonies. Quakerism came into being in
England on or around 1652, when George Fox began to organize converts to preach his
doctrine of "God in every man". The Friends were silent at their meetings, waiting for the
"inward light". They believed people should sense God inside of themselves, without
church buildings, appointed preachers, written liturgy, or many of the outward trappings
associated with Christianity.

The Society of Friends is part of the left wing of the 17th -century English Puritan
movement; in America, Quakers were persecuted by Puritans. Quakers experienced much
official persecuted by Puritans. Quakers experienced much official persecution, including
imprisonment and execution, for their belief that worship of God should be very personal.
The term "Quaker" may refer to their penchant for "quaking" during religious services, or
it may be a derogatory reference to supposed Quaker cowardliness and belief in pacifism.

Quakerism in the American colonies existed mainly in the northeast. The American
Quaker population surged after 1682 when Quaker William Penn founded the state of
Pennsylvania as a haven for Quakers and a "holy experiment" in religious toleration.
Quakers were prominent and powerful in the Pennsylvania state government in the
period before the American Revolution. During and after the Revolution, Friends
concerned themselves with the plight of Native Americans. They also worked with
escaped slaves and for the abolition of slavery. They continued to be known for their
efforts at social reform.

21. In which of the following publications would this passage be most likely to appear?
(A) an anthology of English literature
(B) an introductory American history book
(C) a book about Eastern religions
(D) a basic math textbook
Pembahasan Jawaban:
Cara menjawab soal seperti ini (menanyakn topik bacaan) ialah cukup dengan membaca
kalimat pertama setiap paragraf. Kadang juga kalimat terakhir dari paragraf pertama dan
kalimat pertama untuk paragraf selanjutnya.

22. The word 'their' in line 4 refers to:

(A) trappings
(B) preachers
(C) religious services
(D) the Friends
Pembahasan Jawaban:
Soal ini terkait 'pronoun referent' yang menanyakan ke noun yang mana sebuah pronoun
(kata ganti) menunjuk.
Untuk menjawab soal seperti ini, Anda mesti melihat kata-kata sebelum 'their' yang
berbentuk jamak.
--> The Friends were silent at their meetings, waiting for the "inward light".
Nampak bahwa hanya kata 'the friends' yang terletak sebelum 'their' sementara pilihan
lain terletak setelahnya.

23. The word 'persecuted' in line 10 in closest in meaning to:

(A) scrutinized
(B) lauded
(C) harassed
(D) believed
Pembahasan Jawaban:
scrutinized --> to examine something very carefully in order to discover information
laud --> to praise
harass --> to continue to annoy or upset someone over a period of time
prosecute --> to treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period of time because of
their race, religion, or political beliefs or to annoy someone by refusing to leave them
Dari bebarapa pengertian di atas kata yang paling sesuai dg makna 'persecuted' ialah

24. Where in the passage does the author give an example of Quaker involvement in
social issues?
(A) lines 3 - 4
(B) lines 9 - 10
(C) lines 16 - 17
(D) lines 19 - 20
Pembahasan Jawaban:
-> During and after the Revolution, Friends concerned themselves with the plight of
Native Americans. (lines 16 - 17)
Pertanyaan ini meminta Anda untuk menentukan di mana (baris ke berapa) suatu
informasi ditemukan atau dibahas.
Cara menjawab soal yg seperti ini ialah memahami terlebih dahulu ide pokok yang ada
dipertanyaan. Kemudian eliminasilah jawaban satu persatu.
Metode yang baik digunakan ialah 'skimming'. Temukan 'keyword' pada pertanyaan dan
carilah pada setiap baris (sesua dg pilihan jawaban).

25. Which of the following would be an example of "the outward trappings associated
with Christianity" referred to in lines 6 - 7?
(A) clergy
(B) silent, leaderless worship
(C) concern for social reform
(D) the doctrine of "God in every man"
Pembahasan Jawaban:
Soal ini sedikit mudah untuk ditemukan pada text (bacaan) karena keywordnya 'the
outward trappings associated with Christianity' pada pertanyaan 100% ditemukan pada
--> They believed people should sense God inside of themselves, without church buildings,
appointed preachers, written liturgy, or many of the outward trappings associated with
church buildings, preachers, liturgy berhubungan dengan clergy.

26. It can be inferred from the passage that early Quakers experienced official
persecution because:
(A) they were known for "quaking" during religious services
(B) they helped found the state of Pennsylvania
(C) they came to America from England
(D) their religious beliefs were considered subversive
Pembahasan Jawaban:
Keyword pada pertanyaan ialah 'persecution'. dari teks bacaan dapat ditemukan kalimat
yg memuatnya.
--> 'Quakers experienced much official persecution, including imprisonment and
execution, for their belief that worship of God should be very personal. '

27. Why does the author mention 'execution' in line 11?

(A) It is an example of the persecution Quakers faced
(B) It is an outward trapping of Christianity
(C) This serves as an example of William Penn's policies
(D) Many religions were concerned with this issue
Pembahasan Jawaban:
--> Quakers experienced much official persecution, including imprisonment and
execution, for their belief that worship of God should be very personal.
including = termasuk

28. The paragraph after this passage would most likely be about:
(A) the decline of the Quaker population since World War I
(B) The similarities and differences between Quakers and Puritans
(C) Ways in which Quakers today show concern for others
(D) Social reforms enacted by Quakers during American Revolution
Pembahasan Jawaban:
Soal ini menanyakan topik apa yang akan menjadi pembahasan pada paragraf
selanjutnya. Anda mesti menarik kesimpulan secara tersirat (not directly stated).
Cara menjawab soal ini ialah dengan melihat bagian akhir dari kalimat akhir pada paragraf
--> They continued to be known for their efforts at social reform.
sesuai dengan 'Ways in which Quakers today show concern for others'

29. From the passage, it can be inferred that the Puritans were:
(A) Friends
(B) persecuted
(C) intolerant
(D) executed
Pembahasan Jawaban:
Keyword dari pertanyaan ialah 'Puritants'
--> Quakers were persecuted by Puritans. Quakers experienced much official persecuted
by Puritans.
Dari kalimat dari baccan yang memuat 'Puritants' tampak bahwa 'Puritants' tidak punya
toleransi yg baik (intolerant).

30. The word 'penchant' in the line 12 most nearly means:

(A) appreciation
(B) propensity
(C) disinclination
(D) proposition
Pembahasan Jawaban:
penchant --> a liking for, an enjoyment of, or a habit of doing something, especially
something that other people might not like
propensity --> a tendency towards a particular way of behaving, especially a bad one
disinclination --> a feeling of not wanting to do something

31. Why did the American Quaker population surge after William Penn founded
(A) Pennsylvania tolerated the Quaker religion
(B) Pennsylvania forbade religions other than Quakerism
(C) The Pennsylvania government tried to help escaped slaves
(D) Social reform was important to most Americans
Pembahasan Jawaban:
Keyword dari pertanyaan ialah 'Quaker population surge'
--> The American Quaker population surged after 1682 when Quaker William Penn
founded the state of Pennsylvania as a haven for Quakers and a "holy experiment" in
religious toleration.

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