Cambodia - Health Insurance - Nhep Sopheary

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Insurer: Absolute Insurance Ltd.

, Licenses of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation СЛ № 2496, СИ № 2496

Leninskaya Sloboda street, 26, Moscow, 115280, Russia, email:,

ПОЛИС ПУТЕШЕСТВЕННИКА / Travel Insurance Policy 001-214-2015-234690/22

Страхователь NHEP SOPHEARY Паспорт N00050208
Policyholder Passport
Адрес регистрации CAMBODIA
Дата оформления 19.10.2022 Период страхования с 12.11.2022 по 19.11.2022 дней 8
Issue date Insurance period from to days
Программа(ы) страхования B Территория страхования RUSSIA (NR)
Insurance Scheme Insurance Territory
Country of temporary stay
Застрахованные лица / (Фамилия и имя) Дата рождения Страховая сумма по программе Франшиза Страховая премия
The Insured persons / (Last name, Name) Date of birth Sum insured according the program Deductible Insurance premium

NHEP, SOPHEARY 08.03.1989 50 000.00 EUR - paid

Тип риска / Type of risk на период действия полиса

Страховая сумма на одного

Дополнительные Страховые риски Код Общая страховая сумма Франшиза Дополнительная страховая премия
Additional Risk Insured Code Sum insured per insured person Total sum insured Deductible Additional insurance premium
несчастный случай PA 10 000.00 EUR 10 000.00 EUR - paid
отмена поездки
ГО перед третьими лицами
Общая премия уплачена в размере
Total premium paid ПОКРЫТИЕ COVID-19 / COVID-19 COVERAGE
Special conditions: 1. The Policyholder confirms that the Insured Person on the day of the conclusion of the Insurance Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is not a disabled
person of group I or II, including a working, "disabled child", is not registered in a neuropsychiatric or narcological dispensary. If, at the time of conclusion of this Contract, the
Policyholder / Insured knew about the presence of the above conditions (including disability of group I or II) and did not inform the Insurer about it, this Policy in respect of such
Insured will be declared invalid from the moment of its conclusion.

2. By accepting this Policy and paying the insurance premium, the Policyholder gives his consent to the Insurer (LLC "Absolute Insurance") for the processing of personal data in
accordance with the conditions specified in clause 13.4. of the Insurance Rules

3. The Policyholder, in compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 115-FZ dated 07.08.2001 "On Countering the legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the
Financing of Terrorism", undertakes to provide the Insurer, upon request, with documents and information for identifying the Policyholder, his representative, beneficiary, beneficial
owner, as well as, if necessary, updating this information.

4. Expenses not agreed with the insurer shall not be reimbursed. All exclusions from insurance and expenses that are not reimbursed by the Insurer are specified in clauses 4. and 12.
of the Insurance Rules. The risk type "Sport" means: scuba diving (diving) with the use of breathing apparatus and/or prolonged respiratory retention, water activities (diving from a
springboard, water skiing, jet ski, etc.), winter outdoor activities (skiing, snowboarding, snowmobile, etc.).

The contract was concluded in accordance with the "Comprehensive Rules of Insurance of citizens traveling outside their Страховщик/Insurer:
permanent place of residence" of LLC "Absolute Insurance" dated 06.06.2019 (hereinafter referred to as the Insurance Rules).
The Insurance Rules are posted on the Insurer's website on the Internet information and telecommunications network at:, are an integral part of the Contract. By signing this Contract, the
Policyholder confirms that he is familiar with the Insurance Rules and conditions of this Contract, agrees and undertakes to
comply with them. The procedure for the settlement of losses and payment of insurance compensation is defined in section 11.
Insurance rules. In accordance with paragraph 2. of Article 160 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the parties agree to
recognize this Agreement containing facsimile reproduction of the signature by means of mechanical or other copying, electronic _________________/ Руденко Д.Ф.
digital signature, or other analogue of the handwritten signature of an authorized person of the Insurer and an imprint of the
seal of the Insurer, duly executed.

При заболевании или несчастном случае, прежде чем предпринять какие-либо действия, ВАМ НЕОБХОДИМО:
1. Contact the Service Company by the following phone numbers. 3. In case of self-payment of medical services previously agreed with the insurer, the Policyholder
2. When contacting the Service Company, please inform: (Insured) must declare this in writing to the Insurer upon return from the trip and provide all
* Last name, first name, number and validity period of the insurance Policy; • Your necessary documents confirming the occurrence of the insured event.
location and contact phone number;* Give a brief description of the problem.

Round-the-clock medical dispatch service of LLC "Absolute Insurance"

tel: +7 495 025 77 77 Skype: WhatsApp +7 929 968 56 69
Assistance Company contacts:

The insurance company LLC "Absolut Insurance" wishes you good health and a pleasant trip!

Медицинские и иные расходы

Program/scope of coverage in accordance with the insurance rules
p. (medical care in case of illness or accident), p. -
. . .
"The parties agreed that in accordance with clause 4.6.36. The limit of liability
p. (transportation in case of illness or accident),
. . . Insurer
p. –
Medical and other expenditure (p. – p., caused by the
p. (repatriation in case of death), p. – . . . diagnosis
p. (payment of urgent messages in connection with an "coronavirus" is
. . .
insured event) 15,000 (Ten thousand euros)"
2 000 3 000 The cost of accommodation during the quarantine with a positive test
p. (visit of a relative of the Insured)
Евро Евро
"coronavirus" is Covered in not more than 500 EUR.
3 000 5 000
p. (evacuation of minor children), p. – If necessary, the Policyholder / Insured can get full
Евро Евро
2 000 3 000 information about the Insurer and insurance products on the official website
п. (досрочное возвращение Застрахованного) .
Евро Евро
200 500
p. (emergency dental care)
Евро Евро
p. (compensation for losses due to loss or damage to 500
baggage) Евро
p. (compensation of expenses due to baggage delay)

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